CrowdJustice success stories
Get inspired by stories from the people behind cases that successfully raised funds on CrowdJustice.
GB£337,452 RaisedFrom 90000 initial target
Junior Doctors challenge new contracts
A judicial review brought by a group of five junior doctors was able to get off the ground with a top legal team as a result of a hugely successful campaign on CrowdJustice. They motivated thousands of people to give small amounts by using social media, the press and junior doctors’ forums to tell their story.
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GB£53,313 RaisedFrom 50000 initial target
The People Vs the Snoopers' Charter
After CrowdJustice backers raised over £50,000, the Court of Appeal found that the UK’s previous surveillance laws (the Snooper's Charter, or "Dripa" aka the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act) are inconsistent with EU law. This victory in court will likely mean the government's current Investigatory Powers Act (IP Act) will have be to amended.
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GB£321,055 RaisedFrom 200000 initial target
Independent Legal Opinion on Dr Bawa-Garba Case
Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba was convicted of manslaughter based partly on evidence from her own self-appraisal. CrowdJustice backers raised over £300,000 in a matter of days after thousands and thousands of doctors said #IamHadiza, citing her as a scapegoat for systemic failures in the NHS. As a result, Dr Bawa-Garba has been able to seek expert legal opinion and is building a new legal team to challenge the decision.
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CrowdJustice has helped hundreds of case owners raise millions of dollars — funding legal challenges that create real change for individuals, communities and even countries. Start raising for your legal case today.
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