Stop suffering & cruelty on Scottish salmon farms
Stop suffering & cruelty on Scottish salmon farms

Who am I?
My name is Don Staniford and I run Scottish Salmon Watch which is fighting against the mistreatment of salmon on factory fish farms.
We are launching a legal challenge because we believe that salmon farms in Scotland are running the risk of breaching the Animal Health & Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006. Specifically in relation to "Unnecessary Suffering", "Cruel Operations" and "Ensuring Welfare of Animals".
This legal action is about more than any one farm - we urgently need to focus attention on how the relevant authorities are policing and enforcing the legislation. Because in short - they’re not.
We can’t highlight this mistreatment of salmon which is being allowed by the authorities without your help. If you care about the future of salmon in Scotland please contribute now and share this page with your friends and family.
Video footage and photographic evidence accessed via Freedom of Information certainly reveal welfare problems on salmon farms - with the BBC's 'The One Show' featuring the issue on 10 September 2018.
Here's photos obtained by Scottish Salmon Watch via secret filming:
Widespread support for urgent action
The issue is attracting political support with a Scottish Parliamentary motion shining a light on 'The Welfare of Farmed Fish' (18 September 2018).
In August 2018, a report - "Fish Welfare On Scotland's Salmon Farms" - published by OneKind highlighted "serious welfare issues on Scotland’s salmon farms" and exposed "a number of welfare breaches including mass mortality, sea lice infestations, disease and escapes".
How much are we raising and why?
In order to bring this legal action we need to initially raise £10,000 to cover the early stages of the action, court fees and preparatory work. However, in order to take this case the whole way we will then need to raise as much as we can to hold the authorities to account for this lack of regulation that is destroying salmon across Scotland.
Remember - your support would help raise welfare standards on salmon farms in Scotland. Thanks so much for your support.
For more background please read more online here
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