Young People vs UK Gov
Young People vs UK Gov

Latest: Jan. 7, 2022
High Court rules against us. Next stop, Court of Appeal.
On 21 December, the High Court ruled against us. It held that we couldn't assess the Government's legal obligation to safeguard life against the 1.5˚C Paris Limit, because the Paris agreement…
Read moreStop the UK Financing our Deaths!
We are three young British Citizens, who are from and have families in West Afrika and Abya Yala (the Americas, including the Caribbean and Latin America).
We are working together with the Stop the Maangamizi campaign: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide! and the climate litigation charity Plan B, which brought the legal challenge against Heathrow expansion.
The Government knows this is a climate emergency, but has made no emergency plan. It keeps us locked in to the carbon economy with billions in bailouts for polluters, £27 billion for UK roads and export finance for a new liquid natural gas project in Mozambique.
It backs the City of London as a leading international hub of fossil fuel finance. At this time of global crisis, the Government plans to cut its legally guaranteed support for the world's most vulnerable people.
The Government has legal obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 to safeguard the right to life (Article 2) and the right to family life (Article 8) and a duty under international law to prevent harm to other states.
Our plan
Ahead of the critical UN talks which the Government is leading (COP26), we will take legal action to demand the Government produces an actionable plan, based on the science and the three pillars of the Paris Agreement, to:
- Meet its own domestic emissions reduction commitments in accordance with the Paris Agreement
- Prepare for the impacts of climate change and support vulnerable communities in adapting to the impacts of climate change
- Prevent the financing of climate catastrophe.
“UK plans have failed to prepare for even the minimum climate risks faced”, The Committee on Climate Change, June 2020
Please donate what you can to our case and share this page with friends and family on social media and via email or WhatsApp.
Let’s face it, the Government is killing us and our families
They sell out our health and our future for the fortunes of the few. We are the collateral damage. Covid-19 has shown life can change in a heartbeat. It could be any of us - but workers, racially marginalised communities and young people are all on the frontline.
“This report estimates that 5 million lives are lost each year today as a result of climate change and a carbon-based economy … In particular, effects are most severe for the world’s poorest groups whose struggle against poverty is worsened.”, DARA INTERNATIONAL, 2011
And they’re not going to stop
Because the Government serves the polluters and their shareholders, who trade in crisis, debt and destruction to profit from pain.
Boris Johnson knowingly funds 4˚C warming - and that’s genocide for our generation, for Afrika, Asia, Abya Yala (the Americas, including the Caribbean and Latin America), all small island states and all indigenous communities everywhere. We refuse to be complicit in this criminal violation.
“It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate eight billion people or even half of that.” Professor Johan Rockstrom, on the impact of 4˚C warming, 2019
“Distressingly, [Aviva’s] analysis … said the FTSE 100 index as a whole is heading towards 3.9 degrees”, Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of The Environment Agency, 2020
So, we must stand up now for the right to life
And as we do, we do it together - and realise our power to make things change.
We care for each other during lockdowns and we are keeping this spirit alive. From South to North and across generations, we must support our communities and initiatives for planet repairs, and fund those instead of our annihilation.
The Government is violating their legal obligations to safeguard rights to life and to family life and their international law duty to prevent harm. We do not consent to the violation. That’s why we’re taking them to court. To fight for our right to life - and for yours too. Please stand with us.
"If, and this is the case here, there is a high risk of dangerous climate change with severe and life-threatening consequences for man and the environment, the State has the obligation to protect its citizens from it by taking appropriate and effective measures." Supreme Court of the Netherlands, December 2019
Why we're raising funds?
Plan B will bring this case with us free of charge so we don’t need funds for our own lawyers. But we need to cover our potential costs liability. Please support us as much as you can and share information about the case by word of mouth, social media and any other available means. We're fighting for your right to life too.
#IAmWitness #RightToLife #StopClimateGenocide
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Marina Tricks (19), Adetola Onamade (23) and Jerry Kobina Amokwandoh (22)
Jan. 7, 2022
High Court rules against us. Next stop, Court of Appeal.
On 21 December, the High Court ruled against us. It held that we couldn't assess the Government's legal obligation to safeguard life against the 1.5˚C Paris Limit, because the Paris agreement is an international treaty, which has not been incorporated into UK law. But if we can't refer to the scientific evidence of what is necessary to safeguard life, then the right to life is just an illusion.
The Court acknowledged our evidence that the City of London supports 15% of global carbon emissions and that the FTSE100 investments are driving warming towards 3-4˚C warming, which is terrorism for all of us young people and terrorism for the Global South. But it did not see a legal issue with that.
We had just 7 days to file our appeal to the Court of Appeal, and the timing meant we had to work through the holiday. But we got it in in time!
"If ever there is a time for the courts of England and Wales to consider the vital issues raised by this claim in full (as so many other courts have done), that time is now. The consequences of failing to confront these matters do not bear thinking about. Breach of the 1.5˚C limit heralds disorder and the end of the rule of law. The Appellants’ claim is not only arguable. It is vital and compelling."
If the Court of Appeal refuses us permission to appeal, that's the end of the road before the UK Courts. We will then appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Thanks again for supporting us. Please share the link with any friends who might be willing to join our long struggle for climate justice!

Marina Tricks (19), Adetola Onamade (23) and Jerry Kobina Amokwandoh (22)
Nov. 26, 2021
Judgment "reserved" (ie delayed)
Yesterday, we gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice from 9am, for a solidarity event, in memory of all those who have fallen in defence of the land, air and water on which all life depends.
For a taste of the scene, see this footage here:
Inside Court, we explained why our case is vital, compelling and demands to be heard in full.
Ade said:
"When I see the Government break its own commitments under international law, including the Paris Agreement and the duty to prevent harm, the impact on me is profound. Those breaches are directly impacting my own family and heritage communities, which are an inextricable part of my own family life."
Jerry Kobina said:
"Outside of the courts our communities have no choice but to settle this matter in defence of our rights. The question before us therefore is where will the courts stand?"
Plan B said:
"The Defendants:
Know that climate change is an urgent threat to life
They know its impacts hit hardest on groups exposed to disproportionate and discriminatory risk, including the Claimants
They know what needs to be done
But they’re not doing it."
The Judge, Mr Justice Bourne, said he would take some time to come to a decision on whether our case is arguable - judgment is "reserved". We'll let you know when we hear more.
For the Guardian report see here:
For a message of support from Pueblos Unidos in Mexico see:
Thank you so much for backing us!
Best wishes,
Ade, Kobina, Marina and Plan B

Marina Tricks (19), Adetola Onamade (23) and Jerry Kobina Amokwandoh (22)
Nov. 2, 2021
We've got a court date! 25 November
If you watched Channel 4 Dispatches on Monday ("How Green is the Government?"), you'll have heard the news - we've got a court date for 25 November at the Royal Courts of Justice (the Strand, London).
So soon after COP26, it makes for interesting timing. After months of posturing about the "climate leadership" on the Paris Agreement, can the Government continue to deny the legal obligation to take practical and effective measures to align UK policy and finance flows to the 1.5˚C Paris limit? We're guessing that double-standards won't hold it back.
There's no question our lives and our families are in danger, as even the Government acknowledges:
“The climate crisis represents a clear and present danger to people and our planet. Its real world consequences are now all too visible.” Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP
That danger is not from natural disaster but man-made. If the court won't hear our claim what does that mean for the social contract and the rule of law? Where do we turn next?
The court initially refused our application on the papers (ie without a court hearing) on grounds such as the following:
- The co-claimants, Ade, Jerry Kobina and Marina, are not legally represented (we know they are not legally represented! We are all litigants in person as is our right)
- The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, are not properly joined to proceedings (even though everyone knows practical and effective measures to tackle the climate crisis can only be taken with their support)
- Even if the Government is failing to meet its own targets, it has a very wide "discretion" in the area of climate change.
We do not agree the Government has a "discretion" to pursue policies it knows will wreak destruction for people and for life on earth. Nor do we agree it has a discretion to disregard its legal obligations to preserve the conditions which make the planet habitable and to protect the ones we love.
You can read our reply to the Government here:
The Government's claims that any discriminatory impacts of its policies would be "objectively and reasonably justified" - rhetoric that has been used for centuries to justify slavery, exploitation and fossil-fuelled wars.
The Government is denying this is an environmental case within the Aarhus Convention (which limits our costs liability) and is already claiming more than £20,000 costs against us. We will also address this issue on 25 November.
We now need to raise funds to meet our stretch target. Please help if you can.
With thanks and best wishes,
Ade, Jerry Kobina, Marina, Plan B.

Marina Tricks (19), Adetola Onamade (23) and Jerry Kobina Amokwandoh (22)
May 1, 2021
1 May 2021: We've served our claim on the Prime Minister
It's 2 years today since Parliament declared a climate and ecological emergency.
Since then, the Government has doubled down on its support for the carbon economy, granting new oil and gas licences, providing billions in cheap finance to fossil-fuel based companies such as Schlumberger, Baker Hughes and RyanAir, expanding aviation and the road network, freezing the duty on fuel, and using taxpayer money to finance fossil fuel projects overseas.
Meanwhile, it claims "international climate leadership" while cutting vital financial supply lines to communities most exposed to the impacts and risks.
We can't let them get away with it. Today we've served the Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the Energy Minister with our legal action against the Government's violations of our right to life and the Paris Agreement.
For our press release see here:
For coverage yesterday in the Guardian:
Please get behind us however you can, whether with a few quid or by spreading the word.
#AllRise #IAmWitness #RightToLife
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