Wrexham councillors threatened with jail for fighting for democracy

by Wrexham councillors

Wrexham councillors threatened with jail for fighting for democracy

by Wrexham councillors
Wrexham councillors
Case Owner
A majority of Wrexham councillors opposed the Local Development Plan imposed on the county. We are seeking legal opinion to challenge that decision.
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pledged of £20,000 stretch target from 94 pledges
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Wrexham councillors
Case Owner
A majority of Wrexham councillors opposed the Local Development Plan imposed on the county. We are seeking legal opinion to challenge that decision.
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Latest: May 28, 2024

We'll see you in court!

The Court of Appeal will hear our case to overturn the judgement of Eyre J on October 15th in London. 

"Pursuant to the order by Lewison LJ dated 7th May 2024. This appeal has been listed on…

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UPDATE: In addition to the funds here, so far we have £6,900 on client account taking account of new donations received today.

Wrexham councillors' steadfast refusal to adopt its Local Development Plan as being unsound for our community was challenged by a consortium of large housing developers in the High Court in November 2023. Wrexham Council failed to defend the action and, unopposed, the court order quashed two previous votes and ordered a further vote which took place in December 2023. 

Democratically elected Councillors were all warned that if the did not reject the plan at the third time of asking, they risked jail and asset confiscation for contempt of court.

We believe this case will have implications for councillors across the whole of Wales and the UK, as well as residents everywhere who are affected by local plans and applications.

The democratic process has been undermined by a powerful alliance of Welsh Government, large housing developers and others.

The LDP, as it stands, is not in the best interests of Wrexham and its people. 

That's why we're seeking to challenge this fundamentally unfair and undemocratic situation via a court review of the council's decision to adopt the plan by bringing proceedings through the planning court. Time is very tight and we need to raise £6,500 to obtain a legal advice. This is the first step to getting justice for our communities. 

Your support, large or small, is much appreciated. Diolch!

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Update 2

Wrexham councillors

May 28, 2024

We'll see you in court!

The Court of Appeal will hear our case to overturn the judgement of Eyre J on October 15th in London. 

"Pursuant to the order by Lewison LJ dated 7th May 2024. This appeal has been listed on an expedited basis to be heard on 15th October 2024. Time estimate 1 Day."

This is a great step forward and could also mean the Local Development Plan, which was passed after the judgement by Eyre, is paused - what is known as a 'technical suspension' - until the hearing is concluded.

The judgement is also significant as it could see Wrexham CBC recoup the £100,000 costs awarded against it by Eyre. The council failed to attend court and did not contest the costs award.

Update 1

Wrexham councillors

May 20, 2024

High Court judge allows our challenge to suspend LDP

In a further step forward, the Senior High Court Planning Judge Mr Justice Holgate has just granted permission for the statutory review challenge to the plan adoption on the basis the claim is plainly arguable. This follows the Court of Appeal granting permission in the challenge to the order of Mr Justice Eyre, which is at the heart of this dispute.

 The Judge has also given the claimant leave to apply to suspend the plan if our request to the Court of appeal for expedition is not granted. This is important since as reported numerous applications are coming forward on the basis of the impugned plan. The decision of the Court of Appeal concerning expedition is pending and this page will be updated when the outcome is known.

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