Wickedness Prospers when good Men do nothing
Wickedness Prospers when good Men do nothing

Latest: Oct. 30, 2022
Plan To Repay Supporters
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The plan is to repay supporters through recovery of costs.
There is no guarantee , however every effort will be made.
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Read moreI am the wife of a Whistleblower, my husband is a serving Police Officer, who has continued to suffer detriment for doing the right thing after reporting wrong doing when trying to protect young vulnerable female children as a safer schools officer.
I am asking for your support to help fund my husband`s employment tribunal case against his employer The Chief Constable of Merseyside Police.
My husband reported what he believed to be malpractice to the Coroners Office and internally at Merseyside Police, before and following the tragic suicide of a 12 year old female who had alleged she had been raped.
This particular case is public knowledge and my husband is a witness to for the Coroners inquest, however there were other incidents that occurred which cannot be disclosed and also involves the failure to protect vulnerable children.
These incidents have been reported to the Coroner and are part of my husbands evidence to the employment tribunal, these incidents have been reported internally at Merseyside Police and he has raised the question that they should and could have been avoided.
As a direct result of reporting what my husband believes to be wrong doing and in doing the right thing, my husband was suspended from duty with malicious and unfounded allegations being made against him, that he alleges were manufactured within the ranks and departments of Merseyside Police.
Following a 11 month suspension and a criminal investigation with tens of thousands of pounds of wasted public funds by Merseyside Police. The criminal investigation ended without any further action being taken against my husband with his suspension being removed and he was ordered to report back to duty with all restrictions being lifted.
My husband is off work due to stress and the anxiety this has caused him , I do not want him to return to work and he now intends to take early retirement as he has lost all confidence and trust in his employer.
I am now raising the funds to support my husbands legal case through the employment tribunal to pay for his solicitors fees and need help to achieve this. During the tribunal all the facts will come to light.
We hoped to avoid this and made use of the ACAS conciliation service to attempt to come to a settlement however Merseyside Police are uncooperative in seeking a resolve they clearly believe they have done no wrong and therefore a tribunal is the only way forward.
An application was made through the Police Federation for legal support as part of my husbands 20 plus years of paid subscriptions which should have covered this legal cost through his insurance but this was denied and again on appeal.
The decision makers stated the case was out of time which was incorrect and was evidenced to be incorrect upon appeal which the decision makers should have known. However the position now is we are forced to fund this ourselves which we simply cannot afford, which was the reason my husband paid his subscriptions in the event he ever needed legal support.
The first target is to raise an immediate amount of £1,800 to cover the costs that we have incurred to our independent solicitor to submit my husbands claim.
After we reach this target we are advised that we need to raise up to £25,000 to cover the cost of being represented for the tribunal.
It will be my husbands intention to seek reimbursement of any costs experienced through civil litigation against the Police Federation and the decision makers for their negligence and failure to honour his subscription.
The Police need to be held to account for its failures to act and protect vulnerable children and questions need to be asked of the school involved in this case by the appropriate body.
Police Officers should feel safe to report wrong doing in the work place especially when there is a direct threat to the health safety and wellbeing of young people.
My husband is making further disclosures to the Police Crime Commissioner , The Inspector of Education and the Home Secretary because of a need for change and accountability.
It is hoped that his statement to the Coroner will help bring some context and the outcome of the Coroner`s inquest will lead to some closure for the family of the child involved and that changes will be made as a result of the inquest.
It is my observation having been so close to this that if my husbands employer had spent more time supporting him rather than trying to remove him from his post as a safer schools officer. That there could and should have been different outcomes for several young people from the same school who my husband was trying to help and support.
Unfortunately my husband`s concerns that he raised to his supervision and line Management and others went without redress and a series of events unfolded after his removal from his post and as a result vulnerable young people suffered harm that could and should have been prevented.
There needs to be accountability and I ask you to help support this case to give my husband the best fighting chance to cause The Chief Constable and Merseyside Police to answer to the Employment Tribunal and to have to change their behaviour as other young peoples safety may depend on it.
Please help us and thank you for your support.
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Sheenagh Holdsworth
Oct. 30, 2022
Plan To Repay Supporters
Thank you for the generous support to date.
The plan is to repay supporters through recovery of costs.
There is no guarantee , however every effort will be made.
Thanks again for your support.
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