What happened to Tim Wall? Help fund legal representation at inquest
What happened to Tim Wall? Help fund legal representation at inquest

Hello, my name is Michael James Wall, and I am the youngest brother of Timothy Jon Wall. We were both born and raised in the Shoreham by Sea area, near Brighton on the South Coast of the UK. I am 44 and my brother was 54, when he died on Shoreham beach on 30th October 2020, in currently 'unexplained' circumstances.
I am appealing for URGENT HELP and support to pay for legal representation, to enable the legal team to raise the questions, to all witnesses at my brothers inquest on our behalf, and ensure the truth for Tim is told.
Jude Linchin at Bindmans has now agreed to take this case upon the first funding target being achieved.
Tim was failed by police, Sussex NHS mental health and social services, I tried to raise the alarm and was prevented and dismissed every time.
Tim's mental health deteriorated in the first lock-down. After calling the GP and the police for help, he went voluntarily into Meadowfield, Worthing hospital for psychiatric care on 4th May 2020. This is the date that the findings at the inquest start from.
Tim was discharged 1month later and was always classed as LOW RISK, he was actively getting therapy and help, WHAT HAPPENED?
The police made the immediate assumption that he had taken his own life, due to him showing as having recent mental health problems, and therefore failed to investigate his death immediately.
My brothers death remains very suspicious and still completely unexplained.
Please help me to stand up to the system, to tell them the truth for my brothers side of the story as only I can, and to show the state where they failed to intervene in his domestic situation in the 6mths leading up to his death to protect him.
The inquest is currently scheduled for 27th January 2022 and we need to get to the 1st target
Tim worked for West Sussex County Council as a leaving care support worker, and had worked in many social care jobs, mentored asylum seekers and cared for many people himself. I know he has many friends around the world and the local area, please help by donating whatever you can
We are raising £1500 to be able to instruct the lawyer. We need your support: please contribute and share this page now!
So many people going to mental health services for help are being failed and their mental health being made worse not better.
Families of those seeking help also need to be supported and heard, so we can help our loved ones that are struggling. People need real understanding and communication, and that's not what they are getting, this needs to change.
Thank you to everyone that already donated to the gofundme, which has managed to get us this far, every little helps
Thank you
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