We can't rest on our laurels - there's so much more to do
We can't rest on our laurels - there's so much more to do

We started the Good Law Project in 2017 because our politics and our institutions were failing to properly represent people and defend them against the powerful.
We have had many successes. So far we have won challenges against the Government in three separate pieces of Brexit litigation. We have also forced the Home Office to back down on an appalling immigration decision. We forced Capita to abandon the indenturing of labour. We have been told, explicitly, by BEIS that our work caused the Secretary of State to look at labour market abuses. We backed a successful challenge to the transfer of NHS data to the Home Office. And we have ongoing litigation against Uber, Monocle, FDM Group and others.
These successes have been made possible by thousands of our supporters who have funded the litigation and amplified by media allies who have backed our campaigns. To each and every one of them we say a heartfelt thank you.
The Good Law Project is unique. We have deliberately chosen to take on cases at the sharp end. We have pursued issues that are difficult for charities and civil society organisations who seek or are obliged to maintain a close relationship with Government. We believe, especially at the moment, that there is great need for this type of work. These are dynamic political times. We can provide what is needed - an unflinching challenge to the powerful, to Government, and to business where it fails to meet the standards we are entitled to expect.
This work is legally difficult but we have the expertise to do it. It is also difficult for most funders to support. We hear the same message over and over again: ‘we recognise the value of your work and we applaud your impact but your work is too political for us. Our relationships with our stakeholders would be jeopardised if we were to support an organisation like yours.’
Although we have a big impact we are a tiny organisation. We can only afford to pay one person three days a week. We have firms who help us with accounting and IT support. And we have the goodwill of many members of the legal community, including our director, who provide help on a pro (or ‘low’) bono basis. That is all.
There is much, much more to do. Will you help us? We want to expand our work. We want to become a law firm, serving individuals and organisations who share our vision of a better, fairer, less self-interested society. We want to give them, for whatever price they can afford to pay, our expertise in picking the right cases, funding them, and running them. We want to help them pursue our shared agenda of tackling the public and corporate failures that cause poverty, discrimination and injustice. But we cannot do this without your support.
We need to employ solicitors to fight cases. But to do this will we need further funding. Because we cannot get help from many of the 'usual' funders we must ask it of you.
We are very grateful to the many individuals who make regular monthly donations to the Good Law Project. Those contributions are the backbone of our organisation. To those who help in this way we are hugely indebted. Could you be one of them? If like us you want to challenge the powerful, fight injustice and drive change then you can be part of the Good Law Project. A small, regular contribution can make a huge difference. Please sign up here.
We are also enormously grateful to Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust who funded the development of our business case and to the Persula Foundation for a restricted donation of £25,000.
But we also seek support from those able to make larger contributions to the work of the Good Law Project. We are looking to raise £100,000 in each of the calendar years 2019 and 2020. We can provide a copy of our detailed business case to verified would-be donors. And we are led by a board of Rupert Evans (Chief Executive of TranslateMedia), Lord Wood of Anfield and Sam Smethers.
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