Help survivors of a police abuser challenge a corrupt Force

by Sharon and Emma*

Help survivors of a police abuser challenge a corrupt Force

by Sharon and Emma*
Sharon and Emma*
Case Owner
We are a mother and daughter who are victims of a police domestic abuser, and wish to challenge a police force that is able to conceal corruption and abuse within their ranks.
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pledged of £10,000 stretch target from 97 pledges
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Sharon and Emma*
Case Owner
We are a mother and daughter who are victims of a police domestic abuser, and wish to challenge a police force that is able to conceal corruption and abuse within their ranks.
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We are one family, challenging an organisation with a long history of protecting and covering up for police domestic abuse perpetrators. 

We have experienced first hand how the police treat victims of police domestic abusers, and how they are able to influence and manipulate investigations to suit their own narrative. 

Our case highlights how police abusers use their experience of legal systems and police protocol to control their victims, are able to groom a police force in their favour, and are able to rely on the protection of their Police force.

Our Story

Our abuser was a well respected, charismatic police officer for nearly 30 years. Ever popular, he remained in constant contact with his Police colleagues following his retirement in 2017.

As the wife and daughters of our abuser, we experienced control, coercion, intimidation, threats and gaslighting. This abuse worsened after our abuser's retirement, especially towards his wife, Sharon. Sharon was told by her abuser that there was no point reporting him, as he had already been to an inspector, and ‘sorted it’. He regularly threatened Sharon that he was going to “publicly humiliate” her.

Our abuser took his own life in 2020. We, as a family, received little contact during the Police’s investigation, the same police force that our abuser had worked for. The Police also lost property, told Sharon she was going to be brought in under caution, omitted information and submitted inaccuracies to the Coroners Office, and much more.

The Police were unwilling to recognise anything that suggested that this was a revenge suicide, instead concentrating on portraying our abuser as a model citizen and vilifying Sharon in a public inquest, which caused further pain and suffering to an already traumatised abuse victim.

Our abuser was, as he promised, able to “publicly humiliate” his long suffering wife with the help of the Police.

In our effort to challenge the Police, we reviewed our abusers mobile phone, the same phone that the Police took as evidence.

On the device, we found copious amounts of evidence showing how our abuser was abusing and controlling his wife, networking with high ranking officers and officials, possibly abusing other women, and using his position of power to further abuse his wife and daughters. Our abuser had admitted seeing an inspector to protect himself should Sharon try to report him as well as that he planned to run internal police checks on his family while retired to check for allegations. 

Our abuser was able to orchestrate the public humiliation of his wife, through careful planning and malicious rumours, covert surveillance, and a deep understanding of police and Coroner proceedings which he was able to manipulate. 

None of this information was submitted by police to the Coroner’s office; it would have contradicted the narrative being was being presented by the police. 

We also uncovered that our abuser had been rehired by the same Police Force that he had previously worked for just before his death.

Evidence of Further misconduct in Gwent Police

Alarmingly, we have also found a significant amount of evidence from the device that shows that both ex and serving officers within the Police hold misogynistic views, racist views, send pornography, share data breaches, offer their services to commit fraud for one another, and leak restricted information about potential cover ups of misconduct cases, including sexual misconduct cases involving officers.

The Police had access to this evidence during their investigation into our abusers death, and chose not to act. We have repeatedly asked the Police to investigate this corruption, but have been given excuses after excuses. Our case has finally been passed to another police force to investigate after repeated requests for an impartial investigation. 

How can victims of police perpetrated domestic abuse ever report their abuse when this is who they report it to?

What we are trying to achieve

We are raising money to help fund our legal counsel and costs associated with our case, as we navigate the complaints process with the IOPC and the Police, and potentially prepare to take the Police to court.  

We as a family have been let down by the Police. Our case is an example of how the police can use their position of power to manipulate a narrative, and victimise an already traumatised family in order to protect their own. 

We want our case and the evidence we have uncovered to expose how Police Forces in the UK really operate, and how they are able to easily conceal a culture of misogyny and racism! 

It's not just the MET.

We would appreciate any donation, no matter how little, to help us fight this. Help us get justice for our family, expose corruption, and change how Police forces challenge abuse and corruption within their ranks!

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*not the case owners real names

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