Versarien: Ricketts v Westbrook - Claim Number QB-2021-002159
Versarien: Ricketts v Westbrook - Claim Number QB-2021-002159

Hello, my name is Ian. I've 55, and I'm being sued for expressing what I consider are perfectly reasonable opinions, based on the facts as I see them.
I am an ex-shareholder in Versarien (VRS), an AIM-listed 2D materials company. I lost money on my investment, because I believe company management - and in particular Chief Executive Neill Ricketts - persistently over-promoted and misrepresented the company's position and prospects, over more than three years and scores of interviews and RNSs.
I am being sued for libel for these opinions, which I have stated repeatedly on public bulletin boards. Many others have expressed the same opinions but Ricketts is choosing to sue me.
I am trying to raise £20,000 to pay my costs, up to the Hearing on Meaning. The stretch goal is £40,000, in case things take longer and cost more (a Hearing on Meaning is £10-30k, according to my solicitor).
All money raised will be used to settle legal bills and pay associated costs.
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