Vaccine Injured and Bereaved vs. AstraZeneca – Time for Justice


Vaccine Injured and Bereaved vs. AstraZeneca – Time for Justice

Case Owner
We are the VITT Litigation Group. The AstraZeneca vaccine has caused us, or our loved ones, to suffer a blood-clotting complication known as VITT.
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pledged of £50,000 stretch target from 864 pledges
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Case Owner
We are the VITT Litigation Group. The AstraZeneca vaccine has caused us, or our loved ones, to suffer a blood-clotting complication known as VITT.
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This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Nov. 6, 2024

Vaccine expert Professor Finn joins call for major reforms to vaccine damage pay

In the last few weeks, we have seen an increase in press on the need for VDPS reform.

The issue was the focus of a BBC documentary highlighting the plight of families whose loved ones suffered a sever…

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We are the VITT Litigation Group. The AstraZeneca vaccine has caused us, or our loved ones, to suffer a blood-clotting complication referred to by experts as Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).

AstraZeneca cannot continue to ignore the circumstances in which their vaccine has caused devastating injury and loss. Our legal case will seek to hold AstraZeneca to account, but we need to build a fighting fund to get justice.

Please donate if you can – we will need a significant fighting fund. Every donation will make a massive difference to us. 


Coroners across England and Wales, NHS doctors and expert medical advisers appointed by the Government have all confirmed that VITT is caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. 

VITT is a widely recognised condition, with diagnostic criteria set down by an expert group from the Royal Society of Haematologists. All claims within the VITT Litigation Group are rooted in a confirmed diagnosis of VITT by a treating consultant or, in bereavement cases, by the findings of a coroner.

Most of those who suffered this adverse reaction were previously fit, healthy and at low risk from complications from COVID-19.

We are not anti-vaccination, but we are pro-fairness.

Who are we?

We are the individuals and families whose lives have been devasted by AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. Together, we have formed the VITT Litigation Group.

Everyone in our group has suffered life-changing illnesses and disability, or have been bereaved, because of VITT. 

Can you help?

Please donate anything you can. We have issued two cases against AstraZeneca, but to protect the right of others in our group to bring legal action, we will need to issue all the remaining cases in Court. 

We need to raise £10,000 for the Court issue fees to avoid the remaining claims running out of time through the statute of limitation. 

As a result of changes to the Legal Aid system, it is extremely difficult to hold big pharmaceutical companies like AstraZeneca to account in the UK. We must rely upon your generosity to help deliver justice for those adversely affected by the vaccine.

By donating to this cause, you will be making a massive difference.

Meet some the families who need your help:

The VITT Litigation Group is made up of over 80 families who are seeking compensation from AstraZeneca for injuries or bereavement caused by VITT. 

Here are some of those affected, united in the fight for justice. 

 Kate and Jamie Scott

Prior to his vaccination, Jamie was a hands-on father of two young boys, a wonderful husband to his wife Kate, and a high-functioning IT specialist earning a good wage for his family. Within days of receiving his AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination, he suffered multiple blood clots resulting in permanent and debilitating brain injury. Jamie’s clinical team have confirmed that the clots were caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. 

In Kate’s own words: 

“Every day I feel gratitude, grief, and guilt. Gratitude that Jamie came home to us, grief that our lives are so very different to what we had planned, as we all adjust to life with brain injury, and guilt, for struggling with the change when others in our group would do anything to have their loved one back.” 

Lisa Shaw

Lisa was a beloved wife, mother to Zach, daughter, and sister. She was also an award-winning BBC radio journalist. Lisa received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in April 2021. Shortly afterwards, she died because of blood clots that developed in her brain. Lisa’s death certificate confirms that she died due to complications of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

Gareth, Lisa’s husband, explains:

“My son Zach (aged 8) and I live with the loss of Lisa every single day. Our house is a quiet place now. Days don’t have the same glow. Grief casts a long shadow over everything. The gap left in our lives is immense. Losing a spouse turns life upside down. Everything changes. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” 

Kam and Neil Miller

This is Kam with her husband Neil, who died on 1 May 2021 aged 50. Neil’s death certificate confirms that he died because of complications of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. 

Jane and Ian Wrigley

Jane, pictured here with her family, suffered from Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis on March 30, 2021 and underwent emergency surgery to evacuate multiple blood clots. The cause of the clots has been identified by clinicians as VITT caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine.

As a result of her injuries, Jane can no longer care for herself and has extremely limited mobility.  

Pre-vaccine Jane was a very active and supportive grandma. She enjoyed running and outdoor activities, which are sadly now very limited. 

Ben Hollobone

Prior to receiving his AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, Ben Hollobone was a healthy 37-year-old. Ben died alone in hospital 17 days after his vaccination. His death certificate confirms that he died because of Vaccine Induced Thrombocytopenia with Thrombosis. Ben lived life to the fullest, and always made time for his family and friends. He lit up the room as soon as he walked in – his kindness radiated from him. Ben is forever missed, and has left a huge hole that can never be filled.

Daniel Harris

Daniel, a fit and well young man, lost his life at the age of 32. Daniel’s inquest confirmed that his cause of death was a Right Cerebral Haemorrhage Stroke and Vaccine Associated Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia, an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine.  

Daniel loved life and lived for the moment. His passions in life were family, football and friends, and Carter and Holly were his absolute pride and joy. Daniel was taken far too soon – he had his whole life ahead of him with everything to live for.  Holly has been left as a single parent bringing up their son Carter, who was almost 2 years old when Dan passed away.

Dr Stephen and Charlotte Wright 

Charlotte explains “Stephen was only 32 years old. He was everything to us. He worked in an amazing career, helping vulnerable children, and worked his way to Senior Clinical Psychologist for Great Ormond Street Hospital in just 4 short years of being a qualified Doctor. He also ran his own private practice and specifically learned how to be part of the team to diagnose Autism which he planned on doing some pro-bono work to help those move quicker through the huge queues on the NHS. 
Even with all his responsibilities as the main breadwinner (I was on maternity leave from my job when he died) he still came home and helped with the kids in between his two jobs and supported me in every single way.

As one of the first to die from this vaccine;Stephen's loss has had a devastating impact on us as a whole family; emotionally and financially. My sons will have to grow up without their father from a very young age which has had a profound effect on their lives and development and the long term affect is unfathomable. We continue to suffer emotional trauma fighting to be heard and for the vaccine injured and bereaved families to finally get justice. We will never give up, but we need your help”

These accounts are just a small sample of the wider group of families and individuals within the VITT Litigation Group, who are now compelled to take legal action.


It is an uncomfortable truth for many, but vaccine injury and death are very sadly a part of the pandemic story. 

Every single vaccine injured or bereaved person in our group stepped forward and had the vaccination, just as the Government asked us to do. But it went horrifically wrong for us and has caused devastating results for us and our loved ones.  

Providing financial compensation to support those adversely affected by vaccination is, in our view, the fair, moral and equitable thing to do. 

Kate Scott highlights that: 

“Due to the inadequacy of the Government’s Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme and AstraZeneca’s unwillingness to even talk to us, let alone to resolve these claims without a fight, our group has no choice but to seek compensation through the Courts. 

“Contrary to what people may believe, those suffering VITT injuries or bereavement have not been acknowledged nor offered adequate compensation by AstraZeneca, nor by the UK Government that encouraged all of us to step up for vaccination. 

“Many of us have lost our careers; we were in the middle of our working lives and have young families to support. Some of the injured will need to pay for lifelong medical care, while other families have gone from two full-time working parents to single parents, unable to work, while they support young children, grieve and fight for justice. It is just so unjust that no one is held to account.” 

Gareth Eve adds:

“The complete lack of engagement and acknowledgement from the Government and AstraZeneca is incredibly hurtful and something I struggle to even comprehend. 

Why won’t they [the Government or AstraZeneca] speak to us? 

Why, when they were the ones who told us these products were safe and effective? 

Why are we made to feel we are speaking out of turn?

If they won’t willingly speak to victims – what other choice do we have than to seek legal assistance?”

Next steps

After we have issued these claims, there will be additional costs. We will need to hire experts to assist us in preparing the cases, including epidemiologists, regulatory experts, vaccinologists, and others.

We need your help. Please, give if you can. Every donation will make all the difference to our cause. We will keep you informed about developments through this page.

From all of us in the VITT Litigation Group, a heartfelt THANK YOU for reading this far, for listening and hopefully donating… 

Disclaimer: Funds raised through CrowdJustice will be used initially for disbursements, i.e., for the costs of issuing proceedings in Court and to obtain expert evidence in support of our claim. Note: Monies raised through CrowdJustice will not be used to pay for lawyer and barrister fees.

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Update 11


Nov. 6, 2024

Vaccine expert Professor Finn joins call for major reforms to vaccine damage pay

In the last few weeks, we have seen an increase in press on the need for VDPS reform.

The issue was the focus of a BBC documentary highlighting the plight of families whose loved ones suffered a severe and life-changing effect of the AstraZeneca UK Limited (AZUK) COVID-19 vaccine.

More information can be found here: Vaccine expert Professor Finn joins call for major reforms to vaccine damage payment scheme | Leigh Day

Update 10


June 28, 2024

Shine a light on vaccine injury and bereavement and the need for VDPS reform.

For nearly Three years Sarah Moore and her team have been working with Vaccine Injured Bereaved UK (VIBUK) with their campaign for VDPS reform. The scheme is ineffective and inefficient and results in families having to seek legal action

You can follow them on their new X account @VIBUK_Official to see more about their campaign.

Last month on 22/05/2024 Members of the VIBUK Steering group delivered a letter to Downing Street, to request a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss:

  • Reforming the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) – and back dating this for anyone injured or bereaved by the covid19 vaccine.
  • Removing/extending the three-year time limitation for bringing vaccine related compensation claims.
  • To discuss the narrowing of the scope of Module 4, and the restriction of the exploration of vaccine safety.

This was an important step in their campaign, and although an election was called an hour later the group continue to campaign for VDPS reform.

We hope our legal action will shine a light on the vaccine injury and the need for VDPS reform and backdating for Covid vaccine injury and bereavement

We thank you for your ongoing support.

VITT litigation Group

Update 8


April 13, 2024

There is an essential need to modernise the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme

It has been a challenging few weeks for the VITT Litigation group, as our legal team have needed to make some difficult decisions which have affected the size of the group. This has been the subject of a lot of communication between the legal team and the client group, especially those directly affected, and has been a stark reminder to us all of the essential need to modernise the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme – so that individuals who are injured or bereaved as a fault of vaccination can access fair and vital compensation without needing to resort to difficult and lengthy litigation against large pharmaceutical companies. In the meantime, however, we remain determined to hold AstraZeneca to account for what we have suffered following vaccination – and we are so grateful to those of you who have supported us in this fight so far.

Update 7


March 6, 2024

Two groups of claims issued in Court!

Our legal team have begun to contact and instruct experts in relation to scientific and factual elements of our case. This process is extremely costly, but we are determined for it to be done correctly, especially given the complicated and novel scientific issues involved in this case, which requires us to instruct experts who are often leaders in their fields. The importance of working with experts to consolidate our scientific and factual case is all the more following the disappointing news that the upcoming hearings for Module 4 of the Covid Inquiry, which will look at Vaccines and Therapeutics and was scheduled to begin in Summer 2024, have been postponed.

There has also been some further media coverage of the case in recent weeks, and this can be read at the following links:

  1. Widow sues AstraZeneca after husband’s Covid-19 vaccine death (BBC Leicester, 22.02.2024)
  2. COVID Vaccine Maker Sued Over Deaths (Newsweek, 22.02.2024) 
  3. UK woman sues AstraZeneca over husband’s Covid-19 vaccine death: report  (Insider Paper, 22.02.2024)
  4. We aren't anti-vaxxers, we just want justice for our loved ones who died after getting the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine (Sky News, 19.02.2024); (Daily Mail 19.02.2024)

Many of us, and our legal team, are continuing to work with the media to make our stories and voices heard. We are so grateful to you for reading this page – and it would make a huge difference if you could help us to spread the word by sharing this page, or one of the articles linked above, to anybody who you think may be interested.

If you have not done so already, please consider supporting our fight for justice by donating to this page – every donation will make a difference to us as we continue working with experts to develop our scientific and factual case. Thank you so much to those who have supported us so far in our fight to hold AstraZeneca accountable for what has happened to us and our loved ones. We are making progress, but we still have a long way to go.

The VITT Litigation Group

Update 6


Dec. 31, 2023

2023 and 2024

We have come a long way in the last year,  but still have a long way to go.

Your support is essential, and we are so thankful to you for helping us get this far. We hope you will continue to support our fight for justice into 2024.

We will continue to update this page with progress and any new articles etc.

Thank you so much, 

The VITT Litigation Group

Update 5


Dec. 13, 2023

£25,000 an important milestone. Thank you!

We have now reached our initial stretch target of £25,000 – this is an important milestone for the VITT Litigation Group and we are so grateful for the support of those who have donated.

The funds raised so far will be used to issue claims in Court on behalf of two groups of Claimants within the 3-year limitation period, protecting us from our claims becoming statute-barred and allowing us to proceed with the legal action – which, in the absence of a fair and adequate compensation scheme, we have no choice but to do.

In December 2023, thanks to the support of those who have already donated, we were able to issue the first group of these claims in the Court. We are now preparing to issue on behalf of a second group of claimants in the new year from Leigh Day, the firm who will be representing us in these claims from January 2024 onwards.

This is good progress – but it is just the beginning, and further donations will be vital to us moving forwards.

The next step for us in holding AstraZeneca and the Government to account is working with experts to strengthen our case in several key areas. This can be one of the most costly elements of bringing claims against large corporations, especially when there are novel and complex scientific issues to be taken into account. We will also need to fund further Court fees arising in relation to the issued claims.  

We are confident that the science will speak for itself as we go through the litigation – but we need to ensure that these claims are supported in terms of evidence and expert opinion, and that we comply with Court protocol as the cases proceed towards trial. 

Please do consider supporting us in our fight to hold Big Pharma accountable, by donating and sharing our page on social media, or sending it to friends and family who you think may be interested in what we are doing.

Every donation makes a difference in our fight for justice.

Thank you so much for your help and support.

Update 4


Nov. 24, 2023

Our fight for justice is getting recognition

Thank you so much for all of the support provided.

We have now exceeded £20,000 in money raised, that means that we now have enough money to pay the Court Fees so that all of the claims within the group can be issued in Court, within the legal time limits.

We now have a chance at bringing these claims to Court - please continue to donate what you can so that we can build the strongest expert team possible and share our page with others to.

All donations make a big difference - thank you so much for believing in this case and for standing with us in our battle for justice.

Below are some links to more articles about this campaign 

  1. ‘Oxford created the Covid jab that killed my wife – then pocketed the royalties’
  2. Healthy 28 year old being given fatal AstraZeneca Covid jab
  3. The real covid jab scandal is finally emerging
  4. Drunk on power, ministers lost the plot in the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine
  5. Why AstraZeneca's vaccine has been branded 'defective'
  6. Oxford AstraZeneca covid jab defective claims legal case

Thank you to the Daily Telegraph for investigating and covering these important stories. 

Update 3


Nov. 10, 2023

Day 2 - Thank You

Thank you so much for donating and sharing our campaign for justice.

Some more article from the DT today.

Please keep sharing and encouraging others to pledge.

Thank you. 

Update 2


Nov. 9, 2023

Todays Coverage

We want to thank everyone again for donating and sharing today.

A special thank you to the Daily Telegraph for covering this important story.

Below are links to some of the press today coverage today… And more is to come tomorrow.

  1. DT Podcast
  2. AZ Vaccine axed
  3. The Rise and Fall of AZ
  4. Bloodclot Brain damage
  5. No longer silenced
  6. Case Studies
  7. MPs Agree VDPS needs reform
  8. also a piece on BBC radio 4 at 1pm today (which should be on BBC Sounds)

    Thank you for helping us to raise awareness of this important issue.

Thank you so much. Xx

Update 1


Nov. 9, 2023

Wow - 10k in less 24 hours

We are blown away. Wow!

Thank you! You are all wonderful, £10,000 in less than 24 hours! This is amazing. Thank you. This means we can now issue the remaining cases. 

Now we strive for our second target £25,000 to allow us to prepare the cases with expert reports and evidence. Thank you so much for your help, donations and kindness.

Thank you again

This gives up hope x

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