Felonies For Protesting Trump Inauguration

by Jason Flores-Williams

Felonies For Protesting Trump Inauguration

by Jason Flores-Williams
Jason Flores-Williams
Case Owner
I am a criminal defense attorney with a firm here in Denver. I grew up with a father in prison, family in poverty. I now defend those are fighting for their lives against an unjust system.
on 23rd March 2017
pledged of $2,500 target from 6 pledges
Jason Flores-Williams
Case Owner
I am a criminal defense attorney with a firm here in Denver. I grew up with a father in prison, family in poverty. I now defend those are fighting for their lives against an unjust system.

The government is charging more than 200 people with felonies because of their participation in anti-Trump protests in the weeks leading up to and immediately following the President’s inauguration. These arrests and the cases being undertaken against these US citizens are meritless and are being pursued for political reasons alone. We are fighting to defend the rights of several individuals who were arrested for peacefully protesting and to spread the message about the Trump administration’s actions to suppress those who voice opinions about the legitimacy of his election.

Systematically arresting those who most vocally oppose the administration’s actions, but commit no crime in voicing that opposition, represents a clear threat to the First Amendment. Despite what many may perceive as a strong cornerstone of American democracy, our right to free speech is demonstrably under attack by the very government that should be defending it. The government is hopeful that by injuring the lives and reputations of these defendants in labeling them felons for engaging in dissent, it might also convince other citizens not to protest in the future. It is by continuously fighting these abusive actions head on, in cases like these, that we can defend the right to free speech in the United States.

Our firm is representing a number of those individuals who have been charged for protesting Trump’s election – and we are doing so for free. Because this is a legal defense case, we cannot disclose most of the details surrounding our clients’ exact circumstances. We can say, however, that these are people who are upstanding citizens of their communities. They are people who care deeply about their country, specifically because it allows its citizens to express their political beliefs without fear of abuse or retribution from the government. These are patriots who have bravely stood up for their beliefs and are being unfairly targeted as criminals through these baseless claims.

Our clients do not have the ability to pay huge sums for this legal battle and while we are not taking a fee, there are significant travel costs as we enter into the arraignment, hearing and motion stages. Our firm is based in Denver and will need to make at least eight trips to Washington D.C. in relation to this case. We are seeking assistance from you to help cover these basic costs in order to assure these individuals receive the legal defense they deserve. Regardless of any specific political beliefs you may have, we are asking that you contribute to our cause in an effort to protect against the erosion of a basic Constitutional right that protects all citizens from similar types of abuse. Please contribute if you can and share this story as much as possible to help make the public aware that this is happening right now!

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