They must clean up our dirty, polluted air
They must clean up our dirty, polluted air

There is mounting scientific evidence from around the world that links dirty, polluted air with both the occurrence and severity of Covid-19. Put more starkly, air pollution means not only are you more likely to contract the virus, you are more likely to die if you do.
When the risk to human life is this great, we simply cannot afford to wait for this link to be proven beyond all doubt. The Government must act now to urgently review its air pollution strategy. We believe they have a legal obligation to do so, and we intend to hold them to it.
The case:
Our legal challenge rests first on the precautionary principle. The law dictates that when scientific evidence about an environmental or human health hazard is uncertain and the stakes are high, precautionary measures must be taken. The potential risk to life posed by air pollution during the pandemic means the Government must act even if the scientific evidence is not yet conclusive.
If the Government refuses to review its Clean Air strategy, they will be in breach of this precautionary principle, as well as Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The claimants in this case are Good Law Project, Mums for Lungs, Students for Global Health and the UK Youth Climate Coalition.
Litigation of this scale and importance is undeniably difficult and expensive, and the outcomes are never certain. But with your support we are determined to hold the Government to their legal duty. The Pre Action Protocol letter that has been sent to the Department for Environment and Rural Affairs can be found here.
The details:
The Good Law Project has instructed James Maurici QC and Yaaser Vanderman from Landmark Chambers, and the international law firm Hausfield, who are acting pro bono.
10% of the sums raised will go to the Good Law Project to help it develop and support further environmental litigation. It is our policy only to raise sums that we reasonably anticipate could be spent on this litigation. However, if there is a surplus it will go to support and enable other litigation we bring. Our founder, Jolyon Maugham QC, continues to work unpaid.
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