The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!

by The People's Lawyers

The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!

by The People's Lawyers
The People's Lawyers
Case Owner
We are a legal research and campaign group and right now we are fighting for the Democracy and Rights of the People of the UK.
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The People's Lawyers
Case Owner
We are a legal research and campaign group and right now we are fighting for the Democracy and Rights of the People of the UK.
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Latest: Aug. 24, 2023

Covid Fraud Ramping Up Again!

The 'covid' fraud is now ramping up again after a bit of a rest! The next round of 'boosters' of the lethal injection is being planned for the unfortunate and trusting recipients this…

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We are The People's Lawyers, a group of Solicitors, legal researchers and campaigners. We have been extensively researching the current legal situation since the illegal 'lockdown' deprived us all of our Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms.

We have now established that The Coronavirus Act 2020 is null and void. There are many reasons for this, the main one being that S1(1) of the Act defines 'coronavirus' as being 'covid-19' or it's other name 'SARS Cov-2'. However, by virtue of the fact that it is not legally, medically or scientifically recognised as a disease or virus it cannot be legislated against, and this makes the whole Act null and void. 

The reason for this is that 'covid-19' has not been subjected to the 130 year  established legal, medical and scientific procedure that recognises if it is actually a disease or virus or not, which is known as the Koch Postulates. This involves purifying and isolating the 'disease' or 'virus' and proving that it actually causes the illness that it is claimed that it does.

The Government has acted Ultra Vires and against the Rule of Law. Further, there are a multitude of procedural and legal errors made when the Government enacted this legislation. Including enforcing the Act on 23rd March with the 'lockdown' before it actually became law with Royal Assent on 25th March. In addition, the Act facilitates misreporting of deaths from various illnesses that it is claimed are also suffering with 'covid-19' as doctors are told to just use guesswork as to cause of death. This has been happening since the 10th March, long before the Act became law and allows the 'covid-19' statistics to increase rapidly. There is no doubt the figures are being manipulated and any excess mortality is due to the terrible inhumane suffering, fear and neglect caused by the 'lockdown' itself. With lifesaving treatment cancelled and people too terrified to seek urgent medical help. 

Also, existing legislation should have been used for a Pandemic such as the Infectious Diseases Act 1984 and if this was not sufficient the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 should have been used. This would have protected our Human Rights, as s20 of the Act demanded, along with other requirements and protections under the Act including "due proportion", Parliamentary scrutiny and a duration of only 30 days maximum. This is outlined in the Department of Health's report 'UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011'. 

This report made it clear that the Rule of Law should be upheld and life should carry on as normal for the healthy. Not the deliberately induced fear and hysterics and disproportionate reactions as an excuse for taking away our Human Rights, Civil liberties and destroying our economy in the process. 

Shamefully, the Coronavirus Act 2020 has been written as an 'Enabling Act' worse than even Hitler in Nazi Germany had. It is an abomination that has been used by the Government to illegally seize absolute power and control and has no place in a modern Democracy.   

As 'covid-19' has never been isolated and proven to be a virus or disease, it cannot be tested for. Instead of 'covid-19' being tested for, what is actually being tested for is genetic material and a RNA sequence based upon lung fluid extracted from Chinese patients. This genetic material is found in everyone and at higher levels in very ill people suffering from any illness. 

Further, the test that is being used is called the RT-PCR test and the inventor said it should NEVER be used for diagnostics. This is because it is not a 'gold-standard' test that would give 100% accuracy. In fact, there is a false positive rate of 80% for this test. This means that the test is meaningless as it is just testing for genetic material and not coronavirus and even that is only a real positive for one in five people. Other tests being used are as bad or even worse. Further, using these tests anyone can test either positive or negative depending upon how many cycles the specimen is amplified by and as such the tests can be easily rigged.

We want the Government to be immediately banned from conducting any further 'coronavirus' testing. They are not really testing for 'coronavirus' but these results are being weaponised and used to deprive us of our Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms, also our finances are being affected and our economy destroyed all based upon false results. People are also dying as treatment is being denied as the NHS focus is only on so-called 'covid-19'. People have also been so frightened by the relentless Media brainwashing that they are now not requesting urgent medical help when they need it. 

Further, the 'lockdown' and 'social distancing' were measures that were forced upon us and were based upon advice by Government 'advisors', from 'modeling' estimates and reports not even peer reviewed.These 'advisors' from Imperial College, including Professor Neil Ferguson have a track record of complete failure, including the slaughter of millions of healthy animals and the ruin of livelihoods during the Foot and Mouth debacle. These absurd measures have no proven medical or scientific effectiveness and even the opposite is true and these measures are considered "dangerous" by many top international doctors. 

This is even reinforced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) themselves in their report 'Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures' from 2006, which is on the official American Government Health website, the writers of which include current members of SAGE, Government 'advisors'. This report criticises forced isolation and quarantine branding these measures "ineffective and impractical". 

It also states that "Legal authority and procedures for implementing interventions should be understood in advance and should respect cultural differences and human rights." 

Cruicially the report states that at Phase 6 of a Pandemic, when a Pandemic is officially declared (WHO declared it to be a Pandemic on 11th March 2020), measures such as tracing and quarantine should not be attempted. This means that according to the WHO themselves neither the UK or the rest of the world should have been put in 'lockdown'. It states "Patient isolation and tracing and quarantine of contacts should cease, as such measures will no longer be feasible or useful." We feel that the 'NHS tracing app' and the 25,000 'tracers' are yet more infringements of our rights and privacy and is an outrage and illegal. This also has the sinister potential to be weaponised and used to terrify the population into thinking they have so-called 'covid-19'. Also the potential to keep a 'Pandemic' going indefinitely.  

Further the report concludes 'lockdown' did not work back in 1918 even during war and under desperate, disadvantaged circumstances and the absurd 'social distancing' measures currently being demanded did not even get a mention! 

Please read it in full: 

This case is about DEMOCRACY and righting a wrong that has been done to us all. The Coronavirus Act 2020 needs to be IMMEDIATELY null and void and fake 'coronavirus' testing must be IMMEDIATELY banned. 


Initially we need to raise £30,000 but then we will need to raise over £125,000 to get our lives back to the old normal they should be. Please contribute to our action and help us get our powers back where they belong, with us the People not with the Politicians. We should not be at the mercy of them and their failed 'advisors'. We will also be seeking retribution.

We will be helping and showing the way to the rest of the world that they do not have to accept this either. The UK is supposed to be the 'Mother of Democracy' but we now find ourselves in an enforced Dictatorship based upon false evidence and fake and draconian policies that were not even effective in 1918 before modern medicine, let alone in the 21st Century.

Thank you for your support, together we can overcome this deception and insanity and get the lives we deserve back again for us, our children and our grandchildren. 

We owe it to them to not allow their future to be ruined by the compromised, by fools and by Politicians. 

Pre-action Protocol Letter here

Supplemental Judicial Review Letter

Detailed Statement of Grounds

Final Version of Detailed Statement of Grounds

Statement of Facts

Government Legal Department Response of 13/11/20

Reply to the Government Legal Department of 18/12/20

Letter received from the Government Legal Department 05/01/21

Refusal of permission to apply for Judicial Review

Renewal of claim for permission

SECOND CLAIM Section 5 Detailed Statement of Grounds 01/03/21

THIRD CLAIM Section 5 Detailed Statement of Grounds 06/04/21

Court Order 22/04/21

Transcript of Judgement of 22/4/21

Skeleton Argument for Appeal

Order of 20/7/21 Regarding the Second Case

Grounds of Appeal for the Second Case 27/7/21

Court of Appeal Order 20/12/21

Unlawful 'Emergency Authorisation' of Covid 19 'Vaccines'

Update 51

The People's Lawyers

Aug. 24, 2023

Covid Fraud Ramping Up Again!

The 'covid' fraud is now ramping up again after a bit of a rest! The next round of 'boosters' of the lethal injection is being planned for the unfortunate and trusting recipients this will be unlucky (for the poor victims) number 7 if our calculations are correct. New fraudulent 'variants' of so-called covid are being declared with no evidence and still no proof of the original ever being produced! It is also already being said that masks and lockdowns will be back!


Update 50

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 4, 2023

Happy New Year!

A New Year and our battle to get an Injunction and permanent ban on the lethal covid injections for all still continues! 

We also continue to need YOUR help and support to achieve this!

Update 49

The People's Lawyers

June 26, 2022

Save Our Babies (SOB)

In the United States the experimental covid lethal injection has now received approval for under 5 year old children right down to babies from 6 months old. It is just a matter of time now before approval is given by our corrupt 'regulator' the MHRA for the same to happen in the UK. Well meaning parents will then line their babies up for death or injury that could affect them for the rest of their lives.

Please support us to get an Injunction to stop the lethal covid injections for everyone including our babies.

Update 48

The People's Lawyers

April 22, 2022

Downfall of the 'Covid Restrictions'

A year ago today,  on 22nd April 2021, we were in the High Court fighting the Refusal of 'Permission' for our Judicial Review. This resulted in yet another Refusal and shortly after this we commenced an Appeal that was dragged out for another 8 months and finally returned another Refusal a few days before Christmas. 

We were in fact applying for THREE Judicial Reviews and all of this gave a message to the corrupt government, that despite their attacks, threats and punishments of us, we would continue to fight against all future 'restrictions' and fake 'regulations' and 'laws' they made using their Nazi type of 'Enabling Act', The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, using the lie of the fake 'emergency' of so-called 'covid 19'. They knew if they carried on doing this they could not continue to keep us out of the Courts to challenge them. So in September 2021 they were forced to beg for support from Parliament for the infamous Plan A and Plan B scenario. Suddenly the government were at the mercy of Parliament and receiving opposition from their own back-benchers and they very soon lost their control of the situation and could not impose the tyrannical 'restrictions', 'regulations' and 'laws' they wanted in England anymore! This collapse spread around the world and we now find ourselves enjoying a TEMPORARY respite from covid tyranny.


Update 47

The People's Lawyers

March 24, 2022

Injunction to Permanently Stop Covid 19 'Vaccines' for the UK!

We are today announcing it is our intention to take out an Injunction to permanently stop the administration of the lethal 'covid 19 vaccines' for the entire population of the UK! 

This is based upon the safety failures and the deaths and injuries caused to all age groups by these injections that are being claimed to be 'vaccines'. Further it is based on the unlawfulness of these injections.

The manufacturers and administrators of these injections are hereby on notice that they have full unlimited liability for injuries and deaths caused by these so-called 'vaccines'.

For full details please read the legal action document at the bottom of the Case Page.   

Update 46

The People's Lawyers

March 3, 2022

Success NOT Failure

To date our legal actions have actually been a great success despite the government using every trick in the book to keep us out of the Courts! 

We have exposed the fact that the 'covid restrictions' were not made using the Coronavirus Act 2020 and instead they were made by using the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 as an Enabling Act! This is making 'laws' like the Nazis did in the 1930s! We have also exposed the fact that Parliament was being deliberately excluded from this process. Further, we have exposed that these Statutory Instruments were being 'churned' to try and outpace us. This means that they were being repealed and then copied and pasted to a new one reading exactly the same! They could then turn around and say the regulations we were complaining about were now repealed even though they had been continued exactly the same under a new number! At every opportunity the government has abused their power including maximising delays to sabotage our legal challenges of these abuses.

Our persistence in challenging the government over this since August 2020 finally paid off and they realised they could no longer carry on with this fraud after doing it over 500 times and in September 2021 they were forced to change their tactics. This was due to the fact that despite their threats, punishments and intimidation we launched an Appeal and two further cases and made it clear we would continue to fight future 'restrictions' made in this way. 

In September 2021 the government was forced to go to Parliament to seek permission for the Plan A and Plan B controls. These never worked as they hoped and they were then subject to full scrutiny including by government backbench MPs. England losing the grip of 'covid' control over the population has led to many other countries also losing control and the People protesting and pushing back against their 'leaders'. This was always going to be the case when the People of England were seen as having freedoms not had in other countries. 


Update 45

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 25, 2022

Refused Again!

Finally,  just before Christmas after a long wait, we received an Order from the Court of Appeal, what a surprise it was a Refusal! This Order is now available to see at the bottom of the Case Page. 

Unfortunately, thanks to the government keeping us out of the courts, it is the end of the road for this particular action but the good news is that we are not giving up and we are already working on our next legal action against this corrupt tyrannical government! 

Update 44

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 7, 2022

Still Battling on!

Hope everyone had as good a Christmas and New Year as possible with this fraud going on! The moronic 'variant' has 'boosted' the fraud no end!

We are all still battling on and we will win against this fraud and tyranny!

Update 43

The People's Lawyers

Oct. 17, 2021

The Coronavirus Act Deception

The Coronavirus Act 2020 is due to be voted upon in Parliament this week for another 6 months extension and indications show that this Government of Occupation is  likely to get it. However, do not be despondent as most of the so-called regulations are made by stealth and deceit using the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (yes really!) not the Coronavirus Act and as they are just Statutory Instruments/ Secondary Legislation they are easy to get rid of! Our Cases are still ongoing challenging this whole fraud!

The Coronavirus Act is just another lie and a smokescreen hiding what is really going on! People are being deceived into thinking that this vote will lock us into another 6 months of tyranny when all the tyranny is coming from the 1984 Act which is being used as a Hitler like Enabling Act! 

Update 42

The People's Lawyers

Sept. 13, 2021

The War Goes On!

Anyone thinking that things will go back to normal is sadly very much mistaken! They are now trying to give an experimental 'vaccine' to our children! So we have to fight on every front including in the Courts! 

They might have denied us justice so far but that is going to change very soon as we have a lot of Aces up our sleeves!

Update 41

The People's Lawyers

Aug. 7, 2021

Justice Denied for a Year Now!

On 7th August 2020 we commenced our First Case. It has been a YEAR in which so-called 'Justice' has failed the People and the Courts have just defended this Government of Occupation. The Rule of Law has been erased and in all this time we have not yet been 'permitted' to have a Judicial Review! The Courts are actively preventing this corrupt Government being held to account for their fraudulent 'covid laws'!

However, we are going to bring Justice back! The fight goes on and we have now launched an Appeal against the Order for our Second Case!

The Order of 20/7/21 and Grounds of Appeal of 27/7/21 regarding the Second Case are now available at the bottom of the Case Page.


Update 40

The People's Lawyers

July 6, 2021

The Fight for Freedom Continues!

Those who think the 19th July will be the end of all of this will be bitterly disappointed! If THEY get their way it will just be a temporary respite, already Project Fear is being ramped up. That is why it is so important to keep up the fight and push back!

Our Appeal is in and we are now waiting for the slow process and the usual dragging of heels of a corrupt Government that is trying to evade Justice and shut down all dissent! 

Now crooked Hypocrite Hancock is gone, the puppet behind most of these so-called laws, our Appeal has been given a boost. If he would not even follow his own 'laws' himself, why should the People have to!

The transcript of the Judgement of 22nd April and our Skeleton Argument is now available to read at the bottom of the Case Page.

Update 39

The People's Lawyers

June 21, 2021

Fake Freedom Day!

Today was the day this corrupt Government of Occupation was going to return our Rights and Freedoms they unlawfully and fraudulently stole in the first place! But the 'variant' lies, fake 'case' statistics and fraudulent 'scientists' stopped it happening, what a surprise!

Our Appeal is now going through and full details will be posted shortly on the Case Page. 

This is now People v Government and Truth v Lies and this time the People's Truth is going to win against the Government's Lies!

Update 38

The People's Lawyers

June 9, 2021

Over a YEAR of Fighting Government Tyranny!

It is now over a YEAR since we first launched our Case to fight for our Rights and Freedoms and this Government of Occupation has been dragging their heels and hindering us every step of the way!  Why is this, why not just let these 'laws' be scrutinised by the Courts? This is the whole point of a Judicial Review, it is why they exist! 

The reason they are so desperate to keep it out of Court and avoid scrutiny is because the Government would lose the Case!

We have finally received the transcript of the Hearing of the 22nd April so we can now prepare and submit our Appeal.

Update 37

The People's Lawyers

May 13, 2021

Appeal Update

We are currently preparing our Appeal after permission for a Judicial Review was refused at the Court Hearing on 22nd April the main details are as follows:


Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Practice Direction 52C the learned judge was wrong because: 

1 He failed to give any or any adequate consideration to the overarching constitutional principles which have been infringed by the Instruments and Act complained of. 

2 He was wrong in law to conclude that the matters complained of were “academic” when it was forcefully demonstrated that the Instruments complained of had simply been repacked in exactly or broadly the same terms into later Instruments. 

3 He was wrong to conclude that, at a permission hearing (and not a substantive hearing), the current Claimants had insufficient locus standi to bring the Application when the constitutional issues complained of affect all residents of England and Wales. Further, he was wrong to fail to take note of the fact that two other business people were ready and able to be joined to the proceedings for the substantive hearing.

We are also appealing the costs.

Update 36

The People's Lawyers

April 29, 2021

Appeal Now Submitted

Our Appeal against Refusal of Permission and against the financial penalties laid against us of £7,231.33 for this time and £6,000 for the time before, has now been submitted. 

So that is £13,231.33 for just trying to get permission to being heard at a Judicial Review! We are being penalised for just wanting to lawfully fight for our Rights and Freedoms! This is the Government preventing us from going to Court to challenge them and then claiming back their costs for doing so! 

The Court Order of 22/4/21 is now available at the bottom of the Case Page. 

It is the People v the Government and we are appealing as we think we have every right to challenge them in the Courts when they have abused the Parliamentary and Legal System and stolen our sacred Freedoms and Rights! 

Update 35

The People's Lawyers

April 23, 2021

Refused But Resolute!

Predictably yesterday at the Court Hearing our Case was refused for Judicial Review. However, for you, for us, for our children and for the generations to come, we have to keep on fighting this crucially important Case and we now intend to Appeal.

Today is St George's Day and we hereby vow to slay this Dragon of Tyranny with our Sword of FREEDOM! 

Update 34

The People's Lawyers

April 13, 2021

THIRD Case Details Now Available

The details of our THIRD Case are now available to read at the bottom of the Case Page. We are now preparing for our Court Hearing next week on the 22nd of April regarding our FIRST Case and our SECOND Case is still going through the system. 

The War for our Rights and Freedoms continues and our opposition to our oppression grows stronger by the day! WE DO NOT CONSENT! 

Update 33

The People's Lawyers

April 7, 2021

THIRD Case Against Government Launched!

Today is eight long months to the day since we launched our FIRST Case against this Government of Occupation that we are still fighting just to get permission for a Judicial Review! We are up in Court on 22nd April for the next battle for this. 

Last month we launched our SECOND Case and yesterday we commenced our THIRD Case, details available soon.

We are fighting for Our Rights and Your Rights and we will WIN!

Update 32

The People's Lawyers

March 31, 2021

High Court Hearing on 22nd April

We have a High Court Hearing on 22nd April regarding permission to have a Judicial Review with our first Case, no news on our second Case yet. 

The Hearing has been listed for one hour but the time is to be advised.

Update 31

The People's Lawyers

March 19, 2021

The Covid 1984 Act

It is a little known fact that this Government of Occupation is abusing the law and using an Act from 1984 (yes, really!) as an Enabling Act to control and ruin every aspect of our lives! 

Whilst the Coronavirus Act 2020 is important to the Government for aspects of manipulation and control and also as a smokescreen, the real power lies in the use of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984. Using Section 45 of this 1984 Act (which 'conveniently' was rewritten in 2008 before the so-called Swine Flu 'pandemic' of 2009 to facilitate Government unlimited powers!) Hancock or any other minister can literally immediately make any 'law' they like without any Public or Parliamentary scrutiny! This is done by claiming it is "in response to a serious and imminent threat to public health".

Another big deception is the pretence that there is a State of Emergency in the UK, but there is not! If the Government declared an official State of Emergency (as they should have done!) this would have triggered the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (the CCA), which would have: 

1. Protected and respected our Human Rights; 

2. Made Parliament, not individual ministers, responsible for any laws; 

3. These would be made under full Parliamentary and Public scrutiny;

4. They would be limited by law to 30 days and would have to be reviewed by Parliament before any renewal; 

5. Also, they would have to be proportional to any risk.

6. Further, under the CCA, legislation is supposed to be avoided and only used as a last resort! 

So business closures, lockdowns, mask wearing, travel bans, quarantines etc. and the total deletion of our Rights and ruin of our Economy would never have happened! 

It is the so-called laws (at last count totalling well over an unbelievable 320!) made under this 1984 Act that we are currently challenging with our two Cases against the Government.    

Update 30

The People's Lawyers

March 6, 2021

New Case Details

In response to their continued, ever increasing, ever more oppressive and despotic tyranny and denial of our Rights and Freedoms and the deliberate destruction of our society and economy by this Government of Occupation, we have now commenced a Second Case against them!

The New Second Case details are now available at the bottom of the Case page. We are disputing all of their fraudulent so-called 'laws' that they claim are for our 'safety'! We are also challenging them on their Constitutional and Human Rights abuses. 

If they think they can continue to get away with all of this, they are very much mistaken!

Update 29

The People's Lawyers

March 1, 2021

Some Big Announcements!

We are delighted to announce that, in addition to our existing Case that we are still robustly fighting, we have now launched a SECOND CASE calling for a Judicial Review against yet more of the illegal Coronavirus Regulations imposed by this Government of Occupation! 

We are also delighted to announce that we have been joined by new Claimants, Paul Henderson and his company, The Porky Pint Ltd. As a Publican, Paul has been very badly affected by the illegal Coronavirus Regulations and to add insult to injury has even been unjustly issued with a £1,000 fixed penalty notice with not even a right of appeal! 

Full details of the new Case will be posted soon.

Update 28

The People's Lawyers

Feb. 20, 2021

Renewal of Claim for Permission

We believe we are right to pursue our Case in the National Interest for the People, despite Refusal! 

The form that was sent to the Court for the Renewal of Claim for Permission for the Judicial Review after the Refusal, is now available to read at the bottom of the Case Page. This outlines, along with many other issues, how our Case is totally different to the Dolan Case for many reasons. 

Further, as is stated in this form, "There are many new interferences with constitutional principles and Convention rights as well as additional and discrete demonstrations of irrationality by the Secretaries of State."


Update 27

The People's Lawyers

Feb. 15, 2021

Latest Case Updates

The tide is now well and truly turning and the People are not prepared to take the tyranny this Government of Occupation is inflicting upon the population any more! Many people are now coming forward to give evidence in our Case when we have a trial date. We will be standing united against those who think they have the right to inflict this misery upon the People!

Several people have volunteered to join our historic Case as additional Claimants. These include hard working business owners who provide jobs to local people in their communities that they serve and have been forced by these illegal laws, made by Government Ministers abusing their powers, to close their businesses for months on end and are now struggling to make ends meet.Through no fault of their own, they are fighting off bankruptcy and  fighting to keep their businesses that they have spent many years building up and are even in danger of losing the roofs over their and their family's heads. Together we are strong like Lions and we will stand up against those who think they have the right to take everything from us including our Rights, Freedoms and Democracy! 


Dr Kevin Corbett has decided to stand down from the Case. Thank you, Dr Corbett, for your help and support of the Case.

Update 26

The People's Lawyers

Feb. 10, 2021


We have now had a Refusal AFTER 6 MONTHS of fighting against the Government just to get 'permission' for our Judicial Review to be heard in Court! 

This is how terrified this Government of Occupation is of our Case that they are desperately trying to keep it out of Court! Not only this, but they are trying to punish us with £6,000 of costs and making threats of more costs to come! All this for merely trying to take our Lawful Rights and Freedoms back from our fascist so-called leaders, who are acting illegally, and trying to get this nightmare to stop! 

This feeble Refusal is now available to read at the bottom of the Case Page. Interestingly the Judge is a Family Court Judge, so not even his area of law. This may explain his reluctance to even consider any of the legal points of the Case due to claiming our submissions were too long and just falsely claiming it was the same as the Dolan Case.

We will NOT be bullied by those who think they hold all the power and control and our Rights, Freedoms and lives count for nothing!

Our application for reconsideration and objection of costs are already in the post!  

Update 25

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 18, 2021

The Historical Importance of Our Case

As we go further into the abyss of fascism, tyranny and madness, there is only one beacon of shining hope, one bright light in the darkness and that is NOT an experimental toxic so-called 'vaccine', instead it is our Case. 

Robin Tilbrook sums up the current situation very well regarding the abuse of Our Constitution as follows:


"There is an emerging new British Constitution through which the British Government and British Media and British Establishment and elite will rule England.  What is emerging from Lockdown is a constitution in which British Ministers make up Law and do not need Parliament to do so. 

In the Dolan case (Mr Simon Dolan (1) Ms Lauren Monks (2) – v – Secretary of State for Health & Social Care (1) Secretary of State for Education – Case No. CO/1860/2020) Lord Burnett, the Lord Chief Justice, gave his legal blessing to Ministers who had made the most far reaching restrictions, ever to have been made to our English civil liberties, by “Regulations” (which had appropriately been issued under a “1984” Act!). 

The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 was enacted to allow magistrates powers to restrict the movement of infected sailors or passengers and cargo coming from the docks.  There is no mention in this Act of Ministers being able to Lockdown anyone, let alone the whole of England.

Yet the Lord Chief Justice ruled that Lockdown Regulations were not outside the powers “implicitly” granted in this Act to Ministers to make rules.  So, in effect, the Lord Chief Justice of England has ruled that any Regulation can be made under any Act changing any legal right without the need to go to Parliament for any new legislation to do so.

By all the normal constitutional classifications such a legal ruling means that the British State has ‘transitioned’ from a “Liberal Parliamentary Democracy” into a classic “Police State”.

The only legal case now between the English People and this constitutional shift is the case which I am acting in, with Stephen Morris, the English Democrats’ National Party Secretary, (Dr Kevin Corbett (1) Stephen Morris (2)  Dr Niall McCrae (3) - v – Secretary of State Health & Social Care (1) Secretary of State for Transport (2) The Lord Chancellor (3) – Case No. CO/3772/2020).  This case argues that Lockdown is unconstitutional under the English Constitution and in particular under the English Bill of Rights 1688. 

If we fail in court, before our pro-British political activist judiciary, then the transformation of British rule over us is legally complete.  We are then legally and constitutionally in the same position as Germany in 1933 after the passing of the Enabling Act, when their judiciary also green-lighted rule by ministerial decree!”

Update 24

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 11, 2021

Government Fear and Panic Over Our Case!

The Government of Occupation are now in a state of fear and panic themselves over our Legal Action! This makes a nice change as they are normally inflicting non-stop fear and panic on us, the People! 

They have written a letter to the Court in a pathetic attempt to defend their illegal actions! This feeble effort is available for your amusement and contempt at the bottom of the Case Page. It addresses none of what is actually being challenged in the Court and merely focuses on the Dolan case. 

It is also critical of the length of our submissions and the fact that we have added to our Case. However, both the length and additions are entirely due to the fact that there has been an unprecedented quantity of legislation churned out that is being constantly changed. The Government is responsible for this and it is hypocritical to criticise changes and additions we were forced to make when it was their changes that made this necessary!

Update 23

The People's Lawyers

Jan. 4, 2021

Even More Fascism!

This is very predictable after the so-called 'scientists' have been non-stop calling for more fascist measures to control our lives, the Government of occupation have now imposed Tier 5 fascism! This then makes people want their experimental vaccine as they are lied to that it is "the only way to get back to normal"!

Before you think about having this experimental vaccine or 'the jab' as they downplay it in the Main Stream Media, please watch this video and get everyone you know to watch it and share it. It features doctors from around the world, including our Claimant Dr Kevin Corbett, warning against having this experimental covid vaccine:

The latest case news is that we are being forced to wait for a Court date and apparently there is nothing we can do to speed it up! At every stage the Government have been dragging their heels as they are terrified of when it does go before a Court!


Update 22

The People's Lawyers

Dec. 21, 2020

Reply to the Government 18/12/20

On Friday, 18th December, we sent a Reply to the Government. This was before the latest extreme fascism that was imposed on the People of England over the weekend! Also before these Governments of Occupation stole our Christmas all across the UK! Our Reply is extremely relevant even predicting a Tier 4, but never was this expected to be imposed so suddenly and without even the so-called 'scientists' involved producing any evidence of the alleged 'variant' of so-called 'covid 19'! It is also very convenient that it enables them to massively increase their fascistic regulations and misery inflicted and yet their plans to mass vaccinate are completely unaffected! 

At the last count there has been at least 320 Statutory Instruments churned out by the Government to control every aspect of our lives since 28th January, all with little to no scrutiny. These are rehashed and changed continually to evade any scrutiny and to cause maximum confusion and fear in the public, who struggle to even keep up with it!

We are challenging every aspect of this Government fascism and abuse of our Legal System, Constitution and Parliament and the theft of our Democracy, Freedoms and Rights, from punishing business regulations to health destroying masks and from dictatorial travel restrictions to unlawful arrests and detention and denial of protests.

Our full Reply of 18/12/20 is now available to read at the bottom of the Case Page.    

Update 21

The People's Lawyers

Dec. 6, 2020

Fighting Fascism!

We never thought we would see fascism in the UK coming from our own Government! Just to let you all know that we are working hard on our response. The Government is using the tedious tactic of delay and when they finally do answer it is blatant abuse and manipulation of the law. Their arguments are weak and ours are strong so they just try to get their way by lying and cheating! They also just ignore the law if it does not suit their purpose! For example, a Statutory Instrument can never over-rule a Constitutional Statute, that is happening time and time again but they just ignore it and pretend it is not happening! They also churn out their crooked 'laws' at an unbelievable pace, so it is hard to even keep up with the deception! 

Be assured that we will never give up fighting for our Freedoms and Democracy, we have right and the law on our side and WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!

Update 20

The People's Lawyers

Nov. 20, 2020

The Evasive Government Response of 13/11/20

We received a very evasive response from the Government Legal Department on Friday the 13th November, which was the very last day that they could respond by! This was after they unfairly denied our request for urgency. Please see the bottom of the Case Page to read their feeble efforts. 

Many issues are not addressed, such as the assaults by our own Government on the Constitution, the Common Law, the Legal System, our Parliament, our Sovereignty, our Lawful Democratic Rights and our Human Rights. We have been subject to the greatest attack on our Democracy and Freedom in our history and yet the Government Legal Department has the audacity to state that our claim "lacks utility"! They also falsely claim that many of our challenges are out of time and try to evade the others.

Much of their response is literary filibustering, including a lengthy chronology which actually adds to our case as it clearly exposes the extreme and unprecedented legislation that has been used as a weapon against the People.

We are now compiling a response to this attempt to frustrate justice.     

Update 19

The People's Lawyers

Nov. 4, 2020

This is NOT Democracy!

The Government of Occupation announced another lockdown based upon lies and false statistics driven by fear on Saturday 31st October, to come into effect on Thursday 5th November, when many people might normally be enjoying some Firework Night fun! To claim to validate this cut and dried decision, they then have a vote today when it has already been agreed that Labour will support the Government! How can this be considered Democracy?

Our Claimant, Dr Kevin Corbett, sums it all up very well when he states:

"Our elected Government acts like hijackers seizing the reins of power to enact draconian regulations that terrorise our families and loved ones all based on the misapplication of medical science, or indeed, no science whatsoever. The illegitimacy of these most harmful rules is astounding, given their incompatibility with both the Human Rights Act 1998 and the English Constitution. If they choose to soft peddle on our submission there will be greater tyranny whose ramifications will prove disastrous for our longstanding traditions of justice, equality and freedom."

Meanwhile, we still await a response from the Government to our case against them. It appears their aim is to delay at every opportunity and avoid having to face us in Court! 

Update 18

The People's Lawyers

Nov. 1, 2020

Government Terrified of Our Case!

We are legally challenging the Government's ability to make the illegal legislation they will no doubt be using for this new lockdown that is based upon lies, fear, brainwashing and fake tests!

We received a pathetic acknowledgement of the lodging of our action against them. They also rejected our request for urgency claiming they needed to "prioritise genuinely urgent matters as far as possible". However, we can think of nothing more urgent than stopping this Government of Occupation acting unlawfully and stealing our Rights, Freedoms and Democracy! The real reason is, the Government is terrified of our case as we expose how they are abusing the legal system to impose their tyranny upon us.

As our Claimant Dr Niall McCrae states about the current situation: 

"I find this all very dehumanising. Government is caught in a Covid-crazed warp, and the ordinary people are suffering. There is no end in sight. Masks ad infinitum, explaining one's exemption ad infinitum (until they restrict the exemptions). 

As Simon Dolan and many others are saying, this isn't just about a virus.  It's a power grab. 

Meanwhile the WHO tells us that lockdowns are a mistake, as they make poor people poorer.  Who knew?"

The Government must respond by Thursday (21 days from lodging the case), at every stage they delay and stall as much as they can but we will never surrender!


Update 17

The People's Lawyers

Oct. 21, 2020

Statement of Facts

The mountain of illegal 'covid 19' legislation by this Government of Occupation falsely depriving us of our sacred Freedoms and Rights, causing massive job and businesses loss and economic, health and society devastation, grows ever higher! Just up to the 14th September, 255 Statutory Instruments were imposed upon us! That averages out at around 8 each week since March (see item 14 of our Statement of Facts)! 

Our Statement of Facts that was lodged on Thursday, 15th October is now available at the bottom of the Case Page. This is a mere 12 pages long, and includes biographies of our three Claimants and how their lives have been severely impacted by this illegal legislation. 

Please read the Statement of Facts in addition to the the Final Version of Detailed Statement of Grounds for full information about the Judicial Review that we are demanding. 

Update 16

The People's Lawyers

Oct. 19, 2020

Final Version of Detailed Statement of Grounds

With the constantly confusing and ever changing absurdity of the  'coronavirus' Regulations, including the introduction of the new '3 Tier system', our Legal Team was forced at the last minute to rewrite the Detailed Statement of Grounds from less than one week before! 

Please read the Final Version of Detailed Statement of Grounds (at the bottom of the Case Page) it now stands at 84 pages long and there are many important new additions.

Since the Judicial Review was lodged on Thursday, all three Claimants (along with millions of other people) are now subject to Tier 2 Regulations and yet more infringements on their Rights and Freedoms. 

Update 15

The People's Lawyers

Oct. 16, 2020

Detailed Statement of Grounds

Please read the Detailed Statement of Grounds (see the bottom of the Case Page) we are now fighting for the return of YOUR Rights and YOUR Freedoms that this Government of Occupation has taken away! Also to prevent them from taking even more from us and destroying more businesses and jobs.

It is 75 pages long, please read it all as you will be amazed at their deceit and abuse of the Law and our Rights and Freedoms. This is all based on fake tests for a so-called virus that has not even been proven to exist!

Please support us and help us to promote and publicise this Legal Action that will save lives and our futures and free us from this Tyranny.

Update 14

The People's Lawyers

Oct. 15, 2020

Judicial Review Claim Lodged Today!

Our Judicial Review Claim was lodged today, we are challenging the legality of many of the 'Coronavirus Regulations' and in addition Sections of the Coronavirus Act 2020. 

The 'Regulations' we are challenging include those relating to face coverings on public transport and in a 'relevant place', 'Regulations' relating to the North of England, 'Regulations' relating to International Travel and much more.

Full details will be available soon.

Update 13

The People's Lawyers

Sept. 27, 2020

Court Case

The latest update is, we are now getting the paperwork finalised for the Court Case. We received a reply from the Government to our pre-action protocol letter before claim dated 4th September 2020. This can be best described as a predictable, truculent reply refuting all elements of the claim! It was also scraping the bottom of the barrel in trying to defend the indefensible!

This is a war with battles on all fronts and we were filled with joy to see the crowds, estimated to be 100,000 people, at yesterday's Freedom Rally. However, we were not happy to see the police brutality and Media misrepresentation. 

The one thing that is clear,  is that the war against Government tyranny MUST continue on all fronts. 

Update 12

The People's Lawyers

Sept. 18, 2020

Resist and Act for Freedom Rally

The Resist and Act for Freedom Rally is taking place tomorrow, Saturday 19th September, at 12 pm at Trafalgar Square, London. This is a medic-focussed event with expert speakers, NHS and police Whistle-blowers. Dr Kevin Corbett and Dr Niall McCrae, who are challenging the Government in our Legal Action, will be speaking so please go along if you can to support them! 

Professor Dolores Cahill and many others will also be speaking along with live video links with Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Senator Scott Jensen and Dr Carrie Madej. The Guest MC is Kate Shemirani, who did such a great job last month.

The weather looks good for tomorrow! Large groups please organise yourselves in your bubbles of 6 to stay on the right side of the law!

Update 11

The People's Lawyers

Sept. 2, 2020

Supplemental Judicial Review Letter

The government is continually abusing their power by playing yet another very cruel and illegal trick on the People against their Human Rights, in that it announced in July that unrestricted travel was possible to many destinations. Within days of this, the first of many regulations were imposed, starting with Serbia, demanding that unless people returned by a short deadline they would have to go into 'quarantine' for 14 days. This potentially means 14 days unpaid for some and disrupted plans for others, when they had been led to believe no measures would be imposed for taking a much needed holiday or business travel. In order to avoid this, some cut their holidays short and even paid up to 8 times the normal fare to return in time. At the last count the government has done this on 7 occasions affecting many thousands of people, particularly in France and Spain, and looks certain to repeat it. All based on 'cases' produced by fake tests not even testing for so-called covid 19!

We believe this is illegal and an abuse of power which is unjust and against Human Rights and on Friday, 28th August we sent a Supplemental Judicial Review Letter challenging it, which can be seen at the bottom of the Case Page.       

Update 10

The People's Lawyers

Aug. 27, 2020

Reply from the Government

This week we have received a reply to our Pre-Action Protocol letter. This was merely an acknowledgement demanding extra time to compile a response. It was claimed that the letter that was sent on Friday, 7th August was not received by them until Thursday 13th August, almost a week later! It was also claimed that as apparently this is not a "normal sized Judicial Review Claim" they need extra time to respond and stated they would "endeavour to respond by 4 September 2020" citing "an extremely busy time for the civil servants" as the main reason for this delay! 

No consideration is given to our Human Rights and Democracy that have been illegally denied! From 7th August to 4th September is four weeks to the day, this is a classic government delaying strategy and is an insult to the People of the UK, who they are supposed to be there to serve!    

Update 9

The People's Lawyers

Aug. 17, 2020

Pre-Action Protocol Letter Now Available

The letter sent to the government is now available, please read the challenges we are making regarding their illegal and oppressive attacks against our Democracy and the theft of our Rights all based upon a so-called 'virus' that has never even been proven to exist. No reply has been received so far. 

The link is at the bottom of the 'About the Case' page.   

Update 8

The People's Lawyers

Aug. 13, 2020

Legal Action Started!

We have now started our legal action and a pre-action protocol letter was sent on Friday, 7th August. This letter to both the Health Minister, Matt Hancock, and the Transport Minister, Grant Shapps, requires a government response by 21st August. The full letter should be on the case page soon, but in the meantime here  is a list of what we are challenging and ultimately hoping to get rid of:

The details of the matters being challenged

A) The Coronavirus Act 2020

B) “The Coronavirus Restrictions (No. 2) Regulations”

C) “The Coronavirus Restrictions (No. 3) Regulations”

D) “The Coronavirus International Travel Regulations”

E) “The Face Coverings Regulations” [on public transport and in shops etc.]

F) “The North of England Regulations”

Update 7

The People's Lawyers

July 27, 2020

StandUpX Letter and Mask 'Law' Updates

The deadline for a reply from the government or PHE for proof of the existence of so-called 'covid-19' was 22nd July. As predicted, no reply was received to this letter as they have no proof, as there is no proof! 

Also, a request to the National Research Council (NRC) department of the Canadian government under the Freedom of Information Act, which requested proof of the genuine isolation of SARS-COV-2 [covid-19] was answered as follows:

"A thorough search of NRC’s records has now been completed, and we regret to inform you that no records responsive to your request were identified." 


On the subject of the fraudulent use of the law to control us and destroy our lives, we can now reveal the so-called 'law' that was passed to make it mandatory to wear a mask/ face covering in England. The legislation claiming to make this 'law' is here: 

This was made at 9.00 a.m. on 23rd July 2020 by Health Minister, Matt Hancock, using the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 yet again as an 'Enabling Act' like the Nazis used to establish their dictatorship.

In this it was falsely claimed:  

"These Regulations are made in response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which is posed by the incidence and spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in England."

"The Secretary of State considers that the requirements imposed by these Regulations are proportionate to what they seek to achieve, which is a public health response to the threat."

Despite this being announced on 14th July and therefore having the time to do so, it was also falsely claimed:

"In accordance with section 45R of that Act the Secretary of State is of the opinion that, by reason of urgency, it is necessary to make this instrument without a draft having been laid before, and approved by a resolution of, each House of Parliament."

Note that this so-called law has been made for 12 MONTHS! Also, shockingly the police can use force to get people to obey this absurd so-called 'law':

"(3) Where a person does not comply with a direction given to them by a constable under paragraph (2)(b), the constable may remove them from the relevant place.

(4) A constable exercising the power in paragraph (3) may use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of the power."

As this 'law' has been fraudulently passed regarding mask wearing which is damaging to health and therefore we are legally challenging, we recommend that people do not conform to this. Any questions as to why you are not wearing a mask or face covering can be simply answered that you are "medically exempt". You do not have to justify why under the grounds of confidentiality.  

Update 6

The People's Lawyers

July 16, 2020

Masks are total desecration of our Human Rights!

We now have more infringements of our Human Rights to fight against with the announcement this week that in England from 24th July mask wearing in shops will be mandatory! This will be punishable by fines of £100 for not following the dictate! This is based on fake so-called 'science' claiming that it prevents the spread of the alleged 'virus' when the REAL science has proven masks are very harmful to health. 

This follows the introduction of mandatory masks in shops in Scotland last week and masks will soon be mandatory in Wales on public transport. This means that masks will be mantatory on public transport throughout the UK in addition to shops in England and Scotland.

As well as being harmful to health, masks are associated with slavery and have no place in a Democracy, which the UK currently no longer is. The same goes for the rest of the world at the present. 

We will be fighting in the Courts against ALL 'covid-19' / 'coronavirus' measures, laws, rules, regulations, dictates, advice, guidance, etc. On masks, 'lockdowns', 'social distancing', 'track and trace' etc. and we will demand an immediate ban on testing. This will be for all four countries of the UK as we are ALL suffering and we have ALL had enough! 



Update 5

The People's Lawyers

July 7, 2020

Letter to PM Demanding Proof of Existence of 'Covid-19'!

The push-back movement against Government tyranny continues! 

Now our friends at StandUpX - Science Committee have written to the PM demanding proof of the existence of so-called 'covid-19'. This is to be by way of peer reviewed evidence of isolation and purification of the 'virus'. This is also to be produced with peer reviewed proof that all of the Koch Postulates have been applied to the 'virus'. 

As this so-called 'covid-19' 'virus' is now controlling and dominating our lives, it is only reasonable to be given proof of it and if this proof is not given their ludicrous measures of control and vaccination plans should STOP NOW!

The Government have been given to the 22nd of July to provide proof, of course they will not be able to as 'covid-19' does not exist, but it will be interesting to see what they say in their reply. See the letter here: 

As you can see the signatories of the letter are Dr Kevin Corbett, Piers Corbyn, David Crowe, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr David Rasnick and Professor Roger Watson. Many more health professionals also wanted to sign the letter but were sadly unable to for fear of the implications to their careers of going against the Government narrative. Dr Kevin Corbett has written some excellent papers on all of this insanity, see: 

Thank you to Simon Dolan and his team for all their hard work for us, please keep going. We need to fight this Government of Occupation over their lies and fraud at every opportunity!

Update 4

The People's Lawyers

July 2, 2020

Fighting Against the Masks!

We can confirm that we are also challenging the legality of being forced to wear masks/ face coverings on public transport and now even in shops in Scotland. It is extremely harmful to health and has no scientific evidence of effectiveness. This is just another form of mind control and to create constant fear and worry in the public. Further, it is against our Human Rights and we should not accept this or any other of the ludicrous measures this Government of Occupation brings in.

This represents a complete 'U turn' on policy by the Government who has announced on many occassions that mask wearing would not be required. It is also against advice given by SAGE and documented in the SAGE minutes and reports. 

Even the WHO does not advise mandatory mask wearing by healthy members of the public:

They have a very long list of problems and risks caused by mask wearing. However, the Government even ignores them in their determination to dictate and to control us.

As well as acting illegally in bringing in a law that is very harmful to health, the Transport Minister has even acted illegally in his method of making this law. This is because he brought it in as a Statutory Instrument under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, which has been used by this Government as an Enabling Act and a way to bypass Human Rights Legislation, Parliamentary scrutiny, and a requirement for 'emergency' legislation to be both proportionate and temporary. Twelve months with a review before 6 months can hardly be described as temporary! 

Further, he announced it on 4th June and then waited until 14th June to actually legislate to avoid having to lay it before Parliament. He then falsely used section 45R of the 1984 Act to claim that he had to pass it urgently. Here is the Statutory Instrument:

We challenge all aspects of 'covid-19' legislation and 'measures' taken against it, as it has never been isolated and proven to exist legally, medically or scientifically. 

The Government is using so-called 'covid-19' to ruin our economy and take away our Rights, Freedom and Democracy and TOGETHER WE WILL STOP THEM!

Update 3

The People's Lawyers

June 24, 2020

WARNING! The 'Second Wave' is Coming for Us!

The Government of Occupation is now slowly 'allowing' the businesses it should never have forced to close to finally open up again and tiny 'easings' of 'lockdown' are being permitted! However, it is all subject to vast amounts of absurd rules, regulations, contradictions and confusion. Every announcement and all MSM news also comes with threats of the 'second wave' and 'local lockdowns' that THEY WILL ensure happens unless WE STOP them and those second, third, fourth waves and new virus mutations! 


We have now reached and exceeded our initial target of £30,000, thank you so much to all of our wonderful supporters! We now need to reach our stretch target so we cannot stop now!

Please support us as much as you can and tell everyone you know about our legal action. We are fighting them all the way in every way and we will not stop until we get our Rights, Freedoms, Democracy and 'old normal' back. We are not prepared to have the lives they with their sinister 'Agendas' want for us and our children and grandchildren.  

They try to brainwash us into 'saving lives' when they are guilty of costing lives with their insane and illegal laws! Why should we accept their dictates and be forced to be under house arrest, follow pathetic rules,  'social distance', make ourselves ill wearing masks, be 'tested, traced and tracked' and ultimately be forced to have a lethal vaccine?  

We must not accept the theft of our Rights, Freedoms and Democracy along with the ruin of our NHS and Economy by a Government that is acting illegally and has now turned our Democracy into a Dictatorship! 


Update 2

The People's Lawyers

June 12, 2020

Our Government Has Destroyed Our Country!

However, all is not lost if we unite NOW and fight our Government in the Courts as the law is on OUR side. They need to be stopped NOW before the damage is even worse.

Our Government has caused thousands of deaths with their illegal 'lockdown' due to lack of treatment. Then they claim these are 'covid-19 positive' deaths to boost their statistics.

Our Government control and manipulate these mortality statistics.

Our Government will cause many many more deaths as their actions have made the NHS Waiting List over 10 million people now and many will die waiting. 

Our Government will cause many further deaths as vital cancer screening and treatment is not happening and there will be many suicides of people broken by the illegal 'lockdown'.

Our Government ban us from seeing our ill and dying family and friends in hospital and then limits numbers for funerals which then have to 'social distance'.

Our Government will only allow us to see family and friends outdoors, under their silly confusing rules, 'socially distanced' of course. 

Our Government pointlessly has caused our healthy economy to plunge by 20.4% in April because of their insane illegal 'lockdown'.

Our Government has used our police force that we fund to enforce their illegal actions and make them fine us if we do not comply.

Our Government has destroyed people's lives with their illegal actions, jobs are lost, businesses ruined, children are deprived of their education all for nothing as even Professor Neil Ferguson was forced to admit.

Our Government are now forcing us to wear masks on public transport even though this has no benefit and will give us health problems.

Our Government is forcing us to do absurd 'social distancing' which has no scientific evidence but just destroys businesses and makes our lives a misery.

Our Government allows 'social distancing' rules to be broken by protesters that are furthering their divide and rule aims.

Our Government is forcing our children to 'socially distance' and be frightened if they do get to go to school, which will give them mental health problems. 

Our Government has removed all enjoyment from our lives such as holidays, watching sport and even going out for a meal or a drink. 

Our Government is illegally tracking and tracing us based upon fake tests.

Our Government illegally took our Rights and Freedoms literally over night and are only slowly giving them back and giving us endless, silly, insulting, confusing rules.

Our Government is now plotting to have regional illegal 'lockdowns' and has given Local Authorities £300 million for this.

Our Government is plotting a 'second wave' of so-called 'covid-19' and has already commenced the brainwashing programme for this.

Our Government is plotting with Gavi and Gates etc. for us to all to have a lethal vaccine before they will allow our lives to return to any sort of normality.

Our Government has given Gavi and Gates hundreds of millions of pounds for these vaccines and has promised many more hundreds of millions of our money to them.

Our Government has used psychological warfare against the People right from the start of this 'pandemic' with their Behavioural Insights (brainwashing) Team using the Main Stream Media and even the 77th Brigade from the army to control the narrative and generate fear.

Our Government, however, now need to be frightened themseves as the People are waking up, are not happy and know they are to blame! 

Please support our legal action against this Government of Occupation, let's stop them and take our Rights, Freedoms and Democracy back NOW!        

Update 1

The People's Lawyers

June 1, 2020

Our Judicial Review legal process has commenced!

Thank you all so much for your backing and your lovely inspiring comments. We need to unite to fight against what has turned into a Dictatorship in the UK governed by fear, confusion and false information. 

For those concerned that we are somehow duplicating the great effort of Simon Dolan, please be assured that we are not and we are actually extending beyond it with out intent to ban testing and tracing. Our main legal challenge is based on the fact that The Coronavirus Act 2020 defines 'coronavirus' as being 'covid-19' but as the Koch's Postulates have not been followed at all, it cannot be recognised and proven to be a disease or virus legally, medically or scientifically. 

This also has the follow on effect that it is not possible to test for what you have not isolated. Further only 'gold standard' tests should be used for diagnostics. We are also challenging the Government over the fact that they have not followed the established procedures regarding Pandemics on a National or International basis.

Our aim is for life to return to the 'old normal' that it should have remained. We should have no more 'lockdown', 'social distancing', testing, tracing and you certainly cannot vaccinate against what you have not proven to exist.

Please help us by promoting and supporting this campaign as much as you can for a better future than the nightmare one 'they' have planned for us all.

    There are no public comments on this case page.