Support the XR Waltham Forest legal defence fund

by Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest

Support the XR Waltham Forest legal defence fund

by Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest
Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest
Case Owner
We are the local Waltham Forest group of Extinction Rebellion - an international movement using non-violent civil disobedience to demand our governments act on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
on 09th January 2020
pledged of £5,000 stretch target from 27 pledges
Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest
Case Owner
We are the local Waltham Forest group of Extinction Rebellion - an international movement using non-violent civil disobedience to demand our governments act on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

We need your support for local Waltham Forest Extinction Rebellion rebels!

Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. But isn’t too late to take affirmative action that will reduce the impact on the planet and all species on it.

Chingford, Leyton, Leytonstone & Walthamstow is home to hundreds of Rebels who have been engaging in acts of civil disobedience in order to highlight the suffering that is already a reality to millions of people and animals around the world. And it will only get worse. We are in rebellion against the UK government for its criminal inaction in the face of this climate crisis, demanding that they take immediate steps to reduce further suffering. 

One of our local rebels, Rob, who was arrested in October, describes: 

“As a counsellor, I’m concerned about the impact of the climate crisis on the mental health of people. The world is literally on fire – THIS IS AN EMERGENCY – and it would be more unusual to feel nothing than to feel a healthy dose of grief, terror and/or despair.  When I joined Extinction Rebellion I found a community of people that value empathy and respect and welcomes every part of every person. I was arrested on the corner of Trafalgar Square during the Autumn Rebellion and detained in a police cell. I'm now awaiting my court date. I’ve acted in accordance with my conscience and that, at the end of the day, is the most important thing. I remain forever grateful to everyone who took part in the Rebellion, for standing up and being counted at this critical moment in the history of all life on Earth, on behalf of those that were able to take part, and those that weren’t."

As Rob describes, he and many like him from Waltham Forest are currently going through the court system, with many facing trial, and some risking jail. Mounting defence fees and court costs are putting a huge strain on those arrested for sounding the alarm.

Our aim with this fund is to help ease the financial burden on local rebels and assist them through the court process. This is an opportunity for all of us to show our support and solidarity. Any donation, big or small, will be massively appreciated, help immensely and mean a great deal to everyone involved.

We currently have around 25 rebels that have either gone through, or soon will soon face the court system. Our aim is to raise at least £5000 to help them out. And to continue the rebellion until the UK government steps up to the task.

Thanks so much for your help!

Love & rage,

Waltham Forest Extinction Rebellion

P.s. We want to create a culture which is healthy, resilient and adaptable, and benefits both people and the wider environment. We welcome everyone and every part of everyone. Join us to meet local people involved and find your place in the movement

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