Stop Unfair Labour Party Expulsions
Stop Unfair Labour Party Expulsions

I have been a Labour Party member since being inspired to vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the first leadership election. Before then I had delivered leaflets for the Party since the age of 14 and had been invited to the CLP to speak about a campaign I ran against the academisation of my school. Since that time, I have twice been elected to be the Youth Co-ordinator for the constituency and arranged discussion groups to get young people active in the Party.
On the 7th of February, I was expelled from the Labour Party because I 'actively campaigned' for Socialist Appeal and the Marxist Student Federation. Neither of these groups are proscribed organisations. In fact, Socialist Appeal supporters have been involved with the Labour Party for 25 years. Socialist Appeal does not and never has campaigned against or supported candidates against the Labour Party.
Moreover, I was originally suspended for the exact same reason as this expulsion. After making a written statement, where I explained that Socialist Appeal are not banned, I was reinstated Two weeks later, I have now been expelled. This is the bureacracy of the Party going beyond their powers. It is also telling that this is happening now, just when the Left have the chance to be the dominant force in the Party.
The rule that was used to expel me states that you are forbidden to 'support a political organisation other than an official Labour group or unit of the Party'. If this is the case, why are groups such as Progress, Labour First or any of the other groups that actively campaign against the democratically elected leader of the Party allowed to stay? These organisations have their own paid staff, their own separate programme, publications and propaganda. The only difference is that these organisations support the Right Wing and Socialist Appeal support the Left Wing of the Party.
The Right Wing of the Party, who represent a tiny minority, are using the Party structures to remove political opponents.
I believe we must oppose this anti-democratic purge. We must ensure that it is the members who make the decisions within the Party. If the bureacracy prevail and we are unable to offer a radical alternative, we could see the emergence of a British Trump. Labour needs to stand on a bold socialist programme and represent the class it was created to represent.
It is for this reason that I am launching a legal challenge against the unfair expulsions of Labour Party members. I have a hearing on the 21st of February and need to raise money for court fees. As a young worker I will not be able to afford this without your help.
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