Stop the climate and nature wrecking A38 road expansion for good

by Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Stop the climate and nature wrecking A38 road expansion for good

by Stop the A38 Expansion Group
Stop the A38 Expansion Group
Case Owner
We're a group of local residents who want to stop the carbon-emitting, polluting, nature-destroying A38 Derby Junctions road scheme.
on 02nd November 2021
pledged of £55,500 stretch target from 950 pledges
Stop the A38 Expansion Group
Case Owner
We're a group of local residents who want to stop the carbon-emitting, polluting, nature-destroying A38 Derby Junctions road scheme.

Latest: March 23, 2025

Tell the Government to cut road schemes to address the deficit without harming t

As the Labour Government seeks to make more cuts to public spending, it's more important than ever to tell them to scrap destructive and low value road schemes like the A38 expansion in their inf…

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We successfully stopped the A38 road expansion with a Crowd Justice campaign before and we can do it again with your help. 

If the A38 development consent order had not been quashed in March 2021, then thousands of trees would now be felled, wildlife habitats would be destroyed and polluting construction work would be underway.

National Highways (formerly Highways England) are still trying to bulldoze through the A38 Derby Junctions road scheme, despite our successful legal challenge in March 2021, when consent for the road expansion was quashed in the High Court on the grounds of climate change. 

Transport Minister Grant Shapps admitted he had acted unlawfully when he approved the scheme as he failed to consider the cumulative impacts of the carbon emissions.  

However, he has said he will redetermine the application after seeking further information from National Highways and objectors on their plans to expand the A38 between the Kingsway and Little Eaton roundabouts, effectively turning part of it into a motorway by creating six lanes of traffic along with huge concrete underpasses and flyovers. 

This is despite knowing that the emissions from the road's construction, the pollution from the resulting increased traffic and the loss of thousands of trees would be disastrous for the global fight against climate change.

We need your help to hire legal experts to submit evidence to stop this scheme being pushed through.

Construction of the new road scheme will involve:

After construction:

This case is unprecedented and will have implications for other carbon intensive Government schemes...

If we succeed in stopping the A38 road scheme again, it could have far-reaching consequences nationally. That’s because the Government is planning to spend £27 billion over the next five years on building 4,000 miles of new roads around the country (Road Investment Strategy 2 – RIS2). This will increase carbon emissions on the strategic road network by 20 millions of tons at a time when they must reduce buy 167 million tons. 

How does the Government get away with approving these damaging schemes? It does it by looking at each new road scheme in isolation, without taking into account the carbon emissions from other planned developments. National Highways is arguing that the tonnes of carbon emitted from the A38 expansion is a tiny proportion of national carbon emissions, and is therefore insignificant, but it’s colossal when added to all the other proposed developments locally and nationally. 

It begs the question, do Government ministers not understand carbon budgets and the catastrophic impacts of climate change... or are they wilfully ignoring the climate science and environmental laws for short term economic gains? Either way, they are risking millions of lives and jeopardising the future of human civilisation. 

If we are able to prove how detrimental the A38 expansion would be in the global fight against climate change, RIS2 would also be threatened, meaning that it may lead to many other environmentally damaging new roads plans being scrapped.


Air pollution is deadly 

It is totally irresponsible and dangerous when the Government knows that pollution kills and Derby has already been identified as having unsafe levels of pollution at sites in the inner city. Road traffic pollution is a silent killer. It can cause asthma, heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and dementia, among many other health conditions. 

Some try to claim the scheme will make air quality safe around the A38. It may lower pollution in some areas if traffic is idling less, but there will still be unsafe levels of air pollution as long as road vehicles are burning fossil fuels and generating particulate matter from tyres and brakes. If you look at the planning documents and compare them to WHO recommended levels of safe air pollution, they will still fail to meet them. 

Climate Crisis: "Code red for humanity"

The United Nations has called the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report "a code red for humanity", stating that we need immediate action to cut carbon emissions if we are to avert catastrophe, and that "there is no room for excuses". 

The naturalist Sir David Attenborough has said climate change is humanity's greatest threat in thousands of years - it could lead to the collapse of civilisations and the extinction of "much of the natural world". 

 Shockingly, our Transport Minister Grant Shapps and National Highways still seem to think it’s worth risking billions of lives and the collapse of civilisation by pushing through carbon intensive, nature destroying, outdated road schemes. They are ignoring these deafening alarm bells about the climate crisis, putting all of our lives in grave danger while sending future generations into a hellish future of deadly extreme weather events and wars over habitable land, food and water - all for “improved journey times” and “economic benefits” dispute the mountains of evidence that shows that road schemes fail to deliver these in the long term. 

This is urgent

The Government and local authorities who support this scheme are prioritising more tarmac for more traffic and more profits for developers over our health, over green spaces, over wildlife and over legally binding climate action. 

They should be doing everything they can to prevent further climate change and reduce pollution. They should not be spending £250 million in Derby (and £90 billion nationally over the next 15 years) on expanding roads that will help accelerate us towards a climate catastrophe and will reduce the quality of life of many of the city’s residents. To stand any chance of limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C we need to stop building roads and stop increasing road traffic NOW, not in a few years' time. The UN says that we are already "perilously close" to this temperature rise, so we have very little time left.

We really can't let this new road scheme go ahead. We have to take drastic action in the fight against climate change. That means not increasing carbon emissions and investing in sustainable, low carbon transport instead of even more roads.

How can you help?

We cannot allow National Highways and the Government to continue to pander to the powerful road lobby and put billions of lives at risk from climate breakdown. 

We need to raise an initial £3,500 to pay for legal experts to fight plans for the A38 expansion and we would be so grateful if you could donate to our Crowd Justice page to help us put a stop to this destructive new road scheme once and for all. 

We successfully stopped the A38 expansion before and we can do it again with your help. If the development consent order had not been quashed in March 2021, then the thousands of trees would now be felled, wildlife habitats would be destroyed and polluting construction work would be underway. 

Whatever amount you can give will help enormously. 

Thank you! We are so grateful for your donation and your support. Please spread the word by sharing this page and by telling as many people as you can about it. 

You may also like to join our Facebook group to keep in touch and find out about the latest developments.

Find out more about the A38 Derby Junctions road scheme here:

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Update 32

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

March 23, 2025

Tell the Government to cut road schemes to address the deficit without harming t

As the Labour Government seeks to make more cuts to public spending, it's more important than ever to tell them to scrap destructive and low value road schemes like the A38 expansion in their infrastructure spending review. 

Liz Kendall, the work and pensions secretary, already announced a £5bn cut to disability payments, which could leave as many as 1.2 million disabled people facing losses of thousands of pounds.  

The Social Market Foundation recommends cutting road schemes as a way to address the UK's fiscal deficit without harming the most vulnerable. 

Transport Action Network listed 16 Government road schemes that if cancelled could save £15 billion. The A38 expansion is one of these schemes. 

Meanwhile road schemes have been funded despite their costs inflating.  

The A50 junction scheme has doubled in price since 2021 now costing over £70 million. 

The M3 Junction 9 costs have rocketed in just over two years, up by over a third, from £215m to £290m.  

At no point have there been any legal challenges to delay these schemes, as the roads lobby try to blame for increasing costs. The cost increase is down to failures to predict inflation and risk. 

The A38 expansion was estimated to cost about £250 million in 2019. The full business case which will calculate the updated costs is due by June 2026. 

Our second legal challenge was based on the scheme being approved with out of date economic information but the court ruled the Government is entitled to do this. 

The Government spending review concludes in June 2025 so how can an accurate and informed decision on the A38 be made? National Highways has refused a freedom of information request about what information they have sent to the Government about the A38 scheme for the review. We are trying to ensure they are not providing incorrect and out of date information. 

If the Government needs to make budget cuts and save public money, it should not be wasting money on these overpriced, pointless, polluting and destructive road schemes. 

Please email your MP to tell them to scrap the A38 and other destructive, poor value road schemes to save £15 billion and stop making cuts to that harm the most vulnerable. 

Mayor says improve public transport before expanding road. 

The mayor of North Yorkshire has said he will prioritise improving public transport in the region rather than campaigning for the A64 to be dualled.

Elected mayor David Skaith said "My priority is improving the bus, rail and active travel offer. Do that first, then you're left with what you need to do with the road."

Thank you for your support. There's still hope to stop this destructive scheme once and for all if enough of us tell politicians to scrap it in the spending review and use public funds for social good instead. 

Please keep writing and sharing this link with your network too…   

Update 31

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

March 12, 2025

Keep Calm and Carry on Writing

National highways has updated their website saying the legal challenge has concluded and they're starting work…don’t worry!   

They are starting work on the “Full business case” which includes updating the costs of the scheme and updating surveys on all the nature they’re going to annihilate. 

A freedom of information request revealed they expect to complete this by June 2026. 

An investment decision is then made after the full business case (all behind closed doors). 

The A38 expansion is still subject to the Government’s infrastructure spending review. 

So keep writing to your political representatives to tell them to stop wasting public funds on pointless and destructive schemes like this and invest the money into public transport for Derby and the region instead.  

The economic case for the A38 scheme is weak, especially when considering all the harm it will cause to the environment, local communities and public health. 

During the planning examination concerns were raised about missing economic case information but National Highways never provided them. 

They also only proposed road schemes, they never even considered any other transport solutions (such as better local public transport services) for the A38 junctions. 

Evidence from National Highways' own 2017 report on the pinch-point programme suggests that road expansion projects often fail to deliver promised congestion relief. 

Many schemes have made congestion worse due to induced demand, and the A38 expansion will likely have the same outcome and planning documents predict an increase in traffic which will lead to an increase in pollution too. Again highlighting how wasteful and utterly pointless the project is.

Yet this scheme was approved anyway and our second legal challenge was dismissed because the Government is entitled to approve things with incomplete and out of date information if they choose to. They’re also entitled to just push through schemes again if they are found unlawful. 

So keep taking action, keep writing and telling people you know to do the same:   

Update 30

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Nov. 19, 2024

Legal Case Update: All Efforts on the Infrastructure Spending Review

Thank you everyone for your support. Without our combined efforts, the A38 expansion would already have destroyed thousands of trees, devastated wildlife habitats, and worsened air pollution levels and the climate crisis. Your donations have made a tangible, positive impact in preventing environmental destruction. 

The Court of Appeal has refused our application for a further hearing, upholding the previous ruling that the Secretary of State can make decisions based on outdated information.

As a result, we will close the Crowd Justice page—but this is not the end! There is still hope to stop the A38 expansion. 

Keep reading and sign up to our mailing list to take part in our email / letter writing actions. 

Where We Stand

Our legal challenges, funded by you, have brought us to this critical point. As we've seen, unless the Government scraps the scheme, they can continue to push it through even after successful legal challenges. 

Many road schemes have already been cancelled by Labour, and the A38 expansion is still being decided in the infrastructure review. 

National Highways and the Department for Transport are now updating the costs and economic assessment/ business case of the A38 scheme to determine if it still represents “value for money.”

Our Recent Efforts for the Transport Infrastructure review

Legal Setbacks and Accountability

Our second legal challenge focused on outdated economic assessments underpinning the scheme. Despite losing, the Government must still conduct this assessment—albeit now behind closed doors, without public scrutiny or accountability.

The previous Secretary of State for Transport ignored over 50 new investment guidelines, carbon pricing updates, and inflation’s impact on construction costs when approving the A38 scheme for a second time. Unfortunately, the courts sided with the Government, allowing ministers to make major infrastructure decisions based on outdated and incomplete information.

Our legal team commented:

“Although disappointing that the Court of Appeal has refused permission to proceed, this case has highlighted the importance of infrastructure decisions being based on up-to-date information and identified a lacuna in transparency and accountability... The decision to approve the road scheme in 2023 was based on a summary of the Outline Business Case... dated in April 2019 – in the meantime, there had been numerous relevant policy and guidance changes... dismissed by the Minister taking the decision as inconsequential, despite having seen only a summary of the Outline Business Case.”

– Lewis Hadler, Senior Paralegal, Richard Buxton Solicitors

Next Steps

We are pushing for transparency in this process and urging the new Government to cancel the A38 expansion. A decision on the infrastructure review is expected by March or April 2024 (according to an answer to a parliamentary question.).

How You Can Help

Thank you for standing with us in our effort to protect our community, Derbyshire wildlife and the planet!

This is not over!

Update 29

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Nov. 1, 2024

Road Schemes both Scrapped and Funded in Autumn Budget

We were expecting news on the A38 this October, as it is part of the Government’s infrastructure and capital spending review. We thought a decision might be announced in the budget.

Ahead of this, our campaign submitted a report to the Treasury and the Department for Transport on why the A38 road expansion should be cancelled. This is a low-value scheme with significant environmental and social drawbacks. The intended goals of reduced congestion and improved housing access could be achieved with alternatives that are lower-cost, less disruptive, and have fewer environmental and social impacts.

Read our report: Why Cancel the A38 Derby Junctions Road Expansion Scheme

Here’s what the Autumn Budget 2024 budget announced:

The Good News

“4.73 As part of the government’s commitment to growth, it will take difficult decisions where there is not a clear value-for-money case to invest. After a review, the Transport Secretary has decided not to progress with the following unfunded and unaffordable road schemes on the strategic road network: A5036 Princess Way, A358 Taunton to Southfields, M27 J8 Southampton, the A47 Great Yarmouth Vauxhall Roundabout, and A1 Morpeth to Ellingham.

The Bad News

“4.70 Progressing key strategic road schemes, such as dualling sections of the A47, where work has begun to improve connectivity between East Anglia and the North, and on the A57, where work will start in the coming weeks to improve journey times between Sheffield and Greater Manchester. Roads investment in 2025-26 will be funded through an interim roads settlement, and the third Road Investment Strategy will be set out in the next phase of the Spending Review. The government will also move toward feasibility work on improvements to the A75 by providing up to £5 million in 2025-26.”

It’s good news that the Chancellor has scrapped several harmful road schemes, like the A5036 through Rimrose Valley Country Park.

However, it’s disappointing that the A57 Link Road scheme went ahead in the Peak District. This will only push traffic jams further along, creating pressure for more roadbuilding in the National Park.

Yet, a decision has still not been made on the A38 Derby Junctions scheme. It’s possible a decision may be delayed until March 2025 or the outcome of our appeal.

We’re also awaiting a decision on our application for a hearing at the Court of Appeal.

Meanwhile, as the Government approves some roads and considers others like the A38, the climate crisis continues. Soon after deadly typhoons in the Philippines and catastrophic hurricanes in the USA, flash flooding has claimed over 100 lives in southern Spain. Roads were completely destroyed, vehicles piled up in the streets and supermarkets left empty, lacking enough bottled water for everyone.

These extreme weather events have been intensified by global heating. With each fraction of a degree of fossil fuel-driven warming, the atmosphere holds more moisture, leading to heavier bursts of rainfall.

This is why urgent action is needed to halt emissions and prevent even worse future disasters. It requires every country to do its part. With private vehicle use on roads as one of the UK’s major emission sources, the Government must redirect funds from road building into sustainable transport.

Our fight to stop the A38 expansion continues!

Stay tuned for updates on our petition. In the meantime, please subscribe to our mailing list and consider donating to our legal challenge appeal.

Update 28

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Sept. 30, 2024

Appeal filed and more updates

Dear Supporters,

We’re pleased to inform you that our appeal application has been filed with the Court. We expect to hear by mid-October at the earliest but it could be weeks later, about whether we’ll get a hearing at the Court of Appeal.

Additionally, the new Government's infrastructure capital spending review will likely reveal by late October if the A38 Derby Junctions scheme will be scrapped. 

You can read more about this in the following article:
“Labour urged to scrap UK road schemes such as £9bn Lower Thames Crossing”

What You Can Do Now:

It’s crucial to keep asking Labour politicians to scrap new road schemes and encouraging others to do so. 

Here’s how to write to your representatives:

And information on why the A38 scheme should be scrapped:

Derby residents have campaigned for years to stop this destructive £250 million scheme, which would increase traffic, destroy over 11 hectares of trees, wildlife sites, and public green space, and add 131,000 tons of CO2 during construction. Instead, we’re calling for this money to be invested in public transport and active travel to reduce traffic and tackle air pollution and the climate crisis.

Take Action:

We’re still below our fundraising target and need to cover legal fees already incurred. If the scheme is scrapped, any funds raised will go toward settling these costs.

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,
The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign Team

Update 27

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Sept. 16, 2024

You can still help us to stop the A38 road expansion!

Thank you to everyone who responded to the autumn budget Treasury survey (read our campaign's submission here) and to all who have donated and supported the campaign.

Our campaign has prevented the A38 expansion for over 4 years and your support has made a real difference. Thanks to you, thousands of trees and wildlife habitats remain unharmed, and over 131,000 tons of carbon emissions have been prevented from worsening the climate crisis.

Although the judge dismissed our second legal challenge, we’re not giving up. Without our collective efforts, this destruction would already be underway.

The new Government is reviewing infrastructure and capital spending due to the £22 billion budget deficit. Road schemes like Stonehenge and Arundel have already been cancelled.

The economic case for the A38 expansion is weak, if not non-existent—especially when weighed against its devastating environmental and social impacts. With global temperatures breaking records, and tipping points of the climate and nature crises unfolding, this road scheme will contribute to even more deaths from climate breakdown.

Take Action:

Thank you for your continued support!

Update 26

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Aug. 27, 2024

Court decision - Help us appeal the decision and urge the new government

Dear supporter,

We hope this email finds you well. Today, we face a critical moment in our campaign to stop the destructive A38 Derby Junctions scheme. Despite our best efforts, the High Court has ruled against our legal challenge, but we refuse to give up. We are urgently appealing this decision and urging the new Government to scrap the scheme for good. 

Read more in our press release: 

Sign our new petition to the new Government: 

🚨 The Crisis We Face:

The A38 Derby Junctions scheme, backed by the previous Conservative government, poses a grave threat to our city and our planet. This project will release over 131,000 tons of carbon pollution during construction alone, exacerbating the climate crisis at a time when we must be reducing emissions, not increasing them.

This scheme will:

  • Destroy thousands of trees, including centuries-old oaks, and wipe out precious wildlife habitats.

  • Increase air pollution in areas, harming the health of local communities, particularly those near the Markeaton Roundabout, including residents at the Royal School of the Deaf.

  • Lock in decades of more traffic and higher carbon emissions, making it harder for the UK to meet its legally binding climate targets.

🌍 An Existential Threat:

The climate crisis is not a distant threat—it is here now, killing people and devastating communities worldwide. From wildfires to floods, extreme weather is becoming more frequent and severe, threatening our food security and the very foundations of life. This scheme will only make things worse, pushing us further toward climate breakdown.

💥 A Chance for Change:

This outdated and wasteful project was pushed through by the previous Conservative government. Now, with a new Labour government in power, there is an opportunity to scrap this flawed scheme, fill the budget deficit, and redirect much-needed funds to public transport improvements. This is not just a fight for Derby—it is a fight for the future.

How You Can Help:

We need your support now more than ever. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Donate to Our Appeal: We urgently need funds to continue our legal battle. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.

  2. Sign Our Petition: Join thousands of others in calling on the new Labour government to scrap the A38 scheme and invest in sustainable, public transport instead.

  3. Share This Message: Help us spread the word by sharing this email with friends, family, and colleagues. Together, we can build the momentum needed to stop this destructive project.

Donate to Our Appeal | Sign the Petition | Read Our Full Statement

Thank you for standing with us in this crucial fight. The court’s ruling today is not the end of the road—it’s just the beginning. With your support, we will continue to stand up for Derby, our environment, and the future we all deserve.

Many thanks,

Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign group

Update 25

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

July 31, 2024

Destructive road schemes cancelled! Will the A38 expansion be next?

We are still awaiting a court decision following our legal case on 14 May to stop the polluting and destructive A38 expansion. 

Meanwhile, there's some positive news - the new government has cancelled several road schemes, including the controversial Stonehenge project, to address a public spending deficit left by the previous Government. 

This is a good step, and we hope it leads to more focus on sustainable transport projects instead. 

The costs of schemes, like A303 Stonehenge and Lower Thames Crossing, have been underestimated. Some could cost more than they deliver in benefits. 

As you know, our latest legal challenge’s ground was on the out of date economic assessment. The £250 million A38 expansion hasn't had an economic assessment update since 2019. National Highways hasn't published the full economic assessment, and the scheme hasn't had a full business case analysis. 

We've raised concerns about the lack of oversight and transparency with this scheme. Costs haven’t been updated to account for inflation, carbon pricing and other treasury guidance for infrastructure projects. There's a troubling culture of secrecy within Government and National Highways. National Highways has refused FOI requests related to the economic assessment of the A38 scheme.

While we hoped for immediate cancellations of all problematic road schemes, the new Labour Government’s cancel some projects is a positive step. Louise Haigh’s recent announcement of an internal review of the Department for Transport’s capital spend portfolio is also promising. 

We believe the A38 Derby Junctions scheme should be scrapped on both economic and environmental grounds. Investing in better public transport, active travel, and traffic management would ease congestion, reduce pollution while retaining thousands of trees and wildlife habitats. Sustainable transport offers a better return on investment than road expansion and is crucial for tackling the urgent climate and biodiversity crisis.

Transport is now the UK's biggest contributor to the climate crisis, accounting for about a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in road schemes that increase traffic and emissions doesn't align with the UK’s legally binding climate targets and will worsen the impacts of the climate crisis, ultimately destroying more lives due to extreme weather, food shortages and social breakdown. 

Our campaign will be writing to the new Government to urge them to scrap this destructive and polluting scheme and we will be ready to launch an appeal if the court does not rule in our favour. 

Thank you for your continued support,

The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign group 

Update 24

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

June 19, 2024

Update & election manifestos

We are still waiting for the court decision on our case. It is not unusual or judgments to take week to be delivered from the high court. 

We will share news as soon as we hear and will be ready to appeal if needed. 

You might have heard there's a general election on the 4 July 🙃

Our friends at Transport Action Network have written a great analysis of the different parties' manifestos on transport and road building:

We're still fundraising if you're able to donate again to our crowd funder. Thank you for all your support so far!

Update 23

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

May 15, 2024

Court hearing update

Our case against the polluting and destructive A38 expansion was in court yesterday!

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us and to everyone who has supported our campaign and legal challenge  We're still fundraising so please donate if you can: 


The judge listened to all the arguments from both sides and will make a decision likely in a few weeks time. We still believe our case is strong and our legal team did a brilliant job. 

After a successful legal challenge in 2021, we believe the transport minister acted unlawfully again by approving the scheme with an outdated economic assessment.

The economic assessment is important as the Government claims the supposed economic benefits of the scheme outweigh all the negative public health, social and environmental impacts. 

The Government’s transport minister acknowledges in his August 2023 decision letter that the scheme has many negative environmental and social impacts such as...

However the minister decided the economic benefits such as facilitating a “minimum of 11,000 developments” near the A38 outweighs all these negative impacts.

Please share our social media posts:

Update 22

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

May 9, 2024

Less than a week to go

Our hearing is less than a week away now! On Tuesday 14 May our lawyers will present evidence for why the a38 expansion scheme is still unlawful and the Government will argue a defence. 

It is very unlikely the high court judge will make a decision on Tuesday. Judgments are usually delivered weeks after a hearing. 

Crowdfunding Update: 

Our fundraiser has raised nearly £40,000 which is amazing! But we are still short of the final target. Fortunately we can still keep fundraising after the hearing to pay our legal team. 

The Crowd Justice page has a counter saying “ # days to go”  but that resets every 30 days as we met our initial target and now we’re on the stretch target. 

It’s so uplifting to know so many people care about protecting nature, air quality and our climate from these wasteful, polluting and destructive Government plans. Everyone volunteering in our campaign group sends a huge thank you for the support and help we’ve received with our legal challenge fundraiser. 



Painting the Veteran Oak Tree Event:

  • Date: Saturday, 1 June

  • Location: Veteran oak tree near the curly bridge, Markeaton Park / Queensway, Derby

  • Time: 2PM - 5PM

We're holding a second group drawing / painting session near the 300 year old veteran oak tree near Markeaton Park's curly bridge.

In January, many local artists gathered to draw and paint the veteran oak and green space under threat from the polluting and destructive A38 expansion.

Please bring your own art materials, something to sit on (if you like) and suitable clothing and sun protection. If the weather is wet, we'll reschedule for a dryer day.

All welcome, you don't need to be a professional artist!

The A38 expansion’s purpose is to enable more urban sprawl and destruction of greenfield sites in Derbyshire

We created the graphic below to try and counter the common misconception that the A38 expansion’s purpose is to reduce traffic and pollution. 


Planning documents* reveal the A38’s expansion main purpose is to open up surrounding land to “A minimum of “11,000 developments”. 

This will mean a loss of farmland, more pressure on local services like schools and doctors, more traffic, more pollution, more noise, loss of nature, green wedges and public space. 

We need affordable, sustainable housing with more local services and better public transport links, not more car dependent urban sprawl. 

*Derby City Council’s Local Transport Plan says “A38 junction improvements will release land for development in and around the city.” 

*Page 5 of the Secretary of State Decision Letter on the A38:

“The Secretary of State has had further regard to the DCCS that makes a provision for a minimum of 11,000 new homes and 199ha (gross) of new employment land. Without the additional highway capacity provided to these areas the Secretary of State notes that the planned growth would be adversely affected”.

*National Highways planning documents also predict an increase in emissions from additional traffic. 

Update 21

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

April 29, 2024

Legal updates

Legal Update:

Our legal team has prepared and submitted strong arguments, supported by an expert report from Professor Phil Goodwin. While specifics must remain confidential until after the hearing, we are optimistic about our position. 

We believe National Highways and the Secretary of State for Transport have made many mistakes with the economic assessment of this £250 million scheme that has huge negative social and environmental impacts.  

Scheme advocates try to justify the scheme by saying the supposed economic benefits outweigh the many negative impacts on people and the environment. However the economic case is incredibly weak when scrutinised.

Support Our 100 Club:

To bolster our fundraising efforts, we’re inviting 100 supporters to contribute £100 each. Your donation will help cover critical legal costs and, with your permission, we’ll acknowledge your generosity on our website.

If you’ve already donated over £100 and would like acknowledgement, please feel free to sign it and send us your donation receipt.

Sign the 100 club pledge.  

Donate Here: Support Our Legal Challenge

Court Hearing Details:

  • Date: Tuesday, May 14

  • Location: Civil & Family Justice Centre, 33 Bull St, Birmingham B4 6DS

  • Time: Proceedings from 10 AM - 4 PM, join our rally outside at 12:45 PM.

We invite you to join us at the court to show your support, or stay tuned for our updates online:

Every action you take helps us protect our environment, health, and community.

Thank you for standing with us.

Warm regards,

The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign

This diagram based on National Highways planning documents, shows the negative A38 expansion impacts around Breadsall village on people and the environment.

Update 20

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

April 17, 2024


A huge thank you to all the people who have supported our crowd funded legal challenge. It’s up to people-powered campaign’s like ours to stop our Government throwing more fuel onto the climate and nature crises.

After the hottest year on record and countless extreme weather events around the world, it is unconscionable that the Government thinks extra road capacity is more important than action on the climate and nature crises. 

Sometimes climate action seems like a lot of hard work and change but with the A38 expansion, it’s very simple…cancel it. Let’s keep thousands of trees instead of making a road bigger to enable even more traffic and pollution. *

The £250 million of public money allocated to the A38 expansion should go into public transport and active travel instead. 

Court hearing invitation:

The Government's climate and nature wrecking road expansion scheme is back in court soon. Anyone who would like to show their support for stopping the A38 expansion is welcome to attend.

Hearing date: Tues 14 May 

Location: Civil & Family Justice Centre, 33 Bull St, Birmingham B4 6DS

At 12:45pm outside the front of the court there will be a gathering with speeches, banners & photos.

There is a public gallery so anyone can watch the proceedings anytime between the likely court schedule of 10am - 4pm. 

Don't worry if you can't make it, we'll share an update on the court proceedings. It's likely a judge will make a decision a few weeks after the hearing. 

Funding update:

We've raised nearly £37,000 but still need to raise another £23,000 for the environmental legal experts, so please donate and share our Crowd Justice page in your networks

Why it's vital we stop the A38 expansion: 

The A38 expansion is a National Highways and Government scheme planned for Derby that would 

  • fell thousands of trees (including centuries old trees and a veteran oak)
  • destroy wildlife sites
  • demolish homes
  • steal public park space
  • worsen air quality,
  • emit hundreds of thousands of ton of carbon 
  • open up green space in Derbyshire to more urban sprawl and car dependent developments

...all for the purpose laying down more tarmac and concrete to enable more traffic and line the pockets of private developers. 

About us:

The Stop the A38 Campaign is run by Derby residents who have launched a judicial review to stop this climate and nature wrecking Government scheme. See more of our campaign here:

Please support our legal challenge by donating and sharing:

* It is false to claim that reducing idling traffic on the A38 means the scheme is good for the environment and human health as National Highways planning documents show an increases in both carbon emissions and air pollution (NO2 and PM2.5) and more trees will be felled than replanted (even though centuries old oak trees are irreplicable).

Update 19

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

March 19, 2024

Case update and other news

Hello! Thank you for standing with us against the A38 road expansion.  

Together we’ve so far managed to save thousands of trees, wildlife habitats and keep hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon out of the atmosphere. 

Fundraising Progress

We've raised an incredible £35,000 thanks to your generosity! Our goal is to reach £60,000 by mid-May. If you can, please consider donating again or sharing our cause with others who might support us. Every contribution counts!

Latest Developments

National Highways has posted the first update on the A38 expansion since 17 August 2023 when the new development consent order was granted. 

They failed to mention the first legal challenge was successful as transport minister Grant Shapps admitted he acted unlawfully by approving the scheme as he failed to properly consider the cumulative impacts of the increase in carbon emissions from the scheme. 

The local newspaper, The Derby Telegraph, has been covering the expansion, our challenge, and the surrounding debate, highlighting the community's growing concern over the project's costs, effectiveness and environmental harms. 

The Derby Telegraph always downplay the environmental impacts by saying "campigners claim" it's actually National Highways' own planning documents that state the extent of tree loss, increase in carbon emissions and other impacts. They also fail to place the A38 expansion debate in the wider context of the existential threat of the climate crisis.

However we shouldn't be surprised as they are a for-profit news outlet and more concerned with generating clicks and comments by stirring up polarisation on the A38 expansion than reporting on environmental science accurately.


Updates on other legal challenges: The Latest Wins and Challenges

Good News:

  • Chris Packham has been granted permission for a judicial review against the UK Government's decision to roll back green policies. Read more.

  • Government's Net Zero Strategy Scrutiny: The Good Law Project successfully challenged the government, leading to the publication of previously undisclosed carbon budget risk documents. Details here.

  • Friends of the Earth and ClientEarth also argued that the Government’s climate plan was unlawful, as Grant Shapps – the Net Zero Secretary at the time – had given key policies the green light without even looking at the assessments of the risks surrounding them.Just like Grant Shapps did with the A38 expansion in 2021!


Challenges Ahead:

  • Dr. Andrew Boswell’s Appeal Dismissed: Unfortunately, the Court of Appeal dismissed Dr. Boswell’s challenge against the assessment methods used for new road schemes' carbon impacts. He is now considering an appeal to the Supreme Court. 

    This is also one of the grounds of our A38 legal challenge and our first legal challenge was successful with this ground. If Dr Boswell takes his case to the supreme court, this would mean we have two grounds for our legal case on the economic assessment and cumulative carbon emissions.

  • Other Legal Battles: The legal challenge against the A303 Stonehenge dual carriageway was dismissed, but an appeal is being considered by the Save Stonehenge Campaign group.

  • In Shrewsbury, the council gave planning permission for the controversial relief road (amidst protests and with the objections from the Environment Agency ignored). However a legal challenge is being launched, backed by the Good Law Project.

The economic case against more road building

Recent developments underscore the weak economic justification for road expansions, with public and political opinion shifting towards investing in public transport and sustainable travel alternatives.

Labour’s Rachel Reeves was unwilling to pledge that projects such as the Western Link and the dualling of the A47 would receive financial support from a Labour government. 

While the A358 scheme between Taunton and Ilminster is ‘to be cancelled’ due a weak business case.

Our main legal challenge ground is that the A38 scheme was approved with an over four year old and secretive economic assessment that didn’t include recent changes in treasury guidance or the impacts of inflation or carbon pricing on the benefit:cost ratio (BCR) of the scheme.

The massive environmental damage, the financial costs, the disruptive 4 years of construction, the worse air pollution, the destruction of homes and loss of public land all make the A38 expansion not economically viable. 

National Highways, their contractors and the property companies looking to build car dependent developments on land near the A38 seem to only care about what is economically viable to their own pockets. 


Alongside the legal challenge we are also campaigning for the A38 expansion to be scrapped and the £250 million invested into public transport and active travel to reduce congestion, carbon emissions and pollution in and around Derby. 

In an article named “We must build for people, not cars” an example of how money for a bypass road could fund sustainable transport solutions instead. 

 "Instead of spending £75 million of taxpayers’ money on one relief road, the sum could fund trains every 30 to 60 minutes instead of every two hours for the whole town (£15 million), improved buses for five years (7.5 million), new cycle links (£11 million), streets in the new development (£10 million, down from £75 million), car clubs (£3 million), town centre improvements (£10 million) and support for 125 shops on the high street (£6 million).

The changes would get 9,300 more people walking and cycling every day, modelling by Integrated Transport Planning found. Increased public transport would cut 12,000 car trips a day. Every year, that would save 2,000 tonnes in carbon emissions from the development."

The A38 expansion would cost £250 million - imagine how much sustainable transport that could fund! 

Thank you,

The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign 

Update 18

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Feb. 5, 2024

Trial date likely in May! Plus other news

Our lawyers said the A38 case’s trial date will likely be in the high court the week 13th May 2024! We’re over half way on our total fundraising target - thank you so much to everyone who has supported the campaign so far. 

  1. If you can, please donate (again!) Even if this time it needs to be less than previously, that’s absolutely fine. All contributions chip away at the overall target and are much appreciated.

  2. Please spread the word: sharing links to our page  and social media links (Twitter/X , Facebook  , Instagram)

  3. Please get in touch if you have any fundraising ideas for us to explore: [email protected] 

Thank you again for being part of our campaign to Stop the A38 Expansion! 

Stop the Climate Cover Up

Since December, when our case was given permission by the high court to go to trial, we’ve been busy working with our lawyers on the economic assessment ground. Our other ground, cumulative carbon emissions, will depend on a court of appeal case we are still awaiting a decision on. 

Some of us from the Stop the A38 Expansion campaign went to support the court of appeal hearing in January. 

This article explains really well why the court of appeal case is so important for other climate legal cases including ours. 

"This case has wide implications for how ministers make decisions in the face of the rapidly worsening climate crisis. Government climate policies are failing, and especially for transport which is the UK's largest carbon emitting sector. Each time a minister approves a new road scheme whilst stubbornly refusing to consider the full climate impacts, the national challenge of meeting our climate targets is severely undermined.

The appeal challenges the Government’s “unlawful approach” of allowing large road schemes to go ahead without cumulative assessment of carbon emissions. A win could help ensure proper climate impact assessment for proposed highway schemes around the UK."

Government-funded road schemes worth up to £500m are being built without ministerial oversight and most likely based on outdated emissions targets. Including the £250 million A38 expansion! 

This news article revealed that freedom of information requests found that the DfT was not scrutinising the final business case (FBC) of schemes valued below £500m, which meant planning consent on more than a dozen projects could be given without ministerial scrutiny of the implications for the environment.

“Planning consent is granted before a FBC is developed – ie before the full and final economic case for the scheme has been scrutinised and approved. Examinations and the secretary of state instead rely on an outline business case that will often be several years out of date when deciding whether to grant consent. This could mean the secretary of state is making important legal decisions on planning consent based on inaccurate information, and a misinformed view of the benefits and costs of the scheme.”

One of our legal challenge grounds is that the A38 was approved with an over four year old and secretive economic assessment that didn’t include recent changes in treasury guidance or the impacts of inflation or carbon pricing on the benefit:cost ratio (BCR) of the scheme. 

We’ve always said the A38 expansion is a waste of public money, especially during the cost of living crisis and climate crisis. The £250 million should be invested in public transport and active travel to help tackle these crises.

Instead the Government is prioritising the interests of private companies who plan to profit from the increased road capacity by building even more car dependent developments on greenfield sites near the A38. This is public money being used to line the pockets of private businesses. 

Thank you for your support and being part of the Stop the A38 campaign. Together we can stop put an end to this polluting, wasteful and destructive scheme! 

Update 17

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Jan. 10, 2024

News & Important climate litigation court of appeal case on Tuesday 16 Jan

Happy new year everyone! We had a very short notice court permission hearing on the 20th December where a judge gave us permission to go to trial (date TBC). Which is fantastic news! Thank you to all your support so far in preventing this climate and nature wrecking scheme from happening. 

We’ve increased our fundraising goal to £60,000 to include the trial costs for our brilliant legal team. Please help by donating again if you can or share our crowd funder with a friend and ask if they can.  

In the press: 

A local newspaper reported on the trial news and used a lot of our press release. It was front page news. 

While in this Construction News article, they didn’t publish our full quote and National Highways seems to think "additional capacity" and "better connectivity for people and businesses" is more important than keeping carbon out of the atmosphere and thousands of trees in place during climate breakdown. 

2023 has been confirmed as world's hottest year on record while the UK has recently experienced an onslaught of disruptive and damaging storms, heavy rains and floods. In other parts of the world people are already losing their homes and lives due to the climate crisis. 

Pointless polluting and destructive infrastructure projects like the A38 expansion are exacerbating an already dire situation. Public transport investment could improve connectivity and safety while also preventing the climate crisis from worsening. It’s morally obscene for such carbon intensive projects like the A38 to continue, especially when the scientific consensus is for every country to urgently and rapidly reduce carbon emissions. 

Artists gather to paint threatened veteran oak tree:

In more positive news, Derbyshire artists congregated at the veteran oak tree threatened by the A38 expansion to use art to highlight the need to protect the local area’s nature and history. See our news post for the photos of the beautiful artwork people created. It was also a great opportunity to talk to people passing by about protecting the tree and local nature from the road scheme. 

We’re thinking of selling or auctioning some of the artwork. If you’re interested in helping to organise an auction or buying one of the pieces, please get in touch [email protected] 

Lush charity pot

Our pre-Christmas Lush charity pot fundraiser raised over £800 for the legal challenge! Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the stall in the shop and thank you to Lush and the lovely staff for all their help. 

Important court of appeal case on carbon on Tuesday 16 Jan at the Royal Court of Justice, London

Arrive around 9.30am if you wish to go into the court, or arrive at 12.45pm for a pavement gathering with speakers for several roads campaigns. 

This a nationally important case with six roads already in the Courts relying upon the outcome of this Court of Appeal case - the A38 Derby junctions, the A57 in Peak District A303, Stonehenge, and the three A47 schemes in Norfolk themselves.  Each of these cases has its own ground that the cumulative carbon pollution was not assessed properly: the very issue which is before three Law Lords/Ladies at the appeal hearing on Tuesday - so it really is a potentially landmark case.  

Also further schemes like the ecologically devastating Norwich Western Link road, and the mega carbon bomb schemes the A66 Northern Pennines, and Lower Thames Crossing may also have to be reconsidered if this case is successful.   

There’s a podcast on this landmark Climate Litigation case if you want to find out more. 

Some supporters from the Stop the A38 campaign will be there for the gathering outside the court at 12.45pm. 

Thank you again for your support with our legal challenge to stop this pointless climate and nature wrecking Government scheme. Please keep donating and sharing if you can. 

Update 16

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Dec. 21, 2023

Good news! Our case is going to trial!

We thought this permission hearing wouldn't be until February but were informed on Friday with only 4.5 days notice. Thank you to our legal team for preparing for this hearing at such short notice and doing a brilliant job.  

If we are successful again, we can continue to protect thousands of trees and wildlife sites and stop the Government actively worsening the climate crisis with this road scheme.

So a huge thank you to everyone who has supported and donated to our legal challenge. We couldn't have done it without your support. 

Here's an excerpt from our press release which explains what happened:


"On Wednesday the 20th Dec 2023 at The Royal Courts of Justice, Mrs Justice Jefford granted the case permission to go to trial after hearing arguments from both Richard Buxton Solicitors representing the Stop the A38 Expansion campaign group [2] and the defendants, the Department for Transport and National Highways. 

Justice Jefford granted permission on the ground that the Secretary of State for transport approved the scheme again in August 2023 without an up to date economic assessment from 2019 that did not include recent planning policy changes and the potential increased financial, social and environmental costs of the scheme. 

Another ground based on cumulative carbon emissions may be permissible depending on the outcome of the court of appeal case of Boswell vs National Highways. [3]

A refused ground was based on the Government’s own Committee on Climate Change (CCC)’s 2023 report to Parliament [4] which recommended the Government sets policies to reduce traffic by supporting other forms of transport and review road building plans as legally binding carbon reduction targets may be missed. However Justice Jefford said the CCC’s advice is not legally binding planning policy so the transport minister was allowed to ignore it when approving the A38 scheme so this ground was refused permission to go to trial. 

No date for the A38 trial has been set but it is estimated sometime in mid 2024."

Read the full press release on our website: 

Follow us on social media:

Share our legal challenge:

Update 15

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Dec. 21, 2023

High Court grants permission for our legal challenge!

Good news! We our case is going to trial! 

We thought this hearing wouldn't be until February but we were only informed with only 4.5 days notice. Thank you to our legal team for preparing for this hearing at such short notice and doing a brilliant job.  Also a huge thank you to everyone who has supported and donated to our legal challenge. We couldn't have done it without your support. 

Here's an excerpt from our press release:


"On Wednesday the 20th Dec 2023 at The Royal Courts of Justice, Mrs Justice Jefford granted the case permission to go to trial after hearing arguments from both Richard Buxton Solicitors representing the Stop the A38 Expansion campaign group [2] and the defendants, the Department for Transport and National Highways. 

Justice Jefford granted permission on the ground that the Secretary of State for transport approved the scheme again in August 2023 without an up to date economic assessment from 2019 that did not include recent planning policy changes and the potential increased financial, social and environmental costs of the scheme. 

Another ground based on cumulative carbon emissions may be permissible depending on the outcome of the court of appeal case of Boswell vs National Highways. [3]

A refused ground was based on the Government’s own Committee on Climate Change (CCC)’s 2023 report to Parliament [4] which recommended the Government sets policies to reduce traffic by supporting other forms of transport and review road building plans as legally binding carbon reduction targets may be missed. However Justice Jefford said the CCC’s advice is not legally binding planning policy so the transport minister was allowed to ignore it when approving the A38 scheme so this ground was refused permission to go to trial. 

No date for the A38 trial has been set but it is estimated sometime in mid 2024."

Read the full press release on our website. 

Follow us on social media:

Share our legal challenge:

Update 14

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Dec. 5, 2023

Legal challenge updates and events in Derby

Thank you again for all your support! Unfortunately as COP28 is showing, the majority of political leaders continue to put the interests of polluters over protecting people from the impacts of climate breakdown. It’s up to people powered campaign’s like ours to stop our Government throwing more fuel onto the climate and ecological crisis. 

We’re still fundraising to meet our stretch target to cover pre-trial work. We expect to have a court hearing for permission to go to trial in February after the A47 scheme court of appeal case. 

Please keep sharing our legal challenge and please donate again if you can. 

Why this court of appeal case is important

Our friend Dr Andrew Boswell, is taking his A47 legal challenge to the Court of Appeal for his legal challenge against three new road schemes in Norfolk, on the grounds of the Department for Transport’s and National Highways’ failure to properly consider the three schemes’ combined impacts on climate change.

The court order says that Dr Boswell’s challenge “has a real prospect of success” and acknowledges that “assessment of combined carbon emissions has potentially wide implications”. 

Dr Boswell first challenged the three road schemes in the High Court in May 2023. Justice Thornton dismissed the challenges in July 2023, but the Court of Appeal have granted him permission to appeal her decision. Only the very strongest cases are granted permission to proceed to a full appeal hearing.

This court of appeal case is important to our A38 legal challenge and the A57 bypass in the Peak District. We have three legal challenge grounds with one being the Secretary of state failed to consider the cumulative impacts of carbon emissions from the scheme. This was the ground which won our legal challenge in 2021 when the Government admitted they acted unlawfully before we even reached trial. 

Why the cumulative impacts of carbon emissions matter

Currently the Government is only considering the emissions of schemes in isolation against legally binding national carbon budgets. So each scheme is assessed as a tiny percentage of the carbon budget and refuses to check these schemes against what else is using up a percentage of the carbon budget! Carbon emissions should be considered cumulatively rather than in isolation to assess if budgets will be breached.

Already the Government's own Carbon Budget Delivery Plan shows the UK is set to fail to deliver its committed national contribution to the Paris agreement in 2030 and the sixth carbon budget in the 2030s. The Good Law Project announced that a second legal challenge was given permission for a full High Court judicial review on the Government's climate delivery plan. 

Arguably the sixth carbon budget is already exceeded so pointless, expensive, destructive and polluting road schemes like the A38 expansion should not be permitted. Which is probably why National Highway and the DfT refuse to do proper cumulative carbon emission assessments. 

Upcoming events in Derby

🎄🌳☃️🍰☕🍷Festive Fuddle by the Stop the A38 Campaign

Monday 11th December 6pm - 9pm

@ West End Community Centre, Mackworth Road, Derby, DE22 3BL

Whether you've been involved in the stop the A38 campaign or would like to find out more and meet other concerned residents, come along and enjoy some food, drink and conversation.  Click going on the Facebook event.

🎁🏷️Compassionate Derby Market

Saturday 16th December 10:30am - 4:30pm

@ St. Peter's Church, St. Peter's Street, Derby, DE1 1SN

Back by popular demand for its spectacular 10th year, Compassionate Derby is a free ethical living event where everyone is welcome! 

🌎☕🎁Festive Climate Café 

Saturday 16th December 12pm -3pm

@ Thrivemind Village 39 Iron Gate, Derby, DE1 3GA

A place to talk about the climate and ecological crisis and build community with festive activities, plant based food & hot drinks. Free to join and all welcome.

💄🍯💰Lush Charity Pot Fundraiser 

Friday 15th & Saturday 16th December - Times TBC

@ Lush Cosmetics, Derbion (Ground Floor), Derby, DE1 2PG

The Stop the A38 campaign will have a table to raise funds for their legal challenge in the Lush shop. Pop by to say hello and support their fundraising.  

Thank you so much for your support.

Legal challenges like ours are one of the most powerful ways ordinary people can hold the Government to account. There's many campaign groups like ours all over the country challenging the Government's climate wrecking decisions. Together, we can make a huge impact in stopping the destruction of our planet's life support systems and forcing the Government to follow the laws designed to protect us. 

Update 13

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Nov. 17, 2023

Financial update - more funds needed now

We are at a crucial stage in our legal proceedings, and urgently need additional funds.

At the time of writing we have raised almost £26,000, and have a short term target of £36,000. So we need to raise an additional £10,000 right now. The government and the courts make it very expensive for us with the legal costs of the various stages of the judicial process.

Our legal representatives now need to prepare for, and attend, an oral hearing for a judge to decide whether we go to trial.

This is roughly where we are financially (spend to-date and committed):

  • Costs prior to this second legal challenge: £8,400
  • Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) stage: £8,000
  • Permission stage: £12,000
  • Possible cost of oral hearing stage: £7,000

We will have additional costs when we have the substantive hearing (trial).

They may try and deter us with costs, but we have the advantage of broad community support from our amazing supporters! These costs, shared amongst all of us, are manageable.

We have good grounds to challenge the development consent order. We will stop the government ignoring pollution laws. We will stop the government using an irrational approach to cumulative carbon emissions.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Update 12

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Nov. 3, 2023

Government tells us they are “confident” with no credible plans or evidence

Last week the Government responded to our statement of facts and grounds for the legal challenge. Basically they deny all the grounds, claiming they’re not acting unlawfully (but they admitted it was unlawful in 2021 ) and are “confident” they’ll meet climate targets with no credible plans or evidence. 

So we’ll see them in court. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our legal challenge so far. We urgently need to raise about another £7,000 to finish applying to the court for a trial. If you can donate again or share the legal challenge with someone else who might be able to donate, we would be so grateful. 

Update on our legal challenge

Derby and Derbyshire were severely impacted by flooding from storm Babet, especially Breadsall village near one of the proposed A38 expansion roundabouts. Yet while many people in Britain deal with the disruption and damage caused by extreme rainfall, the Government continues to fail us on the escalating climate crisis by trying to push through more roads, air ports and fossil fuel projects while slashing environmental policies.

The Government claims the A38 expansion won’t cause them to breach legally binding carbon targets despite…

Yet the Government tells us they are “confident” they’ll manage to meet these targets without any evidence of how they'll do this. 

Please continue to donate and support our legal challenge to hold the Government to account. 

We know this Government is assaulting the environment, human rights and civil liberties and many ministers have ties to the fossil fuels industry and other polluting industries. They’ve brought in authoritarian anti-protest laws lobbied for by fossil fuel funded think tanks and rushed through election reforms to cling onto power. 

Legal challenges like ours are one of the most powerful ways ordinary people can hold this criminal and uncaring Government to account. Climate legislation with carbon budget targets were introduced to protect us and the rest of life on Earth from runaway climate breakdown. The Government wants to carry on with business as usual to line the pockets of their polluting party donors and corporate lobbyists. It’s up to us to force them to follow the law. 

Please keep supporting by donating to and sharing our legal challenge. 

HS2 cancellation fallout - Demand a roads review

Other road legal challenge news 

Dr Andrew Boswell’s important road legal challenge appeal has been granted permission to proceed to the Court of Appeal, with a hearing scheduled for 16 January. He is challenging three A47 schemes in Norfolk on the grounds that the carbon impact was not properly assessed. The outcome of Dr Boswell’s brave and pioneering legal action could influence many other road scheme approvals and legal challenges (including A303 Stonehenge, A38 Derby, A57 Link Roads, and the A66 Northern Trans Pennine), so it could not be more important. He still needs to raise more money for this important appeal, so please support him if you can. 

The important A303 Stonehenge case should be heard in December, and the A38 Derby and the A57 Link challenges will be heard, or decided, after the A47 case in January. A decision on planning permission is expected on the A66 across the North Pennines on 7 November, which threatens landscapes, rare habitats and the site of a centuries old gypsy horse fair. The DfT and National Highways are trying to bulldoze these schemes through in the face of fierce opposition, while ignoring the climate emergency and other environmental and social considerations.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our legal challenge so far. We urgently need to raise about another £7,000 to finish applying to the court for a trial.

If you can donate again or share the legal challenge with someone else who might be able to donate, we would be so grateful. 

Follow us on social media: 

Update 11

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Oct. 19, 2023

Local Councillors say the A38 will come at a high financial & environmental cost

Councillors from Amber Valley Borough Council wrote a statement outlining why the A38 expansion is not worth the environmental and financial costs. This follows Breadsall Parish Council also sending our campaign to stop the A38 expansion a letter of support. 

Read their statements on our campaign website. 

Our campaign has frequently highlighted how the primary purpose of the A38 scheme is to create additional road capacity to enable more developments, especially on greenfield sites to the West of Derby. 

Page 5 of the Secretary of State's Decision Letter on the A38 said: “The Secretary of State has had further regard to the DCCS that makes a provision for a minimum of 11,000 new homes and 199ha (gross) of new employment land. Without the additional highway capacity provided to these areas the Secretary of State notes that the planned growth would be adversely affected”. 

National Highways planning documents also predict an increase in emissions from additional traffic. 

When that additional capacity is created for a minimum of 11,000 developments, the roads will fill up again. The A38 road layout was last updated in the 1980’s for the same reasons of facilitating development and reducing congestion, but within 20 years, there was talk of expanding it further. 

Studies have shown throughout the years that new roads don’t ease congestion, but make it worse, because the ‘induced’ traffic fills up all of the new road space and spills over onto the rest of the road network.

Most recently, research on British road schemes from Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) proved that traffic on average grew 47% more than background levels, with one scheme more than doubling traffic within 20 years.

It would be more efficient, less destructive, less disruptive and less wasteful to invest in alternative forms of transport so a percentage of journeys on the A38 are shifted to another mode of transport. 

It is unsustainable for roads to keep expanding to accommodate ever increasing traffic levels when there are other cheaper, less disruptive, less environmental harmful options. 

See our key facts on the A38 expansion page for more information:

Legal challenge update

We are still waiting for the Government's response since our lawyers filed court papers. Please keep sharing and donating to support or legal challenge. If we go to trial we will need to raise more than the £30,000 target currently sign but it will be worth it to stop this pointless road scheme worsening both the ongoing climate and ecological crisis. 

Another road scheme was granted an appeal hearing. The outcome of this case could have implications for one of our grounds on cumulative carbon emissions. So we will be watching Dr Boswell’s case closely. 

Thank you,

The Stop the A38 expansion campaign group

Support our campaign and follow us on social media: 

Update 10

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Oct. 4, 2023

Court papers submitted

At the end of last week our lawyers filed the papers for judicial review with the court. The Government has 21 days to respond from that date. Then we will see if we go to trial. If we go to trial we may need to raise £60,000 in total!

Thank you everyone for your support, please keep sharing our legal challenge and telling people you know about it:

Recently, Tory Councilors claimed the £250m A38 expansion would relieve congestion and benefit the local economy while branding critics of the scheme as “anti-business”.  In our latest blog we evidence why the even the economic case for the A38 scheme is deeply flawed: 

We've also created a handy facts page about the A38 expansion. Helpful to refer to when having conversations about the scheme:

Thanks for your support. 

Update 9

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Sept. 27, 2023

We've almost reached £20,000!

Our legal challenge fund has almost reached £20,000! Thank you for all your support!.

Together, we’re trying to save thousands of trees, wildlife habitats, public green spaces, homes and prevent worsening the climate crisis by stopping the pointless, wasteful, polluting and destructive A38 road expansion. 

Thanks to everyone who has shared and donated. Please keep sharing the link to our legal challenge as we expect to go to trial this time (last time, the Government conceded to our challenge before trial). 

The Stop the A38 Expansion campaign now has a Facebook page and Instagram profile as well as a Facebook group.

Please follow us to keep updated and support the campaign. 

Update 8

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Sept. 22, 2023

The Government responded to our legal challenge…

Thank you so much for all the support for our second legal challenge. In this update we have news on our legal challenge and Rishi Sunak’s climate u-turns may have implications to strengthen our case.

Preparing for court

So we sent our pre-action protocol letter with the new legal challenge grounds on the 4th September. The Government responded today and we are now consulting with our legal team to prepare to file court papers and apply to the court to take this to trial.

The Government and National Highways both responded to deny all our legal challenge grounds and basically say the Secretary of State (SoS) for Transport’s decision is fine (even though the last SoS made an unlawful decision to approve the A38 expansion). 

They also disagreed with the last legal challenge (which later the Government conceded to) and consistently dismissed concerns about carbon emissions, biodiversity, air quality and climate raised during the examination process. 

Ultimately it will be for a judge at the High Court to decide but we know approving this road scheme was the wrong decision and the negative impacts to local residents, nature and climate outweigh any benefits (profits) to developers who want the A38 to have additional road capacity to open up the surrounding areas to a minimum of 11,000 developments. 

To bring our legal challenge, we need your help. Please keep sharing the legal challenge and spreading the word. Any donation, whether big or small, will help us fight for a liveable planet and hold our Government to account over their destruction of the environment.

UK government’s climate U-turns put legally binding targets in jeopardy

This week Rishi Sunak announced u-turns on key net zero pledges and scrapping of policies that were never proposed (seven bins and meat tax!? ). In the last few months this Government has licensed hundreds of new oil and gas projects, pushed through destructive road schemes, climate wrecking coal mines, polluting airport expansions and are now trying to roll back net zero pledges for the benefit of the fossil fuel industry and landlords who don’t want to insulate rental properties. 

Some of our second legal challenge grounds are based on how the Government is not on track to meet legally binding carbon budget targets. 

The Government are trying to argue that the carbon emissions from the A38 expansion won't matter and they will meet the targets...but without providing any evidence to show how and where these emission reductions will be made and while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that the UK is not on track to meet these targets. 

Analysis by carbon brief shows the aggregated emissions savings from policies which are now at risk as a result of Sunak’s climate policy rollbacks. 

"The rollbacks include delays to bans on the sale of new fossil-fueled cars and boilers, both key planks of the government’s strategy for reaching its climate targets.

These rollbacks would create an increasingly large gap between where the UK’s emissions are heading and where they are supposed to go, Carbon Brief analysis shows.

As such, the UK’s legally binding emissions targets, as well as its international pledge under the Paris Agreement, could be put out of reach."

The Good Law project is already challenging these rollbacks in addition to their second net zero legal challenge. 

Global temperatures have risen by 1.2C. We have had the warmest northern hemisphere summer ever recorded. Antarctic sea ice has not expanded during the winter months. Extreme weather events have occurred all around the world including heatwaves, wildfires, storms and floods. In the UK we had seven consecutive days with temperatures over 30C. All of these are set to get worse as El Niño intensifies this winter. In the face of all the scientific evidence and the human suffering caused by climate breakdown, Sunak is weakening his government’s key climate commitments and bulldozing through climate and nature wrecking developments. 

This rolling back on emissions cuts will undermine the transition to net zero and with it the future opportunities, prosperity and safety of the entire country.

If the Government won’t do the right thing to protect humanity from climate breakdown, we will have to try and use the law to force them to. Please help us by continuing to support our legal challenge. 

If you live near Derby…

Come along to a public discussion on "How can Derby City Council tackle the climate crisis?" There will be a section on the A38 expansion. 

Tue, Oct 3 • 19:00 at St Peter's Churchyard St Peter's Street, Derby, DE1 1NN

Register here: 

Many thanks for your continued support,

The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign group 

Update 7

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Sept. 6, 2023

Five reasons the A38 expansion is unlawful

We have been busy preparing for another legal challenge to stop this polluting, destructive and unnecessary road scheme. Our lawyers sent the pre-action protocol letter outlining five grounds for a legal challenge which the Secretary of State has 12 days to respond to. 

Although there are many negative impacts from the A38 Derby Junctions scheme and how it was rushed through a second time, these are the grounds the lawyers identified for judicial review:

  • Ground 1: Unlawful approach to the Environmental Targets (Fine Particulate Matter) (England) Regulations 2023

  • Ground 2: Failure to provide an up-to-date, reasoned conclusion regarding impact on Carbon budgets and the Paris Agreement

  • Ground 3: Failure to provide an up-to-date, reasoned conclusion regarding significant environmental effects

  • Ground 4: Unlawful failure to assess cumulative effects

  • Ground 5: Unlawful approach to economic assessment

There may be another ground on human rights. If you have been impacted by a compulsory purchase order from this scheme, please email [email protected]

We expect the Government to remain determined to destroy the environment to enable their party donors and lobbyist friends in business to profit from a “minimum of 11,000 developments” from the extra road capacity. Recently the Government scrapped water quality regulations to allow developers to build on more profitable sites. Just another example of how little respect ministers have for our natural world and how corrupt the Government is when it comes to the business interests of a wealthy minority.  

We’re not opposed to house building but they should be affordable, in the right places and minimise environmental impacts.

So the next stage is to file court papers and prepare for trial. For this we need to raise another £12,000 by the 1st October.  Thank you so much to everyone who has shared and donated to the legal challenge fundraiser so far.

Please continue to share and donate if you can. Share this short film about the A38 expansion with a link to the legal challenge fundraiser: 

Contact your political representatives 

Breadsall Parish Council recently sent us a letter of support, expressing that they also oppose the A38 Derby Junctions scheme. This is great news and we hope that Derby City Council will also oppose the scheme, especially as the Conservative cabinet has now been replaced with a Labour one. 

If you’re a Derby resident, you can help. Several councillors already agree with us but we need to increase that number if the Council will officially oppose the A38 scheme. Although the Council can’t stop it, their opposition would weigh against it and we need the Council to implement more sustainable transport options to reduce congestion and require housing developers to build in places closer to amenities with better transport links so developments don’t increase road congestion. 

1: Find and contact your councillors:

Tell them your concerns about the A38 expansion, that you support the 2nd legal challenge and your reasons for supporting the campaign to stop it. If they support our campaign ask them if they will talk with other Councillors about it too.

Please write it in your own words for more impact but here are some talking points.

  • Destruction of thousands of mature trees and wildlife habitats;

  • Loss of public space, especially in Markeaton and Mackworth park. 

  • massive carbon emissions during several years of construction and from the resulting increased traffic (it will not reduce carbon emissions by speeding up traffic flow as many claim. The National Highways planning documents state an increase and the DCO decision letter admits it will increase emissions.) 

  • Health impacts in the city due to increased pollution, especially during construction;

  • Significant traffic disruption within much of the city during several years of construction and no proper traffic mitigation plans;

  • Routes for walking and cycling to and from Markeaton Park made much worse during construction and after completion;

  • Those who want this scheme argue that it will improve journey times and improve the flow of traffic, but this will not last long with the minimum of 11,000 new developments around the A38 Derby junctions area. The Secretary of State’s Decision Letter on the A38 stated this number. Induced traffic is a well documented result of building and expanding new roads.

  • Increased traffic will add to the already-congested M1/A38 junction (M1’s junction 28)

  • Severe impacts on moving around the area by any method for nearby residents, during, and after, construction, and noise pollution too;

  • There is no need for this at all as the A50 provides an adequate link north/south, further away from the city.

Our legal challenge page has information about the scheme with links to references: 

2: Ask a question at a full Council meeting.

The next full Council meeting is on Wed 20 Sept. Submit up to 2 questions by noon on Tues 12 Sept to [email protected] 

If you attend the meeting, you can then also ask a verbal supplementary question to be answered verbally at the meeting.

It would be amazing to have a significant number of people asking a question about what the Council’s response will be to this second attempt by National Highways to destroy a large part of Derby’s environment! 

The questions, if regarded as too similar, may be handled with one written answer but all those asking questions get the opportunity to have their say verbally, as long as it can be worded as an additional question, and the more people who ask these questions the less they can be ignored! 

3: Contact the parliamentary candidates for Derby North and Derby South – for Labour that is Catherine Atkinson for Derby North. (Baggy Shanker is Labour’s candidate for Derby South but also a councillor for Sinfin and the Leader of the Council).

If you live in another Council borough impacted by the A38 expansion, please contact your councillors too. Most of the Stop the A38 campaign group are Derby residents but we are keen to talk with and collaborate with people in other areas impacted. 

Please contact [email protected] if you find any political representatives who also want to stop the A38 expansion. 

Many thanks for your support,

The Stop the A38 Expansion Campaign group 

Update 6

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Aug. 29, 2023

Update on the Second A38 Legal Challenge

After the approval of the A38 Derby Junctions road expansion on the 18th August, we're preparing to challenge it again to halt this harmful and unnecessary project.

Thanks to everyone who's donated to the legal challenge fundraiser. We raised an additional £2,865 last week! We need to raise another £4,500 in the next week to cover the pre-action protocol (PAP) letter our lawyers will send to the Department of Transport to initiate the legal challenge.

  • Do you want to help save thousands of trees including centuries old oaks and an irreplaceable Local Wildlife Site?

  • Do you want to prevent the West of Derby being opened up to a minimum of 11,000 developments on greenfield sites for the profit of developers?

  • Do you want to keep hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon out of our heating planet’s atmosphere?

Please help by:

  1. Donating any amount to our legal challenge 

  2. Sharing our fundraiser on social media 

  3. Sending a personal message or email to 3 people you know who could potentially donate 

Legal Update:

Reviewing the Secretary of State's Decision Letter, we've identified grounds to challenge the road scheme's reapproval. Our lawyers are drafting the challenge and we will keep supporters informed as the legal challenge progresses.

The Secretary of State of Transport has given far too much weight to the claimed economic benefits of the scheme while downplaying the negative impacts climate, biodiversity, air quality, property, land, and traffic congestion during the 4-year construction.

Some initial observations from the Decision Letter:

  • Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and others raised concerns about the lack of use of a Biodiversity Metric Assessment by National Highways but these were dismissed by the Secretary of State, allowing trashing of the environment with no proper mitigation plan.

  • A38 Kingsway Roundabout Local Wildlife Site's destruction, with unresolved mitigation issues. 

  • Admission of likely air quality worsening during construction, ignoring World Health Organization recommendations due to outdated UK air pollution laws.

  • Prior successful challenge on carbon emissions' cumulative impact; National Highways downplays UK's carbon budget.

  • Secretary of State's unjustified confidence in carbon emission reduction, despite evidence of UK's failure by the Committee on Climate Change.

  • Ignoring Committee on Climate Change's advice to pause road building plans; favouring developer interests.

We know this scheme is being pushed through to benefit developers and other lobbyists and donors of the Government. The Secretary of State’s decision letter explicitly mentions the A38 expansion releasing land for a minimum of 11,000 developments. Just days after the scheme was given the green light, developers already swooped in; “600 Mickleover homes begrudgingly re-approved after council error. More homes can be built in Derby ahead of the planned A38 works.”

This is yet another example of the Government using public money to prioritise the interests of their friends in big business over ordinary people and the environment. 

This isn’t just about protecting the environment in the Derby area, if we win this legal challenge again, it could help stop other nature and climate wrecking developments. 

We’re a group of local people volunteering time to this campaign to fight against the money and power of National Highways, central Government and their corporate lobbyist backers. Please help us however you can in this David vs Goliath battle. 

Many thanks,

The Stop the A38 Campaign Group

Update 5

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Aug. 18, 2023

Another Legal Challenge to Stop the Polluting and Destructive A38 Expansion

The A38 expansion was granted another development consent order (DCO) by the Secretary of State for Transport. This means National Highways is allowed to begin construction work but they haven’t published a timetable yet. However we will be launching another legal challenge to stop this pointless, destructive and polluting waste of public money. We have already contacted the lawyers who are reviewing the DCO. In 2021 local residents proved this scheme was unlawful and stopped it with a legal challenge and we will keep fighting.

This road scheme will still increase carbon emissions (131,000 tons from construction then more from increased traffic), increase traffic and destroy thousands of trees including centuries old ones in Markeaton park and a veteran oak  while causing traffic chaos and more air pollution for the estimated four years of construction with traffic likely diverting through Derby City Centre. 

The scheme will not solve congestion as the main reason for this road scheme is to allow developers to build thousands of unaffordable, isolated new build developments on greenfield sites which will increase traffic. Even the scheme’s planning documents include carbon emission increases from traffic growth. This is yet another example of the Government using public money to prioritise the interests of their friends in big business over ordinary people and the environment. Property tycoons were responsible for 20% of all Conservative party donations in 2021. 

The A38 expansion is not the right solution to alleviate congestion as it will encourage more vehicles by increasing road capacity and opening up nearby areas for more traffic inducing developments. The congestion is only occasionally at peak travel times or when there is an incident. To address congestion there needs to be more investment in public transport, active travel, community EV hire and other sustainable transport initiatives. Other cities have tackled congestion in sustainable ways without needing to expand roads, so why can’t Derby? The estimated £250 million of public money earmarked for the A38 expansion could be invested into repairing existing roads and cleaner transport options that would actually reduce congestion while protecting our environment but instead it is being wasted on a scheme that will cause years of traffic chaos and facilitate more traffic while destroying our environment. 

Previously the Court ruled that the Secretary of State had failed to properly consider the cumulative effects of carbon emissions when granting the DCO.6 Last year the Government was ordered to revise their Net Zero strategy by the High Court as it failed to explain how its policies will comply with environmental law around carbon emissions which are the main cause of the climate crisis. The Government is now being challenged again as it has still failed to outline a legally compliant Net Zero strategy and carbon budget plan. The A38 is yet another example of the Government approving schemes without proper consideration for the climate crisis and legally binding carbon budgets to address the crisis.

This decision to grant a DCO to the A38 comes despite the Government’s own Committee on Climate Change(CCC) recently advising to halt all road building schemes. The CCC also criticised the Government on Net Zero progress, and said the Government’s 2030 goals for cutting emissions are further away than they were a year ago.

This year there has been even more devastating wildfires such as those in Hawaii, droughts and crop failure, dangerous heat waves, floods and record breaking temperatures and sea ice loss due to the climate crisis with scientists ringing the alarm bells louder than ever. This Government has demonstrated time and time again, their top priority is making themselves, their party donors, the companies they have shares in and the businesses who lobby them richer while everyone else gets poorer. The Government’s decision to actively make the climate crisis worse by approving schemes that pointlessly increase carbon emissions is risking billions of lives (Current climate policies will leave more than a fifth of humanity exposed to deadly hot temperatures by 2100) and we will not stand by and allow their harmful, greedy, self-interested and deadly decisions to go unchallenged. 

Support our legal challenge by donating if you can or sharing it. Thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign over the years.

Update 4

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

July 12, 2023

3 Important Developments on UK Road Building Plans


There’s still no news on the A38 scheme (Read this blog for the status last update). However the A38 expansion in Derby is just one of many destructive, expensive and polluting road schemes planned by National Highways and the Government's Department for Transport under “Road Investment Strategy 3” or “RIS3”.

If we stop RIS3, then it will stop the A38 expansion for good and authorities will have to invest in public transport instead of more polluted, congested, ever expanding roads.

The Government’s own Climate Change Committee (CCC) has strongly recommended a Welsh-style roads review for England. Its 2023 annual progress report to parliament was pretty damning, but especially so on transport. It tore into the lie that we can decarbonise fast enough using technology and electric vehicles (EVs) alone, stating: “There is already a clear case for demand-side policies to reduce emissions. These should be implemented now, as a core part of the decarbonisation strategy, especially on …reducing air and car travel.”

This is about as strong as it gets from the CCC and, as the Government’s own climate advisor, its advice carries great weight. The CCC’s stance on road building and demand management vindicates the work and legal challenge of the Stop the A38 campaign and other sustainable transport campaigners. Read more...

Support the important road legal challenge going to court of appeal 

Mrs Justice Thornton has dismissed Dr Andrew Boswell’s challenge against three road schemes, part of a larger proposed programme, on the A47 in Norfolk in a judgement handed down at the High Court recently. Dr Boswell challenged each planning approval decision on the basis that respective Secretaries of State had not properly considered the cumulative impact of the carbon emissions across all related roads schemes and developments when making their decisions.

Dr Boswell’s lawyers are commencing immediate legal proceedings to appeal the judgement. Critically, the Court was given clear evidence that no lawful cumulative assessment had been produced for the carbon emissions which would be generated by the schemes together. Evidence was also provided that no lawful assessment of the impact of the cumulative emissions on meeting the UK carbon budgets existed. In the light of this, Dr Boswell does not agree the legal interpretation by the Court and will mount a robust legal case for the Court of Appeal that the Judge made legal errors in reaching her decision.

Dr Boswell said “This case is extremely important as it addresses issues of pressing public importance including how the environmental impacts of new infrastructure are assessed and whether the UK can deliver its climate targets. I am going to the Court of Appeal to safeguard the clear and wide-ranging legal protections which do exist in UK law. The relentless drive from Government and developers, in cases such as these schemes, to turn a blind eye to the true environmental impacts of the scheme in order to avoid facing up to the true climate impacts of their decisions is astonishing. It is remarkable that the Government has fought tooth and nail merely to avoid having to face up to the cumulative climate impacts of one part of their road-building programme. 

“Over 1500 people who given me fundraising support recognise that it is vital to uphold such protections, and put a stop to this deregulation by stealth, and I am very grateful to them for their backing. 

“The case is of wide importance as the same methodology which systematically ignores cumulative emissions is used to assess nearly all road schemes in the UK. And as each road scheme is only assessed on its own individual impact, it is approved on the false conclusion that there is no combined material impact, from the many new roads being planned, to the delivery of the UK Net Zero targets. 

“Yet just last week, the risks to delivery of the Net Zero targets from the combined effects of ever-expanding traffic were set out in stark terms by the Government’s own official Climate advisors (the Climate Change Committee) when they advised the Government to conduct a systematic review of current and future road-building projects against delivering climate targets. Each new scheme in the Government’s endless pursuit of new roads amounts to taking a significant and dangerous backward step in the transition to a low carbon world. Instead, the Government should be moving forward to implement genuine transport decarbonisation policies. 

“Today, the Net Zero Strategy itself has also been taken back in Court because the Government has not demonstrated that it can deliver, or has risk assessed delivery of, the relevant carbon budgets. This also highlights how crucial it is for the impacts of carbon emissions from every new piece of infrastructure, including roads, to be lawfully assessed where they currently are not.

“The climate emergency is very urgent: we cannot afford unnecessary emissions. This last month has seen temperature records are being broken around the globe, with scientists expressing concern at extremely concerning trends. Today the United Nations has said climate change ‘out of control’ after likely hottest week on record. The climate stakes are high for us, our children and grandchildren. I embarked upon this legal action for future generations, and I am humbled to now be taking it to the Court of Appeal.”


Respond to the RIS3 consultation by 13 July and tell them to freeze and review all road building plans as advised by Government own climate advisors 

The Government is obsessed with building ever bigger roads. Now it is consulting on its next road investment strategy (RIS3) for 2025 - 2030. Despite all the extra miles of tarmac costing many billions of pounds, the DfT’s own figures show congestion is predicted to get much worse, harming the economy. This will also make its targets to cut carbon, air pollution, and protect nature impossible to meet. It is utter madness!

However, priorities are not yet fixed and there is still an opportunity to get the Government to change direction, especially with the Climate Change Committee calling for a roads review. So we urgently need your help to respond to the consultation and call for a roads reset.

Edmund King, President of the AA, said recently that “Most people accept that we largely have the roads we need to get from A to B”. Meanwhile many of these roads are ageing and need considerable investment to renew worn out surfaces, bridges, safety barriers, etc. The danger is this investment will be diverted to pay for masses of new road schemes.

But there is an even bigger challenge. With the Government admitting we’re way off track to meet our 2030 climate target, we need to radically shift the way we travel. Funding for roads needs to be moved into sustainable travel. What remains in RIS3 should be focused on increasing public transport, active travel, safety and maintenance. RIS3 needs to do things very differently: in response to the climate and ecological emergency, all road expansions should be paused, as Wales has done.

Please write to the Department for Transport (DfT) today to express your concerns and call for investment in solutions that will make things better, not worse.

Many thanks for your support,

The Stop the A38 Expansion group 

Update 3

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

April 8, 2022

What an incredible fundraising fortnight!

Following the recent push for donations to cover further legal costs, we’ve managed to successfully reach our stretch target of £7,500 in the past couple of weeks!

We may need further rounds of fundraising but we greatly appreciate your support to enable us to keep on fighting to stop the A38 road expansion. 

On behalf of the campaign team, thank you for your donations 💚

Update 2

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

March 28, 2022

National Highways is ignoring Net Zero targets - help us hire more legal experts

It seems that National Highways (formerly Highways England) think the UK’s Net Zero laws and carbon targets do not apply to them, and they are pressing ahead with their plans to expand the A38 in Derby despite the scheme emitting hundreds of thousands of tons of greenhouse gases. 

We urgently need to raise more funds to hire legal experts to stop this environmentally damaging and polluting road scheme for good!

Please help by donating to and / or sharing this link to our new Crowd Justice fundraiser: 

Thank you so much for your support so far for our campaign to stop the A38 expansion. Because of your help, we were able to successfully halt the A38 expansion with a legal challenge last year, and the development consent order (DCO) was quashed by the Courts and continue to challenge National Highways attempts to push this scheme through. 

The latest IPCC report stated that any further delay in global action to cut carbon pollution “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.” 

Yet National Highways are trying to claim that Net Zero carbon targets do not apply to their polluting and destructive road building. They believe they are above the law and are trying to cheat the laws of physics. Their disregard for carbon emissions, pollution and the destruction of nature that their roads cause shows that they just do not care. They are sacrificing our children's futures for more tarmac and traffic. 

Road traffic miles must be reduced to meet climate targets (electric vehicles won't be enough) so the UK Government should be heavily investing in public transport and active travel. Yet instead they are wasting billions on new roads and road expansions which will increase traffic and carbon pollution. 

Grant Shapps, the Secretary of State for Transport, has asked for information from both National Highways and "interested parties" (such as our campaign group) to submit evidence so that he can consider granting another development consent order to allow the A38 expansion to go ahead. 

We submitted representations in October 2021 and we are currently challenging the Secretary of State's decision-making process via the planning inspectorate website. 

We continue to argue that we are in a climate and ecological emergency and that wasting £250 million on widening a road that will fell thousands of trees, remove large amounts of precious wildlife habitat and increase traffic makes absolutely no sense and is unlawful. It’s also an insulting waste of public money during a cost of living crisis!

The carbon costs of the scheme have increased, which requires the benefit/cost ratio to be revaluated. Yet National Highways have failed to do this.  They've also failed to properly explain how they have assessed the cumulative carbon impacts of the scheme – these were the grounds they conceded on in our original legal challenge in 2021.

With the net zero strategy's carbon targets we have a strong argument to stop the A38 expansion. We can win. However, we need to hire legal experts again to help us form and present these arguments. We need to raise £7,500 (we have already raised over £5,000).

Please help by donating to and / or sharing this link:

Many other groups campaigning against road schemes and harmful development plans are watching the A38 Derby Junctions road scheme closely. Our legal challenge has already inspired other climate-related legal challenges and is forcing developers to properly consider climate impacts and the law. If we are successful, we could prevent even more carbon pollution and nature destruction and force the Government to take climate action seriously. 

Please donate if you can. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us put a stop to the destructive A38 expansion for good. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing the link with your friends, family and on your social media. 


We are so grateful for your support.


Thank you.

Update 1

Stop the A38 Expansion Group

Nov. 3, 2021

Representations submitted

Thank you so much to everyone who helped us reach our initial target of £3,500! 

This CrowdJustice fundraiser was set up to hire legal experts to submit representations as Transport Minister Grant Shapps said he will redetermine the A38 scheme application after seeking further information from National Highways and objectors. 

We are still fundraising in case there are further rounds of consultation and we need the support of legal experts again. So please keep sharing the CrowdJustice page:  

Our representations were submitted on 26 October 2021. They are now on the Planning Inspectorate website under the name “Derby Climate Coalition”* if you wish to read them. 

The support to save the thousands of trees, the wildlife habitats, green spaces and decent houses from the A38 expansion has been incredible. 

Thank you so much for being part of that!

It’s clear that a huge amount of people want a safe, habitable planet and not more tarmac, carbon emissions and air pollution. 

If the Government is as committed to climate action as they are saying at COP26, then they must stop outdated, expensive, destructive and polluting road schemes like the A38 expansion and cancel their £27.4bn (now £24bn since the latest spending review) RIS2 roads programme. 

 * In 2019 Derby Climate Coalition made representations during hearings about the A38 scheme. The Stop the A38 Expansion campaign was later set up by some members of Derby Climate Coalition.


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