Stop devastating cuts in the SEND provision at John Roan
Stop devastating cuts in the SEND provision at John Roan

Stop the proposed cuts to our Inclusion and Designated Specialist Provision (DSP) at The John Roan - Protect our children's education and their future
The John Roan school run by the Multi Academy Trust United Learning, have proposed devastating cuts to the SEND and DSP (Autism) provision at The John Roan School. Thirty Two dedicated staff of the Inclusion and the Designated Specialist Provision (DSP) have been told their posts will be 'deleted' at the end of this Summer term. More than 20 staff could lose their jobs this term leaving only 12 staff left to support our children. The wonderful and dedicated staff from Inclusion looked after our children during this pandemic and without their support, our children would have struggled. We can't imagine how they must be feeling right now.
If this plan goes ahead, it will have a devastating effect on our children's education and development. Many of the children at the John Roan have Education Health Care plans (EHCPs) to ensure they have the support they need to thrive. Many more students have Special Education Needs and/or Disability (SEND) to support them in their learning and development.
We simply cannot understand what could motivate this proposal and we want to stop the decimation of this provision, which the school, United Learning and the Royal Borough of Greenwich have a statutory obligation to provide.
This crowd funding campaign is to raise £1500 to support the process of challenging the proposal on the grounds that it will adversely affect our children's educational opportunities at The John Roan School, both now and in the future.
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