Im Being Sued by Stephanie Hayden

by Ruth Richards-Hill

Im Being Sued by Stephanie Hayden

by Ruth Richards-Hill
Ruth Richards-Hill
Case Owner
Gender non conforming lesbian, with dual South African/UK Residency, equal rights campaigner, women and children first. protected characteristics - woman, disabled, homosexual, race and belief.
days to go
pledged of £7,000 stretch target from 93 pledges
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Ruth Richards-Hill
Case Owner
Gender non conforming lesbian, with dual South African/UK Residency, equal rights campaigner, women and children first. protected characteristics - woman, disabled, homosexual, race and belief.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: March 18, 2024

A big Thank You to the kickstarters

Firstly I’d like to thank those that kickstarted the donations, You know who you are, and you’re just amazing people.

Every donation is a step closer.

The messages of support have been wond…

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Who am I? - My name is Ruth Richards-Hill

Summary - Im being sued by Stephanie Hayden, for harassment and abuse of personal information.

Call to action - Im raising £5000 to complete the case against Stephanie Hayden.

I have already raised £3000 in funding to help build a defence and seek expert legal help.

What are we trying to achieve? - My case will make a difference because Hayden is seeking to silence people even during a conversation that enjoys a degree of privacy. This silencing includes discussions in private.

Hayden is suing me for harassment despite the fact that I have never engaged with Hayden online, I have not tagged Hayden or used knowingly Haydens Twitter or any other handle. Hayden has been blocked from my social media accounts since 2022.

In fact for Hayden to have felt offended or distressed, Hayden will have had to have stalked me online, deliberately subverting the mechanisms I had put in place to prevent Hayden from accessing my timelines. In the real world this is often classed as cyber stalking.

Hayden also deems it appropriate to subvert the privacy mechanisms that others use in order to seek out offence and bring a legal action.

This case covers both Free Speech and Privacy concerns.

Additionally because I have reported Hayden to the South African police, the case is certain to fail because the Protection from Harassment act protects persons from reporting legitimate concerns to the police.

Haydens failed complaints to the police about others meet a much lower threshold and yet Hayden expects mine to meet the threshold for harassment. 

If Hayden had to be successful, this would make police investigation very difficult for obvious reasons. Its in the public interest that the public can voice concerns to the police, wherever in the world the are.

Hayden applied for default judgement despite having sight of the defence and submitting a part 18 application beforehand, when the courts failed to apply the defence to the case file, despite the defence being submitted in time.

Despite Haydens claim that I have abused personal information, I have never publicly published Haydens private information. 

Hayden However has publicly published my personal information that is completely unrelated to the case that has placed my adult children and minor grandchildren at risk.

What is the next step in the case? - I have already raised £3000 to cover the preparation of a defence, as well seek out expert legal opinion in respect of the correct legal course to follow. The defence has been prepared.

We have also already applied for the default judgement to be set aside to which Hayden has agreed.

The matter will then proceed fully defended.

Fundraising will also include other applications including those relating to Haydens Funding.

How much we are raising and why? - Im raising £5000 to bring this case to closure as it currently stands.

This is for the case to be heard in the County Court.

Should the case be transferred to high court, the cost of additional counsel may become necessary.

My defence is relatively straightforward and my legal advisors believe that Hayden will fail miserably.

I am also now considering my position to bring an action for personal damages against Hayden as a result of Haydens deliberate behaviour.

I have had some amazing support from those that have supported me through my substack, and will continue to provide detailed updates there.

For this I am exceptionally grateful.

I am now also very grateful for the support received in this fundraiser.

Let's make this one more step closer to stopping Hayden blocking up the courts with frivolous cases.

Thank you for your support and if you've already subscribed to my substack, please continue to follow me there.

Update 1

Ruth Richards-Hill

March 18, 2024

A big Thank You to the kickstarters

Firstly I’d like to thank those that kickstarted the donations, You know who you are, and you’re just amazing people.

Every donation is a step closer.

The messages of support have been wonderful and you’re welcome to DM me on X (formerly Twitter). It may take a while, but I’ll reply to all personal messages.

I am still receiving donations on my Substack that will top up this fundraiser, but please remember we have to meet the £4k on Crowd justice or the money gets refunded.

Good quality legal representation costs money and we’ve done our best to keep the costs down. But the costs still need to be paid.

There has been a tremendous groundswell of support online.

I am hoping my case will become a precedent to stop frivolous litigation in the future.

Keep tabs on the developments because we have more to come.

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