Let Kids Be Kids - #StopSexualisingOurKids!
Let Kids Be Kids - #StopSexualisingOurKids!

In September 2020 the government introduced mandatory Relationships Education (RE) in primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in secondary schools.
The parental right to withdraw from Relationships Education in primary schools has been taken away, whilst the right to withdraw from Sex Education classes in secondary schools has been downgraded to a mere ‘request’. Placing the final decision to approve requests to withdraw in the hands of the head teacher further erodes parental rights.
The right to withdraw has been a key parental right for decades, but the government has removed this right with little consideration for parents, the first and primary educators of children.
As Muslims, we strongly believe that it is the sacred duty of parents to raise our children (tarbiyyah) in line with our moral and ethical values and it is not the place of government or schools to subsume this duty.
Whilst schools are mandated to teach these new subjects, we have a duty to do what we can to protect our values.
Whilst some schools will seek to teach the subject sensitively in line with the age and religious background of their pupils - our children - other schools may not. This places the onus on parents to demand cultural sensitivity, as all the power rests with schools.
These changes, including the removal of the right to withdraw, mean some schools which are meant to nurture children’s intellectual potential, could become ideological battlefields shaped by powerful lobbies.
As Muslims, we have a sacred duty to work with others in furtherance of values of which we are in agreement. The Let Kids be Kids Coalition (LKBKC) is seeking a judicial review on behalf of all parents, which we believe has already caused significant clarifications to the Governments guidance to schools.
What is this Judicial Review about?
- It's about restoring the right of parents to raise their children in line with their values.
- It's about safeguarding the innocence of the young hearts and minds of all children.
- It's about ensuring our children are educated but not indoctrinated.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has enjoined upon us:
“And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and transgression…” [TMQ Al Maidah, 5:2]
This hugely important legal case has the potential to change the way these subjects are taught and to reinstate the right of parents to withdraw, not just from parts, but all of these subjects.
This is the only multifaith approach to challenging the government’s imposition of statutory RSE and we have a responsibility to support it with our voices and our wealth.
The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alaihi wasallam) said,
“Whoever among you sees a wrong, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable to do so, then with his tongue. If he is unable to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of faith.
We have no hesitation in supporting the multifaith legal case led by the Let Kids be Kids Coalition for the rights of parents to raise their children in line with their values.
As you contemplate whether to contribute financially or not, we ask you to consider the question, What price would You Pay to Protect the Values of Your Children?
For further information or to discuss alternative methods of contributing funds please contact Yusuf Patel on [email protected]
Please Note: All money raised will go towards supporting the legal case to restore the rights of parents.
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