Protect Single-Sex Facilities at Work

by Faye Russell-Caldicott

Protect Single-Sex Facilities at Work

by Faye Russell-Caldicott
Faye Russell-Caldicott
Case Owner
Please support my employment tribunal case to protect single-sex facilities at work.
days to go
pledged of £70,000 stretch target from 758 pledges
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Faye Russell-Caldicott
Case Owner
Please support my employment tribunal case to protect single-sex facilities at work.
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This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Feb. 26, 2025

Waiting for a new date

Dear all,

We were ready for the second preliminary hearing take place last week but unfortunately it was cancelled last minute due to a lack of judges. We were hoping to get a new date shortly but hav…

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Please support my employment tribunal case to protect single-sex facilities at work

I have issued an employment tribunal complaint against NHS England for indirect discrimination on the basis of sex (women), religion (Islam), philosophical belief (gender critical) and disability (PTSD) for having a policy in place which effectively renders the supposed single-sex toilet, changing room and showering facilities as mixed-sex.

According to NHSE’s trans staff policy, transwomen (born males) can use female facilities in addition to male and gender neutral facilities. Which means that NHSE expects women to share female facilities with biological males. If a woman is not happy with that, she is directed to use the gender neutral toilets, and transwomen (males) can continue using the female facilities. The policy is blatantly discriminatory against women, especially in those office bases where the showers are open plan.

Simultaneously, my claim also includes claims of direct discrimination, harassment and victimisation related to my philosophical belief (gender-critical).

This is one of the first cases in England where a court will be asked to decide whether such a trans staff policy is discriminatory against employees with other protected characteristics. There has been no Equality Impact Assessment conducted in relation to the policy. When developing the policy, NHSE did not thoroughly consider the needs of women or the implications of trauma and religion, or the normal and common boundary a female member of staff might assert that she just simply does not want to shower in direct line of sight with a biological male.

The response from NHSE has been extremely disappointing. I have been told that all staff members are expected to follow the policy. I have been told that NHSE is already offering single-sex female facilities, which can be used both by “those born female, and those who identify as female.” Their rationale for not excluding transwomen from women’s facilities is that “even if there would only be one transwoman excluded from the female facilities, we would consider that unjustifiable unlawful discrimination.” In its response, NHSE effectively denies the relevance of biological sex as the basis for single-sex spaces.

My claim is that the current staff policy is discriminatory on the basis of sex, religion, belief and disability and the facilities should be made female-only by excluding males.

I will be applying for full anonymity, which will be essential for me to take the case forward, given my personal circumstances. If my application for anonymity is not accepted at the preliminary hearing, I will pass all remaining donations to another case of my choice which seeks to secure women’s single-sex facilities or services.

Please help by donating and sharing the link. Like with all court cases, there is a risk of losing. This crowdfunding pays for my legal fees. I will not be benefitting financially from the crowdfunding because the money raised will go directly to my legal team’s client account. Any compensation from the employer is likely to be modest. I am pursuing this case because women’s rights to safe spaces, safeguarding and consent should not be overridden.

Yours faithfully,

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Update 8

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Feb. 26, 2025

Waiting for a new date

Dear all,

We were ready for the second preliminary hearing take place last week but unfortunately it was cancelled last minute due to a lack of judges. We were hoping to get a new date shortly but have not heard yet and I felt an update at this stage would be needed. I would like to thank all of you for your support and I will update the page once we know more.

Update 7

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Feb. 7, 2025

Disability status agreed

Very pleased to announce the Respondent has decided not to contest disability, which means both parties agree that I have PTSD which is serious enough to be a disability under the Eq Act 2010, and it will not be an issue that would need to be defined by the Tribunal.

We are fast approaching the second preliminary (case management) hearing, scheduled for February 2025. We are about 3-4k short of covering those costs. The 70k CrowdJustice target is an estimation of a full court case but I take one step at a time.

The best way to help is by sharing the link in your social media.

Thank you all for your continued support!

Update 6

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Jan. 24, 2025

Preparing for 2nd Preliminary Hearing

Dear all,

The next stage is to prepare for the second preliminary hearing scheduled in February 2025. The second hearing will handle remaining case management issues and anonymity application. So far, I have been campaigning under a pseudonym.

Since the first preliminary hearing last Autumn, the Respondent has asked a lot of additional questions about the impact my PTSD has on my day-to-day life. I have submitted five pages of answers in addition to the five pages that they already had in the original Disability Impact Statement. We are now waiting to hear the Respondent to either admit or deny my disability status because of PTSD. 

I would be forever grateful for your support to cover the legal costs of the next stage. More importantly, I'd be grateful, if you shared my story with your connections again. 

Thank you,

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Update 5

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Oct. 25, 2024

Responding to Request for Further Information

Dear all,

I'd be grateful for your support in late October and early November so that I could cover the costs of responding to the Request for Further Information (made by the Respondent), preparing a disability impact statement and submitting relevant medical records. More importantly, I'd be grateful, if you shared my story with your connections again.

Thank you,


Update 4

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Oct. 16, 2024

Update on preliminary hearing

Dear All,

We’ve had our first preliminary hearing now. The judge allowed us to make some amendments to the claims but has listed another preliminary hearing in February 2025 to decide on the remaining outstanding matters, such as a list of issues and anonymity application. I’m now raising funds for the the legal fees to cover next steps in the process, such as my disability status, requests for further information and costs of another preliminary hearing. I would be grateful, if you could please share the link and support my case. Thank you!

Update 3

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Sept. 24, 2024

Fellow NHS workers

It's so encouraging to see all the comments and well-wishes, thank you. I wonder how many of us are from different parts of the NHS. If you're from a trust or national team, please feel free to mention it in the comments (without giving details of your specific employer).

Update 2

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Sept. 20, 2024

Legal Representation

I'm pleased to announce that I'll be represented by solicitor Elizabeth McGlone from didlaw and Naomi Cunningham, barrister from Outer Temple.

Secondly, I wanted to thank everyone, as the preliminary hearing costs are now covered (the initial target was adjusted slightly lower since the last update).

Thank you for supporting me in taking this first step! We're now collecting for the stretch target of full costs.

Update 1

Faye Russell-Caldicott

Sept. 6, 2024

Preliminary hearing

Preliminary hearing is scheduled for early October 2024. The initial target of £6,000 will cover legal fees up to that point. Please support my case urgently and share the link. Thank you!

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