Fighting to save our farmland for food and nature - Say No To Sunnica

by Say No to Sunnica

Fighting to save our farmland for food and nature - Say No To Sunnica

by Say No to Sunnica
Say No to Sunnica
Case Owner
We are a volunteer-run community action group representing hundreds of residents, families, and businesses striving to protect the environment across 15 miles of West Suffolk and East Cambridgeshire.
on 19th August 2024
pledged of £24,000 stretch target from 199 pledges
Say No to Sunnica
Case Owner
We are a volunteer-run community action group representing hundreds of residents, families, and businesses striving to protect the environment across 15 miles of West Suffolk and East Cambridgeshire.

Latest: Aug. 22, 2024

Urgent Update

Following the Local Authorities' joint decision to withdraw from legal challenge, we are reviewing our situation. Having reached our first target and submitted our preliminary legal stage we are …

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Join our fight to protect c 2500 acres of prime food-producing land and wildlife habitats from the severely flawed Sunnica 'Mega' Solar and Battery energy plant.

This is the slippery slope of risking UK food security by targeting one of the UK’s most prolific and highly productive areas for growing  food crops.

We are taking action to protect our food security, our wildlife, our rare and protected species, our heritage sites and local economies, including the internationally famous horseracing and breeding industry in Newmarket.

We need your help funding a Judicial Review of a legal error in the DESNZ Secretary of State’s decision to grant Development Consent for the vast Sunnica Solar & Battery Energy farm, against the advice of the government's expert examiners.

There is no need to industrialise vast swathes of unique Breckland and Fenland landscapes with "bad solar" projects like Sunnica. Research shows that the UK's solar targets can be achieved quickly and at scale through "good solar" projects installed on rooftops, car parks, brownfield sites, etc. There are other ways to meet our Net Zero targets without harming the environment.

It is wrong that the evidence-backed recommendations of the impartial Examining Authority can be overruled without proper consideration and understanding of the many harms of this scheme. They concluded after months of scrutinising evidence from multiple experts, visiting the sites and holding public hearings that this scheme should NOT be approved. The many harms would not be outweighed by any perceived benefit.
We feel that the credibility of the planning system has been undermined by this surprising decision.

The Sunnica scheme continues to be universally opposed - by the 4 district and county councils, parish and town councils, local MPs, the combined authority mayor, as well as hundreds of residents, businesses, nature and environmental groups, heritage and recreation groups. Over 1300 objections were submitted during the rigorous 6-month Examination, far more than any NSIP solar scheme in the UK to date. This is testament to the poor quality of this scheme and the harm it would inflict over a huge area.

We need your financial support NOW, it is a fixed timescale - we have just ONE MONTH and the clock is ticking!

There is no right of appeal - Judicial Review is the only option for challenge.

What we aim to achieve:

  • Standing up for  communities and democratic decision-making within the planning process
  • Reversal of this planning decision, so we can preserve c2500 acres of prime, irrigated food-producing land, supporting UK food security, livelihoods and our environment


Our first 30-day target £12,000 will ensure we can submit legal papers in a timely way, but we intend, with your support, to continue this fight.


Thank you so much for supporting.

This decision sets a dangerous precedent for UK top-level decisions and ignores the democratic voice of the people. You will help this and potentially other communities from being destroyed by this infrastructure.


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Update 2

Say No to Sunnica

Aug. 22, 2024

Urgent Update

Following the Local Authorities' joint decision to withdraw from legal challenge, we are reviewing our situation. Having reached our first target and submitted our preliminary legal stage we are closing our Crowdjustice case here.

Your support is truly valued and we urge that you watch for updates here or on our Facebook Page

Update 1

Say No to Sunnica

Aug. 20, 2024

Our legal challenge has begun.

Thank You!

Firstly, many thanks to those who pledged to get us to our first goal of getting our legal challenge underway. Your support is tremendous.

We can see from comments that many more in our communities and beyond still want to help the campaign and realise the Examining Authority's recommendation to reject this scheme.

Please continue sharing, telling others and encouraging the continued financial support needed via our #CrowdJustice donation page – we cannot give up now!

Thank you again, the amazing early response is testimony to you valuing our agriculture, wildlife, and economy across our villages and towns.

 #communitiesmatter  #saynotosunnica

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