Save outdoor swimming in Kenilworth - restore the Lido
Save outdoor swimming in Kenilworth - restore the Lido

Latest: April 11, 2019
WDC IGNORE top QC David Wolfe's opinion and block legal action
We have received a response from Warwick District Council to our pre-action letter. They are now dismissing both expert legal and public opinion about the future of outdoor swimming in the District.
Read moreOn 9th January 2019, Warwick District Council Executive Committee voted to close the outdoor swimming facilities at Abbey Field Swimming Pool. They plan to replace the “fun shaped outdoor pool” with a second, smaller indoor pool to be used for swimming lessons.
The decision was based on an assessment of its financial viability and ignored the strong support from the community to retain this historic and much loved amenity.
We believe that the decision making process was fundamentally flawed and are raising funds to confirm this with a legal opinion from a QC so that we can formally challenge the decision.
The Restore Kenilworth Lido group is made up of people in Kenilworth who want to retain facilities for outdoor swimming , replacing the current “fun shaped outdoor pool” with a 25 metre, rectangular pool with lido facilities.
We are all volunteers who care about our community, our history and about opportunities for future generations. The campaign has the support of Historic Pools of Britain and the Outdoor Swimming Society.
This campaign wholeheartedly supports the refurbishment of the indoor pool, but just imagine alongside it, a 25m heated outdoor pool, open all year round with special events for sports enthusiasts and families, a training site for triathletes and a venue for unique cultural events. This would be a brilliant amenity for people of all ages in Kenilworth and across the Midlands now and for future generations. Detailed plans have been drawn up by a local architect that show this is possible but this option was never put to the people of Kenilworth.
The happy memories of days out splashing in the pool and relaxing in the surrounding park will not show up on the balance sheets any more than the civic identity which such a facility gives.
Before and since the decision was made we have tried everything to have our voices heard.
We have most recently, formally asked the Council to pause their decision making to re look at the feasibility of retaining the outdoor pool which they dismissed. We argued that the feasibility study that informed decision making omitted key information including a host of local indoor swimming facilities and a robust assessment of the financial viability of an outdoor pool.
We have also:
- Written to and met with our Councillors and MP
- Gathered 3800 online signatures in favour of retaining outdoor swimming in Kenilworth
- Formally asked the Council to pause their decision making to re look at the feasibility of retaining the outdoor pool.
- 600 paper signatures in support of of the proposed pause
- Held two public meeting that hundreds turned up to
- Helped 1000 Kenilworth residents send postcards to local Councillors asking for the pool to be saved
You can find out about the Council's decision and background information in more detail here:
Why do we need your help?
Our only course of action now is to seek legal review of the decision.
We have been advised that the way that the consultation was conducted may have been unlawful.
We are seeking your support to obtain an opinion from a QC to confirm this. Without this information, we do not know if we can pursue legal action and we are left with a decision that does not represent the views of the people of Kenilworth (that may well be based on inaccurate information) and the loss of a historic and unique amenity forever.
The £2500 we are aiming to raise will be used approximately as follows:
- £1000 plus VAT on solicitors fees to instruct a QC.
- £1000 plus VAT on QC fees to provide an opinion on whether there are legal grounds to challenge the decision.
What is this case about?
1. Our community and our future
Kenilworth has had public outdoor swimming for 123 years. It is currently the only outdoor swimming facility within a 30 mile radius. People come to the pool from a wide surrounding area – it is unique a low cost family amenity that provides for outdoor swimming in the most landlocked part of the country. It also has the potential to be a tourist attraction bringing much needed foot fall into the town. Combined with the new train station, this opportunity is bigger than ever.
This is Restore Kenilworth Lido's proposed plans for a restored Lido put to the Council.
2. Upholding the wishes of the people of Kenilworth
The option to restore the outdoor pool to Lido size (as above) was not put to the people of Kenilworth in consultation despite the Restore Kenilworth Lido group demonstrating the viability of this option. Despite this, when local residents were asked to give their views on the future of the pool complex, 300 of the 500 respondents said they considered outdoor facilities to be “very important” or “important”. A total of 25% of all respondents to the consultation expressly supported Restore Kenilworth Lido's option even though it was not on the offical consultation. 3800 people have signed an online petition in favour of retaining outdoor swimming in Kenilworth, over 600 people have signed paper copies of a petition calling for a pause in the decision making process and 1000 postcards have been distributed to be sent to Councillors by local residents.
3. Maintaining our heritage
This case is also about the protection of our heritage. When the outdoor pool was refurbished in 1935 it was often referred to as a ‘lido’, had it been officially called the Kenilworth Lido it would have been the first in the country.
Find out more about the pool’s history on the Victoran Kenilworth website.
The pool has been an inspiration to big names in outdoor swimming including our own Kenilworth local, paralympian Melanie Easter. It was also an inspiration for Roger Deakin who in his famous book “Water Log” recalls that his "earliest memory of serious swimming" was an open-air pool in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, which he visited when staying with his grandparents during childhood holidays.
Excerpt from Roger Deakin’s ‘Water Log’.
My earliest memory of serious swimming if of being woken very early on holiday mornings with my grandparents in Kenilworth by a sudden rain of pebbles at my bedroom window aimed by my Uncle Laddie, who was a local swimming champion and had his own key to the outdoor pool. Long before the lifeguards arrived, we would unlock the wooden gate and set the straight black refracted lines on the bottom of the green pool snaking and shimmying.
What could happen next?
We will share the opinion of the QC with Warwick District Council who will have an opportunity to consider it and open up the decision for scrutiny. If they do not, we hope that you will support us in taking the case for judicial review.
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Restore Kenilworth Lido
April 11, 2019
WDC IGNORE top QC David Wolfe's opinion and block legal action
We have received a response from Warwick District Council to our pre-action letter. They are now dismissing both expert legal and public opinion about the future of outdoor swimming in the District.
Despite Warwick District Council’s intransigence we remain upbeat and determined to fight on, taking the campaign in other directions. We are busy gathering the support of a growing number of local businesses and national organisations and will continue to listen to our community and campaign for this unique amenity.
What can you do now?
1. Join the public rally on 17th April 5pm at Leamington Town Hall before the final full WDC meeting ahead of the local elections. Bring kids, friends and family, make placards and be ready to make your voices heard.
2. Use your vote on the 2nd May elections for a candidate that supports the review of the decision to close the pool.
Find out how else you can help the campaign -
Background info
The local community and other interested parties raised thousands of pounds to secure the legal opinion of respected QC David Wolfe who advised that “the Council’s approach had not been fair and accordingly had been unlawful”. Warwick District Council’s wholesale rejection of this opinion and its refusal to negotiate further has made it impossible for the campaign group to take the legal challenge to court as the community cannot be expected to take the risk of paying the Council’s legal costs, but that doesn’t make it any less important.
We will continue to push for the Council to halts its decision to close the outdoor pool and take an open-minded approach to fully investigating the feasibility of a Lido option.
There are serious questions that remain unanswered on how WDC conducted its shortlisting process and the public consultation. In particular:
1. The way demand for swimming lessons was calculated (which underpins the decision), which failed to consider existing provision locally and the growing provision at Warwick University, Hatton Country World and other local pools.
2. The consultation process itself, which was poorly publicised, targeted only at existing users and reached only a small number of households at considerable Council Taxpayers expense.
3. Questions over the economic model used to assess the viability of a Lido and the fact that it failed to look at other successful Lidos, such as Stratford Park in Stroud, Droitwich, Banbury and Cheltenham and therefore did not understand, or communicate, the many real benefits of the Lido option.

Restore Kenilworth Lido
March 23, 2019
QC's legal opinion is that we have a case! We must act fast and need your help.
With this information, we now urgently need to take legal action to challenge the decision before the statutory deadline of 9th April 2019. To do this we are asking for your help to reach our stretched fundraising target which is an additional £1500.
Thank you so much for your generous donations to date - we hit our initial target in less than 3 weeks and have been overwhelmed by the support locally and nationally.
We are so close to being able to put a stop to the closure and have a transparent consultation on the future of the pool with a 25m Lido considered properly as one of the options. We can only do this with your help.
How can you help?
1. Donate again if you can
2. Email 5 friends and family members and let them know the good news and ask if they can donate.
3. Share the link to CrowdJustice on Facebook and Twitter telling people why we need their help.
4. Write to your local Councillor (Kenilworth Town and Warwick District) and tell them how you feel about the closure and the decision making process. You can also ask them where they stand on the Lido and the closure of the pool.
8. On 2nd May there are local elections, use your vote to support a candidate that supports the campaign.
Please help us to keep the momentum going before it is too late and this fantastic amenity and potential for Kenilworth is lost forever.
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