CPO Appeal - Save Latin Village & Wards Corner
CPO Appeal - Save Latin Village & Wards Corner

Latest: June 15, 2020
Latin Village closed despite shops in England reopening today
Dear Supporters,
The Latin Village|Pueblito Paisa is closed despite shops in England reopening today after three months of lockdown see why https://savelatinvillage.org.uk/2020/…/09/covid-19-ti…
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After 16 years of fighting, the Latin Village in North London, the only Latin Village in the UK, faces being demolished. It is the UK's second largest concentration of Latin businesses after the Latin Quarter in Elephant & Castle which is also under threat. We need your help to save it.
We are an association of 100% BAME tenants at the Latin Village: Pueblito Paisa in Seven Sisters Market, North London. Our vibrant market is more than just a place where traders make a living. It is a cultural hub and of fundamental importance to BAME women, children and Latin people across the UK and a cross cultural platform for wider community. It is a youth facility; a place where children can play and enjoy their culture. The majority of traders are women and a generation of young people has been raised here. Even the UN has recognised its significance. It is the heart beat of the Latin community. But soon, unless we are successful in our final legal challenge, the bulldozers will move in and our community will be devastated.
A UN statement issued on 26th March 2019 stated:
"The [UN] experts said the local authorities involved in the project had failed to adequately assess and mitigate the impact of the project on the cultural rights of minorities, including children."
Our case
We have been fighting to save our beloved market for 16 years but now we are facing our last battle. The Secretary of State granted a Compulsory Purchase order in January signalling the imminent destruction of the Latin Village. In its place Grainger PLC – the UK’s biggest private residential landlord - will build a shopping centre and 196 ZERO yes ZERO affordable homes on public sector TfL land. It will also reduce the existing affordable housing stock on the order land. BME tenants in affordable homes have been unlawfully evicted to make way for this CPO. Traders have complained about discrimination, harassment and victimisation from the developer's agent.
The UN have stated:
"We are concerned that, according to reports, this treatment appears to be particularly targeted at people of Latin American origin and descent and includes language with racial and discriminatory undertones"
We have one last roll of the dice to fight this discriminatory proposal which disproportionately impacts BME women and children. We are challenging the CPO at the High Court in a bid to save our community.
What are we trying to achieve
We want to be able to continue to enjoy a little piece of Latin America in North London. We want to continue to celebrate our culture and act as a hub for all Latin Americans in the UK. But we can only do that if we successfully challenge the CPO. That is why our solicitors at Hodge Jones & Allen have lodged and appeal at the High Court. We will also be represented by Marc Willers QC. We realise this is an epic battle of David versus Goliath proportions and it is only with your help that we can succeed.
What do we need?
We need £7,500 to pay towards our last ditch legal battle so that we can get justice for the Latin & BME community. If we lose our village the impact to our community may never be repaired.
Here’s a taste of what your donation will help protect.
Después de 16 años en lucha, el Latin Village en el norte de Londres, el único Latin Village en el Reino Unido, se enfrenta a su demolición. El Latin Village es la segunda mayor concentración de negocios latinos en el Reino Unido después del barrio latino en Elephant & Castle, en el sur de Londres, que también está bajo amenaza. Necesitamos tu ayuda para salvarlo.
Somos una asociación conformada por un 100% de comerciantes de minorías étnicas en el Latin Village, también llamado Pueblito Paisa en el mercado de Seven Sisters, en el norte de Londres. Nuestro mercado es más que un lugar donde los y las comerciantes se ganan la vida. Es un centro cultural de importancia fundamental para las mujeres, niñas y niños de minorías étnicas y gente latina en el Reino Unido y una plataforma intercultural para la comunidad en general. Es un centro juvenil; un lugar donde los niños y niñas pueden jugar y disfrutar de su cultura. La mayoría de los comerciantes son mujeres y toda una nueva generación de jóvenes se ha criado en los pasillos del mercado. Incluso la ONU ha reconocido su importancia. Es el latido del corazón de la comunidad latina. Pero pronto, a menos que tengamos éxito en nuestro desafío legal, las excavadoras se harán camino y nuestra comunidad quedará destruida.
La ONU, publicó en un comunicado del 26 de marzo de 2019 en relación al proyecto que amenaza nuestro Latin Village:
"Los expertos [de la ONU] dijeron que las autoridades locales involucradas en el proyecto no habían evaluado ni mitigado adecuadamente el impacto del proyecto en los derechos culturales de las minorías, incluidos los niños".
Nuestro caso
Llevamos 16 años luchando para salvar nuestro amado mercado, y ahora nos enfrentamos a nuestra última batalla. El Secretario de Estado de vivienda confirmó una orden de expropiación en Enero de este año que da un paso más hacia la inminente destrucción de nuestro Latin Village. En el lugar de nuestro mercado, Grainger PLC, la mayor inmobiliaria de alquiler de vivienda privada en el Reino Unido, construirá un centro comercial y 196 viviendas privadas de las cuales CERO sí CERO viviendas serán en régimen de alquiler social o asequibles; y todo ello sobre suelo público en propiedad de Transport for London. Además el proyecto de Grainger reducirá el parque de viviendas en régimen de alquiler asequibles existentes en el terreno de la zona afectada por la expropiación. Inquilinos de minorías étnicas han sido ya desalojados ilegalmente para dar paso a esta expropiación. Los comerciantes han presentado quejas en numerosas ocasiones de la discriminación, el acoso y la victimización de la empresa inmobiliaria.
La ONU ha declarado:
"Nos preocupa que, según los informes, este tratamiento parece estar especialmente dirigido a personas de origen y ascendencia latinoamericanas e incluye lenguaje con tonos raciales y discriminatorios"
Esta es nuestra última oportunidad para combatir este proyecto urbanístico discriminatorio que afecta de manera desproporcionada a las mujeres y niños de minorías étnicas. Estamos desafiando la expropiación del mercado Seven Sisters también llamado Latin Village en el Tribunal Superior en un último intento por salvar a nuestra comunidad.
Qué queremos lograr
Queremos poder seguir disfrutando de un pequeño pedazo de América Latina en el norte de Londres. Queremos seguir celebrando nuestra cultura y ser un centro para todos los latinoamericanos en el Reino Unido. Pero solo podemos hacerlo si logramos detener esta orden de expropiación. Nuestros abogados Hodge Jones & Allen ya han tomado el primer paso presentando una apelación ante el Tribunal Superior. También estaremos representados por Marc Willers QC. Nos damos cuenta de que esta es una batalla de proporciones épicas, un David contra Goliat, y solo con vuestra ayuda podremos tener éxito.
¿Qué necesitamos?
Necesitamos £7,500 para financiar nuestra última batalla legal y obtener justicia para la comunidad latina y de otras minorías étnicas. Si perdemos nuestra aldea, el impacto en nuestra comunidad será irreparable
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Seven Sisters Market Tenants' Association
June 15, 2020
Latin Village closed despite shops in England reopening today
Dear Supporters,
The Latin Village|Pueblito Paisa is closed despite shops in England reopening today after three months of lockdown see why https://savelatinvillage.org.uk/2020/…/09/covid-19-timeline/
The negative judgment of this case was received during the lockdown. Since we have exhausted all domestic remedies we can consider taking the case to the European Court of Human Rights.
Meanwhile, we are fighting to reopen the Latin Village through legal action. Please donate and/or share via the Crowdjustice page https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/latinvillagepueblitopaisa/.
The reason the Latin Village is closed is due to the public-private partnership denial of the continued discrimination that has helped perpetuate racism and forestall essential works.
Kind wishes

Seven Sisters Market Tenants' Association
Nov. 3, 2019
We are applying to the Court of Appeal
Dear Supporters,
On the 10th October 2019 Mr Justice Jay dismissed our judicial review of the CPO.
This is a disappointment but we're not giving in! We've come this far and we believe we still have a good chance in the appeals court. We still need you support - please keep sharing the page and make sure people know the fight continues!
The judgment has been published and we have 14 days to apply to the judge for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
We knew beforehand that the case might be going to the Court of Appeal, because the losing party would be likely to seek permission to appeal.
The application to the judge for permission to appeal is in writing. Ordinarily, trial judges refuse permission to appeal and our application may well be denied by Mr Justice Jay. However, if he does refuse permission then we will have the opportunity to apply directly to Court of Appeal for permission to appeal.
Our QC advises that our grounds of appeal have real merit and that there is a good chance that we will be granted permission to appeal if not by the judge then by the Court of Appeal itself.
If we are granted permission and the Court of Appeal allows our appeal and quashes the CPO then another Planning Inspector will be appointed to hold a fresh inquiry to examine whether there is a compelling need in the public interest for the CPO to be confirmed – an examination which will have to take account of the recently published Wards Corner Scrutiny Review report.
In a nutshell we say that the original Planning Inspector made a mistake in his report to the Secretary of State when commenting upon the mitigation measures that had been put in pace to soften the impact of the CPO on the Market Traders; and that the Secretary of State adopted this mistake and misunderstood the extent and duration of reduced rental periods. Both the Secretary of State and the London Borough of Haringey have admitted that this mistake was made but denied that it affected the overall decision to confirm the CPO. That argument was accepted by the judge but we are confident that our QC and legal team can present arguments which will persuade the Court of Appeal judges that the mistake constituted a fatal flaw in the decision making process and that the Secretary of State’s decision to confirm the CPO should be quashed.
If we are granted permission to appeal then we hope that the appeal process will be completed by July 2020.
No matter what we will keep fighting.
Si se puede!

Seven Sisters Market Tenants' Association
Aug. 30, 2019
We're going to court and now we urgently need funding!
Dear Supporter,
Great news - we have been granted a hearing at the High Court on October 8th and 9th, where we intend to fight the demolition of our beloved Latin Village: El Pueblito Paisa.
We need to raise £8,000 in solicitors fees within the next two weeks in order for us to make it to court.
We want to continue to enjoy a little piece of Latin America in North London. We want to continue to celebrate minority culture and act as a hub for all Latin Americans in the UK. We cannot allow our important community space, especially for women and children, to be replaced by a soulless shopping centre and luxury homes for the wealthy.
We realise this is an epic battle of David versus Goliath proportions and we need your help now more than ever.
How can you help?
Here are three simple ways that you can help Save Latin Village today:
- We are so grateful for your support so far. If you can afford to make another donation, please do so here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/savelatinvillage-cpo-appeal
- Please post this video on your social media and encourage your followers to make a donation to our campaign - every little helps!
- Please email or WhatsaApp the CrowdJustice link to 5 people and tell them why you want to Save Latin Village: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/savelatinvillage-cpo-appeal/
This is our last chance to Save Latin Village, a home and community hub.
Together we are stronger and with your support we can make it to court and have our voices heard!
Thank you so much for your support!

Seven Sisters Market Tenants' Association
July 30, 2019
Our Community Plan has been re-submitted for planning approval
Dear Supporters,
This coming Thursday, market traders and members of the design team are inviting local community groups to preview the Community Plan ahead of its public launch – and we would love for you join us in this exciting moment!
The Plan proposes a community-led alternative to the demolition of Seven Sisters Market and Wards Corner. By renovating the old department store and placing it under democratic community control, the plan will expand the market to create new community spaces and employment opportunities – all while keeping the rent as affordable as it is today for existing and future tenants.
The presentation will take place this Thursday 1st August, 7-8.30pm, at ‘City of Praise’ Hall (312 High Rd, Tottenham, London N15 4BN).
Following the presentation, we will have time for discussion and opportunities to get involved, followed by drinks at the Beehive Pub (Stoneleigh Rd, Tottenham, London N17 9BQ).
The campaign now finds itself in a critical phase, with our legal challenge to the Compulsory Purchase Order beginning in October.
When so many of us in Tottenham face similar challenges, it is important we start building alliances – as when we fight together, we can win together !!
We are hoping to present the Community Plan to as many local groups and residents of Tottenham on Thursday. So please spread the word to anyone you feel might be interested and don’t hesitate to share this message!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Warmest wishes
Save Latin Village & Wards Corner Community Interest Company and West Green Road and Seven Sisters Development Trust

Seven Sisters Market Tenants' Association
July 29, 2019
Save Latin Village at La Clave Fest in Finsbury Park 3 Aug 2019
Dear Supporters,
We would like to invite you to visit our stall at La Clave Festival this Saturday 3rd August at Finsbury Park. Entrance is FREE and there will be Latin music, dance and food.
We need your support more than ever as the solicitors have advised that we need to raise additional funds or no further work will be carried out.
Hope to see you at La Clave Festival! There is a fantastic line up of Latin musicians and dancers performing from 12 - 9pm.
Thanks again for all your support
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