Save Hackney's Children's Centre Nurseries from Closure!

by Save Hackney's Children's Centres

Save Hackney's Children's Centre Nurseries from Closure!

by Save Hackney's Children's Centres
Save Hackney's Children's Centres
Case Owner
We're a group of parents, carers and local community members trying to stop Hackney Council from closing two Children’s Centres - Fernbank, N16 and Sebright, E2.
days to go
pledged of £3,000 stretch target from 47 pledges
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Save Hackney's Children's Centres
Case Owner
We're a group of parents, carers and local community members trying to stop Hackney Council from closing two Children’s Centres - Fernbank, N16 and Sebright, E2.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Who are we?  

We're a group of parents, carers and local community members trying to stop Mayor Caroline Woodley and Hackney Council from changing the childcare provision at Fernbank, Hillside, Oldhill and Sebright Children's Centres, closing two - Fernbank, N16 and Sebright, E2 - completely.

Why are we asking for your support?  

It is well established that the first three years of a child’s life is where the biggest impact can be made in terms of health, education and wellbeing outcomes. Access to high-quality, affordable childcare is a critical part of supporting children and families at this key time of children’s development, especially the most vulnerable.   

Closing these Children's Centre nurseries will result in the loss of 200 full-time, all-year, affordable childcare places to Hackney families. This is a 33% cut of subsidised nursery places in Hackney. The closures will disproportionately affect vulnerable children, lower-income families, women, single parents, and people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.

These places can serve 300+ families as many use the nurseries part-time. The centres also provide extended services such as stay and play sessions, childminding drop-in and infant feeding to hundreds of children and their carers, as well as vital support to children with special educational needs or disabilities. 

The proposed closures also mean that over 40 members of staff are facing possible redundancy, during a recruitment and retention crisis in the Early Years sector. 

We have identified that: 

  1. The forthcoming government reforms could deliver the savings required by the council - Hackney Council are rushing these proposed changes, given the forthcoming expansion of funded childcare and related increases in funding

  2. There is little evidence that other ways to increase income/reduce expenditure have been properly explored or exhausted prior to proposal of these closures

  3. The data and evidence included in the rationale for proposed closures is incorrect and, in places, actively misleading. 

How much are we trying to raise and what for? 

We are hoping to raise £1500. This will cover the legal fees of the solicitors and barrister, plus the costs of VAT. They will be investigating and considering all of the decision making and consultation paperwork, advising us on the merits of a challenge, and preparing pre-action correspondence to the local authority. Our solicitors have agreed to act at a reduced hourly rate.

Please contribute and share this page now!

What else can I do to help? 

  •  Hackney Council is running a consultation about the proposed changes here. The Children's Centre Childcare Review Summary Report is here. To support us, please complete the consultation before it closes on 24th April 2024
  • If you are a Hackney resident, write to your local Councillor, to Diane Abbott MP [email protected] , the Mayor of Hackney, Caroline Woodley, [email protected]  and Anntoinette Bramble, Cabinet member for Education [email protected] to tell them how you feel about the closures.  
  • Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @Save_Fernbank and @SaveHillsideN16 @SaveOurSebright and help us share our message!

Thank you so much for your support! 

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