Same Sex Marriage - The fight for Justice & Equality in Bermuda
Same Sex Marriage - The fight for Justice & Equality in Bermuda

Latest: Dec. 13, 2018
The Fight is not over.....
Calling it a “cynical bigoted hypocritical attack on the rights and freedoms of others,” activist Tony Bran…
We are launching this crowd funding appeal in our legal fight for this important human rights issue.
Gay Bermudian, Rod Ferguson, is bringing a legal action against the Attorney General in the Bermuda Supreme Court. The case will be heard on May 21st and 22nd by Chief Justice Ian Kawaley. The case, if appealed, could go all the way to the Privy Council.
In December of 2017, the Government of Bermuda passed domestic partnership legislation which the U.K.-appointed Governor of Bermuda gave his assent and signed into law on February 7th, 2018. This legislation reversed the 2017 decision by the Bermuda Supreme Court that originally legalized marriage equality in Bermuda.
Bermuda is the first country in the world to remove the right to marry for gay and lesbian couples.
We truly believe that this action is inconsistent with the rights bestowed upon Mr. Ferguson and the rest of the LGBTQ community under the Bermuda Constitution. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is entitled to the same services and rights.
Global Outcry on Twitter
Nearly every major global Online Newspaper has carried the news on the reversal of same-sex marriage
Celebrities, politicians and journalists have either tweeted or expressed support for the Bermuda fight for marriage equality including: Sir Richard Branson, Suze Ormand, Julian Lennon, Nils Lofgren, Billie Jean King, Katie Couric, UK MP's Chris Bryant, David Lammy & Lord Michael Cashman, John Leguizamo
Click here for Lawsuit and Originating summons
The Bermuda Supreme Court ruled on May 5th 2017 in favor of Winston & Greg Godwin-DeRoche after they were denied a marriage license by the Registrar General of Bermuda. As a result, same-sex marriage became legal in Bermuda. Only 7 months later, following a general election, the newly formed Government introduced and passed the Domestic Partnership legislation that revoked the right for same-sex couples to marry.
This creates three classes of Bermudian citizens with respect to marriage: heterosexual citizens who have had the right to marry throughout, the ten same-sex couples who married when it was legal and whose marriages remain valid, and gay and lesbian Bermudians who no longer have the right to marry, and can only enter into a domestic partnership.
Don't hurt us, help us.
Please support the LGBTQ community in Bermuda with a donation for this most important legal fight. With Bermuda becoming the first country to reverse same-sex marriage, some may feel emboldened to attempt a rollback of same-sex marriage rights in other countries. The Bermuda case has important global ramifications.
Some cruise lines such as Cunard & P&O are registered in Bermuda. Sadly, the recent reversal of same-sex marriage has resulted in weddings being cancelled.
Website: SameLoveBermuda
Email: [email protected]
Same Love Bermuda fights for Marriage Equality. The Bermuda Government has legislated replacing Same Sex Marriage with Domestic Partnerships. We seek justice in the courts to reinstate Same Sex Marriage.
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Same Love Bermuda
Dec. 13, 2018
The Fight is not over.....
Calling it a “cynical bigoted hypocritical attack on the rights and freedoms of others,” activist Tony Brannon said “we have won three court cases and still the Government want to continue the denial of equality.
Saying they “must be sore that they lost in the Court of Appeal,” Mr Brannon said “the people of Bermuda are sore that education is in a mess amidst a myriad of other issues in Bermuda. Further waste of taxpayer dollars is obscene and repugnant. ”
We will be launching an appeal for funding to support our legal team at the PRIVY COUNCIL
Thanks for all your support to date.
#government #rights #education #lgbtq #samesexmarriage #humanrights #equality

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 25, 2018
#Bermuda - we won
#BERMUDA - VICTORY FOR #HumanRights #Equality
Same-sex marriage became legal again yesterday after a landmark ruling by the Court of Appeal.
The court dismissed the Government’s claim that former Chief Justice Ian Kawaley was wrong to strike down sections of the Domestic Partnership Act, which was passed to replace same-sex marriage with a civil partnership arrangement.
The packed courtroom erupted with loud cheers as Sir Scott Baker, president of the Court of Appeal, announced the decision.
They broke into cheers again half an hour later when the court refused to delay the effect of its judgment.

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 4, 2018
PLEASE GO TO OUR NEW CASE PAGE for ROUND 2 in the fight for #Equality

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 3, 2018
#Bermuda grants work permit to #HumanRights #Lawyer
BERMUDA spends $ 400k on a British human rights lawyer in their attempt to overturn Same-sex marriage.
Please share far & wide. Our legal team have already won two cases against the Bermuda government.
This fight for #Equality is getting expensive. We do not have a #taxpayers piggy bank. The Court of Appeal case starts November 7th.
Bermuda is the only country in the world to have allowed same-sex marriage then banned it - twice!
The Domestic Partnership Act reversed a Supreme Court ruling from May 2017, which had paved the way for gay couples to marry in Bermuda and on island-registered ships around the world.
But Mr Justice Kawaley ruled the legislation was at odds with the Constitution, which protects the right to freedom of conscience and outlaws discrimination on the basis of creed.

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 31, 2018
Lawyer Mark Pettingill - COURT of APPEAL Nov 7th 8th 9th 2018
#lawyer Mark Pettingill will be representing his client Roderick Ferguson in the the #Bermuda Court of Appeal in 7 days......
Unlike the Bermuda Government, we do not have a #taxpayer piggy bank. The Government, in their dogged attempt to deny Same Sex Marriage a 3rd time, have hired a British QC, James Guthrie from 3 Hare Court, in their attempt to peruade a panel of 3 judges (Court of Appeal) that Chief Justice Ian Kawaley's decision that the Bermuda Government violated the constitiution BE OVERTURNED.
Imagine hiring a Human Rights lawyer to deny #HumanRights. It doesn't get anymore sinister or despicable.
Mark has matintained from DAY 1 that Same Sex Marriage could not be denied to any gay person.
He successfully argued and won, along with the rest of the legal team, twice in the Supreme Court of Bermuda. Next week he will hopefully WIN again.
Former Premier Sir John Swan says, Same-sex Marriage is the WAY TO GO
WHY is Bermuda spending $400k of Taxpayers money "Oppressing People"....

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 30, 2018
Only 7 days to go in #Bermuda before the Court of Appeal - Round 3
Please share this appeal with #friends.
The Bermuda Government are attempting to deny Same-Sex Marriage for a third time.
They are raiding the #taxpayers piggy bank to the tune of 400k to fund a UK QC, a Human Rights lawyer no less, in their attempt to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that said in essence that the Bermuda Government had violated the Bermuda Constitution.
We MUST win a 3rd time and hope the government finally accepts that #Love #Equality & #HumanRights cannot be excluded to ANYONE !
Mark Pettingill is once again leading the legal fight against the government
Our TV / SOCIAL MEDIA Campaign

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 24, 2018
NEW CASE - We URGENTLY need your help to reach target
We have reduced the target from 10,000 pounds to 5000 pounds.
We only have TWO days left to reach the target.
We have raised 3,985 pounds are we are short of the reduced target by 1,015 pounds.
Can you help us make the initial target and also reach out to friends ?
If we do not reach the 5000 pounds by FRIDAY, this appeal will fail to reach the initial target and none of the donations will be charged out on the donors credit cards.
Once the initial target of 5000 pounds is reached we can extend the target and the timing and even extend further if needed.
The Court of Appeal case is only two weeks away and starts on November 7th.

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 21, 2018
#Bermuda #HumanRights Court of Appeal fight for #Equality
OCT 21, 2018 —
Bermuda has legalized Same Sex Marriage Twice.
The Bermuda Government have trampled on #Equality and #Human Rights for the #LGBTQ community on more than one occasion
The Government are raiding the "Taxpayers Piggy Bank" to fund a UK QC, James Guthrie, in their desperate 3rd attempt to deny Marriage Equality. The Bermuda Government has spent to date well over half a million dollars on 2 court cases and now are spending nearly HALF a MILLION dollars of taxpayers money on the upcoming Court of Appeal challenge.
Will you help us reach our initial target -10,000 pounds?
This case is so vitally important not only for Bermuda but for many other countries battling dinosaur governments who deny equality for same-sex couples.
Please feel free to use these YouTube links in emails, on websites or social media channels.
- Marriage Equality Bermuda - Equality in Bermuda - featuring Sir John Swan and Maryellen Jackson - Bermuda legalized same-sex marriage twice - featuring PBS news, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, Mark Pettingill, It's That Type of Party, Jeff Sousa - Change Your Mind

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 2, 2018
Thank you for your previous support
We hope you will support the new fight for justice and tell tour friends and colleagues to support this new court case.
The cost to #Bermuda taxpayers is enormous. The politicians of the Bermuda government are funding this discrimination from the taxpayers piggy bank.
Bermuda Government hire a #HumanRights lawyer to deny #Equality - Shameful
Former Bermuda MP and Human Rights Activist Renee Webb
Lawyers urge Bermuda Premier to drop the Court of Appeal challenge
#DropTheAppeal #LoveWins #Bermuda #HumanRights #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #LGBTQIA

Same Love Bermuda
Sept. 24, 2018
Same Love Bermuda thanks everyone who supported our first appeal. Indeed we have WON 2 Supreme Court cases to date.
# 1 saw Same Sex Marriage become legal in Bermuda via a court challenge.
# 2 saw us win a constitutional case against the Bermuda Government after they cynically passed legislation, deliberately overriding the Bermuda Supreme Court.
SADLY, the Government filed an appeal to The Court of Appeal.
So whilst we have won 2 battles, we have not yet won the war.
Indeed this may well go all the way to the Privy Council.
We really NEED your help and support more than ever as we do not have a "Taxpayers Piggy Bank" to fight this attack by the Bermuda Government on Human Rights.
The NEW appeal will launch Thursday morning at 9 am UK time.
Here is the Link

Same Love Bermuda
Aug. 3, 2018
We will soon be relaunching a Crowd Justice appeal for funds to support the next legal hurdle in #Bermuda - STAY TUNED
The Bermuda Government has refused to accept our 2nd victory in the Supreme Court of Bermuda and seems to be "Trump Like" in their stubborn determination to NOT accept Marriage Equality in Bermuda.
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute has written to the Premier David Burt urging him to support the Supreme Court decision to reverse the ban on same-sex marriage.
The letter to Mr Burt welcomed the “positive development made by the Bermuda Supreme Court with respect to the human rights of the LGBTI citizens of Bermuda”.
It stated: “The IBAHRI urges the Government of Bermuda to support fully the judgment of the Supreme Court, implement it in good faith, and give leadership to countries of the Caribbean which continue to discriminate against their citizens, contrary to universal human rights on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.”
READ MORE HERE - Including links for letters to Bermuda Premier David Burt, Boris Johnson and Baroness Scotland.
Bermuda companies step up to support Same Sex Marriage
It is tragic that the Bermuda Government does not.

Same Love Bermuda
July 5, 2018
The fight for justice will go on.....
We will need serious support for the next round of legal costs as we go to the Court of Appeal and we may end up at the Privy Council..
To say we are outraged is an understatement. That a government would legislate against love in the first place is bad enough. But now they are appealing the latest supreme court victory in Bermuda.
We need every person who has supported us to date to tell their friends and help us as we will be looking at a $ 250,000 legal tab going forward.
The tragedy is that the Bermuda taxpayer will also be paying for the Governments tab.
This is such an abomination there are no words for me today.....
OUTBermuda have spoken as has Rod Ferguson to the Bermuda newspaper today:
Mr Ferguson said today: “Just one month ago, LGBTQ Bermudians inched closer to our goal of restoring marriage equality. We regret this ill-advised and costly decision to appeal the Supreme Court’s finding, and we will summon our voices and resources again as a united community to prevail.”
OutBermuda, which served as a co-litigant in the original lawsuit, will join again with Mr Ferguson, Ms Jackson and other allies.
Adrian Hartnett-Beasley, one of OUTBermuda’s directors, said: “We have strength not only in justice but in our numbers, including our respected faith leaders like Sylvia Hayward-Harris, along with citizen-activists including Julia and Judith Aidoo-Saltus, Chai T., Wesley Methodist Church, and Douglas NeJaime.
“We’ve made outstanding progress with our business advocates led by Carnival Corporation and many encouraging Bermudian-owned/based businesses and employers.”
Rod Attride-Stirling and Mark Pettingill will again provide legal counsel for OutBermuda.

Same Love Bermuda
June 30, 2018

Same Love Bermuda
June 19, 2018
BERMUDA awaits Government decision to appeal same-sex marriage :(
Bermuda resident and NBC sports personality makes a point !
He has also been super supportive of marriage equality in Bermuda.
If there is a law that says children must be separated from parents? Simple, change the law and make a waiver now till it’s changed. Laws can be wrong, we once had laws saying women couldn’t vote and people could be owned. We are better than this, much better.
Well said John - Just like in Bermuda, we once had people that couldn't sit upstairs in the movie house because of their race. But now we have gays being denied the right to marry by people that once fought so hard for equality. PEOPLE FORGET....
Dozens and dozens of #Bermuda companies are joining the EQUALITY LIST.
Please contact [email protected] to be added

Same Love Bermuda
June 14, 2018
Premier of Bermuda does not "accept" SUPREME COURT ruling
Premier of Bermuda David Burt says #equality is not something he spends much time on concerning Same-sex marriage.
Bermuda has won two Supreme Court cases for Same-sex marriage and the government still insists it will pursue and appeal on this latest ruling.
This is a cynical sad day in the continuation of denial of true equality for same-sex couples in Bermuda.

Same Love Bermuda
June 7, 2018
Chief Justice Dr. Ian Kawaley restores Same-sex marriage in Bermuda, AGAIN.
BUT no sooner had the headlines appeared around the planet, the Bermuda Government announced they were planning to appeal.
Thanks to @CrowdJustice for your support for this important #HumanRights battle that the @BdaGovernment seems stubborn about, as they claim they will appeal the judgement.
Shame on them for trampling on a minority once, but don't do it twice.
I have lobbied friends and business leaders to appeal to the Bermuda Government to accept the ruling:
The #Bermuda Government have stated they will appeal "pending" legal advice.
Let's hope the advice is, "the judgement is airtight" and that it would be "futile" to appeal, let alone morally bankrupt.
Imagine reversing #Equality again ?
The price of prejudice – what if the PLP (Bermuda Government) spent the $$$ supporting #Bermudians instead of suppressing them – how many children could have scholarships to college OR the $$ went to the family center or other local charities?
Many #Bermuda MP's lied to the people and the press claiming 68% voted against SSM – a bold faced ugly lie.
53% stayed home in the referendum and only 14,000 out of 44,000 registered voters were against SSM.
It is time to accept #HumanRights in Bermuda.
IMAGINE - Reversing Equality Again

Same Love Bermuda
June 4, 2018
JUNE 6th, 2018
#Bermuda and the world anxiously await the decision of the Chief Justice of Bermuda.

Same Love Bermuda
June 2, 2018
In the meantime:
A Bermuda law that reversed Same-sex marriage took effect on June 1st.
Bermuda has become the 1st country to make Same-sex marriage legal via a court challenge, only to see the PLP Government promise the reversal of Marriage Equality IF elected. They delivered this ugly promise via legislation of discrimination called Domestic Partnerships.
The Bermuda Government intentionally legislated discrimination - Is this a walk back to the dark days of colonialism? How can a political party, who fought so hard to right the wrongs of the past, legislate against the #LGBTQ minority ?
We await the ruling of Chief Justice Ian Kawaley in the recent court case that challenged the Domestic Partnerships legislation as being "Unconstitutional".
#OpenToAll #LoveWins

Same Love Bermuda
May 28, 2018
Bermuda awaits Supreme Court on SAME SEX MARRIAGE

Same Love Bermuda
May 19, 2018
Bermuda Supreme Court "Constitutional" Legal Challenge
Bermudian Roderick Ferguson will challenge this legislation of discrimination with counsel Mark Pettingill. Also enjoining the legal fight is Bermudian Maryellen C L Jackson represented by Rod Attride-Stirling.
Also in support of the legal fight is Carnival Cruise Lines.
The #Bermuda government legislated the reversal of Same Sex Marriage by introducing less than equal Domestic Partnerships.
Imagine a government reversing #humanrights ?
To all the Bermudian Members of Parliament that voted against Marriage Equality - we say shame on you 😥
It is still not too late to contribute to the legal costs. Please help with the fight for justice and equality.

Same Love Bermuda
May 14, 2018
Only 8 days before SUPREME COURT legal challenge against the Bermuda Government. The reversal of #samesexmarriage via discriminatory legislation is "Repugnant to the Bermuda Constitution".
Please support #CrowdFunding

Same Love Bermuda
May 8, 2018
ONLY 13 days to go....
We are fighting the Government of Bermuda on May 21/22 in the Supreme Court as the government disrespected the constitutional rights of "some" Bermudians - the #LGBTQ community.
PLEASE SUPPORT #crowdfunding
Premier Burt's quote on the UK legislation (see image below), ordering its overseas territories to have a public register of companies.
You can't cry "Constitution" one minute when you broke or ignored it another.

Same Love Bermuda
April 27, 2018
Crowd Justice Bermuda Appeal Extended
We are only 24 days before the start of the legal challenge in the Supreme Court of #Bermuda. Please help us to reach the next target level (50,000 pounds) to assist with the legal expenses.
NEWS - OUTBermuda talks to HRC
Last year, Bermuda made history when its Supreme Court legalized marriage equality. A few months later, Bermuda’s Parliament voted to replace it with a domestic partnerships law. The newest law, while offering partnership rights, banishes the full equality that only marriage can bestow to all couples.
HRC spoke with OUTBermuda Board of Directors Deputy Chairperson Zakiya Johnson Lord about the repeal of marriage equality and the battles ahead.

Same Love Bermuda
April 23, 2018
5 days to go....
Update on Same Sex Marriage - The fight for Justice & Equality in Bermuda
We are hoping to raise 50,000 pounds to support the legal costs for the Bermuda Supreme Court challenge that seeks to overturn the Domestic Partnership Legislation, declaring DP "unconstitutional".
On February 7th 2018, the Bermuda Governor gave assent to legislation that resulted in reversing Same-sex marriage in Bermuda.ONLY 4 weeks away
On May 21/22 all eyes will be on the Bermuda Supreme Court.
On behalf of Rod Ferguson and his lawyer Mark Pettingill, I want to thank you for your generous support to date.
If everyone who has donated to date can persuade a friend to contribute we can indeed reach the next goal.

Same Love Bermuda
April 18, 2018
BBC RADIO SPECIAL on BERMUDA Wednesday April 18th
Bermuda's Change of Heart
In a radical turn of events – Bermuda has become the first country in the world to repeal same-sex marriage.
In May 2017, Bermudian lawyer Mark Pettingill and his client Winston Godwin won a case in the Bermuda Supreme Court for marriage equality for all people in the LGBTQ+ community. However, less than a year later – a new government introduced the Domestic Partnership Act - taking away the rights of gay couples to marry, and given them instead the option of civil partnerships. Governor John Rankin explained that the decision was made to bring together and please the two irreconcilable groups on either side of the debate. The government says they are preserving marriage as a union between a man and a woman, but also protecting the rights of same-sex couples.
Bermudian native and spoken word artist Tiffany Paynter explores the toll this debate has taken on an island that remains divided. She investigates how this law was overturned so quickly, focussing on the experience of same-sex couples. Tiffany meets with Winston Godwin who initially won the Supreme Court case with his husband Greg De Roche. She also meets lawyer Mark Pettingill who fought their case and is now preparing another legal fight against the Bermudian government, with his client Roderick Ferguson. Tiffany also speaks with a same-sex couple who are now preparing to leave the island, Joe Gibbons and Christopher Vee.
Bermuda is also an island where there are more churches per square mile than any other country in the world. As a result – there are strong, religious attitudes that feed into this debate around rights for the LGBTQ+ community. Tiffany meets with Adrian Hartnett-Beasley who is the leader of OUT Bermuda, the official charity for LGBTQ+ people on the island, and who is also a gay, married Christian with an adopted son.
Finally, Tiffany speaks to Linda Mienzer about how a debate on same-sex rights has underlying racial divisions.
Image: Presenter Tiffany Paynter (left) with Roderick Ferguson, Credit: Anishka Sharma, Whistledown Productions

Same Love Bermuda
April 15, 2018
Bermuda and the commonwealth
We won in Trinidad. Now it’s time to end all homophobic laws in the Commonwealth
On May 5th 2017 Same-sex marriage became legal. It was a short lived victory, as the government set about reversing this #Humanright with cynical legislation backed by #fakefacts and lies. Between the Government, Preserve Marriage, "some" religious institutions and the #media, the BIG LIE was told over and over again to justify that the country was not ready for #marriageequality.
They repeated the #fakefacts over and over again. Indeed they were so good at their lies that even the global media parroted these false numbers.
In 2016 a "Non-Binding Referendum" was conducted in #Bermuda on the same day the Brits voted for #Brexit.
Less than 33% of all registered Bermudian voters said NO to Same-sex marriage. Indeed 53% of all voters stayed home. We surmise that many were aghast that a government would have a vote over equality. Further WHY VOTE in anything that is "Non-binding" ??
FAKE FACTS - 68% voted NO !
In the quest to justify reversing Same-sex marriage the Government, Preserve Marriage, "some" religious institutions and the media claimed 68% of Bermudians said NO to marriage equality.
This repeated lie is there for all to see, again, again & again.
On February 7th 2018 the Bermuda Government reversed Same-sex marriage in Bermuda after the Governor signed the Domestic Partnership legislation into law. Bermuda became the 1st (and only) country to reverse Marriage Equality.
MAY 21st & 22nd 2018
A constitutional legal challenge in the Bermuda Supreme Court in front of Chief Justice Ian Kawaley will argue that the Bermuda government took a way a right. That taking away a right of equality is indeed "Repugnant to the Constitution". This lawsuit by Rod Ferguson, represented by former Bermuda Attorney General Mark Pettingill is being joined by Maryellen Jackson, OUTBermuda, CUNARD CRUISES and lawyer Rod-Attride Stirling
PLEASE SUPPORT our #crowdfunding for this most important legal challenge to protect equality and the Human Rights of all Bermudians. Tell a friend !

Same Love Bermuda
April 5, 2018
CNN's Richard Quest talks to OUTBermuda's Zakiya Johnson Lord
There is no doubt that the SPOTLIGHT on Bermuda has been raised with the support of Carnival Cruise lines in the upcoming legal fight set down for May 21st & 22nd before the Chief Justice of Bermuda, Ian Kawaley.
Last May 5th 2017 Same Sex Marriage became legal in Bermuda.
Former Attorney General of Bermuda Mark Pettingill, representing Winston Godwin & Greg DeRoche, and Rod Attride-Stirling, acting for the Bermuda Human Rights Commission, brilliantly argued that the Registrar General's denial of a marriage license amounted to discrimination. Indeed Justice Charles-Etta Simmons ruled that she was protecting the rights of a minority and agreed that a marriage license should be issued.
In July of 2018 a change of Government saw the new administration fulfill a campaign promise to its voters. The PLP Government introduced legislation that not only overturned Same Sex Marriage, but it also altered the legislation regarding Human Rights.
Rod Ferguson recently launched an appeal in the Supreme Court of Bermuda which is now going to be joined by OUTBermuda, Maryellen Jackson and Carnival Cruises.
Bermuda has had awful PR and suffered global condemnation for reversing a right granted to Same-sex couples. Indeed Bermuda is the first country to reverse Same-sex marriage. The cost and losses in cancelled holiday bookings has been considerable.
Mark Pettingill and Rod Attride-Stirling will again challenge the Bermuda Government on May 21st and May 22nd. They will argue that the Bermuda governments Domestic Partnerships legislation contravenes the Bermuda Constitution.
Success in the courts will restore equality for all in Bermuda and will indeed help to rehab Bermuda's reputation, which has taken a pounding from Sir Richard Branson, Ellen DeGeneres and indeed thousands more in the media.
The Legal costs are indeed considerable, and we ask for your continued support of our Crowd Funding campaign.

Same Love Bermuda
April 4, 2018
Carnival cruise line joins Bermuda legal fight
Carnival joins in fight for Equality
OUTBermuda and Maryellen Jackson have filed legal action in the Bermuda Supreme Court seeking an order declaring that provisions that “have the effect of revoking same-sex marriage” are in contravention of the Bermuda Constitution, with the local legal action — which marks the second filed about the matter — being backed by the Carnival cruise line.

Same Love Bermuda
March 29, 2018
Please help us restore Justice, Equality & Human Rights in Bermuda.
On behalf of Rod Ferguson, we would like to thank all of those who have donated over a total of 35,000 pounds towards the legal costs of the upcoming legal challenge in the Bermuda Supreme Court. We still have a long way to go!
Last night a leading Insurance executive in Bermuda responded to our request for support.
"Consider it done. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it is in the best interests of Bermuda relative to our perception in the international community".
We have been involved in campaigning for the rights of the #Bermuda #LGTBQ community. Indeed, we won a Supreme Court decision last year that made Same-sex marriage legal in Bermuda.
Sadly, this past February 7th the Governor signed into law legislation that reversed the right for same-sex couples to get married in Bermuda.
We are going back to the Bermuda Supreme Court this coming May 21st /22nd.
The legal costs for this court challenge will approach $ 250,000. Former Bermuda Attorney General, Mark Pettingill of Chancery Legal, is heading up the legal team.
In order to assist Rod Ferguson who is challenging the law, we created a #crowdfunding appeal on Rods behalf hosted by Crowd Justice.
To date we have raised just over 35,000 pounds.
Any support towards this most important court case would be truly appreciated.
Human Rights are priceless.
Please Support
Please help the campaign and tell your friends.
Rod Ferguson & Tony Brannon

Same Love Bermuda
March 23, 2018
We can reach 50,000 pounds with your help
HELP US REACH the next target of 50,000 pounds.
We would like to thank all of you who have generously contributed towards supporting Rod Ferguson in his legal battle. The upcoming case is getting closer and the legal team, headed up by former Bermuda Attorney General of Bermuda Mark Pettingill, is working diligently in preparing the "Constitutional Argument" that essentially says that Domestic Partnerships took away a right granted to a minority and as such is "Repugnant to the Bermuda Constitution".
Crowd Justice just posted this twitter message on behalf of Rod Ferguson.
Please spread the word as the best way to support Rod & the Bermuda #LGBTQ community is to support the legal challenge.

Same Love Bermuda
March 16, 2018
The fight for justice and equality needs your help !
Our Crowd Justice campaign is 2 weeks old. We are over 50% of the way to our next fundraising goal. We have 2 weeks to go to reach the next level.
#Bermuda is the 1st country to reverse Same-sex marriage. The government did so with legislation, overruling the Supreme Court of Bermuda with an Act of Parliament. Imagine your country taking away a right? Don't think it can't happen in your country.
#HumanRights are for everyone. Everyone is entitled to the same rights. No group should have more rights than another.
History is full of battles to fight discrimination. It is therefore important, that we go to the Supreme Court of Bermuda to challenge the Domestic Partnerships legislation. Indeed, because this legal challenge focuses primarily on the Bermuda Constitution, the battle may go all the way to the Privy Council.
Justice and Equality are priceless. However, the legal costs are not free.
The importance of winning this legal challenge is vital not only for Bermuda and Bermudians and the #LGBTIQ+ community, but the results of the legal rulings can and will affect other people in other countries.

Same Love Bermuda
March 9, 2018
Don't Boycott !
Thank You to everyone who has supported our Crowd Justice appeal.
128 people have donated almost 25,000 pounds in just one week and we are well on our way to reaching the next target of 50,000 pounds. Just imagine if 1000 people donated. Indeed, 10,000 would be amazing!
The Best Way To Help
The legal challenge is the appropriate channel to see justice and equality in #Bermuda.
Some folks have reacted to the Bermuda Government's Domestic Partnerships legislation with calls for a boycott.
We ask everyone - "Don't Boycott Bermuda" - it will only hurt people that have already put up with discrimination for enough decades already. The way to help Bermuda is to come visit us or support our appeal for the constitutional legal challenge on Crowd Justice.
Don't forget to tell your friends that you supported the fight for Justice & Equality
Here is a little music by Bermuda's own Heather Nova
Love Wins

Same Love Bermuda
March 7, 2018
Bermudian Rod Ferguson tells his story...
As A Survivor Of Bermuda's Homophobia I Want To Do All I Can For Same-Sex Marriage Rights
We wanted to share with you all a little bit about Rod Ferguson who is bringing the legal challenge to the Supreme Court in Bermuda.
Please share his Huffington Post story!
We have nearly reach 10,000 pounds and we have 40k more to go. We can do this.
Thanks to everyone who has supported to date. This fight for equality is bigger than just #Bermuda as it has global ramifications - We must win this Constitutional Challenge.
Losing is not an option !
This appeal to support Rod Ferguson's legal challenge is indeed targeted to everyone, everywhere who believes in Equality, Justice & #HumanRights.

Same Love Bermuda
March 5, 2018
1st target for crowd funding has been reached - Thank you
On behalf of Rod Ferguson we would like to thank you for your generous support.
As of this update, 57 people have contributed 5,120 pounds to this most important Supreme Court case.
There are millions of people in the global #LGBTQI community and we hope some of you can support this most important fight for Justice and Equality.
The Bermuda case has implications for Marriage Equality in other countries. Indeed we have seen how the recent Bermuda government reversal, via legislation, of Same-sex marriage has resulted in another lawsuit regarding Bermuda registered cruise ships. Cruise lines like Cunard and P&O cruises are no longer able to marry same-sex couples as they are bound by Bermuda law.
All this upset and fallout could have easily have been avoided if the Bermuda government had accepted the Supreme Court ruling of May 5th 2017 that made same-sex marriage legal in Bermuda.
Sadly the government proceeded to draft legislation that reversed Same-sex marriage in Bermuda. This was signed into law on February 7th 2018 by the Governor of Bermuda (appointed by the UK).
Bermuda is the 1st country in the world to reverse same-sex marriage.
Domestic Partnerships have replaced marriage for same-sex couples. No country anywhere recognizes Domestic Partnerships and they will only be valid in Bermuda.
The estimated cost of the May 21/22nd court case is $ 250,000. We must raise the funds either via Crowd Funding or private donations to pay for the legal fees.
We urge the global #LGBTQI community to support the legal fight. If 24,500 people donated just 10 pounds each - the legal costs are covered.
So far 57 people have donated 5,120 pounds which is an average donation of 90 pounds per person. If that same stat was to play out, all we need is 2,722 people to contribute at that amount to raise funds for the legal challenge.
If the average donation was 50 pounds all we need is 4,900 people.
Indeed if the average donation was 25 pounds, all we need is 9,800 people.
Thanks to everyone who donated so far and, with your help, we look forward to this campaign reaching the final target.

Same Love Bermuda
March 2, 2018
We have hit 50% of the initial target in half a day !
Hello all, we are 50% of the way on our initial target on day 1.
Once we meet the initial target of 5,000 pounds we are on our way.
This is a most important legal case
The importance cannot be overstated, not only for Bermudians, but for any one wishing to get married in Bermuda regardless of sexual orientation.
Indeed, the fact that Bermuda is the 1st country to reverse same-sex marriage has given rise to others to call for the reversal of Human Rights in other countries.
Other legal challenges can point to and argue any legal decision that arises from the court challenge in Bermuda.
The legal team see a winnable path, arguing that reversing same-sex marriage is repugnant to the Bermuda Constitution.
Losing is not an option. Human Rights are not negotiable and to legislate them away from any group must be rigorously opposed.
The cost of the 1st round of legal fees are estimated to be $ 250,000. We have a long way to go. We are 1% of the way there so far today, but 50% of the way on our initial modest target.
Human Rights are priceless and we appreciate all the support from the Bermuda and global #LGBTQI community and indeed everyone who supports Human Rights.
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