Safe Schools Alliance UK
Safe Schools Alliance UK

Latest: Jan. 2, 2020
Thanks for your support - next step is Judicial Review
Thank you to everyone who has supported this crowdfunder. We hit our target and we will be closing this page shortly. However, the fight has only just begun and we would like to ask you to share a ne…
Read moreWe are Safe Schools Alliance, a group of parents, teachers, governors, health professionals, education professionals, and carers from across the UK. We are from a wide range of backgrounds and the group has no religious or political affiliation.
The SSA campaign is focused on working with schools and educators to ensure that school policies meet the safeguarding needs of all students whilst taking into account the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. We have become increasingly alarmed at the trans inclusion policies that are being recommended to schools by their local authorities. We know that groups of parents have been challenging their schools and Local Authorities but the extent of regulatory capture by transgender lobby groups has meant these informal challenges are not always effective, and where they are, their effect is localised and subject to being overturned.
We know that some Local Authorities have endorsed or co-written guidance on transgender students which misrepresents (and potentially breaks) the law. These guidance documents put children at risk by overriding existing safeguarding regulations. They compel teachers to subscribe to gender ideology. They say that boys who identify as girls should be treated as girls in all aspects of school life, including boarding for residential trips, use of girls toilets and changing rooms, and sports. The policies advise total affirmation of children who identify as trans, which may be detrimental to their long term physical and mental health.
We have received early legal advice that we have a good chance of meeting the criteria for taking legal action. We need to raise an initial £3,500 to obtain fuller advice and investigate if there are sufficient grounds for a legal case against a Local Authority in England. We are withholding the name of the LA at present.
If we find there are grounds for legal action, the next step is likely to be taking the LA to court and forcing a Judicial Review. This could have implications for all schools policy in England.
In short, this could be ground-breaking as it will be the first legal case that shapes the law on how schools are to engage with these issues. It will be a test case that will affect the whole country.
This is just the first step and we need to get going quickly. Please chip in if you can.
This is a private fundraiser at the moment so please do not share this more widely. If the advice suggests we have legal grounds we will be publicly raising money for the Judicial Review.
We are being represented by Sinclairslaw, the leading, national firm in education law.
Thank you.
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Safe Schools Alliance UK
Jan. 2, 2020
Thanks for your support - next step is Judicial Review
Thank you to everyone who has supported this crowdfunder. We hit our target and we will be closing this page shortly. However, the fight has only just begun and we would like to ask you to share a new crowdfunder here.
We are supporting 3 brave claimants (a teacher, a parent and a 13 year old girl) who are taking legal action against Oxfordshire County Council on the basis their Trans Inclusion Toolkit 2019 is illegal and breaks their own safeguarding framework.
Your donation helped us to support the claimants get to a position where they had a good legal case against OCC. You can see the letter we sent asking OCC to take down the Trans Toolkit here along with additional information about the case here. This was also covered in the Sunday Times.
Oxford have until 3rd January to withdraw the Toolkit. If they do not the claimants will apply for a Judicial Review. It is highly unlikely OCC with withdraw. Therefore, this will be a goundbreaking case which set the law in England and Wales on these issues and will impact the safety, dignity and privacy of every single child who attends school in England and Wales. We will need about £50,000 to fund the case so please share the new fundraiser as much as you can.
Thank you for your support. We wouldn't have got this far with out you!
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