Protect Snells Nook Lane (Nanpantan Loughborough) from Traffic Chaos

by Nanpantan Ward Residents' Group (NWRG)

Protect Snells Nook Lane (Nanpantan Loughborough) from Traffic Chaos

by Nanpantan Ward Residents' Group (NWRG)
Nanpantan Ward Residents' Group (NWRG)
Case Owner
NWRG has a track record of opposing planning applications that would lead to overdevelopment, excessive traffic and/or loss of green space.
days to go
pledged of £7,200 stretch target from 26 pledges
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Nanpantan Ward Residents' Group (NWRG)
Case Owner
NWRG has a track record of opposing planning applications that would lead to overdevelopment, excessive traffic and/or loss of green space.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Who are we? - The Nanpantan Ward Residents' Group ( is a formalised residents group; we have a track record of opposing planning applications that would lead to overdevelopment and/or loss of green space in our area

Summary - William Davis's planning application to build 128 houses on 2 fields adjacent to Nanpantan village was considered by the Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) Plans Committee in on  25th July. The Plans Committee accepted the CBC Planning's recommendation that the development will go ahead, subject to agreement being reached between the developer and CBC on the amount of the developer's financial contribution.

So, the development will go ahead subject to CBC and the developer reaching agreement on the financial contribution by an agreed date (which at the time or writing has not been made public). The application would be refused if the developer financial contribution is not agreed. There is a risk that any shortfall in the developer contribution would need to be met from 'local sources' i.e. Council Taxpayers

It is our contention that the impact of the traffic generated by the development has been materially underestimated, due to a factual error in the traffic survey commissioned by the developer.

This is a complex area, we are at the point where we need expert legal advice and support, leading potentially to a Judicial Review (JR)

Now is the time to engage with CBC regarding the error made – with a view to stopping planning permission being granted.

Call to action - We are seeking to raise funds to pay for each stage in the legal process. Our lawyers will advise us at each stage about the probability of success, we will not ask for further funds against our lawyers' advice.

We cannot proceed without your support: please contribute and share this page now!

What are we trying to achieve? - Prevent a worsening of the already severe traffic queues at the Nanpantan/Priory Crossroads. Further, we want to protect the Snell's Nook Lane area from overdevelopment and to ensure that council taxpayers do not subsidise the developer,

What is the next step in the case? - Our lawyer will write to CBC outlining their errors

How much we are raising and why? - Our first target is £1200 for initial legal advice and initial solicitor communications to CBC. We hope that we can stop planning permission being granted at this point due to the factual errors that have been made. We may need to raise additional funds for legal representation should we need to apply for Judicial Review. 


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