Keep Politics Out of Utah Schools!
Keep Politics Out of Utah Schools!

What this case is about
Until this year Utah had a non-partisan, independent State Board of Education, representing all Utah parents. Suddenly that changed when the legislature changed future board elections to require partisan affiliation. Elections for our state's school board will no longer be based on a candidate's educational philosophy, but rather on the letter next to their name on the ballot.
Why the ABU Education Fund is suing the State of Utah and why you should help
The ABU Education Fund has joined with Utahns for Public Schools, the Utah PTA, and several individuals who would be directly impacted by this law to sue the State of Utah. We are Utahns -- parents and concerned citizens -- fighting for the future of our state's school system and our children's eduction.
What your donations will cover
Your tax-deductible donations will help cover our legal costs as we fight to return to a system where our children's futures are not determined on political whims. We filed our case earlier this summer but we are now facing the costs of filing and fighting motions -- we need your support!
With your support we can continue moving forward with our suit. We can return school board elections to being independent and nonpartisan as they should be.
Join us in saying NO to politics in our schools!
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