Cook County - Please Vacate Lee Harris's Conviction
Cook County - Please Vacate Lee Harris's Conviction

Latest: Sept. 6, 2018
Lee Harris Update
Dear Friends & Supporters,
I am pleased to announce that a book about Lee Harris and myself was released released as An Original Amazon Story. Here is a link to the title…
Read moreDetective Richard Zuley may be most famous for his notorious interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, but he first learned his torture techniques in the interrogation rooms of Chicago. Now, this 30-year veteran of the Chicago PD is under investigation for using illegal methods to coerce confessions that have put several possibly innocent people behind bars. One of his cases has already been overturned, and a man who spent 23 years in prison is now finally free. But while officials slowly make their way through the pages of evidence against this corrupt cop, my friend Lee Harris -- another of Zuley’s many victims -- still wastes away in prison.
My name is Robert. From 2000-2001, I shared a cell with Lee. We became good friends. Like a lot of people in prison, he would go on about how he was innocent and how he had been wrongly accused, but I never knew what to believe. However, when I received letters from the “witness” who put him away, apologizing for lying on the stand, I started digging: Lee’s conviction doesn’t add up. And now that I am on the outside, I am doing everything I can to get him a new trial so he can prove his innocence.
I am asking Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office to vacate Lee Harris's conviction. He shouldn’t spend one more day behind bars while the true criminal is allowed to walk free.
At first, Lee collaborated with Detective Zuley to help him find the real killer in the crime he is doing time for. Facing public pressure to find the killer, they pressed Lee for information using both threats and rewards. When they couldn’t find the real killer, they turned on their informant and charged him with the crime. They had no murder weapon or evidence connecting Lee to the crime.
Yet, even with all these legal missteps and the lack of evidence, they still threw Lee behind bars for 90 years. He remains in jail to this day for a crime I am sure he didn’t commit. And I am not the only one: Chicago attorney Jennifer Blagg, who has won many exonerations in the US, is now taking a closer look at Harris’ conviction.
It’s time to vacate my friend Lee Harris's conviction and let true justice be served. We cannot continue to keep this man behind bars while the real killer could be walking the streets.
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Robert Chattler
Sept. 6, 2018
Lee Harris Update
Dear Friends & Supporters,
I am pleased to announce that a book about Lee Harris and myself was released released as An Original Amazon Story. Here is a link to the title
We've been fighting for justice for Lee Harris for many years. During this time I have emailed many updates regarding news pieces or new information I've been allowed to share with you. Because this has been an ongoing investigation, I have been unable to fill you in with most of the facts and ins and outs of this case.
If you are interested in getting to know our story better, you can purchase the book and audio for $1.99 through amazon. If you would like to wait, it will be released for free in about 7 weeks from now.
We also encourage you to please help Lee by calling the Illinois State Governor Bruce Rauner and his office at 217-782-0244 and calling/emailing the Cook County State's Attorney's office, they can be emailed at [email protected] or phoned at 312-603-1880, to make your voice heard. Please ask for a vacated sentence for Lee Harris.
Robert Chattler

Robert Chattler
July 13, 2018
Lee Harris Update
Dear Friends & Supporters,
Lee Harris and I greatly appreciate you, your love, efforts & encouragement you’ve shown us over the past 2 and half years. We’ve raised close to $2800 for Lee’s attorneys with your help. The fundraiser is only supposed to last for 30 days, however, my contact at has allowed me to keep our fundraiser going through the month of September due to publicity we will be receiving in the near future.
For those of you who have been following this story closely, you will soon have the opportunity to learn about the characters in this non-fiction battle, and how it came to fruition. There have been many ups and downs along the way, and we look forward to sharing our story with the people who’ve given us voice and been with us since the beginning.
This fundraiser will continue, and we are still asking for support. We thank you for your efforts and tireless work helping fight for freedom for Lee Harris. Contributions can be made here
We also encourage you to please help Lee by sending an email and/or calling the Illinois State Governor Bruce Rauner and his office at [email protected] 217-782-0244 and the Cook County State's Attorney's office, they can be emailed at [email protected] or phoned at 312-603-1880, to make your voice heard. Please ask for a vacated sentence for Lee Harris.
In case you missed this news, you can learn more here
Robert Chattler
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