A legal battle with one of the biggest Trade unions in the country

by Sinead Williams Hall

A legal battle with one of the biggest Trade unions in the country

by Sinead Williams Hall
Sinead Williams Hall
Case Owner
I am campaigning on behalf of my friend who is currently in a legal battle with one of the biggest Trade unions in the country.
on 20th June 2024
pledged of £20,000 target from 1 pledge
Sinead Williams Hall
Case Owner
I am campaigning on behalf of my friend who is currently in a legal battle with one of the biggest Trade unions in the country.

I am campaigning on behalf of my friend who is currently in a legal battle with one of the biggest Trade unions in the country. 

My friend is taking them to tribunal for disability discrimination around mental health issues.

My friend has been failed numerous times by the organisation who are meant to act as advocates for mental health awareness and positive management of these conditions. I nearly lost my friend last year when they attempted to take their own life due to the treatment they received.

I am so proud of my friend for fighting for what they believe in they have fought and been through so much already but they are currently struggling financially they have paid thousands and thousands out so far and have been working as much as they can but the stress of the situation and working so hard to find the funds is taking its toll on them mentally, physically and emotionally.

I am seeking all the help and support I can get for this case, and for my friend. This is an important case that raises serious issues and concerns around the management of mental health at work and the effects if not managed appropriately. I want this case to pave way for changes to be made within mental health and disability discrimination at work and the impact it can have.

Please help to make these people accountable and for my friend to have their voice heard.

Every donation is truly appreciated, and I hope that, with your support, this claim will be successful and my friend will get the justice they deserve and have fought so hard for.

Thank you so much.

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  • Maria pledged £20
    Match Maria's pledge of £20
    Here is to JUSTICE PREVAILING 💪🤜🤛🙏 Hope you receive the support you deserve and can come through the Darkness to the Light 🤗 Be strong and the Scales of Justice be on your side for you and others that have to battle the World of Injustices 😤😡 sending big hugs and much support to you 🤗💖🙏🫶

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