Justice for autistic child forced to wear yellow bib
Justice for autistic child forced to wear yellow bib

Latest: April 8, 2019
Just like to say a massive thankyou to everyone. This has been so stressful!!
Charlie needs to get justice and schools across the country need to stop discriminating our children.
There are…
Read moreMy name is Joanne. I'm the mother of five brilliant kids ( two now are adults) who also happen to be autistic.
Last year I was completely horrified to find out one of my sons, Charlie, was being forced to wear a fluorescent yellow bib at school so teachers and the children in the playground where aware, that he is Autistic.
Charlie is just 7 years old.
Can you imagine anything more disorientating, upsetting and insensitive to the needs of a young Autistic child?
Charlie is at a critical stage in his life where he is developing relationships and learning about his own place in the world and he is given a bib to make him stand out so it's easier for teachers to spot him?
Not only is this a horrendous way to treat a child but it is clearly discriminatory. I am bringing a legal challenge to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen to any other children. But I need your help. Please contribute anything you can to my legal fees and most importantly share this page with your friends, family and on social media.
This isn't just about Charlie
I'm bringing this legal action for all the other Autistic children who are being treated in a similar way.
It's clear form the way the school and the local authority have dealt with this situation that they don't think treating a child like this is a problem.
If we can hold them to account by bringing this case then I hope it will have a positive impact on the lives of other Autistic children and their families across the country.
How much am I raising and why?
I am bringing legal action against the local authority. I don't have the resources they do so I am raising as much as I can to help with the legal costs of the case.
Initially I will be raising £2,500 but I then need to go on and raise as much as possible because costs could run as high as £10,000
All funds will be transferred directly to my legal team and anything you can contribute will make a massive difference.
Thank you so much for your support.
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Joanne Logan
April 8, 2019
Just like to say a massive thankyou to everyone. This has been so stressful!!
Charlie needs to get justice and schools across the country need to stop discriminating our children.
There are other ways rather than singling our children out. And all schools need to understand this.

Joanne Logan
April 2, 2019
Thank you!
Thank you everyone for ur pledges!! I'm so grateful. Ur all just totally wonderful...❤
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