Justice for Hen Harriers - the appeal #justice4henharriers
Justice for Hen Harriers - the appeal #justice4henharriers

Back in 2018 nearly 1000 people supported a legal challenge I brought against Natural England's decision to license a highly controversial scheme that involved the chicks of the rare and threatened Hen Harrier being taken away from grouse moors in the uplands of England so as to make life easier for grouse shooting. Yes, it's a daft idea, no Hen Harrier would vote for it and my lawyers and I considered it to be illegal. Well, we had three days in court in December 2018, and January 2019, and then heard in March 2019 that we had lost the case.
But we are heading back to the courts, to the Court of Appeal, to challenge this judgment.My legal team advise that the judgment was legally flawed.
We're hopeful that we will win our appeal, but if we lose then I need to find £5000 to pay costs, and there are some other lawyers' and court costs involved so I am looking to raise £10,500. I'm glad to say that there is around £3,900 left over from a previous successful legal challenge and that can go towards the costs of this case so I'm asking for your help in raising the missing £6,600 please.
Please help - I'll be very grateful if you do and if we win then Hen Harriers will be safer as a result.
If we raise more money than is needed, the additional funds will be held for up to a year and spent on other legal work to benefit Hen Harriers or other environmental causes. Thank you.
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