Justice for Angela - Unlawfully Killed
Justice for Angela - Unlawfully Killed

Who am I?
My name is Paul Neilson and I am seeking to raise funds to cover the legal costs to obtain legal justice for the unlawful killing of my wife Angela.
I am unable to give all the details of all that happened to Angela at this time for legal reasons but please read the case notes I have provided and donate to justice for Angela.
Case Background
I am the husband of the late Angela Neilson.
Doctors turned off the life support machine without my permission even though I told them I was going to get a court order to stop them doing so.
At one point I had a solicitor requesting them to reinstate Angela's life support and a high court judge waiting online to talk to them. They ignored all of this.
I maintain Angela was unlawfully killed, as it is up to a court to decide if life support should be removed and not by the opinion of a doctor alone.
The police failed to grant my request for a full murder investigation to be conducted, even though I told them of Angela being neglected and mistreated prior to ending her life. They failed to uphold the law.
A post-mortem was conducted by the home office and the report came back as cause of death was not ascertained as yet.
I wrote to the coroner requesting that a full inquest into Angela's death be conducted. The coroner refused my request.
This case needs to be dealt with in a court of law for the reasons I have stated, and your support will enable this to happen.
Remember this case is not just about what happened to Angela, it is to prevent this from ever happening again to you or any of your loved ones.
I am starting with trying to raise £2,000. but £8000 will enable the justice process to begin this may increase to £30,000 over time.
I wish to thank everyone in advance for your support
Yours sincerely
Paul Neilson.
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