Carers deserve Covid funding: legal fight to increase Carers allowance
Carers deserve Covid funding: legal fight to increase Carers allowance

We are investigating a legal challenge against the government's decision not to increase the Carer's Allowance in line with other benefits in response to the Covid-19 crisis.
Who am I?
My name is Rachel Adam-Smith. I am a full-time carer to Francesca, my daughter, who is severely disabled with complex health needs. I am paid an allowance of £67.25 for 35 hours plus a week of caring.
There has been no change to Carers Allowance despite the huge extra burden placed on carers by the current public health crisis. I believe the weekly amount paid to carers should be increased in line with other benefit increases. We deserve better and I have been advised the failure to increase Carers Allowance may be unlawful.
What do I want?
I want the vital work of carers to be recognised by the Government in their Covid-19 response.
The Carers Allowance will remain just £67.25 per week for 35 hours or more of caring each week. This is incredibly low for the amount of work that we undertake and how much our work saves the Government. If you agree with me and believe in these challenging times we deserve more please contribute now and share this page with your friends family and on social media.
Case Background
The Chancellor has recently chosen to increase other benefits like Working Tax Credit, by £1045 to £3040 per year, and Universal Credit by £1000 per year, due to the Coronavirus but he has not increased Carers Allowance.
The Chancellor is also ensuring that anyone who is self-isolating or suffering from Coronavirus is paid Statutory Sick Pay at £94 per week and those who can no longer work due to the Coronavirus are eligible to receive 80% of their pay.
Meanwhile carers who provide 35 hours support per week or more are left with just £67.25 per week.
This case matters because carer’s needs are often forgotten. They are caring endlessly for their relatives, often with no support. The stress and strain on carers is now even greater because of the severe restrictions on the availability of paid care during the current public health crisis. Our disabled family members are even being denied access to the community more than once a day based on a misreading of the new public health rules.
Carers have always been paid a very small amount but the COVID-19 crisis means that we are cut off more than ever from any additional help or support.
Due to my caring responsibilities and health I cannot work so I have never been able to top up my allowance with the £128 per week of paid work that is permitted and now there is absolutely no way I can take up paid employment.
I am a single carer with heart disease. I am now self-isolating because mine and my daughter's health is at risk.
Like many other carers, I am caring for her alone 24/7. The vital work carried out by carers all around the country must be properly recognised.
Why am I crowdfunding?
We are raising £5000 so that our legal team at Bindmans LLP and our barrister can fully investigate whether we have a strong enough case to bring a judicial review proceedings against the Government for failing to recognise the vital role carers play in keeping the most vulnerable safe. If there is merit in a claim these funds will also pay for the necessary pre-action correspondence, a detailed legal letter setting out why the failure to increase Carers Allowance is unlawful and asking the Government to respond within 14 days.
If my lawyers advise that there is a good claim and the Government do not back down, I will seek further funds to allow the case to go to court.
Thank you for all your support. There has always been a need to increase the small allowance that carers are paid. However, now more than ever, this increase is needed. I appreciate your support.
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