Lib Dems expelled intersectional outspoken elected member!
Lib Dems expelled intersectional outspoken elected member!

Latest: Oct. 11, 2023
Witness Statement Exchange day - Lib Dems had 2 years but want an extra week
With the two day trial over in two weeks time from today, the UK's third largest political party have at the eleventh hour requested an extra week for witness statement exchange.
Read moreMy name is Avril Coelho and I am a proud person of colour. Despite struggling with various disabilities I fight tirelessly for social justice both at street level and party politics level. I am wholly against Brexit and this vile Conservative government which has brought this country down, wrecked our standing internationally and degraded the political landscape.
We urgently need a party that can change this country for the better, but I believe the Liberal Democrat Party as it is currently administered is not the party to achieve this ambition.
The heart of my case is to ensure there is freedom of speech for Liberal Democrat party members to point out the failings within the party on social justice, including those related to disabilities and race and to prevent any retaliation against those who are willing to put their head above the parapet and speak truth to power.
I was the elected councillor in 2018 for Hampton North Ward of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames but unfortunately, I lost my seat in May 2022 as I had to stand as an Independent due to being expelled by the party.
I suffer from a variety of disabilities including a rare condition called Parry-Romberg’s Syndrome, a degenerative condition with no known cure. My symptoms include hemi-facial atrophy and asymmetry in my face, epilepsy, migraines, severe asthma and chronic back pain issues.
I joined the Liberal Democrats in 2010 and have fought and campaigned tirelessly for social justice. I was approved onto the Liberal Democrats Prospective Parliamentary List and I feel was destined to champion social justice as a Member of Parliament likely for Twickenham, however due to the actions of the Liberal Democrats my ambitions were cruelly thwarted.
What happened
In Spring 2018 I was successful in a very difficult and hard-fought campaign for Hampton North Ward, fortunately replacing a sitting Conservative councillor and former Mayor; however, as an intersectional person of colour with disabilities, I felt I was treated extremely poorly by the Liberal Democrats. So, following my successful election, I complained to the party about their failure to provide reasonable adjustments during the campaign. Their retaliation against me was swift and draconian. Despite informing the party that I was off sick, they went ahead with their “investigation” without interviewing me or my witnesses and even seeing my hard evidence.
Their punishment was to rule I couldn’t stand for Parliament as a Liberal Democrat for 2 years, delayed by additional months, preventing me from standing in the December 2019 election in Twickenham. This election was won by the Liberal Democrats. I believe that had I not been prevented I would have been the Member of Parliament for Twickenham, able to fight against this dreadful Conservative government. Local residents today, still ask me periodically if I’m their MP.
I was extremely distressed at being prevented from standing for Parliament. Over the next year, I tried to bring to the party’s attention what I saw as major issues of intersectional discrimination, failure to make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities, unconscious bias and privilege, within the Liberal Democrats. I offered via the Liberal Democrat Disability Association ('LDDA') Executive which I was elected to, free training to their Agents, Campaign Managers, Selection Panel members and staff on the Equality Act and importance of making Reasonable Adjustments but they didn't take up the offer. I have training experience in various large organisations.
I believe the party retaliated against me with ridiculous and shocking allegations weaponising their internal complaints system, for example a complaint about my headwear at Black Pride the year before. The Party’s adjudicator recommended harsh sanctions for some of these complaints. These came from connected party members in quick succession whilst I was shielding alone and supporting my community as both a Councillor and Chair of Trustees locally. Some of them also approved candidates but with privileges I have never had and likely never will, who like me had just received the Alderdice Review and what it meant for the party and selections. They knew my approved candidate status was due to be reinstated later that year and didn’t want that to happen.
On 30 October 2020 I was elected unopposed as the Chair of the LDDA, but I was prevented from properly exercising the role by the previous Co-Chair and then subjected to unscrupulous allegations of bullying harassment and intimidation. The Party then suspended me, preventing me from carrying out my democratic role of chairing the LDDA where I hoped to get more disabled candidates elected with reasonable adjustment support at all levels and had started working on a campaign for Disability Equality and carers. And attending the Spring Federal Conference. Instead of participating in their Diversity Panel events as LDDA Chair at Spring Conference, the previous Co-Chair took my place including at the conference live events and LDDA booth. This wholly disrespected the democratic decision and the Defendant’s own fundamental principle and value of social democracy. The LDDA former Co-Chairs failed to follow their own Constitution rules.
Due to the above disciplinary and other actions and decisions against me, I have suffered serious mental and physical health problems including epileptic episodes, migraines, muscle spasms in my jaw, injuries from seizures and other effects.
I have claimed that the Liberal Democrats have failed to make reasonable adjustments for my disabilities and have unlawfully victimised me for various protected acts.
I issued my claim against the Liberal Democrats in April 2021 but my trial is now fast approaching set down for October 2023. I have a 2-day trial in Kingston-upon-Thames County Court.
I have been representing myself with help from friends but I need expert legal representation now that trial is approaching as I won’t be able to do it entirely on my own. I am raising an initial £1,500 and then a stretch of £25,000. The Liberal Democrats have instructed very expensive legal representation and, although I am positive that the Judge will see that I have been unlawfully treated, I am concerned that if I am unsuccessful in proving my case the Liberal Democrats will try to bankrupt me by asking the Court that I pay their legal bills.
Many thanks and if you can support me in any way, such as by financially supporting me or even talking about my case and spreading it on social media I would be extremely grateful.
Avril Coelho
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Avril Coelho
Oct. 11, 2023
Witness Statement Exchange day - Lib Dems had 2 years but want an extra week
With the two day trial over in two weeks time from today, the UK's third largest political party have at the eleventh hour requested an extra week for witness statement exchange.
They've had a top ten law firm defending my claim against them for over two years whereas I've been a litigant in person and only just recently thanks to donations here got a lawyer and more recently counsel.
It would be unfair of the Liberal Democrats to expect my counsel to get up to speed and fight my claim with their witness statements arriving only two working days before the trial. Especially as they've had years with their lawyers to get these ready.
The party of fairness, equality and justice? I'd say that's questionable if they're instructing lawyers to order the court for an even more unfair hand in their favour.
Hopefully the courts will see this injustice and refuse them or accept a request from mine to strike out their witness statements if the request is not submitted before 4pm today.
They will have mine today.

Avril Coelho
Oct. 9, 2023
On the home straight
Thank you to all donors getting me over the first hurdle of the minimum target.
Two weeks from today there's a two day trial unless they offer a fair settlement.
With over 1000 friends in the Respondent’s organisation connected on social media, it's a huge ask to settle for the claim amount without restoring my membership as they have offered others.
They'd be cutting off my support network internally and I'd lose access to the political party most aligned with my values and principles (save for those I know aren't truly Liberal).
Now I am friends with various authors and film directors, getting advice on writing, win or lose, I'd probably make a greater difference selling my story and changing the injustice in politics for others with Centenary Action Group and Deaf and Disabled Women in Politics via round tables.
If I don't proceed to trial it's because they make me an offer good enough compared to what I could change and make whether I win or lose.
Justice and positive changes really matter to me.

Avril Coelho
Sept. 26, 2023
Help me court order evidence disclosure
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far and taken me over half way to the minimum target.
Please keep these coming and share with your networks if you haven't and use various platforms.
There's another deadline today in the Directions Order and more coming. Will the Respondent disclose what's been requested more than once by email to them and their lawyers? Evading evidence disclosure isn't a good look for a party that values transparency.
A court order should force provision of the unedited and unredacted evidence.
Your donations will help get each crucial stage accomplished!
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