Stand Up for Integrity in the NHS and Protection for Whistleblowers
Stand Up for Integrity in the NHS and Protection for Whistleblowers

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)
Latest: March 6, 2025
ITV news broadcast - Tuesday 5 March 2025
Further evidence of avoidable harm in maternity at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
A 5 minute watch and describes awful treatment of patients.
Thank you for your continued suppo…
Read moreMy name is Maxwell Mclean, former Chair of the Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust). I was removed from my role as Chair after raising serious concerns about major shortcomings that contributed to preventable infant deaths at the Trust, the endangering of patient safety, staff wellbeing and NHS leadership performance.
About the case
I served as Chair of the Trust from May 2019 until October 2023. The Trust provides hospital services to a large population in West Yorkshire. I was part way through my second 3 year term as Chair when my contract was unceremoniously brought to a premature end, after I had raised serious concerns to the CEO and even to the relevant regulators, NHS England through its Regional Director, and the Care Quality Commission. Those concerns were about the serious failings at a senior level (in particular the CEO) within the Trust, that contributed to increased and preventable infant mortality, endangered patient safety and undermined staff wellbeing. In the course of fulfilling my contractual and statutory/constitutional duties as Chair (in particular, holding the CEO to account), I was forced to resign or be dismissed, by an unlawfully constituted Board.
My Story
Prior to joining the Trust, I had a long and distinguished career in public service, having served with West Yorkshire Police for over 30 years, primarily leading serious crime investigations, before then spending 7 years with the Bradford NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.
In May 2019, I was appointed Chair of the Trust, a role requiring unwavering commitment to governance, accountability and patient care. Under my leadership, the Trust achieved a significant improvement in its Care Quality Commission rating, moving from a "requires improvement" to "good" – a reflection of my dedication and leadership.
In my role, I uncovered alarming healthcare issues that would rightly be of great concern to the local affected community and beyond, all whilst under the leadership of the Trust’s CEO, who remains in post despite my concerns about ethics and competence. These concerns included significant delays investigating neonatal deaths (investigations were not concluded for 14 months, despite a national 60-day standard), neglect of a staff member who was formally reported as at genuine risk of suicide, and a refusal to implement vital health inequality strategies. I recognised that patient lives were at stake and that the Trust’s repeated failures posed a profound threat to its commitments to patients and staff.
I raised my concerns through proper NHS channels, including to NHS England and the CQC, and a formal independent investigation was commissioned. That investigation found all my concerns were correct and proven and that they had been properly raised by me.
The CEO’s actions were reported by the investigator to have fallen "short of what would be expected of someone in her position." Despite this, I faced retaliation. The Trust launched a campaign of hostility, attempting to cover up its own failings, which were significant, and to discredit me.
On 3rd October 2023, I was forced to choose between immediate resignation or dismissal. This was not only a devastating personal and professional blow to me - it struck at the core of my career and my legal duties as Chair, which are founded on integrity, accountability and service to the public good.
My Legal Claim
I am now pursuing a whistleblowing claim in the Leeds Employment Tribunal, arising from the unfair termination of my contract and the humiliating manner of it, which included deliberate repeated lies by the Trust to the national media and to colleagues.
It is important to shed light on these critical failings and to hold leadership accountable for its clear and obvious failures that contributed to so much harm. This case is about more than my personal fight for justice; it is about safeguarding all NHS patients, ensuring fair treatment for NHS staff, and protecting whistleblowers who dare to speak out. Lessons must be learned, so that the NHS will follow statutory rules of governance, thereby preventing harm to patients, ensuring the welfare of its staff, rebuilding public trust, and serving our communities effectively.
Your donation
Your support can make a real difference. Legal expenses for this case are significant, and I cannot continue do this alone, having already incurred many thousands of pounds in legal fees to date. I already have local political support.
I have emotional support through friends and family, professional advisers and former colleagues. I am now looking for some financial support from our affected community.
I am seeking to raise an initial target of £8,000, within 30 days (being the relevant timeframe on this crowdfunding platform), which will contribute towards those legal costs arising in relation to the next stage of the Tribunal proceedings, being a Preliminary Hearing at Leeds Employment Tribunal over 4 days from 18th February 2025.
By contributing to my campaign, you will help to fight for justice and send a powerful message about the importance of integrity, transparency and accountability in public service leadership. Together, let us protect the NHS, its patients, its staff and the wider public community by supporting, not silencing, those who speak up.
I am very grateful for any contribution which you can give.
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Maxwell Mclean
March 6, 2025
ITV news broadcast - Tuesday 5 March 2025
Further evidence of avoidable harm in maternity at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
A 5 minute watch and describes awful treatment of patients.
Thank you for your continued support to address this.

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 28, 2025
A mention in Parliament - vimeo link
Hello all,
This link may work better for some.
Thank you,

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 28, 2025
A mention in Parliament 27 February 2025
Hello everyone,
Thanks for everything so far.
I have sent an e-mail to you all with a brief update - first Tribunal decision is still awaited.
Naz Shah MP has raised our case in Parliament emphasising the importance of legal protections for those who do speak up. I am grateful to the constituency MP for the hospital for her visible support.
Link here (just a two minute watch) -
Thanks again, please do keep sharing our CrowdJustice link,

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 18, 2025
Tribunal starts today! important update
Again, I begin with my sincere thanks to each and every person who has pledged to assist me. Regardless of the size of any contribution, that is a wonderful gesture of help and support. Thank you from me and my family.
I received notification last night of a very generous pledge which has taken me to the initial target. I know that to be from a small group of Asian business leaders in Bradford who were keen to make sure I met the initial target. What a wonderful thing to do - I promise this is for all of us.
Please do keep sharing the link. I still need your help to keep raising funds to meet the legal costs.
My hearing starts today, with a reading day. It seems likely that I will be giving evidence tomorrow. The key issue will be whether my employment status as a Hospital Trust Chair was such that I should be protected against detriment for whistleblowing under the relevant legislation.
An important update -
On Friday 14th February Naz Shah MP, the constituency MP for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT, wrote to the Secretary of State for Health and to NHSE CEO calling for immediate intervention in the Trust (which forced me out) where the "leadership has gone rogue."
This letter is in the public domain.
There are hugely serious exposures of wrongdoing here and the people of Bradford are being harmed.
"Institutional retaliation for simply upholding NHS values"
I had no part in the writing of the letter, I could not have asked for more visible powerful support from the MP who represents the hospital's constituency area.
Thank you Naz Shah MP.
Please find the letter attached here -

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 13, 2025
BBC look North exposure of preventable deaths at Bradford Hospitals Trust
Thank you for your support for my campaign.
Further evidence attached that the new-born infant deaths at Bradford Hospital should not have happened.
I was forced out for trying to take action to stop these, yet in the meantime further children were dying in preventable circumstances.
It is worthy of note that our South Asian families are more at risk of poor outcomes here. They are disproportionately affected by our failure to learn and to apply learning.
Silencing and institutional failures to act have devastating consequences.
Thank you again, and please do share widely.

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 10, 2025
The Guardian today features my case - freedom to speak up?

Maxwell Mclean
Feb. 6, 2025
Independent evidence regarding preventable infant deaths in my case
Hello all,
Thank you so much for your support to date.
I thought it helpful to share this BBC investigation piece, which was broadcast on BBC Look North on 16th July 2024 - Bug Spread Baby Deaths could have been prevented.
Includes evidence from a renowned Professor of Medical Microbiology that infant deaths at the hospital in November 2021 would not have happened had learning from infant deaths in April 2021 been applied.
I was silenced and forced out for raising my concerns about the April infant deaths (among other serious concerns). The consequences of denying a freedom to speak up in a NHS provider Trust Chair are devastating.
I take this legal action on behalf of us all.
Thank you,
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