We must upgrade the existing A5 Road and stop the new dual carriageway

by Alternative A5 Alliance (AA5A)

We must upgrade the existing A5 Road and stop the new dual carriageway

by Alternative A5 Alliance (AA5A)
Alternative A5 Alliance (AA5A)
Case Owner
We are a community facing the devastating impacts of a brand new dual carriageway which will demolish our homes, ravage our land and destroy generations of guardianship.
days to go
pledged of £1,000 target from 13 pledges
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Alternative A5 Alliance (AA5A)
Case Owner
We are a community facing the devastating impacts of a brand new dual carriageway which will demolish our homes, ravage our land and destroy generations of guardianship.
Pledge now

Your card will only be charged if the case meets its target of £1,000 by Mar. 09, 2025, 5 p.m.

Latest: Feb. 24, 2025

We are in court next month - here is a film about the facts

We believe it is so important that the public knows the facts about this biggest road project in the recent history of Northern Ireland.

This is not an upgrade of the A5 road - it is a brand new …

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We are a community facing the devastating impacts of a brand new dual carriageway which will demolish our homes, ravage our land and destroy generations of guardianship.

We care about the safety of human life, we care about our homes, we care about nature and biodiversity, and we know that the construction of a brand new road is not the answer.

Together, we must stop thousands of acres of woods and pastures in the Foyle Valley and beyond from being ripped up for a polluting new road. We must protect the habitats for badgers, bats, smooth newts, hedgehogs, otters, birds, fish etc who live here too.

The proposed new dual carriageway will cause over 3000 acres of devastation. We understand the A5 Road must be upgraded, but upgrading the existing road is the only way forward.

Please help support our legal action to stop this juggernaut rampaging through our communities.

We have been fighting proposals for this new road since 2009 and have already won two judicial reviews in 2013 and 2018, but we still need to stop the construction of this road going ahead. We are now in the process of preparing for a third judicial review to stop this road once and for all.

Our community has been raising funds in another attempt save our homes, land and protect biodiversity. The legal expenses are significant. Are you able to help us?

Our legal team have worked tirelessly and have agreed to do so at reduced rates, but even so the cost of bringing the judicial review is high. 

Our case will heard over 3-4 days by the High Court in Belfast in March 2025. 

So we urgently need your help to ensure that we can raise the necessary funds to pay for our lawyers to fight this case on our behalf. This is a landmark case and is focused on the Climate Change Act Northern Ireland (2022). 

This is a David and Goliath sized challenge and we really need your help.

Together we must stop this new dual carriageway being built and make government see sense and understand that upgrading the original A5 Road will: cost less; impact less on health and wellbeing; reduce impact on nature; save our homes; protect our livelihoods and be safer to help save lives.

Any contribution will be greatly appreciated. Together we can protect this beautiful part of Northern Ireland from this unnecessary destruction.

Thank you so much 

More information, history of our legal challenges so far:

We are a community who have come together to try and stop this brand new dual carriageway being built. Our campaigning journey started in 2009 and we took two judicial reviews and won! Unfortunately, our fight must continue.

2013 We won the 1st judicial review due to a breach of the Habitats Directive which would impact spawning beds in the River Foyle for the North Atlantic salmon. Link for more info

2018 We won the 2nd judicial review because the Department for Infrastructure asked a judge to quash its decision to proceed with the A5 scheme. This concession is based on approval being made in the absence of a minister. Link for more info

There have also been three Public Inquiries, the last one being reconvened in 2023.

Update 1

Alternative A5 Alliance (AA5A)

Feb. 24, 2025

We are in court next month - here is a film about the facts

We believe it is so important that the public knows the facts about this biggest road project in the recent history of Northern Ireland.

This is not an upgrade of the A5 road - it is a brand new dual carriageway!

Please help us raise funds for our legal action next month (March 2025). 

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