Support the Protect advice line
Support the Protect advice line
Protect is the UK's leading whistleblowing organisation. Protect were the first charity to help people raise public interest concerns about wrongdoing in an organisation.
Calls to the Protect advice line come from every sector, ranging from care home workers worried about residents well-being; teachers wanting to know what to do about concerns over finances or governance of their schools, bank staff facing money laundering concerns, factory staff unhappy over the safety of products, breaches of food and hygiene practices, patient safety and fraud issues....The public interest concerns we advise on are very diverse.
The Protect advice line has handled more than 40,000 whistleblowing cases since the charity was formed in 1993. Our advisers handle 3,000 cases each year. We're busier than ever.
Each call to our advice line costs approximately £49. Protect does not receive any government grants and fund ourselves through our work supporting organisations. But we are increasingly busy, and your support means we can help more whistleblowers.
Protect has intervened in whistleblowing cases - we helped junior doctor Chris day and have helped in many other which feature on Crowdjustice - offering our guidance, support and legal expertise.
Below is a thank you from a whistleblower Protect supported in 2017.
"I am writing to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation for the exceptional support I have received from Protect as well as the extra time and care that you have taken throughout the worst year of my working life.
Though I will never regret whistleblowing the effects of the aftermath were intense, including the emotional trauma and experience of isolation, which was not helped by ineffective union support. It was immensely reassuring to find that there was an organisation with experience, knowledge and intelligence who understood my situation and had my best interests at heart.
I feel sure that without your support and guidance, I would not have had the strength to keep standing for the past 12 months. You are fantastic people providing a first class service to the people. Thank you for everything."
Please help Protect support more whistleblowers safely speak up by donating to our vital work.
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