Help Nat Moss with her infringement case against well known celebrity

by Nat Moss Art

Help Nat Moss with her infringement case against well known celebrity

by Nat Moss Art
Nat Moss Art
Case Owner
I'm a self taught artist and mum from Middlesbrough.
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Nat Moss Art
Case Owner
I'm a self taught artist and mum from Middlesbrough.
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My name is Nat Moss I'm a self taught artist, and have spent many years at home caring for my daughter who has disabilities practicing my artskills. I've used the time drawing from home to help raise money for numerous charities close to my heart.

In 2019 I created a drawing of a well known celebrity. The celebrity agreed to sign my work, and I auctioned the drawing raising £530 for our local Neonatal unit, who cared for my daughter when she was born prematurely and was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus from a bleed on her brain and needed major brain surgery. I wanted to give something back to the Neonatal unit to thank them for supporting my family through a difficult time.

Myself and the celebrity agreed to run a "limited edition" print run of the original drawing with my permission, to raise further money for charity. 

The limited edition prints were all signed and numbered, meaning no further prints would be made of this particular artwork. Which meant the people who purchased them would receive a print that would not be reproduced ever again.

Around a year after, my printers got in touch with me, asking permission to print a further 1000 copies of the print for the high profile person. I told them I "did not" give my permission for further copies to be made. 

It was my job as an artist to ensure that the people who previously purchased one of these prints were protected from further prints being made. Also protecting my reputation being trust worthy as an artist.

After the celebrity was not granted permission from myself and the printers, they proceeded to take the print to a printers in a different area, and proceeded to have further copies made "without" my consent to do so.

The high profile person not only printed my drawing without consent, but they also removed my signature from my work and signed the prints with their own signature. 

The celebrity has been selling my work for at least the last two years on their merchandise stall and also online. The high profile person had in writing on their website that my drawing was "one of their own sketches"

 After seeking legal advice on the matter to stop my work from being further infringed and protecting my artist name and reputation, the high profile person has not been very forthcoming on helping to resolve this matter and I've  had no choice but to take legal action.

I feel very let down by the high profile person. As I initially set out to do something positive using my artwork. But ultimately it has led to my work being infringed which has led to a legal battle.

I'm setting up this Crowd justice page to try and help cover my legal costs for this case. Any donation would be highly appreciated and would help my case massively.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate your time.

Many thanks Nat


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