Help me ensure my child doesn't medically transition outside the NHS

by Ms A

Help me ensure my child doesn't medically transition outside the NHS

by Ms A
Ms A
Case Owner
I'm an ordinary mum, desperately trying to protect my child.
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pledged of £100,000 stretch target from 384 pledges
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Ms A
Case Owner
I'm an ordinary mum, desperately trying to protect my child.
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Latest: Dec. 19, 2024

Good news!

Today I heard from the Court of Appeal that my appeal was successful!

The Court has made a significant ruling that acknowledges the risks of gender treatment delivered in the private sector where the …

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I, Ms A, am the mum of a beautiful, clever, funny, gender-non-conforming teenager who believes they are the opposite sex. My ex-husband and I disagree on whether our child should have access to medical gender treatment outside the NHS.

I applied to the Family Court for a prohibited steps order and have been granted an interim one that prevents our child from receiving medical treatment outside the NHS. This expires, however, when our child turns 16 years old early next year. I am encouraged by the cautious approach of the NHS that was recently set out in its new service specification. However, many children, young people and their parents can avoid the safeguards set up by the NHS by going to a private clinic in England or a telemedicine provider overseas such as GenderGP. I believe that this undermines attempts to protect children and young people from accessing life-changing and potentially irreversible treatment which does not, to date, have a compelling body of evidence to support it.

In March 2021, the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published systematic evidence reviews into the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children under 18. I understand that they found that the evidence for the benefits of their use was of very low quality. I think that while there may be short-term psychological benefits associated with the administration of hormonal interventions to youth, they must be weighed against the long-term risks to bone health, fertility, and other as-yet-unknown risks of life-long hormonal supplementation. I want to ensure that my child receives appropriate care and treatment in accordance with the new approach of the NHS and will therefore seek to extend the Order until the age of 18.

I have represented myself up to now, but the case has reached the High Court and I am out of my depth. Litigation on transgender issues is novel and I need specialist legal advice. To do that I need to raise funds as I work in low paid employment and cannot afford representation. I also do not qualify for legal aid. I am aiming to raise £20,000 to cover some of my legal fees and to engage experts in this field to support me in court. I think such examination of the evidence and what is in my child’s best interests will not only be of benefit to my child but to other children and parents in this position.

If you can afford to contribute, I would be eternally grateful. Please share amongst your friends and groups. Thank you.

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Update 7

Ms A

Dec. 19, 2024

Good news!

Today I heard from the Court of Appeal that my appeal was successful!

The Court has made a significant ruling that acknowledges the risks of gender treatment delivered in the private sector where the recommendations of the Cass Review cannot be complied with. Despite my daughter being 16 years old, intelligent and not having any mental health problems, the Court is concerned that judicial scrutiny is necessary to ensure hormonal treatment is in her best interests. This decision marks a significant step forward in the Court’s consideration of medical disputes which until now have mainly involved end-of-life decisions or young people with very poor mental health. It can no longer be assumed that just because a young person is 16 years old, intelligent and in good health that their decision to proceed with cross sex hormones is the end of the matter. 

This case also raised concerns about the many children who are receiving treatment in the private sector or may do so in the future. The Court was asked to take a protective role and require any treatment being offered in the private sector to require court approval. It refused to offer that protection. As it did in the Keira Bell litigation, the Court surprisingly did not consider cross sex hormones or puberty blockers to be in any special category that required extra judicial protection. The Court stated that such protective measures were for regulators and Government. With the regulator, the CQC, having recently been described as unfit for purpose, this does not provide much confidence that protection will be effective. I am considering whether to appeal this aspect of the judgement.

Today’s judgement has left me feeling hopeful for my daughter’s future. I am so pleased that the court has carefully considered the evidence and made the best possible decision for her safety, and for the safety of all children who are struggling with their identity as they go through puberty.

The last two years have been painful, exhausting and terrifying. I miss my daughter horribly and can only hope that, one day, she will realise how very hard her Mum has worked to keep her safe.

I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to my fantastic legal team, Our Duty UK, Transgender Trend and all the wonderful people who have supported my fight to protect my beautiful girl. There is still a long way to go before all our children are safe, but the tide has turned. One day, I hope that children will be encouraged to feel happy and comfortable in their own bodies and realise that they are perfect, just as they are.

There is still some distance to travel. I now have to continue my case in the High Court for it to decide whether cross sex hormone treatment is in my daughter's best interests.

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. If you can continue to support my case then I would be very grateful. 

With all best wishes,

Ms A

Update 6

Ms A

Dec. 13, 2024

Yesterday's Court of Appeal Hearing

Yesterday (12th December), the Court of Appeal heard my case. I was represented by the same team who represented Keira Bell and two of the judges who decided her appeal were hearing mine. 

The barristers who were opposing me sought to argue that the Cass Review was irrelevant as it was directed to the Government and NHSE England. The judges commented, however, that Cass was a watershed moment that created a fork in the road between private and NHS medicine in gender treatment. We wait to see what those observations mean for the final judgement which is expected in the New Year. 

Although I was very anxious going to Court, I was relieved to see that the judges were carefully listening to the arguments that were being made. I finished the day exhausted, but with some hope that I might be able to protect my daughter from a radical, experimental 'treatment' that will have irreversible lifelong consequences. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this fight for justice. My hope is that it will not only safeguard my daughter, but also the many other children who are struggling with gender dysphoria. 

With all best wishes,

Ms A

Update 5

Ms A

Nov. 30, 2024

Court of Appeal Update

It is just under two weeks before my appeal will be heard by the Court of Appeal. My solicitors have heard from the Court of Appeal that the case will be live-streamed. The Civil Appeals Office said:

"Certain proceedings of the Court of Appeal’s Civil Division are now live-streamed to increase open justice and improve public access and understanding of the justice system. This means that high profile and legally significant cases in the court would be made available in the way that UK Supreme Court hearings habitually are."

The link for viewing the case is

Please do consider donating to the  case and share this page with friends and family. Thank you so much for your help in bringing my case to this crucial moment. The ruling of the Court will be significant for all young people and their families where gender treatment is sought from the private sector.

With all best wishes,

Ms A

Update 4

Ms A

Aug. 17, 2024

Important Development

I have now heard from the Court of Appeal that I have been granted permission to proceed with my appeal. This is very significant news. In the appeal I have argued that cross sex hormones should not be provided in a private clinic or where there is a disagreement between parents, unless there has been authorisation by the Court. This applies even if the child is 16 years old because of the lifelong risks of this controversial treatment, concerns about the clinical guidelines provided by WPATH and the requirement in the NHS for an independent second opinion from a multi-disciplinary team.  One of the reasons the judge stated in the Order granting permission to appeal  was:

‘There is a compelling reason for an appeal to be heard, in particular as to whether a court could, or ever should, override the decision of a young person who is over 16 and has capacity to consent to treatment which is being offered by a treating doctor in the UK in circumstances where the treatment which is being offered privately, whilst not lifesaving or sustaining, is irreversible, highly controversial and could not be provided in accordance with some of the recommendations contained in the Cass Review.’

This is the first case in which the higher courts will consider the Cass Review. It will be highly significant for parents, children, doctors and future cases. My hope is that the outcome will be greater protection for vulnerable children from an unsafe controversial treatment that has irreversible lifelong consequences (sterilisation being one of many). This is especially concerning when there is a two tier approach to treating children with gender dysphoria – a cautious approach in the NHS which requires a second independent opinion after lengthy psycho-social intervention, and an approach in the private sector that does not have these protections. 

This case will have widespread implications that extend beyond my own family circumstances. I am so grateful for those who have been able to offer financial support. I now have to raise further funds to see this case through to appeal. I need to raise a further £50,000. Please donate if you are able and pass this crowdfunder on to anyone else who may be concerned about medical treatment driven by gender ideology for children and young people. 

Thank you so much.

Ms A

Update 3

Ms A

March 26, 2024

Court date in April

My case to protect my child is due to progress to court on April 17th. Since the case began, there have been significant and reassuring developments in the NHS: a ban on puberty blockers for children, and an independent body overseeing the commissioning of cross-sex hormones.

I still need your help for legal assistance to ensure my child, and many others, are given the chance to go through a natural puberty to protect their bodily and brain development.

Please contribute to this crowdfunder if you are able, and share far and wide. Thank you again for all your support. I am so very humbled and grateful for your contributions and messages as I battle to protect my precious child.

Ms A

Update 2

Ms A

Nov. 14, 2023

Please keep supporting and sharing!

Thank you for supporting my case. It had originally been listed for a final hearing last week. However, there was no evidence before the Court addressing the appropriateness of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones as a treatment option for my child. My legal team successfully argued that this information was necessary to enable the Court to decide what treatment is appropriate for my child. The case has therefore been adjourned whilst expert evidence from a psychiatrist and endocrinologist is obtained. This also means that a final hearing will not take place until after Dr Hilary Cass has published her final report. The Interim Order preventing my child being treated outside the NHS is also continuing.

I am grateful to those of you who have financially supported me in this very difficult journey. I never wanted to end up in court and my sole motivation is to do what is best for my precious child. I also recognise that my case may also benefit other parents who are anxious about the lifelong consequences this controversial medical treatment has upon children.

I still have a mountain to climb to raise the funds I need to bring this case. I would therefore be grateful if you would share this crowdfunder and continue to support it.

Thank you so much.

Ms A

Update 1

Ms A

Oct. 26, 2023

Thank you!

Thank you everyone for your generosity. My final hearing begins on 30th October. There is still a mountain to climb in terms of funding the case. Please do share this appeal. Thank you.

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