Help Inside Justice tackle wrongful convictions
Help Inside Justice tackle wrongful convictions

Latest: June 16, 2022
Miscarriage of Justice - a post-mortem. 1st July event
Inside Justice, the charity which investigates miscarriages of justice, is hosting a special event at the iconic MANCHESTER ART GALLERY on Friday 1 July.
We rely totally on charitable support so pleas…
Read moreCan you help an innocent person wrongly convicted?
There are innocent people in our prisons who without Inside Justice would be bereft of support. Their existence and plight are not well known; the charity Inside Justice is their only champion. Your support can make all the difference – from the moment of desperation when a person first contacts Inside Justice and needs a caseworker to assess their case, right through to overturning an unsafe conviction which sees the innocent prisoner freed, and possibly even leads to the real criminal being brought to justice. People like Barri White…
Barri was wrongly jailed for the murder of his girlfriend. He spent 6 years in prison before Inside Justice founder Louise Shorter gave him a chance, when Barri felt all was lost. At that time it was her BBC Rough Justice investigative team that led directly to new evidence resulting in Barri’s release.
Louise Shorter (featured in main image) went on to form Inside Justice with a small investigative team and an expert panel of lawyers, investigators and scientists who work pro bono to give other forgotten prisoners a chance. It was one Inside Justice scientist, Tracy Alexander, who found key forensic evidence in the Barri White case that later helped police find the real killer. Inside Justice’s action has also almost certainly saved many more victims.
While Barri is now free, for others the nightmare continues and there is no Legal Aid funding for them. The number applying to us has doubled in two years to over 650 from across England & Wales.
We rely totally on your charitable support to investigate and tackle miscarriages of justice for prisoners and their families.
⮚ £66 or two donations of £33 can help fund rapid case assessment and support for the 650 prisoners and their families who turn to us in a year
⮚ £87 can help pay for a specialist interview of a key witness to explore new evidence missed at trial
⮚ £4,250 can help fund our specialist investigation team to advance one complex case to appeal or the next stage.
Please donate £33 now and give new hope to a prisoner who may have been wrongly convicted
We also work right across the criminal justice system with national police, forensic, legal and government bodies to address the systemic failings that keep innocent people in prison. With your help we can also influence a fairer criminal justice system for everyone.
It can help someone like, Patryk who was convicted of murder in 2017. Seeing significant flaws in the evidence pointing to his innocence, a barrister and solicitor decided to work for free because he had no money to pay them. But they also needed scientific and investigative work so turned to Inside Justice. Thanks to hours of pro bono legal and scientific expertise, plus new investigations supported by Inside Justice, the conviction was quashed in 2021 at the Court of Appeal. But further funding is now needed for Inside Justice’s costs related to our preparations for the re-trial. Meanwhile Patryk is still stuck in prison.
Please donate £33 now. It could help overturn a wrongful conviction for someone like Barri or Patryk.
Every £1 you give is multiplied fivefold by expert lawyers, scientists and other professionals who donate their time for free in the cause of justice
If you can donate or fundraise please click pledge now
Thank you for giving hope to an innocent person in prison
Want to find out more?
Watch this short film on our work by Tom Conti, actor & IJ trustee:
The BBC filmed Inside Justice experts in ‘Conviction: Murder at the Station” which is still available on the iPlayer and on our website.
or visit our website
Reg. charity no. 1178336
Phone: 0203 961 8790; Email: [email protected]; or post to:
Inside Justice, One Business Village, Emily St, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, HU9 1ND
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Inside Justice
June 16, 2022
Miscarriage of Justice - a post-mortem. 1st July event
Inside Justice, the charity which investigates miscarriages of justice, is hosting a special event at the iconic MANCHESTER ART GALLERY on Friday 1 July.
We rely totally on charitable support so please donate if you can.
We hope you can join us for an exclusive evening reception where Louise Shorter (Founder of Inside Justice), Siobhan Grey QC (Libertas Chambers) and Jason Lartey (Lartey & Co Solicitors) will discuss their successful overturning of the murder conviction of Patryk Pachecka, who was wrongly convicted and then acquitted at the Central Criminal Court in 2021.
This is a unique opportunity for you, and others from the legal profession, to hear first-hand from the key players in the case including Richard Vardon (18 St John Street Chambers) and forensic expert Jo Millington along with pathologist Professor Jack Crane CBE and Dr Claas Buschmann about their experiences in reviewing the Crown’s scientific evidence.
The evening presentations will lead you through the appeal and retrial process and explain how the forensic and pathology evidence and collaboration with journalists changed the narrative of this wrongful conviction case.
Join us at the Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley St, Manchester. Doors open at 5.15pm. There will be a drinks reception after the presentations until 8pm.
Places are limited but you can secure your place by registering on Eventbrite: Miscarriage of Justice: A Post-mortem Tickets, Fri 1 Jul 2022 at 17:15 | Eventbrite
Tickets are getting booked up and so please book now to avoid disappointment.
This event is free to attend but we ask that you pledge your support by donating to Inside Justice in lieu of your ticket.
Kind regards,
Mark Lister, CE, Inside Justice email: [email protected]
Inside Justice is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1178336
This event has been kindly sponsored by Millington Hingley Ltd

Inside Justice
Nov. 19, 2021
Freedom for Patryk!
I am thrilled to tell you today that Patryk Pachecka has just been found not guilty of murder. His lawyers Siobhan Grey QC and Jason Lartey approached Inside Justice in March 2018 following his conviction for murder. Inside Justice agreed to do all it could to provide free forensic and investigative support and in January 2021 the conviction was quashed.
Our Advisory Panellist Jo Millington’s forensic expertise in blood spatter analysis played a pivotal part in persuading the jury to reach its verdict today, at the end of a 6-week retrial. As Patryk regains his liberty and rejoins his family, I’d like us to take this moment to celebrate the tremendous expertise and commitment shown. This is truly life-changing work and I am proud of the role Inside Justice has played.
Thank you so much for your support.
Louise Shorter
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