Help hold police to account for a 2018 data protection breach
Help hold police to account for a 2018 data protection breach

Latest: July 21, 2023
Civil action
Due to the impact the police have had on my mental health and the damage they have caused me I'm very pleased to say a civil action has begun. This currently doesn't require private funding b…
Read moreI am an IT Project Manager, small business owner and founder of the police monitoring organisation and community project Bristol Copwatch. At the time the 2018 DPA breach occurred I was 39 years old and an IT contractor. I am a mixed race black man.
Background to the case -
In 2018 I was wrongfully convicted of assault PC following a counter march to the extreme far right EDL in Bristol.
The police provided no body camera evidence of the assault. It was my word against theirs and the court took the side of the police. The courts decided the incident was a case of reckless contact. I was fined over a thousand pounds for something I hadn't done. I think the goal was to put me off protesting, the fact I'm a mixed race black person added fuel to the police's fire.
I appealed in the crown court in 2018 and was unsuccessful, and then again in the high court in 2019 following a successful judicial review but at the High Court the conviction was upheld again.
Angry and frustrated with the injustice of my situation I had decided to carry on attending protests to counter the far right but the police seemed intent on targeting me at following demonstrations.
I was targeted and arrested in London in September 2019 following a march to oppose Boris Johnson being made PM, and then again in November 2019 on a counter demonstration to the far right in the North. On both occasions the police treated me as a potential threat. All cases were thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.
I knew that something was wrong and comments were made by my solicitors at the time that I had been flagged or marked by the police. I knew the police were trying to wear me down and stop me campaigning. I decided to keep fighting for my rights and knew that I wasn't alone
The data protection breach
In late 2021 I discovered that information on my PNC record (Police National Computer) relating to 'Assault PC' had been inputted incorrectly or altered in February of 2018.
The summary of the event stated the name of a different police officer than who I was wrongfully convicted of assaulting and a completely inaccurate description of what happened. It stated that I punched a police officer in the face.
This was a complete contradiction to the crown and high court's ruling of reckless contact and a breach of the Data Protection Act 2018. Shocked and very much distressed that this was not only a conviction that had never happened but that my data had been changed I decided to seek legal advice and take action to get the breach remedied.
What happened next
Bristol Copwatch an independent police monitoring group I founded in 2020, raised my concerns with the data protection team at Avon and Somerset Police late last year. I also requested a second subject access request in November 2021.
On December the 8th 2021 I received a letter stating the breach had been remedied, but the police had only changed the name of the officer to the officer in court all those years ago. My PNC still said I had punched an officer in the face. The police were still in breach of data protection, disillusioned and not too sure what to do next I lodged a complaint with the ICO.
In January 2022 Bristol Copwatch issued a data rectification notice to Avon and Somerset Police's data protection team requesting the breach be correctly remedied to accurately reflect the courts ruling of reckless contact.
Copwatch referred to s46 of the Data Protection Act 2018 or GDPR Section 16 requesting the right to rectification under law enforcement provisions. a non response to subject access request letter has also been sent to the police on my behalf.
Since that non response letter, I received my SAR on the 23rd of January 2022 via Bristol Copwatch. The police were over a month late. but I had all the information I needed relating to the DPA breach to hand over to my solicitors.
Help me take action -
The police have targeted and harassed me for over 2 years of my life due to my ongoing fight for justice and attempt to clear my name. They seem to be determined to position me as a violent criminal.
The information on my PNC record is real time information provided to officers on the street. It's the sort of information that is shared in intelligence briefings and could influence senior officers decision making. We need only look at how willingly the police use force against black people to understand the implications.
Then there's the distress and trauma they have created and the fact that I'm not alone. The police routinely target and harass POC who fight for their rights. We've heard other stories of DPA breaches and alteration of data.
It's important to put this breach right as it labels me as a dangerous person, when it comes to protest it may influence how the police treat me when I exercise my right to freedom of assembly. The police must be held to account and comply with data protection regulation and my data must accurately reflect the court ruling of 2018 and 2019.
What is the next step in the case?
The next steps will be to issue a letter of claim to the police. I intend to claim compensation for the distress the police have caused.
How much am I raising and why?
I need to raise £1500 to fund the initial work on the claim. Legal aid isn't available for a data protection claim of this nature so I will need to privately fund, and at this stage of the case it looks like it will need to run through a small claims court.
I hope to hold the police to account for a breach of my article 8 human rights at a later stage.
I want to put things right and hold the police to account for yet another abuse of power. I hope you can see me and please donate what you can! Thank you.
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John Pegram
July 21, 2023
Civil action
Due to the impact the police have had on my mental health and the damage they have caused me I'm very pleased to say a civil action has begun. This currently doesn't require private funding but if that changes look out for a new CrowdJustice. The police will be held to account for what they have done.
I am represented by an outstanding legal 500 firm who have a reputation for rooting out police corruption and abuse of power and misfeasance in public office at the highest levels. Here's to putting it right. Here's to justice because until this happens there will never be any peace. #NoJusticeNoPeace

John Pegram
June 15, 2023
After 5 years
After 5 years of fighting for my rights, I'm now very happy to say I'm challenging all 3 police forces for their misconduct, and breach of data protection. Thanks to all for everything. Wish me luck!

John Pegram
May 19, 2023
I've sent last email updates to all backers
I've sent the last email updates to all backers. Despite the past few years catching up on me I'm pleased to say I am still pursuing legal action against all three forces responsible for a series of data protection breaches.
Most recently West Yorkshire Police after months of gaslighting me over my colour have rectified my ethnicity data and have recorded my "officer-defined ethnicity" as black after insisting it could only ever be recorded as white.
As they have dropped one exemption preventing access to a PNC audit I'm now seeking legal advice as to how to push through exemptions prevention of crime and protecting the freedom and rights of others to get access to an unredacted occurrence report.
With this and the other breaches, the end result has been trauma and distress resulting in financial loss due to days where I can't do anything at all because of what has happened to me. I am however still campaigning. My last email updates explain the situation with a bit more clarity. Racists should not work for the police.

John Pegram
April 17, 2023
April update
This is my final update to this case page. Thanks again for the support and help in taking action.
BTP have 2 days left to admit liability for a serious data protection breach that even they themselves have said has impacted my data majorly, we are also looking at a breach of my human rights.
I have until February 2024 to claim damages for Avon and Somerset Police's now rectified (sort of but still not matching high court rulings) data protection breach.
I am about to complain once again to the ICO this time aiming to get my hands on an unredacted occurrence report that West Yorkshire Police will not give me using exemptions of prevention of crime and protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Finally, I also complained to the IPT as I suspect something has been said about me in the past that created a lot of issues. Although chances of success are low the surveillance courts will let me know if the police have done anything they deem to be questionable.
This year is about closure. the police must be held to account for what they have done. No justice no peace.

John Pegram
March 4, 2023
March update
Thanks once again for supporting my CrowdJustice. I'm keeping this page live to update on all things data and myself. As a March update, BTP is due to respond to my legal team's letter of claim, and West Yorkshire Police are due to provide me with the last of my data. They have breached data protection the ICO says but only with response times to SAR requests, however, they have decided to remove the exemption.
I was told by Bindmans I have until February 2024 to claim for the distress caused by the Avon and Somerset Police data breach and following sound advice I've assessed if I have the capacity to keep pursuing the cops. Supporting others often inspires me to keep up the good fight so here I am. Still fighting and determined to hold the police to account for what they have done.

John Pegram
Feb. 23, 2023
ICO, West Yorkshire Police and the 5th year of fighting
The ICO has given West Yorkshire Police until the end of the month to explain themselves and their exemption. Meanwhile, BTP is in the legal firing line. From my point of view, all roads lead back to Avon and Somerset Police. In the 5th year of battling for justice and acknowledgment from the police they've done a lot wrong, I feel that light is emerging at the end of the tunnel. This year I hope I can move on. Our human and digital rights matter. Keep fighting for yours.

John Pegram
Feb. 14, 2023
Data protection issues are still emerging
West Yorkshire Police have become completely unaware of how to refer to officers' statements who described me as mixed race to assist with rectification requests of my ethnicity.
This is not only clear-cut racism but an attempt at stalling and deflecting from the main issue which is withheld data with no real reason for use of the exemption provided. This was a PNC audit. We want to know if the original breach was shared with police in the north and what else was said to result in me being targeted. We do know Avon and Somerset Police shared information as I received a similar response from local police when challenging them.
It's not unlawful to intelligence share of course but it is to share a breach. I'm currently waiting on the ICO and I am also taking legal action against BTP. Ongoing data protection issues give me little to no faith in the integrity or honesty of the police. What they do seem to be is not only racist but corrupt.

John Pegram
Feb. 3, 2023
ICO write to West Yorkshire Police
Today the ICO contacted me in relation to West Yorkshire Police and the exemption they are using to withhold some of my SAR data relating to a 2019 public order operation in which I was targeted by an intelligence team. The ICO has written to the police about their information rights practices and my complaint. They will update me soon.

John Pegram
Jan. 18, 2023
Avon and Somerset Police response to intelligence sharing
Avon and Somerset Police have responded to my request for information shared about myself with West Yorkshire Police relating to targeting and subsequent arrest in 2019 in the north.
From the information provided to us in your application, NO personal information has been identified that the Chief Constable is obligated/able to provide you access to under the provisions of this Act.
It seems that the police here are also refusing to release intelligence data relating to me as a protestor. It's not of course unlawful for forces to share data between themselves but there is a possibility they shared an inaccurate, unfair and unlawful data protection breach. I was and have always been a peaceful protestor. Here's to putting things right.

John Pegram
Jan. 10, 2023
2023 legal action is moving forward
For those who have been following my story since February 2022, you may be interested to know that I'm still taking action for data protection breaches and potentially other issues that we suspect are coming to light very soon. In 2022 there were two articles released by the Canary as well as a lot of support for my fight for justice.
Thanks for all the help, although Avon and Somerset Police refused to pay compensation for the breach they rectified my data and haven't followed ICO guidance. In the broader scheme of things it's likely, they created intelligence-sharing issues.
We are currently aiming to push through a data protection exemption to uncover the truth. (see previous updates) BTP has admitted a very serious data protection breach occurred in 2020 and sat on operational records for over 12 months. BTP has also rectified its breach but it's just not good enough. I have a good legal team who are very keen to fight my corner.
This year I intend to hold the police to account for what appears to be a massive abuse of power. It's important to not just fight for your rights but to remain resilient. The Transport Police, West Yorkshire Police, and Avon and Somerset Police will be held to account for what they have done. Our rights matter. Fight for yours.

John Pegram
Dec. 14, 2022
Intelligence sharing between Avon and Somerset Police and West Yorkshire Police
Today I asked data protection at Avon and Somerset Police the following
"I am requesting intelligence sharing information in relation to you and West Yorkshire Police. I would like to understand if the following information was shared with public order and intelligence teams in Dewsbury on 12th October 2019... "
I went on to say
"I am aware and have conclusive proof that I was targeted by an intelligence and public order team on this day. (Received via SAR)"
I've asked the police for all information they can release in relation to intelligence sharing between forces and in any format that may have happened. The police referred to me by my first name on my arrest. They knew exactly who they were looking for. Myself and others were targeted.
Of course, It's not unlawful for the police to share information between forces but at the time there was a serious data protection breach on my PNC. I think this and other inaccurate, unfair and unlawful information was used to make me an arrest priority. Data protection have a month to respond to my request. I'm hoping this assists in the overall picture of issues with police in the north.

John Pegram
Dec. 12, 2022
BTP and data protection - yes they have breached.
BTP emailed me today to advise they have breached data protection. The extent of the damage to my data is still being looked into but once again British Transport Police have apologized for the distress they have caused.
The flags that sat on a police database should not have been there at all. BTP claims the issue occurred in late 2020 during a system migration. This is the second police force that has breached data protection. The thing is they can't even get the rectification right. The remedy applied still shows my keyring as a COSH bar.
I almost dread to think what West Yorkshire Police are trying to hide, but you know something? there's a legal remedy for everything. Here's to putting things right. Keep fighting for your rights and keep protesting. I know I will.

John Pegram
Dec. 10, 2022
Yes I'm still taking action
I thought I would take the opportunity to update this page although funding has since concluded. I'm currently waiting on the ICO to respond to 2 complaints against both BTP and West Yorkshire Police.
The police in the north have not clarified what part of their exemption they are relying on to withhold data but we suspect not only have they used a data protection breach to mark me as an arrest priority in 2019 but that they have received inaccurate and no doubt unlawful intelligence on myself as a protestor. The exemption is likely to be "prevention of crime." which is broad and sweeping but doesn't mean police can't be taken to task for abuse of power.
Avon and Somerset Police are the force responsible. but we feel the NCTPOC have no doubt put me in the wrong drop-down box too! and although it could be tricky to pursue them at present for the distress caused I'm absolutely determined to hold them to account based on intelligence sharing issues.
As soon as I'm in a position to comment further I'll update this page again. According to legal contacts, I would only ever be "low risk" to the NCTPOC. I was a peaceful protestor that has been targeted by racist police. I have been racially profiled and lied about. They must be exposed and held to account for what they have done.

John Pegram
Nov. 30, 2022
West Yorkshire Police are refusing to release PNC audit data
Although fundraising has concluded on this campaign I've left the page open with CrowdJustice's permission. I have data breach specialists who have won data protection claims against Avon and Somerset Police now reviewing the situation in its entirety.
West Yorkshire Police have refused to release PNC audit data which is unusual as the rest of my SAR was released to me without issue. (Law enforcement provisions Chapter 3 right of access 45(4) ) It showed me an intelligence team targeted me on a public order operation in 2019. In fact, the intelligence officers even referred to me by my first name before any requests for my name and address were made on my arrest. They knew who they were looking for.
The last of my data I am hoping provides final clarification of these issues. Having spoken to a legal contact last week well versed in these situations it seems the issues stem from either Avon and Somerset Police or the NCTPOC.
I may not be the next John Caat but I almost certainly have been put in the wrong box as it were. It's funny because the police do that a lot to me. I've raised a complaint with the ICO to challenge West Yorkshire Police's exemption and I'm hoping that in 2023 I don't just see justice but the truth too. Thanks for all your support. Here's to putting things right.

John Pegram
Nov. 18, 2022
Always stand up to your bullies.
I received an email from Bindmans earlier today and spoke to my solicitor Joanna Bennett about the actions against the police and state team. The police's solicitors have stated that there is no evidence to indicate distress was caused by the breach they have now rectified.
This means they have no intention unless proof is provided of distress caused of paying me compensation, despite one of their officers attacking my identity and politics by claiming that I not only punched him in the face but that I marched with the extreme far-right EDL while I actually on a countermarch.
This is the police in action. Both I and Bindmans know what they. have done. My next steps if I decided to pursue the police further for damages would be through the county court. I am also considering asking the ICO to reopen my complaint as ASP rectification has not matched their guidance of reflecting the high court ruling.
The trauma created by the police has resulted in me seeing a therapist every few weeks. Some of this trauma was down to the breach. It is a hard road in the county court to show distress has been caused but I may well continue to fight. There are other ways to hold the police to account in a worst-case scenario.
The value of compensation was not from Bindmans view proportionate with the costs to take the police to court. However, they have fought my corner and ensured the police rectified the breach and amended my data on the PNC record.
BTP and holding Avon and Somerset Police to account
Hayes Connor has been contacted by me in relation to BTP data protection breaches. I am intending to pursue legal action when the ICO responds to my recent complaint. I'm still fighting for my rights. It's not about the money it's about holding the police to account for what they have done. I'm speaking to press contacts about my journey since 2018. As always legal battles aside I'll make sure I show the police what time it is. Here's to putting things right. I'm still fighting for my rights. I hope you can see me. This fundraising campaign has now concluded. Please keep sharing the story. With your help I got my data rectified and pursued the police for damages. They are an institutionally racist organisation. It's always a tough fight.

John Pegram
Nov. 18, 2022
The new Canary article is now live!
Hi! the new article about my fight for justice and to hold the police to account for the 2018 DPA breach is now live! As always it means the world to me you can see me because for a long time I thought no one ever would. You can read the article here
If you have an interest in the events that led to the data breach and in my opinion the subsequent arrests following you can take a look at my high court battle here. It was described by several legal professionals as a miscarriage of justice.
For the police to then claim on my PNC data I punched a cop in the face when in fact the courts ruled reckless conduct added insult to injury. I know as do my solicitors and friends that I am innocent. The breach may be rectified but the trauma never will be. I'm now fighting to claim compensation for the breach. Until there is justice there will never be any peace. Please share my story. I'll let you know about the rest when I can.

John Pegram
Nov. 9, 2022
Navigating a journey I never wanted to make.
I spent over 14 years with no convictions before the 2018 malicious prosecution. The journey I have gone through has been traumatic, and stressful but also empowering. Fighting for your rights always is. We are expecting a response from Avon and Somerset Police later this month. Bindmans LLP has fought my corner since day one. I have faith.
I understand how the police operate and how maliciously they can attempt to ruin lives. I'll update you with developments as soon as I can. Thanks again for your support. Knowing you can see me has touched my heart. For a long time, I felt like no one ever would. And when it comes to the notoriously racist British Transport Police let's just say, I'm absolutely not letting it slide. Look out for me in the Canary this week. Until there is justice, there can never be any peace.

John Pegram
Oct. 28, 2022
I'm in the press again soon!
I've caught up with the Canary about my ongoing fight for justice, and there should be a follow-up article released very soon! You can take a look at the first article here. The Canary is a prime example of why independent journalism matters now more than ever. Thanks for helping me get my voice heard! Please keep sharing my story. There's a long road ahead!

John Pegram
Oct. 26, 2022
Thanks to everyone for supporting my CrowdJustice!
A very big thanks to all of you for supporting my CrowdJustice. We're moving forward with my claim and I am hoping for the best possible outcome. A very big thank you to all of you once again for helping me get this far. Thanks, in particular, to the awesome Bindmans LLP for all the hard work so far. If the case goes to court I'll need to consider fundraising again so I'll continue to update this page and do keep sharing my story. Here's to putting things right. Please keep sharing my story and for the rest of this year and 2023 and beyond, let's show the police what time it is!

John Pegram
Oct. 17, 2022
Infringement of my human rights and freedom of assembly
To say I never expected this to happen to me is an understatement. I've been on the sharp end of a complete abuse of power and what can only be described as a police vendetta for fighting for my rights by attempting to overturn a malicious prosecution. There have been two serious data protection breaches on my PNC and SAR data respectively.
I have been treated as less than human by the police, and it feels like my human rights have been infringed upon. I need you to help me raise awareness and encourage donations to my case. The police are at their very worst. Our rights matter and I hope as always you can see me. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Oct. 11, 2022
British Transport Police breach data protection
Yesterday the ICO advised me that BTP is in breach of data protection by allowing a CSI gunshot residue trace flag to sit on my SAR data unchanged. BTP says my keyring may have been placed in the wrong drop-down box but the ICO says this is not good enough.
It has a lot of implications and is a serious breach of data protection. We know BTP used an inaccurate, unfair, and unlawful data protection breach created by ASP relating to the "assault PC" conviction to flag me as medium risk so it's little to no surprise that a much more alarming incident like this has occurred You can read more about the principles here.
The police have not only breached data protection several times but have infringed on my human rights and freedom of assembly. It's more important than ever to hold them to account. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Oct. 7, 2022
Yet more disproportionate and racist policing has come to light
Here's the CSI firearms check I discovered on my BTP SAR. I have never been nor ever will be involved in any such terrible levels of violence. I feel that my skin colour determined the decision to check my keyring for gunshot residue.
This seems to be yet more racist policing in action. Having spoken to some in the community, it seems that Avon and Somerset Police in particular have thrown firearms checks at black people who have taken action against them. They've even run it on keys. The check CIS ran is below
"CSI Trace: Gunshot residue from CSI trace / Seized KOSH bar / Disposed/ 1 JPP 01 / legacy type : weapons/ residues"
If this is how we are treated by the police for taking a stand then it's very much a community issue. The data protection breach has triggered racist policing responses from BTP and the Met. The problem is Avon and Somerset Police. If you can share my story and encourage others to donate that would be amazing. I intend to sue.

John Pegram
Oct. 6, 2022
Flags of interest
I was flagged as a medium risk due to ASSAULT PC, by BTP which is clear evidence of the breach influencing decision-making. We know the information recorded by Avon and Somerset Police was a lie.
I was then flagged as low risk and had "calmed down" although I never once resisted arrest or became a "dead weight". I have video evidence to prove this fact.
I was flagged it seems in 2021 as the victim of a hate crime due to alterations made on my PNC. My ethnicity was maliciously changed to northern European and the home office changed it to match local police systems' mixed race- white/ black African. They even stated "on appearance black".
The police involved are not only determined to obstruct my path to justice but are racist to the core. Please share my story and donate if you can!

John Pegram
Oct. 5, 2022
BTP SAR reveals significant intelligence sharing issues
I've taken a look at all data from my BTP SAR. I can see that the police flagged and targeted me as they did in the North. In both cases, the DPA 2018 breach was accessed. In BTP's case, it seems to have influenced decision-making. The police involved were desperate to pin whatever they could on me. They also seem to have run immigration enforcement checks and even a CSI gunshot residue check on my key ring! It seems they also relied on police "witnesses" to try to add more weight to the bullshit charges they threw at me that were later thrown out of the crown court!
I was classed as "low risk" by BTP and they referred explicitly to the "assault PC" charge that never happened. Now that it's clear that intelligence sharing has occurred I've referred everything to Bindmans LLP. The racist cops responsible must be forced out of the police but it's clear the problem is institutional racism in action. I'm about to launch the final round of fundraising it's vital to hold police such as this to account. It's essential we prevent them from doing this again. Please share my story and donate what you can. This year, let's show the cops what time it is!

John Pegram
Sept. 28, 2022
BTP meet statutory deadline (That's a first)
The first half of my SAR from BTP has arrived and although it's 58 minutes of bodycam footage from PC James Packwood it still shows an institutionally racist police force at work. 36 minutes or so into the footage Packwood states "I've not had to wait that long for a race card in a long time." as well as comments such as "40 minutes you played the race card!.. you longer than most! normally 2 minutes" it's clear that I was targeted by a gang of racist cops, not just in Bristol but further afield too, or maybe it's just the police in action.
What we know so far
In the north and in London I appear to have been the target of public order operations. The final part of my SAR from BTP arrives in the next couple of days. This will be the intelligence data. In the video I watched today it seems Packwood was on his mobile phone texting for a significant amount of time. I have been asked for that to be released.
What may have happened
is a significant data protection breach with an unlawful inaccurate and outright unfair data entry being used to flag me. The bodycam footage is with Bindmans. The trauma is still. very real. The police must be held to account for what they have done. Please share my story and donate if you can. Our rights matter.

John Pegram
Sept. 27, 2022
My ICO complaint
I'm requesting a review of my complaint with the ICO despite it being upheld, at the time the extent of the damage Avon and Somerset Police have done by sharing inaccurate, unfair, and unlawful information about me with other police forces wasn't as clear as it is now. My human rights have been violated as well as my digital rights. The police must be held to account. I believe the ICO will take this matter very seriously. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Sept. 27, 2022
We're over half way to my stretch target!
We're over halfway to my stretch target and as you all know the last funding push will allow Bindmans LLP to respond to the police's solicitors for additional legal advice. I have strong grounds to say that the police must pay compensation for the breach they have admitted liability to Bindmans and have requested the last SAR as soon as it arrives.
There is clear evidence of intelligence sharing. The police must be held to account for what they have done. I have no issues with taking the police to court if necessary. Please share my story and encourage donations! Our rights matter!

John Pegram
Sept. 19, 2022
Statement of distress caused by the DPA 2018 breach is now with Bindmans
Today I sent my solicitor in the actions against the police team at Bindmans LLP a statement of the distress caused by the data protection breach. Despite the police admitting liability for the breach they have outright refused to acknowledge the damage they have done and the distress they have caused. They must be held to account for what they have done. We are nearly at the 3k goal, the last of the funds raised will allow for around another 5 hours of work on my claim and a substantial response to the police's solicitors Please share my story and encourage donations to my case! Our rights matter!

John Pegram
Sept. 19, 2022
In relation to this email
Received on the 6th of June 2021 following a SAR request that revealed the serious DPA breach that had been sitting on a PNC database for over 3 years. Complete abuse of and failure to recognise my data protection rights. The police do this more frequently than you would like to think. Fight for your rights and I hope you can help me fight for mine. Please share my story and donate! I'm close to my target of 3k!

John Pegram
Sept. 11, 2022
New stretch target
I’ve adjusted the stretch target to cover around additional work Bindmans need to do on my claim including a solid response to the police’s solicitors. I’m confident we can show why I should be paid damages and my legal costs for the DPA 2018 breach. The police maliciously prosecuted me for an assault that never happened and lied about me on a national police database this resulted in targeting by West Yorkshire Police and BTP plus surveillance and harassment by the police locally.. They must be held to account for what they have done. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Sept. 5, 2022
PNC data protection issues are commonplace in the police
This morning BTP after 4 days of delay acknowledged my SAR request. They have until 1/10/22 to get it to me. With more DPA breaches in Yorkshire, it seems that PNC data protection issues are commonplace, this is one of the reasons I've contacted the ICO again as I'd like to know what their stance is on intelligence sharing malpractice. Tomorrow I get my statement of distress caused by the breach to Bindmans. Our rights matter. Please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
Sept. 2, 2022
Law enforcement data processing guidelines
Here are ICO guidelines on law enforcement data processing and data protection. Not only should Avon and Somerset Police put their house in order when it comes to data protection but it seems that British Transport Police also have similar issues.
The police have historically abused our digital rights. Locally I know I am not alone. Please share my story and case with local organizations who need to know and of course, encourage donatations too if you can! Our rights matter. No justice no peace.

John Pegram
Sept. 1, 2022
West Yorkshire Police PC makes unauthorised PNC searches
I've just seen to little to no surprise to me or anyone Bristol Copwatch end that a West Yorkshire Police PC has made unauthorized PNC searches. with no real reason for doing so. As you all know I have just received a SAR from West Yorkshire Police confirming DPA breach PNC access in 2019 and today's news although unrelated to my own situation does not fill me with a great deal of faith that my data was not at any point used maliciously.
Our digital rights matter. It's clear that the police "rogue" elements are often allowed to act with impunity and that data protection means nothing to those with their own agenda. Please share my story and donate to my case!

John Pegram
Aug. 31, 2022
The clock is ticking for the police
My new SAR shows clear evidence of intelligence sharing and police targeting. I'm confident the additional SAR from the Transport Police will show the same. This week I'm sitting down to get my statement of distress caused together. This is being sent to Bindmans It's nearly time to respond to the police's legal team and I need your help in raising additional funding to allow my legal team to continue work on my claim.
Please share my story and if you've donated before please consider donating again. Raise awareness with community groups and digital rights organisations. ASP abuses data protection and privacy far more frequently than they would like you to know. Our rights matter and I am confident Bindmans will win. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Aug. 24, 2022
My SAR and responses to the police
I've received my SAR from West Yorkshire Police and today have sent my latest request to BTP. If similar information including PNC access is held on BTP systems this should give a final and clear picture of intelligence sharing issues that may exist and also allow Bindmans to begin to craft a response to ASP solicitors. It's more important than ever to support fights for our rights and civil liberties. I need to raise another £1000.00 in funds to allow Bindmans to continue work on my claim. I'm going to be sharing this fundraiser every day and I hope you can help raise awareness and encourage donations to my case! Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Aug. 17, 2022
West Yorkshire Police SAR and Police disclosure due to be assessed
The SAR I received today and the police disclosure I have (thanks Kellys) not only show my PNC when the breach was active was accessed by West Yorkshire Police but the SAR has a fair bit of redacted information. I also appear to be on some sort of police spreadsheet. It also appears clear that the police were acting on intelligence. I'm speaking to Bindmans on the 22nd of this month. I need to raise another £1000.00 to cover our response to the police solicitors. We now need to show why Avon and Somerset Police should pay me compensation. Please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
Aug. 12, 2022
Statement of distress caused and how you can help
I’m due to get my statement on the distress caused by the serious DPA breach together for my legal team in the next week. Of course, evidence of intelligence sharing of the breach will add additional weight to my claim. The racist discrimination by the police still remains as clear as ever. They've kept gunning for me because they don't like me fighting for my rights! Not only am I perpetually a criminal to the police I am also the wrong colour.
When it comes to taking a stand the time is now. The police must be held to account for what they have done. Your contributions will allow my legal team to respond to the police substantially. Bindmans LLP has won a case for me before and I trust their skill, integrity, and determination in representing me. I need to raise £1000 to cover more work on my claim. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
Aug. 5, 2022
Rest in power to brother Ahmed Fofanah
The shock and loss of losing a friend this week has rocked myself and Bristol Copwatch to our core. Ahmed was always very supportive of my fight for justice and both of us have been on the sharp end of miscarriages of justice and abuses of power by Avon and Somerset Police.
I supported Ahmed and his family along their fight for justice and for all of us the fight is far from over. I have a heart heavy with loss and know the police traumatised us both in their desperation to protect themselves.
I saw Ahmed and he saw me. He’d want me to keep fighting for mine and others rights. It’s time to take a stand! in relation to my case the police have framed me for an assault that never happened lied and positioned me as a dangerous criminal through ”inaccurate unfair and unlawful “ entries on their PNC system. They have racially profiled me and despite admitting liability to a serious DPA breach have refused to pay compensation.
But now we see them. Ahmed saw them along his own fight for justice. The police must be held to account for what they have done. Please share and donate to my case to allow Bindmans to respond to chief racist in charge Sarah Crew’s legal team: Until there is justice there can never be any peace!

John Pegram
July 27, 2022
Distress caused by the DPA 2018 breach
I'm making progress with my claim. This week I'm sitting down to draft out a statement on the distress caused by the DPA 2018 breach. The racists in Avon and Somerset Police have tried to label me as a dangerous criminal. The impact on my life has been significant. The police must be held to account for what they have done! Please share and donate!

John Pegram
July 27, 2022
Police intelligence sharing issues may emerge
On Bindmans guidance, I've now raised a SAR with West Yorkshire Police. Police disclosure reveals the DPA 2018 breach was shared in 2019. It's vital we know if this influenced police decision-making. This is an important case! Please share and donate!

John Pegram
July 26, 2022
Today I raise SAR requests with BTP and West Yorkshire Police
Today I'm raising a SAR request with both BTP and West Yorkshire Police. I need to know what the police said about me in 2019 as I can see from disclosure that intelligence was shared. West Yorkshire Police ran a PNC check when a serious DPA breach was active on my PNC record.
I know that also in 2019 one officer from BTP claimed that they were acting on intelligence, in both cases I was clearly singled out from the crowd. I hope the SAR requests show me exactly what the police are saying about me and most importantly prove without a shadow of a doubt that the unlawful and inaccurate breach was shared in intelligence briefings.
How you can help
If you've not donated already please consider doing so. I need to raise another £1000.00 to allow Bindmans to continue work on my claim.
Tell your friends and family about this gross abuse of power, it's important we take a stand against police misconduct.
Tell community organisations about my journey and ask them to spread the word!
Donate again if you can! Every donation small or large help and the police must be held to account for what they have done. Our rights matter. I can see you I hope you can see me too.

John Pegram
July 20, 2022
Next steps
Here are the next steps with my case. These are going to take shape over the next few weeks.
1. A statement on the distress caused by the 2018 DPA breach for Bindmans LLP. I'm going to be running through this with caseworkers from Bristol Copwatch. This will be used to support a response to Avon and Somerset Police in the next stage of Bindman's work on the claim.
2. SAR to be raised with the police in the North and BTP. It's here on police disclosure we can see intelligence sharing has occurred. The breach was shared. This much is certain. Bristol Copwatch will manage this process for me requesting all data held on myself.
3. Bindmans are to finish additional work on the claim assess any additional areas and respond to the police substantially. From there we can see if it's going to be court or ADR (Alternative dispute resolution)
I intend to pursue the police for damages caused. The racist police officers responsible must be exposed so I'm reaching out to media contacts in the press to discuss my claim and my story. There's a long fight ahead but I'm confident we can win. The police are the defendants they must be held to account. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
July 15, 2022
Why I need to raise another £1000.00
Hi all,
Bindmans have advised some time ago that in order to respond to the police' response to the letter of claim and to provide additional legal advice on the best next steps including assessment of new disclosure I'll need to raise another £1000.00. If it's viable and it may well be I intend to sue Avon and Somerset Police for damages and the distress they have caused.
Denying accountability is a common police response and admission to a serious DPA breach is quite simply not good enough. I intend to hold the police to account for what they have done. The police responsible clearly know that this abuse of data protection rights almost mirrors my own, they know they should pay compensation for distress caused but racists like them never want to be held to account.
I'm fundraising for another £1000.00 to allow Bindmans to continue to work on my claim. If you can donate and share and most importantly let your community know how little Avon and Somerset Police care about our rights that would be amazing. This year lets show the police what time it is.

John Pegram
July 14, 2022
Help me hold Avon and Somerset Police to account
After over a month later than anticipated Avon and Somerset Police have admitted liability for the DPA 2018 breach however, they have refused to pay me compensation or my current legal fees claiming that the distress caused is too minor for a court to entertain.
Their legal team has invited us to provide evidence to the contrary so I'm sitting down with Bristol Copwatch to discuss. I also have evidence of police intelligence sharing and targeting from police disclosure I would like Bindmans to assess, in one instance the breach appears to have been shared on a PNC check.
The racism of the police is more apparent than ever. they have just paid out for very similar abuse of data protection and yet when it comes to a mixed-race black man who they framed in the magistrate court for an assault that never happened and they lied about on a national police database for over 3 years they just can't admit it or take accountability.
My story is important and I hope the racist cops behind these actions are investigated. In the meantime, I want to raise another £1000.00 for further legal advice. I hope from there a clear path emerges. The police must be held to account for what they have done. Please share my story and donate if you can!

John Pegram
July 14, 2022
Today I've asked Bindmans to issue proceedings
Avon and Somerset Police are now over a week late to respond to the letter of claim sent by Bindmans LLP. The police know the ICO has upheld my complaint about the DPA breach. They are stalling and can be given no more time. With their track record with abuse of data protection and our rights, they must be made an example of. We are coming. I hope to get my claim moved onto legal aid but may need to fund raise more. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
July 8, 2022
Avon and Somerset Police abuse data protection rights
I just recently caught in the press yet another data protection issue with Avon and Somerset Police. In this instance, an autistic woman in Weston Super mare was shocked to discover information on police databases had been entered completely inaccurately and almost certainly maliciously about her. This false medical information had in fact labeled her as violent.
Although our stories vary greatly the efforts made by the police to position us both as dangerous and violent are almost identical. Both of us discovered to our horror that a complete fabrication had been entered about us. Both of us have fought and are fighting to clear our names and hold the police to account. The concerning thing is the police responsible just seem to keep getting away with breaching data protection with very little penalty.
Avon and Somerset Police are unsurprisingly late with their response to Bindmans letter of claim. Keep sharing my story and donate if you can. The police must be held to account for what they have done. The more it happens the more they will understand they cannot treat the general public like this. Our rights matter.

John Pegram
July 3, 2022
Next week matters
Bit of a late-night update but hey it is of course on my mind. Next week Avon and Somerset Police are due to respond to Bindmans LLP's letter of claim. I'm expecting to know where the land lies in the next few days but as the ICO also upheld the complaint about the DPA 2018 breach they don't really have much of a leg to stand on. It's due to your support and donations I've got this far. In the event we need to take them to court I hope I can count on you once again to help me raise the necessary funds! Please share my story. I'll update everyone soon!

John Pegram
June 30, 2022
Police disclosure from London and Dewsbury
I've received the police disclosure and statements from London and Dewsbury. In both sets of information, officers stated, that they were acting on intelligence that had been received. on "left-wing protestors" and "anti-fascists". I know from my treatment by the police that I was targeted by them.
I've also noted the DPA 2018 breach was on my PNC at the time of my arrest. Both these cases were thrown out of court due to no evidence. Both these cases represent intelligence sharing and targeting. The Met is lying and the police must be held to account for what they have done.. Please share my story and donate if you can!

John Pegram
June 28, 2022
Metropolitan Police respond to my SAR request
I received an email from the Met Police via Bristol Copwatch today. It seems after extensive checks I am not on any Met database. Due to the police attention and harassment I've put up with in the past, I find this hard to believe but here is roughly what they've said
This means at present, the DPA 2018 breach sits solely on the shoulders of Avon and Somerset Police. I'm catching up with Bindmans tomorrow. Of course, the Met isn't off the hook when it comes to responding to my SAR. ASP has until 4/7/22 to admit liability. . Please share my story and donate to my CrowdJustice if you can! the police must be held to account for what they have done!

John Pegram
June 24, 2022
Avon and Somerset Police stall for more time to respond to the letter of claim.
Bindmans called me this morning to advise that ASP is stalling for more time to respond to the letter of claim. They have said that they want the ICO complaint investigation to conclude first. The thing is the ICO upheld my complaint and wrote to the police on the 19/04/22. The police know they are in the wrong. They know they must admit liability. Our rights matter, please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
June 23, 2022
Article 8 breaches and the assault on our human rights
The police have until the 4th of July to respond to Bindmans letter of claim. If no admission of liability is provided I absolutely intend to pursue them in court. Here's why.
1. It's clear that not only has a serious data protection breach occurred (now partly rectified) but it's almost a certainty my human rights have been abused too. The distress caused has been significant. However, I'm standing strong and fighting for my rights.
2. The police cannot be allowed to target people in this fashion without being challenged. Article 8 is a vital part of our rights and mine has been significantly infringed.
3. The government's assault on our human rights is an important time means it's more important than ever to resist abuses of power and to fight for justice.
If we need to take the police to court I may need to continue to fund raise . I want to raise another £1000.00 to allow Bindmans to continue their work. I hope you can help me hold Avon and Somerset Police and the Met to account! Please share and donate!

John Pegram
June 16, 2022
Less than 3 weeks!
It's less than 3 weeks until we expect an admission of liability from Avon and Somerset Police to the letter of claim. Despite this, I'm still very clearly under surveillance. This is primarily due to my work in the community as a community activist and volunteer caseworker for Bristol Copwatch.
The Met Police despite admitting to breaching DPA 2018 SAR deadline legislation have given no clear picture as to when my SAR will arrive however we know that it's going to shine a light on a lot that is wrong with Avon and Somerset Police. When it comes to being on the sharp end of police corruption and misconduct I know I am not alone. Our rights matter. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
June 8, 2022
Met apologise for SAR delays
This morning I received an email following Bristol Copwatch's non-response letter to the Information Rights Unit of the Met. They said
"We would like to apologise for the delay and assure you that we acknowledge that by not responding to your request within the statutory time frame outlined by the Data Protection Act 2018 we have breached your rights. This is never the intention of the MPS and we take the data rights of individuals very seriously."
Hey, that's ok I'm used to having my rights breached, is what I was tempted to write in reply. Many people run into issues requesting data from the Met and I know I am not alone. When the SAR arrives I'll have a broader picture of what the police are saying about me as an anti-racist and community activist. Our rights matter. Please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
June 7, 2022
Disproportionate, unethical and racist policing
Today I've read that Avon and Somerset Police are 4 times as likely to arrest someone who is black than our white counterparts. Institutional racism in Avon and Somerset Police is a serious problem and it's down to those at the top to rethink their approach to black and brown communities, it's also down to all of us to support those in our community on the sharp end of abuses of power. Personally speaking, I'm confident I have been on the receiving end of disproportionate and racist policing.
The Met is close to 2 weeks late in providing me with my latest SAR and of course, we are still waiting on a response to Bindmans letter of claim. I'm just as determined to hold the police to account as ever. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
May 31, 2022
The Metropolitan Police data protection breach
I spoke to the ICO this morning in relation to my latest SAR from the Met/ NCTPOC now overdue by 3 days. They told me as the statutory SAR deadline has now passed and the police have given no prior notification as to needing longer to correlate my data (at no point have they said the matter is complex ) they are now in breach of data protection. This means later today I will lodge a new complaint with the ICO. I want to know what the police are saying about me and if the DPA 2018 breach was at any point shared on another secretive police database. Please share my story and donate if you can!

John Pegram
May 30, 2022
Bristol Copwatch issue non response letter to Met Information Rights Unit
Bristol Copwatch has issued a non-response letter to the Metropolitan Police Information Rights Unit. They now have 14 days to provide me with my latest SAR before a "request for assessment" is lodged with the Information Commissioners Office. I'm determined and resolute to hold the police to account for what they have done. Our rights matter. Please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
May 29, 2022
Met fail to meet DPA 2018 SAR deadline
The Information rights unit has failed to meet the deadline for my new SAR from the NCTPOC. Bristol Copwatch is now preparing to step in to chase the SAR and get it to myself and Bindmans LLP as quickly as possible. If necessary I will complain to the ICO. The police must be held to account. Please share my story and donate!

John Pegram
May 27, 2022
Police request more time to respond to the letter of claim
Bindmans have emailed me this morning to advise that Avon and Somerset Police have requested more time to provide a response to the letter of claim. We are now looking at beginning of July. The SAR however is due from NCTPOC and Bristol Copwatch is contacting the Metropolitan Police Information Rights Unit later today.
Supporting those who are fighting for their rights is more important than ever. The police wage malicious and racist vendettas against POC despite claiming to condemn them I'm looking for the truth as well as justice. Please share and donate!

John Pegram
May 25, 2022
Less than 3 weeks
Police have less than 3 weeks to respond to Bindmans letter of claim. Knowing rectifications have been made is promising as it's likely the police will accept liability for the DPA 2018 breach.
Dismantling the police lie is my personal goal this year, and I think the end results are going to benefit many in the community, besides I hope to challenge the miscarriage of justice that is the basis of the breach once again if I can. I'm still waiting to hear from the CCRC.
Avon and Somerset Police seem to have a reputation for harassment of those who take a stand against them. Independent police monitoring group Bristol Copwatch has supported others who have been targeted by the police. It's important we fight for our rights and for justice. Please share my story and donate to the stretch target if you can. Our rights matter.

John Pegram
May 16, 2022
Next legal steps
On 27.5.22 I should receive my latest SAR from the NCTPOC. I and Bindmans feel that there will be information held about me that could warrant further legal action against the police. I believe the DPA 2018 breach has made its way onto this infamous database. Please keep sharing my story and donate to the stretch target if you can. I want to raise another £1000.00 before 4/6/22. Civil liberties matter. Let's show the police what time it is.

John Pegram
May 13, 2022
Criminal cases review commission update
The CCRC is currently reviewing the miscarriage of justice and wrongful conviction of Assault PC at present. I can expect to hear from them by June. This is the reason that the DPA 2018 breach happened.
If the conviction is taken back to the court of appeal I have a final chance at clearing my name. Please keep sharing my story and donate to my stretch target if you can. I need to raise another £1000.00 before the police respond to the letter of claim on 4/6/22. Our digital rights and civil liberties matter. I hope you can see me.

John Pegram
May 7, 2022
NCTPOC SAR due by 27/5/22
It's really important right now to support anyone fighting for their rights and for justice. If you can share my story, and encourage others to donate to my stretch target or even consider donating again yourselves that would be great.

John Pegram
May 4, 2022
Avon and Somerset Police appalling track record with racism
In February of this year, the police released a statement following allegations from an ex-police officer that the force had waged vendettas against black people. Although the police will robustly deny issues with racism still exist as a volunteer caseworker for Bristol Copwatch I know this just isn't true. Then there are my own recent experiences of police targeting and harassment.
Not only has this been due to me taking a stand a lot of it I am sure is down to the inherent racism of Avon and Somerset Police. They have until 4/6/22 to respond to Bindmans letter of claim. Please keep sharing my story and donate to my stretch target if you can. Always remember you are never alone.

John Pegram
April 28, 2022
Letter of authority sent to Information Rights and BTP get their data right
Yesterday I sent a letter of authority to the Metropolitan police Information Rights Unit for Bristol Copwatch to manage my latest SAR request. If I'm being surveilled by NCTPOC I hope to take action.
BTP have got their PNC entry right according to ACRO. They said the PNC records show me as having carried a kubotan keyring and that I was found not guilty of possessing an offensive weapon.
It seems that little by little the police are rectifying data entries. Of course, we are still waiting for the police's response to the letter of claim. Please keep sharing my case and donating to the stretch target. We've got a long way to go before this is put right.

John Pegram
April 26, 2022
Case update
I've noted that Avon and Somerset Police and BTP have removed all descriptions on both my solely malicious conviction of assault PC and offensive weapon charge that was thrown out of the inner crown court.
I would like the police to actually rectify the breach to have a description reflecting court rulings as the ICO stated in their letter to me and the subsequent letter to the police.
"We have also asked that ASP review your request to have your PNC record amended to reflect the findings of the court, and to provide you with a response to this."
I've emailed ACRO about issues with BTP and concerns surrounding SVRO stop and search. We are now waiting on the police to respond to the letter of claim.
Please keep sharing my case and encouraging donations to the stretch target. Our digital rights have real-world consequences. Always fight for them.

John Pegram
April 25, 2022
The DPA 2018 breach and BTP PNC entry
I received an email from ACRO this morning. My PNC data appears to have been amended once again, this time the DPA 2018 breach has either been rectified or has had access to it restricted. I've noted that BTP has amended their PNC entry too.
From my point of view, it's over 3 years too late. The damage is done and the distress and trauma the police have created in my life remain. Please share my story and donate to my stretch target. The police must be held to account for what they have done.

John Pegram
April 24, 2022
Police harassment
I've just published a piece on my blog "The little fighter with a big heart" about what's happening at present when it comes to myself and the police. It's clear they are still targeting not just myself but Bristol Copwatch. I suspect however a lot of the hassle I've had comes from the fact I am currently taking action against Avon and Somerset Police.
I'm really keen to continue to raise awareness about my story and I need to raise another £1000.00 between now and June to allow Bindmans to do any additional work on my claim that is needed. If you can share my story and encourage donations to my stretch target that would be amazing.
The police know they have breached data protection. They are attempting to wage a malicious vendetta against a community monitoring group with black people at the front. They must be held to account.

John Pegram
April 21, 2022
Overseas intelligence sharing issues
It's going to be interesting to see what the NCTPOC SAR brings back in a few weeks. One of my biggest concerns is overseas intelligence sharing. I've been out to an anti-racist martial arts tournament in Europe in the past and I can't help but wonder how law enforcement agencies have interpreted it.
Being positioned as dangerous is bad enough but I'm interested to know if the DPA 2018 breach has been shared further afield. Even sitting on an NCTPOC database is a breach of my human rights. Here's Privacy International on why intelligence sharing needs greater regulation. Please keep sharing my story and donate to the stretch target if you can!

John Pegram
April 19, 2022
The ICO has upheld my complaint
The ICO has upheld my complaint about the DPA 2018 breach. They have stated
"We have considered the issues you have raised with us. Based on this information, it is our view that ASP has not complied with their data protection obligations."
This is because the police did not respond to my rectification request sent with my consent by Bristol Copwatch within 1 month ( they didn't respond at all ) and because my SAR was over 1 month late. The ICO has written to the police about their information rights practices.
They have also asked the police to review my request to have my PNC record amended to reflect the findings of the court. I hope this means the police will now acknowledge the seriousness of the DPA 2018 breach and how my rights have been infringed. Please keep sharing my story. Our digital rights and civil liberties matter. The police have until June to respond to Bindmans letter of claim.

John Pegram
April 18, 2022
Taking a stand against institutional racism
Fighting back against abuses of power and police corruption can be a daunting thing. The police are an institutionally racist organisation. Working together in our communities we can take a stand.
I'm fighting to not only hold the police to account over a data protection breach but to clear my name and hopefully overturn a malicious prosecution if the CCRC decides to send my case back to the court of appeal.
Most importantly, I'm outright determined to discover what the police have been saying about me as "not of any interest" is quite simply a bald-faced lie. The next few months are an important time for me in my fight for justice.
I have been treated as a second-class citizen for too long by the police. I hope you can see me please keep sharing my story and donate to my stretch target if you can. I need to raise another £1000.00 by June. The police have until the 4th of June to respond to my letter of claim for a DPA 2018 breach.

John Pegram
April 15, 2022
The Met NCTPOC has just under 1 month to respond to my SAR
The Metropolitan Police NCTPOC (National Counter Terror Police Operations Centre) has just under 1 month to respond to my latest SAR request. As the ICO has already commented on Avon and Somerset Police's failure to respond to the rectification request sent with my consent by Bristol Copwatch it will be interesting to see if the police response is in line with ICO guidance.
The ICO will finish assessing my complaint beginning of next week and the outcome looks positive. If you can keep sharing my story over the next few weeks and donate to my stretch target that would be fantastic. Thanks for your support. The Police involved are clearly corrupt and racist. They must be held to account.

John Pegram
April 13, 2022
ICO guidance on personal data breaches
I'm due to hear from the ICO tomorrow about my complaint in relation to the DPA 2018 breach and just because it's useful information to know I thought I would share the ICO's guidance on personal data breaches.
As soon as I know a little more about my complaint and where that's headed I'll update again. Thanks for staying with me for the long haul. Please keep sharing my story and donate to the stretch target if you can!

John Pegram
April 8, 2022
Fundraiser push!
I've just emailed backers in detail about the next round of fundraising for my claim. I want to raise £1000.00 between now and the 4th of June to allow Bindmans to do more work on my case, and respond to the police when we receive views on liability and advise accordingly.
I'm expecting the police to admit liability for the breach. I'm also expecting the ICO to uphold my complaint. The police know they are in the wrong, and clearly have no respect for my rights. It's time to hold them to account. With your help, this can be done!
Please keep sharing my story and encourages others to donate! together we can win. Our digital rights matter!

John Pegram
April 6, 2022
Questions about the breach from the ICO
Yesterday the ICO asked me
1. Has Avon and Somerset Police ever responded to the rectification request made for me by Bristol Copwatch.
2. If they can see the email conversation between myself and the head of data protection Stephen Derwin from 2021.
I’ve let the ICO know no response or grounds for refusal to rectify the breach were ever provided by Avon and Somerset Police. I’ve also sent the ICO disclosure containing that conversation. Stephen Derwin never suggested requesting rectification despite being sent a link to the high court ruling of reckless conduct showing clearly that the police PNC description of Assault PC is completely wrong,
What the email trail will also show the ICO is that the records and PNC team knew about the breach last year and only changed the name of the officer. The police chose to ignore a DPA 2018 breach this speaks volumes and does nothing to restore any trust in a police force that quite frankly has a lot to answer for.
Thanks for your support please keep sharing my story. We’ll know by June if we have to take the police to court to resolve yet another data protection breach.

John Pegram
April 5, 2022
Avon and Somerset Police respond to the letter of claim
Avon and Somerset Police have responded to my letter of claim. They have requested until the 4th of June to respond with "views on liability."The police have also asked questions about the distress caused by the breach but under Bindmans guidance I want to understand the police's position on liability before we reply.
Please keep sharing my story and if you can ask others to consider donating to my stretch target! The police know they have breached data protection and must be held to account! Thanks for your support so far!

John Pegram
April 5, 2022
"PC F" data protection breach
Earlier today Bristol Live published an article in relation to a data protection breach involving a police officer who has now been dismissed from the force known only as PC F. I can't help but wonder at what point incompetence becomes malpractice. I've certainly been on the sharp end of abuse of power.
How many more incidents are we to see of records held about us on databases being abused by the local police? It's important to hold the police to account and to call out abuse of power when we see it! Please keep sharing my story! the police have under 2 weeks to respond to Bindmans letter of claim.

John Pegram
April 3, 2022
Failing to respond to a rectification request
The ICO advised me that failure to respond to a rectification request is usually enough for a complaint about an organisation to be upheld. In this case, I made them aware that the police provided my SAR response 2 months late as well. I'm hoping that comments made by the ICO will strengthen my claim against Avon and Somerset Police as well as any evidence of intelligence sharing malpractice involving the NCTPOC and regional police forces. If this has happened then we may be looking at an article 8 breach too. This is from what I understand pretty serious and I will look to take further legal action. Please keep sharing my story. Bindmans will advise me of the police response to the letter of claim soon.

John Pegram
March 31, 2022
Intelligence sharing and a new SAR to be raised
Under the guidance of Bindmans, I'm going to raise a new SAR with the National Counter Terrorism Police Operations Centre (NCTPOC) formerly known as the National Domestic Extremism Unit (NDEU). Netpol has provided a great guide on making such a request and despite acknowledging that if I wasn't on their radar before I will be after raising a SAR I think it's worth it.
Bindmans feel they are more than likely going to have me on their radar anyway due to political and community activism. I want to know if there has been any intelligence sharing and targeting, and from there will see what remedies are available to me via Bindmans LLP. Of course, if there have been any data breaches, it could be big trouble for the police. Please keep sharing my story and donate if you can!

John Pegram
March 30, 2022
ICO beginning work on my complaint in a week
I had a call from the ICO this morning about my case. Not responding to a rectification request seems to be reasonably serious. That's unfortunate for the police. I've discovered the rectification request sat with around 3 different DPO officers before being completely ignored. The ICO has said if my complaint is upheld they will provide a report of their findings and make recommendations to the police. It seems that there would need to be repeated significant failings for them to fine the police. I can't help but recall that in 2020 there were 86 data breaches by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Please keep sharing my story, I'll know in 14 days if we need to go to court.

John Pegram
March 25, 2022
My last update
I realised that I’ve mentioned an incorrect year, the wrongful conviction of “assault pc” occurred in 2018 as I’ve mentioned since launching my case and of course is the origin of the 2018 DPA breach. My arrest for “Assault PC” that led to the conviction and subsequent breach occurred in 2017 and as I’ve also explained was on a counter march to the fascist EDL. I’ve asked CrowdJustice to correct the year in my last update. Please keep sharing my story!

John Pegram
March 25, 2022
CCRC continue to investigate 2018 wrongful conviction
I spoke to the CCRC today. They are currently investigating the original wrongful conviction of “assault PC” from 2018 and are awaiting information from the police. This is of course the origin of the DPA 2018 breach. The CCRC are requesting bodycam and intelligence data from the police and agree it’s suspicious that no footage was ever provided. I’m on a long journey to clear my name but you know what they say about roads less travelled.. thanks for the support and please keep sharing my case!

John Pegram
March 24, 2022
The letter of claim is ready and due to be sent to the police!
I’ve read the draft letter of claim due to be sent to Avon and Somerset Police this morning and have told Bindmans I’m happy with it. I’ll update more in a backers email but in the meantime please keep sharing my story and encouraging others to donate if they can!

John Pegram
March 22, 2022
Data specialists reviewing letter before release
Data specialists at Bindmans are reviewing my letter of claim before I give it a once over and it’s sent to Avon and Somerset Police. We should be good to go for the beginning of next week latest!
Thanks again for all your help and donations! Please keep sharing and encouraging donations to my case! As a recap, Bindmans say police must correct SAR and PNC data.

John Pegram
March 17, 2022
Information on the right to rectification / ICO update
Morning all, as the police seem to have failed compliance with Bristol Copwatch's data rectification request I thought it might be of interest to share the ICO's guidance on our right to rectification.
The ICO has now assigned a caseworker to my DPA complaint and I had a very positive call with Bindmans yesterday! I'll update you on the case again soon, please share my story and encourage others to donate!

John Pegram
March 11, 2022
British Transport Police due to change their PNC entry
BTP have decided to change some of their PNC entry as they can see that "baton" is really not an accurate description of my keyring. You would have thought a police officer would know the law around Kubotan keyrings but clearly, the colour of my skin dictated the decision to make an arrest following the PACE search. I'm hoping to add this "inaccurate" 2019 data entry to my claim.

John Pegram
March 11, 2022
Police data entry is 'wildly inaccurate' and issues with non response
Having assessed my SAR and PNC Bindmans LLP have described the data entry relating to "Assault PC" as wildly inaccurate. I have been told that SAR data needs to be amended as well as my PNC.
It's interesting to note the police breached ICO compliance when failing to respond to Bristol Copwatch's data rectification request sent to the data protection team in 2021. The police provided no explanation for their non-response. Please keep sharing my story. Our digital rights matter.

John Pegram
March 11, 2022
Further press interest in my case!
I've been a little bit overwhelmed with the support for my case and I should be telling my story to The Bristol Cable soon! If you can keep sharing my story and encourage others to donate that would be great!

John Pegram
March 7, 2022
The letter of claim and my case
Bindmans are due to begin to prepare a letter of claim to issue to the police next week. It's been noted that there are issues with my SAR as well as PNC that should be corrected. It's also worth noting that the police have failed to abide by data rectification guidelines and have not kept me informed or explained their nonresponse. What has happened to me is racist policing in action. Please keep sharing my story.
The stretch target
After the police receive my letter of claim they will have 21 days to respond. We will know at that point if we need to go to court. I'll keep you in the loop, thanks for your support!

John Pegram
March 7, 2022
4 years
You may have read my blog before but yesterday I wrote a round-up of the state of play of things with my case and of course a couple of updates about my volunteer work with Bristol Copwatch! I'm not alone when it comes to racist harassment and targeting by the police here. They'll be more updates from Copwatch soon, but if you can keep sharing my story and encouraging donations that would be great!

John Pegram
March 3, 2022
BTP and data protection
Hi all, in addition to Bindmans assessing my case and Avon and Somerset Police's DPA breach from 2018 it may be that BTP has also made a similar "error." The priority is getting the breach put right locally and of course, claiming compensation but malicious intelligence sharing and further data alteration is a concern. I'm talking to more press contacts about my story too!

John Pegram
March 2, 2022
Thanks for the contributions to the stretch target!
Thanks so much for the contributions to the case's stretch target! I'm in meetings with Bindmans early next week about the claim and I couldn't of got this far without your help! If you can keep sharing and encouraging others to donate that would be amazing! I'll update the case again as soon as there are new developments!

John Pegram
Feb. 27, 2022
The £8,000 stretch target
Thanks again for your help with this case! There is currently an 8k stretch target in case we need to go to court over the breach. This money will be used to secure representation from Bindmans LLP for the matter. I'll update again next week, please keep sharing!

John Pegram
Feb. 26, 2022
We've achieved the £1500 funding goal!
We've raised £1500.00! Thanks for everyone's help and support in getting to this point! There is now enough money raised for Bindmans to start their work and issue a letter of claim to the police! I'll update you as the case progresses! Do keep sharing my story, it's important to raise awareness about police abuse of power!

John Pegram
Feb. 24, 2022
Bindmans due to take action
I'm pleased to say it looks like the initial target is going to be met before the deadline! If you can continue to share my story in the meantime and encourage friends to donate that would be grand. Bindmans are due to take action. Thanks for all your support and help so far, and when the claim letter is ready I'll update you again.

John Pegram
Feb. 21, 2022
Letter from the Police in December 2021 / Case papers
I've included a snippet of a letter received from Avon and Somerset Police DPO in December of 2021. This is following my initial request that the police amend my data. A formal rectification request was made afterwards by Bristol Copwatch. As of the 8th of December 2021 and over 3 years on the police are still in breach of the DPA 2018.
You can find a link to the case papers here in which the police admit no officer was punched and the courts class what was described by my solicitors at the time as a wrongful conviction as "reckless contact." It is important to put this right. By helping me take action you will be helping expose police misconduct and racist targeting.

John Pegram
Feb. 21, 2022
Non responses, data breaches and deadlines
I'm still waiting for a response from Avon and Somerset Police into the original DPA breach that has caused so many problems, the police claim to be investigating but not only have breached the time limit for rectification have also failed to keep me informed about the progress of their investigation.
Of course, this is to be expected and the norm for Avon and Somerset Police. Besides, data protection breaches are in general commonplace for the police as an organisation. There's 10 days left to go of my campaign and I think we'll achieve the £1500.00 goal to help me take action! If you can continue to share my story and donate that would be amazing. Digital rights matter. Lets show the police what time it is!

John Pegram
Feb. 18, 2022
13 days to go!
With 13 days left to reach target I'm really pleased to say we are only £380.00 away from achieving my goal! The support and solidarity has been amazing. The ICO will touch base about my complaint towards April and and I'm confident I'll see justice via Bindmans LLP with your help! please keep sharing my case and encouraging others to donate!

John Pegram
Feb. 16, 2022
Thanks for the pledges and spread the word!
Thanks for all your pledges and shares so far! We're nearly halfway to target! If you can keep sharing and encouraging donations to my case that would be amazing! My story in the Canary has been very well received and it's a great way to spread the word!

John Pegram
Feb. 14, 2022
My story is in the Canary!
Thanks for all your pledges so far we're making fantastic progress towards our goal! The Canary has published an article about my story and case! if you could share it in your networks that would be great!

John Pegram
Feb. 10, 2022
Look out for my story in the press!
Thanks for all your pledges and support so far, please keep sharing my story and I hope the donations keep coming! Look out for my story in the press!

John Pegram
Feb. 9, 2022
2nd possible data breach on my PNC
As I have already mentioned I have applied to ACRO to have a PNC entry made by BTP in 2019 deleted from my PNC record. It seems the data entry made is also inaccurate in it's wording. Bindmans will also look at this entry made by the Transport Police when funding is in place.

John Pegram
Feb. 7, 2022
My ICO complaint
The ICO have been updated with further information from the police SAR disclosure in relation to the DPA breach. An external and internal email trail shows the head of data protection stating clearly in writing a PNC entry cannot be deleted or amended followed by the record team amending my PNC entry to still reflect inaccurate and misleading information. Please keep sharing and donating to my case. Our digital rights matter and have real world implications for all of us!

John Pegram
Feb. 7, 2022
Article 8
Thanks for your support and donations so far we're off to a great start! I'm looking to take action against the police beyond the breach in itself and distress caused for a breach of my article 8 human rights. If you want to learn more about why article 8 matters take a look at John Catt's story! There's also a great resource from Liberty here. Our digital rights are our human rights! Please keep sharing and donating.

John Pegram
Feb. 4, 2022
My ICO complaint
The Information Commissioner's Office have advised me that they will begin to assess the breach themselves halfway through March. If my complaint is upheld I hope this adds some additional weight to my claim! please keep sharing and donating. Thanks again for your support and solidarity so far!

John Pegram
Feb. 3, 2022
Police fail to respond to data rectification request
Thanks for your donations so far! As of today the police have failed to respond to a formal request for data rectification When it comes to data breaches I'm really not alone. Avon and Somerset Police had 86 breaches in 2020. Abuse of power occurred in 2021 too. Please keep sharing and donating to my fundraiser! It's essential to hold the police to account when they do us wrong!

John Pegram
Feb. 2, 2022
Intelligence sharing
Bindmans have suggested looking at intelligence sharing of my data when they begin work on the case. This is another area I can potentially challenge Avon and Somerset Police over, every pledge you can make to my campaign will bring me a step closer to taking action!

John Pegram
Feb. 2, 2022
Deletion of British Transport Police's PNC entry requested
I've applied to ACRO to have British Transport Police's PNC entry removed as it can impact my life (SVRO) and career in the IT sector. I was found not guilty and the case was thrown out of the Inner London Crown Court in November 2019. You can read about this and everything else that has happened here.
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