Help Bring David Home
Help Bring David Home

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Latest: Aug. 13, 2023
Sentence Appealed
Many of you may have heard by now that the Cypriot Attorney General.has appealed my Dad's acquittal of the charge of premeditated murder and his sentence. The worst case scenario is that Dad will…
Read moreMy name is Lesley and I'm fundraising for the legal defence of my father David Hunter who is 74 and is facing murder charges in Cyprus.
My parents were together for 56 years and doted on each other. They were teenage sweethearts who couldn’t bear to be apart. My father worked in the mines his whole life. The home he shared with my mother was a place of warmth and joy.
When they retired, they moved to Cyprus, a place that they both loved. Over the last five years my mum became increasingly unwell. She was suffering from blood cancer and was in a great deal of pain and her quality of life had drastically diminished. This was a terminal disease that had taken the life of her sister and the pain she was under was getting worse and worse.
She wanted to die and wanted for her suffering to be ended.
When she died in their home in Paphos in December 2021 my dad was left stricken with grief and he tried to end his own life. Fortunately for us, he survived. He has been charged with the premeditated murder of my mother. This carries an automatic life sentence. He is now in prison in Cyprus bewildered and terrified and separated from his family and friends.
My dad devoted himself to caring for my mum. We love him very much and want to help him in any way possible. That's why we need help to pay for the legal representation which will give him the best chance possible of being allowed to return to the United Kingdom to the people who love him and who can support him through his grief. My father is in the latter stages of his life, and we just want him to be with us…
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Lesley Cawthorne
Aug. 13, 2023
Sentence Appealed
Many of you may have heard by now that the Cypriot Attorney General.has appealed my Dad's acquittal of the charge of premeditated murder and his sentence. The worst case scenario is that Dad will now be found guilty of premeditated murder, given a life sentence and returned to prison.
The Attorney General had ten days to appeal and did this at the 11th hour, which seems particularly cruel and has devastated our family. We now face a lengthy appeal process, the very last thing we need when our emotional and financial resources are utterly depleted.
I hate to ask again but I would be very grateful if you could continue to share our story and help with the ongoing fight to preserve Dad's hard won liberty.
With love and thanks as always,
Lesley xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
Aug. 4, 2023
I'm sure by now you have all heard the wonderful news that on Monday my lovely daddy was finally released after 19 months in prison. Monday morning was a bit of a whirlwind as news trickled through from court - first I heard he had been given a two year sentence and was left wondering if that included time served, then I heard he would be released in December, only to then hear he would be released on the 18th August. Minutes later my phone rang with a call from our barrister and there on Facetime was my dad! I can't really find the words to describe that moment, but it was incredible and it was a moment we were only able to arrive at because of all of you. Friends and strangers alike, you have reached out to us at the darkest of times and kept us afloat with your love, kindness and amazing generosity. You brought my dad back to me and a mere thank you will never be enough.
Dad is doing okay. He's frail, tired and a bit disoriented but so happy and relieved. He knows he wouldn't be free without you all and he is so very grateful.
We're getting closer to being able to cover his outstanding legal bills, which is a huge relief but the fight isn't over. We need to make sure that no other family has to face this kind of nightmare so please do keep sharing our story.
With all our love and thanks,
Lesley & David xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
July 26, 2023
Sentencing Tomorrow
I'm.sure you all heard the great news that on Friday my dad was found not guilty of murder. He has instead been found guilty of manslaughter, which means that when he is sentenced tomorrow he might receive a suspended sentence or time served.
I know I always say this, but we couldn't have got this far without your amazing support. If you could continue to help us by sharing out story then I would be very grateful. Thank you ❤️
With love,
Lesley xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
July 20, 2023
Verdict Tomorrow
Just a really quick update to let you all know that the verdict is due tomorrow, Friday 21st July. It has been the longest 19 months of my life but we couldn't have got to this point without your support. Thank you, each and everyone of you. I'll update tomorrow as soon as I have news; please keep everything crossed for us.
With love,
Lesley xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
May 16, 2023
Back in Court
Yesterday was a huge day for our family as my father finally had a chance to tell his story. It was incredibly emotional hearing details of my mum's suffering and the devastating impact it had on both of them. I am so very proud of Dad for taking the stand and honouring the memory of my beloved mum.
We still have a long fight ahead of us to be able to bring Dad home. I am so very grateful for the support you have given us so far but, if you're able to, please do keep sharing our story and our link.
With love,

Lesley Cawthorne
April 11, 2023
A Bitter Blow
Apologies for the delay in providing an update, the last few weeks have been very challenging for us and we're struggling. Unfortunately the application to exclude the 'evidence' take from my dad directly after he tried to end his life and without a lawyer or interpreter present went against us. This has hit us hard, very hard. An application has been made to the Surpreme Court to challenge the application of the law in the Assize Court decision. Obviously this has drawn out our fight for justice for my dad; it is now fourteen months since the trial began and we're at breaking point, both emotionally and financially. Any support you can give by raising awareness of my dad's plight will mean so much to us.
With love and thanks,

Lesley Cawthorne
Jan. 9, 2023
Update from Court
Just a quick update - my dad appeared in court today and our defence team is working hard to ensure he has a fair trial. The wheels of justice turn very slowly in Cyprus and the case has been adjourned again until the 17th of January. The statement from our barrister explains where we're at
Thank you all once again for your support, we couldn't have got this far without you.
Lesley xx

Lesley Cawthorne
Dec. 13, 2022
Further Delays
Unfortunately, despite facts being agreed with the prosecution and the hearing being fixed for today for the hearing of those facts and mitigation , my dad's case has been adjourned again upon the request of the prosecution until Tuesday 20 December 2022.
Each adjournment obviously entails further costs. We are painfully aware of the cost of living crisis and hate to ask but please do help if you can.
Thank you xx

Lesley Cawthorne
Oct. 10, 2022
Upcoming Court Date
As many of you will already be aware, my dad is due in court again on Wednesday 12th October. Our hope is that the charge will be reduced from murder, which carries an automatic life sentence, to manslaughter. However, there are no guarantees and our defence team continues to fight to secure the best possible outcome for my dad.
Legal fees and the cost of expert reports to support my dad's case are mounting rapidly. We're painfully aware of how much people are struggling at the moment but would be incredibly grateful if you could continue to share our campaign.
Thank you as always
Lesley xx

Lesley Cawthorne
June 18, 2022
Urgent Clarification
In the last couple of days, an article has appeared in the Associated Press stating that Cypriot prosecutors have disputed whether my mum had ever received a medical diagnosis of blood cancer.
We need to make clear that my mum had indeed received a medical diagnosis. Our defence team have my mum's medical records showing her diagnosis of blood cancer back in 2016 and confirming that she was still suffering from the condition in the months leading to her death.
The suggestion that my mum was never actually ill has been incredibly distressing for my family and we have requested that Associated Press issue a correction.
The willingness for a public prosecutor to put out false prejudicial statements shows what we are up against in our fight for justice for my dad in Cyprus.
The trial is now adjourned until 19 September 2022. With your support we will be instructing the top experts to give my dad the best chance possible.

Lesley Cawthorne
May 18, 2022
The Trial is Fast Approaching
With less than a month to go before my dad's trial starts, I want to update everyone who has kindly supported us.
My dad's legal team is working hard behind the scenes as they prepare to fight for him at trial and will be using top experts in their bid to save him from the life sentence which will mean he dies alone in prison. The need to commission expert reports means thst my dad urgently needs more financial support so that he has the best chance possible. If you can, please continue to share our campaign far and wide. My family will be forever grateful.
Thank you
Lesley xx

Lesley Cawthorne
April 19, 2022
Thank You! Please Help us to Keep Going!
I want to start by saying a massive, heartfelt thank you to everyone who has donated and shared the link. As a family, we are so incredibly grateful for your support.
As many of you will know, my dad attended court yesterday. We have now found out that the Cypriot Attorney General will not substitute a charge of assisting suicide for murder and the matter will be going to trial. This will involve further costs such as the instruction of experts. Please do continue to share this campaign and help bring David home.
With love and thanks,
Lesley xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
Feb. 25, 2022
Thank You ❤
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has continued to share and donate - you're incredible❤ Dad hasn't been feeling great this week - it's freezing cold in the prison and his arthritis is causing him a lot of pain. I need to bring him home, it's no place for a man of his age. If you can, please share the link to my interview, it gives a glimpse into how much my parents suffered and how we've ended up in this nightmare.
Thank you ❤❤❤

Lesley Cawthorne
Feb. 19, 2022
Nearly at £6,000!
Oh my goodness, thank you all so, so much - we've almost hit our initial target of £6,000. I will never be able to thank everyone enough ❤
I just want to explain a bit about how Crowd Justice works. We had to set the initial target at what we hoped was an achievable amount because if we don't reach the initial target then all donations are returned and we don't get a penny. We also have a stretch target of £30,000, which is a more realistic approximation of the legal costs. It's a huge ask especially when the cost of living is going through the roof, but if you can, please keep sharing our link.❤❤❤

Lesley Cawthorne
Feb. 17, 2022
We've Hit £5,000!
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you to each and every one of you who has taken the time to donate. When this started I felt very alone and now I don't feel alone at all. That's down to you all, because at a very dark time your support and generosity has made the world of difference ❤
Lesley xxx

Lesley Cawthorne
Feb. 14, 2022
So Grateful
Times are tough for everyone at the moment and that's why we appreciate every single penny that's donated. I spoke to my dad in prison this morning and I'm not going to lie, there were tears because he can't believe the support he has received. You're all helping to keep him going - thank you ❤
Follow the link to hear my dad's barrister explain what we're trying to achieve.

Lesley Cawthorne
Feb. 12, 2022
Thank You!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has donated so far; I can't begin to tell you how much it means to us.
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