Judicial Review to get justice for Harry Dunn
Judicial Review to get justice for Harry Dunn

Latest: Nov. 11, 2020
Judicial Review Hearing begins
Today (11th November) the judicial review hearing will begin. Owing to the COVID pandemic and the national lockdown our case is being heard remotely via video conferencing. The hearing will continue …
Read moreOur Story:
Our wonderful Harry was killed on 27 August 2019 in a tragic accident involving Anne Sacoolas, the wife of an American who was working at the United States facility at RAF Croughton. Mrs Sacoolas was driving on the wrong side of the road when the accident happened.
This crowdfunder is to support us, Harry’s mum and dad, in our Judicial Review case in the High Court in England against Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and the Northamptonshire Police.
Our case is that the Foreign Office and police were wrong to agree with the United States that Mrs Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity and to let her flee the UK.
Why it matters:
The case is important because it will allow us to find out the truth about what happened in the hours and days after Harry’s death and why Anne Sacoolas was allowed to leave the UK. We have found out recently that Anne Sacoolas was herself a CIA agent. We also know that the Foreign Office told the police to conceal the fact that Anne Sacoolas had left the UK from the family. The Foreign Office have refused so far to give us any documentation. We suspect that all is not what it seems.
The case isn’t just about Harry’s death. It will also will decide the legal boundaries of diplomatic immunity. Mr Raab’s position is that the UK can grant immunity (which is really impunity) to hundreds of people working on an American intelligence base almost 100 miles away from the US Embassy in London - basically anyone they want to, whether they are a diplomat or not. We say that is wrong and needs to be challenged.
We say that is wrong in law and Mrs Sacoolas never had immunity.
It is important for a third reason. The Home Office has now charged Mrs Sacoolas with death by dangerous driving and has requested her extradition. The Trump Administration has refused that request, arguing that it would be an “abuse” to extradite someone who has diplomatic immunity. That is simply not acceptable. Whether someone has diplomatic immunity or not is a question for the courts to decide, and at no point has a court been given that opportunity.
Please help us achieve justice for Harry and ensure that diplomatic immunity doesn’t mean diplomatic impunity.
Why we are fundraising:
Dominic Raab confirmed on 26 November 2019 in a letter to the family’s lawyers that he will be seeking to recover the Foreign Office's costs of these legal proceedings from Harry’s parents. We have asked him repeatedly to reverse this decision but he hasn’t. This case is likely to be appealed and could go all the way to the Supreme Court, so the costs risk to the family could be upwards of £100,000.
Mr Raab has instructed the Government’s top barrister, Sir James Eadie QC, who acted in the prorogation case, as well as an international law professor, a senior junior barrister and solicitors from the Government Legal Department. This doesn’t come cheap and we are not wealthy people who could afford a huge costs order against us.
Now that our first hearing is approaching, it is very important that we can protect ourself from the risk of having to pay Dominic Raab’s lawyers’ costs and also have enough money to pay our legal team.
We have instructed two leading human rights barristers from Doughty Street Chambers, Geoffrey Robertson QC and Adam Wagner, and top solicitor Mark Stephens CBE, to fight our case, and are supported by two professors specialising in diplomatic practice. Although our legal team have agreed to act for lower than their normal fees, this could be a long battle leading all the way to the Supreme Court and European Court of Human Rights.
Summary of our case
Harry Dunn was tragically killed in a road traffic accident on 27 August 2019 after his motorcycle was hit by a car driving on the wrong side of the road. The car was being driven by Anne Sacoolas, an American woman whose husband worked at the nearby military base, RAF Croughton.
The police interviewed Mrs Sacoolas at the scene but within hours were told that she had ‘diplomatic immunity’ so couldn’t be arrested or charged under UK law. Around two weeks later, she fled the UK and is now in the United States. The news of her leaving the UK was deliberately concealed from Harry’s family for 11 days by the police and the Foreign Office.
Last year Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary, told Parliament that the Foreign Office concluded Mrs Sacoolas had immunity because of a secret 1995 treaty between the UK and USA regarding the diplomatic status of the RAF Croughton base and its American staff. Although this agreement made clear that staff themselves would only have diplomatic immunity when doing official acts, and it doesn’t mention family members at all, Mr Raab believes that it granted the family of staff full immunity. He admitted this was an “anomaly” which has never been tested by the courts.
We believe that the Foreign Office is wrong and that Anne Sacoolas did not have diplomatic immunity. We are concerned that the Foreign Secretary was pressured by the United States to interpret the law in a way which allowed her to escape justice. The Foreign Office have now disclosed the secret treaties to us, although they have refused to disclose any discussions with the Americans or any advice that may have been given to the police.
Two eminent academic experts, Professor Ivor Roberts and Professor Craig Barker, are supporting our case. They are both the view that Mrs Sacoolas had no immunity.
Why it’s important to bring the case
It is important to bring this case because:
(1) Dominic Raab and the police were wrong to accept the United States’ controversial interpretation of the law and advise the police that she had immunity. It is for the courts, not the Foreign Secretary, to decide whether someone has diplomatic immunity. It is important that the High Court rule conclusively that she did not. This will help in the family’s battle to seek Mrs Sacoolas’ extradition and get justice for Harry.
(2) There are currently hundreds of United States intelligence staff and their families who may or may not have full immunity and we need to make sure that the law is clarified urgently. Harry’s death has unearthed the secret UK-US treaty which apparently grants immunity to hundreds of American intelligence staff and their families at RAF Croughton. But the extent of that immunity is unclear and untested. We say that the Foreign Office had no legal power to make such an agreement and that it goes beyond its ‘prerogative’ powers to grant full criminal immunity to family members but not the diplomatic staff themselves.
(3) We believe that the secret treaty breaches the UK’s human rights obligations, particularly the right to a fair trial (which requires access to the courts) and the right to life, which requires deaths are fully and effectively investigated.
The next steps:
The Foreign Office have denied that they advised the police that Mrs Sacoolas had the benefit of immunity. The police have said they were entitled to take the Foreign Office advice. They can’t both be right.
We have applied for an order from the court compelling the Foreign Office to release certain documents that should reveal the truth of the matter, including (amongst other things) their correspondence with the police.
The Court has ordered that the case will be heard by a ‘Divisional’ court (two high court judges) and that a ‘rolled up’ hearing will take place in the coming weeks. This process is reserved for the most important cases.
We intend to publish our full legal position in due course.
Thank you for your time.
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Timothy Dunn
Nov. 11, 2020
Judicial Review Hearing begins
Today (11th November) the judicial review hearing will begin. Owing to the COVID pandemic and the national lockdown our case is being heard remotely via video conferencing. The hearing will continue throughout Wednesday and Thursday this week. On the eve of the hearing, we wanted to provide you with a reminder of what this case is all about and why it is so important, and to thank you for supporting Harry's family in this action.
The background
Harry Dunn was killed on 27 August 2019 by Anne Sacoolas, the wife of an American intelligence officer who was working at the United States facility at RAF Croughton. Mrs Sacoolas was driving on the wrong side of the road when the vehicle she was driving collided with Harry who was riding his motorcycle in the opposite direction but on the correct side of the road.
Mrs Sacoolas confessed to Northants police that she was driving the car that killed Harry. Her US attorney has also accepted the same.
Over two weeks after the accident, on 15 September, the entire Sacoolas family fled the UK after a Foreign Office official texted a US diplomat saying they should feel free to “put her on the next plane”.
The Foreign Office kept the police who were investigating the accident in the dark about key issues, for example about a secret agreement relating to RAF Croughton which did not grant immunity to family members, and the fact that the Sacoolas family were about to leave the UK. The police officer in charge of the investigation has said in a statement to the court that if she had known the full facts she would have taken further steps to clarify the position on immunity.
In cases where there is a question about entitlement to Diplomatic Immunity, the proper approach is for a UK court to determine the claim to immunity. It is not within the purview of the FCO to decide such issues as to do so would usurp the function of the independent court process.
In Harry's case, the CPS later charged Anne Sacoolas with the criminal offence of Causing Death by Dangerous Driving. The UK requested her extradition but the USA have, to date, refused, with US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo saying (that in his opinion) it would be an “egregious abuse”.
What is the Judicial Review claim about?
Harry’s parents, Charlotte and Tim, have brought a Judicial Review against the Foreign Office asking the court to find that the way its officials behaved in the days and weeks after Harry died was unlawful. The ‘rolled up’ hearing (comprising a leave application and the substantive hearing) in the case will be heard over two days on 11-12 November by a “Divisional Court” comprising of two judges: Lord Justice Flaux and Mr Justice Saini.
In summary, the family’s case is:
First, that the Foreign Office were wrong to agree with the United States that Mrs Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity and to let her flee from justice in the UK. That is because under international law the secret agreement in place between the UK and USA relating to RAF Croughton did not grant immunity to family members of diplomats.
Second, the Foreign Office unlawfully advised the police that Mr and Mrs Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity in relation to the accident. It also unlawfully kept the police in the dark about key information such as the nature of the agreement between the UK and US and the fact that the Sacoolas family were about to leave the jurisdiction. By doing so, the Foreign Office usurped the police’s constitutional role to investigate crimes, and undermined the state’s duty to investigate deaths under human rights law.
This is one of the most important international and public law cases of recent years. The family have instructed two Queen’s Counsel, Geoffrey Robertson QC and Sam Wordsworth QC, and four junior counsel, Adam Wagner, Sean Aughey, Monica Feria-Tinta and Emilie Gonin, to fight their case. The Foreign Office case will be presented by the government’s top lawyer, Sir James Eadie QC, leading a team of Professor Vaughan Lowe QC plus four junior counsel.
What can the Court do if the family are successful?
If the family are successful, the Court will decide that Anne Sacoolas did not have immunity at the time of the accident. The family hope that this will cause the new US administration to reverse its position on extraditing Anne Sacoolas. If the family win on the second part of the case, relating to the way the Foreign Office interacted with the police, this will have a huge impact on similar cases going forward and make it less likely that diplomats and their families will be able to evade accountability and justice in future.

Timothy Dunn
June 15, 2020
Hearing on 18 June 2020
We have our first hearing in the case this Thursday 18 June. It is a “disclosure” hearing which deals with what documents and information Dominic Raab has to provide to us and the court. We are extremely worried that Mr Raab has not complied with his ‘duty of candour’ - we suspect he is keeping documents from us because they would be damaging to the government.
We have good reason to suspect this; it took us six months of our lawyers sending letter after letter, and eventually having to make a formal request to the court, before the government started to release key details of what happened in the hours and weeks after Harry’s death. We were eventually given some of the pieces of the jigsaw, for example that the Foreign Office didn’t tell the police who were investigating Harry’s death that they thought Anne Sacoolas didn’t have immunity (they actually told the police she did have it!), that she was going to leave the country and that one of their officials even texted the Americans to say "you should feel able to put them on the next flight out”. The police were kept in the dark until after they had left - we think that was obstruction of justice.
But there are still key details missing, and believe it or not Dominic Raab has applied to the court for permission not to have to disclose relevant documents which he says will be ‘harmful to the public interest’. They relate to the real purpose of the secret agreement between the UK and US governments which 25 years ago gave hundreds of US intelligence staff at the Croughton base ‘diplomatic immunity’. We are worried that it is not our interests Mr Raab is protecting but the American Government’s
Mr Raab has blocked us at every stage which is why it has taken eight months and a huge amount of time and effort from our legal team to get to this stage. We think that once this hearing is done we should be able to get the full case heard within a few weeks, but even then there may be appeals. We will take this all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what it takes to get justice for Harry.
Please do keep supporting the case as we are in the for the long haul - we know that the truth will out and we will get justice in the end.

Timothy Dunn
March 11, 2020
Important developments in the case
There have been some important developments in the case.
On Friday we received ‘detailed grounds of defence’ from the Foreign Office and Northamptonshire Police. Both continue to say they did nothing wrong. The Foreign Office still say they will claim costs against us if we lose even though we are just trying to get to the truth of what happened.
They have also each disclosed a number of documents that shed new light on the handling of Harry's death and Anne Sacoolas's claim to diplomatic immunity.
Curiously, a few days before their defence was due we received a letter from the Foreign Office's lawyers asking us to confirm that we would not leak these documents. We now know why they were so nervous!
We have already uncovered significant and what our lawyers believe to be unlawful conduct, and it is becoming clear that the Foreign Secretary has never been entirely straight with the public over what happened in the days and weeks after Harry’s untimely death. We will provide more information when we are able to according to court rules.
A court hearing has been set for 2nd April to deal with various preliminary matters including whether we can have access to key documentation. We anticipate that after that hearing we will be free to reveal the content of the documents disclosed so far.
Importantly, we believe that key information and documents are still being withheld and we will ask the court to order the Foreign Office to disclose them.
Please continue to support this important case so we can get to the truth about the events which followed Harry’s death.
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