Harley Davidson Trans-Gender Discrimination
Harley Davidson Trans-Gender Discrimination

My lawsuit is a gender discrimination case against Harley Davidson Motor Company. After working some 16 months at a satisfactory level and becoming eligible for full time status Harley Davidson Motor Company concocted a termination plan for me after I revealed my feminine gender orientation.
I was originally hired at a temporary casual employee to assist with what is called Surge, a 3 month production ramp to build inventory in advance of summer sales. Some Surge temps are candidates for potential long term employment. .I was one of the few and I accepted the opportunity along with an employment status change from temporary to full time casual employees. It is a full time position but the term is a union way to keep some employees from receiving full union benefits while paying full union fees. My employment continued in a satisfactory manner for a full 13 months and through a second Surge.
It is customary for Harley Davidson to celebrate the end of Surge with cup Cakes for all, hooray. This was gonna be a celebration to remember. Searching for a way to show my true colors I gained the approval of human resources to dress for the celebration, scheduled for April 1. My plan was to color my hair pink, wear a cute beach hat, a snug t-shirt, leg revealing cut-off sorts and knee high pink polka dot socks to adorn my drably old work boots.
Within 30 minutes of arriving to work I was reprimanded in writing for an "offence" known as texting. It is laughable since most every employee texts at work every day. Like driving 5 miles over the speed limit, it is often ignored and rarely commented upon. Within the next 30 days I was written up 2 times for my unsatisfactory performance. In the end I was told that I was being laid off only to get a written notice by mail that my employment was terminated.
Feeling like I had no recourse nor the least bit of support from the union I have opened a gender discrimination case against Harley Davidson. The case is pending and has evolved past negotiations with a Mediator to either settle the case or proceed to a full jury. We are now proceeding forward with more discovery in advance of a jury trial if only to create precedence for Trans-gender acceptance and legal protection status.
Please consider helping me to upend the misguided ambivalence toward the Trans-gender community. We are a unique population who have accepted a more colorful interpretation of gender, that's it. We are qualified and dedicated employees, friends, parents, athletes and intellectuals. You name it, we are it. We are everywhere doing everything with everyone.
Please open up your hearts to the complete and uninhibited pursuit of the self as a matter of art and discovery. We are all fragile and humble beings with the overarching right granted by time and possibility. Stand with me and help me to stamp legal precedence on the sovereign right of gender expression.
Thank you with all expressive freedom.
Meghan Star, aka, David Ostrowski
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