Justice for Gypsy

by Gypsy Nirvana

Justice for Gypsy

by Gypsy Nirvana
on 11th November 2018
pledged of £6,000 target from 0 pledges

Who am I? 

My name is Gypsy Nirvana. I’m a British businessman from South West London. I have been a legal cannabis seed dealer in the UK since the late 90s. 

Due to an extradition order from the US government I’m a prisoner in the UK, unable to leave the country, travel to see my son in Holland or my wife and children in the Philippines - since I cannot risk leaving the UK because of this US warrant for my arrest on 'Seed Crimes'.

On the 16th March 2018 at the High Courts of Justice in London the USA was refused my extradition on the grounds of their not being dual criminality between the USA and the UK on cannabis seeds.

I’m fighting to be able to see my family and travel freely again but I need your support. If you believe it’s cases like this that show what a complete shambles drug laws around the world are I need your support. Please contribute what you can and most importantly share this page with your friends and family.

Case background

It’s a long story so I’ll try and be brief.

I’ve been legal cannabis seed dealer for over twenty years. This activity is completely legal in the UK and I had a legitimate and successful business built around the exchange of these seeds from what is a medicinal plant.

US officials in Maine launched their legal action against me in 2013 for selling seeds from the UK to the USA while I was living with my wife and children in the Phillipines. I was detained there for 30 months in awful conditions by the Bureau of Immigration as a 'Fugitive from USA justice', and in a move reminiscent of extraordinary rendition after my first 10 days of incarceration an attempt was made to force me onto a USA bound flight. - I resisted and was returned to the detention jail in Manila.

Eventually after many months behind bars the British Embassy helped me to be able to deport back to the UK in March 2016 - where after 8 months I was arrested/bailed then had to go thru the whole extradition trial

However, the US still has an extradition order out on me still which means I can’t travel anywhere outside the UK for fear of being extradited to the USA. I’m a prisoner in the UK basically - MAROONED! you might say. 

My family are spread across the world, in particular my eldest son and daughter are in Holland, and my wife young son and daughter are still in the Philippines. 

My eldest son Ewan was taking care of my business in the UK while I was living in Asia - and so he is on the same indictment for these 'Seed Crimes' (how ridiculous that sounds).

The case

It’s been a long road but the fight goes on.

Now I need funding to get the US Indictment quashed - the Interpol red notice withdrawn, and to be allowed to travel outside England & Wales. My son in Holland has the same indictment outstanding and so he would also benefit from having the Indictment quashed.

All I want is to be reunited with my family in the Philippines who I have been apart from now for several years and to be able to see my son without fear of being bundled onto a plane and taken to the US. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

How much am I raising and why? 

The legal costs of this whole debacle have been crippling to me and my family. I’ve had to sell my possessions and property to pay for legal costs up until this point. I’m close the end but I need one last push to truly have my freedom back.

The anticipated cost of this is likely to be around £15,000 as we will need his legal team here in the UK to oversee the applications and we will need to work with an American lawyer to negotiate with the US District Attorney in Maine.


Thanks so much for your support. Even if you have helped me in the past please share this page and help get the word out about my case.

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