Help us demand the UK government protects us from climate breakdown

by Friends of the Earth - England, Wales, Northern Ireland

Help us demand the UK government protects us from climate breakdown

by Friends of the Earth - England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Friends of the Earth - England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Case Owner
The UK needs to be prepared for climate change, that's why we're taking government to court over its National Adaptation Plan.
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Friends of the Earth - England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Case Owner
The UK needs to be prepared for climate change, that's why we're taking government to court over its National Adaptation Plan.
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Help us take the UK government to court and demand a better plan for addressing climate breakdown.

Friends of the Earth is taking the UK government to court to seek a fairer, better, safer plan that addresses how the UK will adapt to climate breakdown.

Every 5 years, the UK government makes a National Adaptation Programme (NAP) under the Climate Change Act 2008 to set out how it will adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Why is climate adaptation important?

Climate change has many dangerous impacts such as extreme heat, flooding, droughts and wildfires. Climate adaptation is about putting plans and actions in place to deal with these impacts.

Common examples of climate adaptation methods include:

Even if we hit our emissions reduction targets, the risks to people and planet are severe and increasing. We’re seeing extreme weather becoming more frequent with storms in the UK, yet the government hasn’t shown enough concrete plans to address our uncertain future.

We believe the government’s failure to prepare for the climate emergency breaches human rights and contravenes the Climate Change Act – which Friends of the Earth designed and helped get made into law.

That’s why we’re taking the government to court for putting lives and human rights at risk. 

So who are we challenging?

We’re challenging the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) over the lawfulness of the “National Adaptation Programme 3” for breaching the requirements of the Climate Change Act, Equalities Act, and the Human Rights Act.

Friends of the Earth will attend a 2-day court hearing at The Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 July 2024. 

The verdict is due most likely this autumn. 

If successful, we will ask the court to order a new plan be created as soon as possible. This new plan will demand better climate adaptation for the country.

Why are we doing this?

Human-induced climate change is an existential threat to people and nature. In August 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres noted that climate change was a “code red for humanity”.

Often the worst impacts of climate change are disproportionately felt by those who often are the least to blame, and least able to adapt. Friends of the Earth is determined to protect people and planet, and this includes here at home in the UK.

We’re bringing this case because climate impacts are increasing and set to get much worse on current trajectories, yet we have a national approach to adaptation that’s nowhere near what it needs to be to adequately protect society. We consider this situation to be unlawful.

The UK government could – and should – be doing so much more to keep us safe from the devastating impacts of the climate crisis.

Who are we working with?

We’re also working alongside two of our co-claimants who are already facing the impacts of the climate crisis:

1. Doug Paulley, a disability rights activist and care home resident, whose health is threatened by extreme heat.

2. Kevin Jordan, who until the end of last year lived in his seaside home in Hemsby, Norfolk – an area under growing threat from coastal erosion and sea level rise.

In December, Kevin’s worst nightmare came true after a storm caused a nearby stretch of road to collapse into the North Sea. Kevin received the shattering news from his local council. His home was no longer safe. Now just metres from the sea, his house was demolished over the Christmas period.

Kevin Jordan in Hembsy, Norfolk, where his home has been demolished

Credit: Steph Beeston / Kevin Jordan

The UK government needs to see how climate justice and disability justice are inextricably intertwined. Disabled people face an existential crisis in any emergency, including climate change. As often dispossessed and under-valued people, disabled people join the global south and other impoverished and disempowered groups as being first against the wall; our rights to life are simply not seen as important as others. – Doug Paulley.

How can you help?

Today we're asking for your support to help us mount the strongest possible legal case and make sure the UK government delivers on its climate adaptation obligations. We’ve won before. We can do it again. But we need you by our side. 

Please support Friends of the Earth’s work to make the government take action today.

Thank you,

Will Rundle – Head of Legal, Friends of the Earth.

The Friends of the Earth legal team is working alongside Doug Paulley, Kevin Jordan, and all are represented by David Wolfe KC of Matrix Chambers,  Nikolaus Grubeck of Monckton Chambers, Margherita Cornaglia of Garden Court Chambers, and law firm Leigh Day LLP.

The full details of the court hearing can be read here.

Or read our press release announcing the news of our case, and more information about what is the National Adaption Plan?

Donations made to Friends of the Earth will not go towards funding one specific campaign but to wherever they are needed the most.

Banner image caption:

A collapsed coastal road between Skipsea and Ulrome on Yorkshires East Coast – Credit Getty.

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