Join CAGE’s fight to overturn Islamophobic French ban

by CAGE Advocacy

Join CAGE’s fight to overturn Islamophobic French ban

by CAGE Advocacy
CAGE Advocacy
Case Owner
Advocacy group empowering the community and working against state violations of the rule of law
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pledged of £4,500 stretch target from 126 pledges
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CAGE Advocacy
Case Owner
Advocacy group empowering the community and working against state violations of the rule of law
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Latest: Oct. 2, 2024

Muhammad Rabbani takes on France in hearing last week

On Thursday 26 September, Muhammad Rabbani's lawyers were in court to challenge the French entry ban. 

In 2022, Rabbani exposed France's state sponsored Islamophobia at the worlds biggest…

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Over the last few years, CAGE has been documenting and highlighting the abuses of Muslim minorities in France. We exposed the government's ‘systematic obstruction policy’ 

  • Over 28,000 Muslim owned groups and associations placed under investigation 

  • 906 closures of Muslim organisations and businesses

  • 50 Million euros seized from the Muslim community. 

Last year, our Managing Director Muhammad Rabbani, spoke at the OSCE Human Rights Conference detailing the harms of this policy and exposed the French government’s state sponsored Islamophobia. 

Just weeks after his speech, the French government issued a ban stopping Rabbani from entering France. He became aware of the ban in July 2023, when he travelled to France to meet with French media organisations and civil society leaders. His visit followed the unlawful killing of Nahel, a young Muslim shot by French police on the day of Arafat. 

Rabbani has been denied entry into Poland at the behest of the French authorities as he was set to speak again at the OSCE, exposing France’s systematic persecution of Muslims at the international conference. 

Muhammad Rabbani said: 

“The French government is clearly threatened by an NGO holding them to account. Our interventions and critiques are echoed across the board. Singling out a Muslim human rights defender for a ban smacks of the very same Islamophobia of which they are so offended about being accused.”

It is clear that France does not want the international community to be aware of its Islamophobic policies and laws. CAGE will continue to speak truth to power and expose their abuses. 

We are taking on the legal fight to overturn these travel bans which aim to stop us defending Muslims in need.  We are raising £5000 in order to initiate proceedings against the French government. 

Be part of this fight today. DONATE NOW.

Update 1

CAGE Advocacy

Oct. 2, 2024

Muhammad Rabbani takes on France in hearing last week

On Thursday 26 September, Muhammad Rabbani's lawyers were in court to challenge the French entry ban. 

In 2022, Rabbani exposed France's state sponsored Islamophobia at the worlds biggest security conference, the OSCE.

Within a month, France issued an entry ban against Rabbani to stop CAGE investigating and further exposing their Islamophobia.

This ban has had a Europe wide impact, barring Rabbani, an anti Islamophobia advocate, from the continent!

France has increased in its repression of Muslims, shutting down organisations and arresting activists, particular those protesting against the genocide in Gaza.

Despite this ban we have continued to support communities in France to oppose the criminalisation of their activism.

Support the case today and donate towards Rabbani's legal fees enabling us to get back to supporting our brothers and sisters in Europe.

We expect a decision from the Court within the next two weeks! 

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