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Donate now to save Museum Street and Historical Bloomsbury

Latest: Jan. 21, 2025
End of campaign party + planning application revision update
The campaign over the future of Museum Street is not going to go away with a whimper...far from it ! A reminder to everyone who contributed to the campaign by way of writing to Camden Council, …
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A property developer is planning to destroy the Travelodge tower (54 metres) in Museum Street to replace it with a massive 74 metres tall office building. This horrible project will destroy the conservation area with the tower being visible from the British Museum and Bedford Square. In addition, destruction instead of retrofit goes against the climate change emergency. Unfortunately, the scheme has been granted the go ahead by Camden. The final option is to seek a judicial review. Can you help? Anything legal is expensive!
What has happened over the past three years? Due to local campaigners:
the first planning application was withdrawn
reports from Simon Sturgis, the sustainability expert, show how the proposal failed Camden's climate-change ambitions
a daylighting report revealed how very dark the housing interiors will be
six Victorian buildings around West Central Street were granted grade 2 listed status
an alternative approach, to reuse the Travelodge building to minimise climate impact, protect the conservation area and provide better quality housing was produced
40 relevant Camden, Greater London Authority and NPPF policies that are being contravened have been identified
a petition was sent to the Mayor signed by over 500 people
objections from SAVE Britain's Heritage, The Victorian Society, Westminster Council, The Georgian Group, Camden New Journal and over 500 local people have been sent to Camden
Have they listened? NO.
Camden taken to court!
Jim Monahan, is standing firm and ensuring Camden Council planning committee and planning officers are being held to account.
He has asked High Court to review the lawfulness of Camden’s decision. This means that Camden will have to justify their actions. This is long overdue, as on countless occasions Camden’s excellent planning policies are ignored by the very people whose job it is to implement them.
This is now a London-wide issue; if a local authority can ignore so much policy and allow developers to put up huge buildings in conservation areas, what hope is there for residents in less sensitive, historic neighbourhoods? If you feel powerless against Camden (or local councils in general) this is your opportunity to make an effective protest against planning departments failing to respond to legitimate community objections. Don’t let Camden set a precedent of a 74m high tower in Bloomsbury or elsewhere.
What is needed now is money
Your generous support has enabled the initial stage of the legal challenge to start . The case is likely to cost in the region of £30,000. Can you contribute to enable the case to go ahead? Time is short. Please act now and send Camden a message they cannot ignore by contributing to the CrowdJustice site and spread the word!
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Save Museum Street
Jan. 21, 2025
End of campaign party + planning application revision update
The campaign over the future of Museum Street is not going to go away with a whimper...far from it ! A reminder to everyone who contributed to the campaign by way of writing to Camden Council, the Press, Sadiq Khan, whomever, attending the vigils and press events and all those who were incredibly generous and made financial contributions to the legal challenge, are invited to a celebratory party/wake that is taking place on Monday 10 February at Dragon Hall, 27 Stukeley Street WC2. There will be live music ( New Orleans 'jumping' jazz to listen and dance to). Please could you let us know if you intend to come by emailing Kathy Doyle ([email protected]) and do bring a friend if you wish. We would ask you if possible to contribute to the refreshments both drink and if possible food wise.
The party will be an opportunity for all of us to meet each other in person and hopefully get even better organised when the next monster is hoisted upon our historic and community neighbourhoods. We all certainly need to keep up the fight so that the currently stone deaf and ignorant politicians and zombie planners are in no doubt as to how unpopular their abrogation of their civic responsibility and acquiescence to massive development is abhorrent to caring Londoners. I believe if we are strong enough and act together in time our numbers and strength of argument will be successful.
I am extremely pleased to announce that we will be closing the appeal for assistance for the legal costs as we have now reached our target , so no more contributions please. You all have been quite marvellous and generous. I only wish our legal challenge had been successful. I could never have mounted the challenge without the countless large and small donations . THANK YOU.
Finally some news. As I suppose would be expected, the developers Simten, having gained their planning permission have submitted revisions to their development. The first such revision is to reduce the serving facilities and waste storage facilities so that the waste from the restaurants and bars that will occupy the 'retail' areas under the monster tower will now have to deposit their rubbish in plastic bags on the street and along Vine Lane.... so enlightened and forward thinking. In addition, with the proposed reduction of service space within the development, deliveries must now occur between 06.00 - 22.00 hrs every day of the week a period of 16 hours and deliveries will be made adjacent to existing and proposed residential accommodation. The scheme that was approved in November 2023 required deliveries to be made between 07.00 - 16.00 hrs so the time period has been increased by 70%. Some minor revision ! Camden's planning officers, as expected, are recommending approval and unless there is a change of heart at a political level the 'revision' will be approved unless there is an outcry . If you are appalled by the worsening of an already crude development, do write to David Fowler chief planner at [email protected] quoting the reference 2024/4662/P
Looking forward to seeing you all on the 10th!

Save Museum Street
Dec. 6, 2024
Amended Campaign Update 05.12.2024
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am writing to update you on the legal campaign to challenge Camden Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the proposed office tower block development at One Museum Street, Bloomsbury.
As you know, I have been fighting this case vigorously, seeking judicial review to overturn what is a deeply concerning decision that threatens the social character and heritage of our remarkable and special neighbourhoods of Covent Garden and Bloomsbury.
Unfortunately, I now have to pass on the disappointing news that the Court of Appeal has declined my application for judicial review. This decision marks the end of the legal avenues available. While I am deeply saddened by this outcome, I am immensely proud of the efforts we have all made to stand up for our community and its historical integrity.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed your time, money, and energy to this campaign. Your generosity and support have been inspiring and have demonstrated the strength of our community’s commitment to protecting Central London’s and specifically the Covent Garden and Bloomsbury neighbourhoods from crude, rude and greedy inappropriate development. I do have one final appeal to your generosity and that is because there is a sum of now £4,000 costs outstanding that I have to pay to finally wrap this up. I took a personal risk in order to make it clear to Camden and the developer that this project is loathed by the residents, and I have to admit that it has caused me quite a few sleepless nights. If you can see your way to helping with this final bill your support would be amazing. As soon as the outstanding amount is covered the CrowdJustice campaign will close.
Although this particular campaign has come to an end, the fight to preserve the social character and heritage of Central London is far from over. I hope that the awareness raised during this effort will inspire continued vigilance and advocacy for the unique charm and historical significance of our area. Local authorities have abandoned any municipal pride and community concern that they should have when dealing with planning matters. It is now solely down to us as Londoners to battle for higher values and aspirations and to take on the avarice of the property development market.
We are intending to hold a vigil for the trees, lining the development site, that are to be sacrificed to enable this monstrosity to progress, on 18 th December at noon, when we plan to gather around the 12 mature trees destined to be felled and festoon them with posters and Christmas decorations. Please join us and thereby assist us in making manifest the London Borough of Camden’s “greening’ hypocrisy.
Thank you once again for standing with us in this important fight. Your support has been truly inspiring. We will be holding a Grand Finale Wake Party in the New Year to say a proper ‘thank you’ to all our wonderful supporters. It can also be the start of a new movement to galvanise our mutual determination to continue to uphold community aspirations and strive for a fair and humaine urban environment. This will be held at the Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street London WC2B 5LT on 10th February 2025 at 7.00 p.m.
Please could you email Kathy Doyle on [email protected] or [email protected] to confirm that you will be joining us at the gathering and do bring your friends. There will be a shared table and Bring Your Own Bottle!
I hope to see you there so that I can thank you personally for your enormous support which has given me a great deal of comfort throughout this David v Goliath conflict and hopefully we can collectively gain more strength and ideas for future actions.
In the meantime, I do hope you have time on Wednesday 18 December at noon to pop along to the corner of Museum Street/High Holborn for a short time to swell the numbers at the vigil for the trees to be felled, and for a photo shoot for the press.
With enormous gratitude and best wishes,
Jim Monahan

Save Museum Street
Nov. 29, 2024
Thank You for Your Support – Important Campaign Update
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am writing to update you on the legal campaign to challenge Camden Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the proposed development at One Museum Street, Bloomsbury.
As you know, I have been fighting this case vigorously, seeking judicial review to overturn what is a deeply concerning decision that threatens the character and heritage of our beloved Bloomsbury.
Unfortunately, I now have to pass on the disappointing news that the Court of Appeal has declined my application for judicial review. This decision marks the end of the legal avenues available. While I am deeply saddened by this outcome, I am immensely proud of the efforts we have all made to stand up for our community and its historical integrity.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed your time, money, and energy to this campaign. Your generosity and support have been inspiring and have demonstrated the strength of our community’s commitment to protecting Bloomsbury from inappropriate development.
I do have one final appeal to your generosity and that is because there is a sum of £5,000 costs outstanding that I have to pay to finally wrap this up. I took a personal risk in order to make it clear to Camden and the developer that this project is loathed by the residents, and I have to admit that it has caused me quite a few sleepless nights. If you can see your way to helping with this final bill your support would be amazing. As soon as the outstanding amount is covered the CrowdJustice campaign will close.
Although this particular campaign has come to an end, the fight to preserve the character and heritage of Bloomsbury is far from over. I hope that the awareness raised during this effort will inspire continued vigilance and advocacy for the unique charm and historical significance of our area.
We are intending to hold a vigil for the trees, that are to be sacrificed to enable this monstrosity to progress, on 18th December at noon, when we plan to gather around the 12 mature trees destined to be felled and festoon them with posters and Christmas decorations.
Please join us.
Thank you once again for standing with us in this important fight. Your support has been truly inspiring. We will be holding a Grand Finale Wake Party in the New Year to say a proper ‘thank you’ to all our wonderful supporters. This will be held at the Dragon Hall on Monday 10th February at 7.00 p.m. There will be a shared table and BYOB! I hope to see you there so that I can thank you personally for your enormous support which has given me a great deal of comfort throughout this David v Goliath conflict.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Jim Monahan

Save Museum Street
Sept. 11, 2024
High Court Ruling Update: Our Fight to Protect Bloomsbury Continues
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Here is an update you on the latest developments in our fight to protect Bloomsbury’s historic heart. On the 10th of September 2024, the Honourable Mrs Justice Lang at the High Court regrettably denied our application to proceed to Judicial Review.
However, this is not the end of our journey—far from it! While the ruling went against us, as we anticipated given the high legal threshold, there was a glimmer of hope. The judge found Camden Council at fault on a key aspect of our case: they failed to consider the Camden Local Plan’s mandate to protect and enhance heritage assets on Site 18. Unfortunately, despite this finding, the judge invoked Section 31 of the Senior Courts Act 1981, which allows her to deny the case if she believes the outcome would have remained the same.
Our legal team has seen similar cases successfully progress on appeal, and I’m pleased to inform you that we have decided to pursue this next step. Watch this space for further updates, as we remain committed to this cause.
Your unwavering support over the past three years has been a lifeline, and we are deeply grateful for your dedication. Together, we’ve come so far, and I believe we can go further still.
Below is a press release detailing today’s events.
Press Release: High Court Rejects Oral Appeal Against Tower Block Decision in Historic Bloomsbury
London, 10th September 2024 – The High Court has rejected local campaigner and architect's request for a full Judicial Review hearing against Camden Council's approval of a 74m-high tower block in Bloomsbury. The council’s decision, which sparked widespread opposition, remains a point of contention among residents and heritage groups.
Key Points:
- The High Court’s decision frustrates efforts to stop Camden Council’s approval of a tower on Museum Street (approved on 7th March 2024).
- Mr. M is appealing the decision, arguing that Camden Council disregarded planning laws protecting Bloomsbury’s historic character.
- The tower threatens to overshadow Bloomsbury’s Georgian streets and views from heritage sites like the British Museum and Bedford Square.
- This case comes amid rising public concern about 500 new towers planned for London, which analysts warn will irreversibly change the skyline and environment.
Despite this setback, we remain determined. Thank you once again for your support, and we look forward to continuing this battle with you by our side.

Save Museum Street
Sept. 9, 2024
TIME UPDATE 9:30 am assembly in front of the high court
Monahan v Camden
Hearing of Application to Proceed to Judicial Review
Venue: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL.
Court: 18
Time: 10.30
Please assemble if you can at 9.30 (there may be delays at security) by the entrance gate to the Royal Courts of Justice
Demeanour in Court
- Please be prepared to go through airport style security as this will save time when entering the building. Keep your belongings to a minimum, preferably in a bag (which will pass through a scanner) rather than having to empty pockets when you get to the front of the queue. Avoid having items such as perfume, cutlery or anything sharp with you. You are allowed to take water in with you but will be asked to drink from it when going through security.
- When in court you can drink water but nothing else. Eating is not allowed – that includes sweets and gum.
- Judges do not take kindly to people in court pulling faces, heckling, huffing/puffing/tutting, talking. I’ve seen judges reacting to this sort of behaviour many times and it won’t help us at all. Straight faces please and remain quiet. We need to let the barrister do his job and we want the Judge to take us seriously.'

Save Museum Street
Sept. 6, 2024
Join Us at the high court 10 am next Tuesday
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you once again for your incredible support. We are now at a critical stage, and your presence could make a significant difference.
The Judicial Review of Camden's decision to grant planning permission for One Museum Street will take place on 10th September at 10:30am at the Royal Courts of Justice (Strand, London WC2A 2LL).
Your support at this hearing is crucial. If you can spare an hour to join us outside the High Court at 10am, it will send a strong message that this is a matter of genuine public interest, not just the concern of one individual. The turnout of supporters can add weight to the case and improve our chances of success.
Please join us on 10th September to stand in solidarity. Every person makes a difference!
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you there.

Save Museum Street
July 19, 2024
Article in the telegraph
Dear supporters,
I wanted to share with you the content of an article recently published in the Telegraph.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
‘They’re fat slabs that knock out the daylight’: The local communities taking on high-rises
Jim Monahan has been fighting ‘alienating’ skyscrapers for half a century, but he says developers have stopped listening to campaigners
By Anna Tyzack1 July 2024 • 2:29pm
Jim Monahan has been campaigning against high-rises for 50 years CREDIT: Christopher Pledger
If it wasn’t for people such as Jim Monahan, the skylines of Britain’s largest cities would look rather different. For the past 50 years he’s been campaigning against high-rise development that he believes sterilises streetscapes and alienates local communities. In the 1970s, as a young architect, he was part of a successful petition to stop a “mad scheme” to replace Piccadilly Circus and much of Soho with office blocks and since then he’s lost count of the number of community action groups he’s supported. His latest is “Save Museum Street”, a petition to halt the creation of a 74m office skyscraper near the British Museum between Bloomsbury and Covent Garden. “We rarely stop developers in their tracks but we do get them to alter their plans,” he explains. “My particular skill is drawing up alternative designs to show them how they can make better use of the local assets.”
We’re standing at the site of the proposed tower; a derelict corner of the West End where the only viable business is an umbrella shop. Developers want to create a new “quarter”, transforming a seedy former Travelodge (a tower block which already seems crazily large compared to the surrounding low-rise buildings) into a 19-storey office skyscraper four times the width. They also plan to bulldoze down a Georgian
stable yard, which is attached to a parade of listed Georgian houses, to create another smaller tower containing shops and housing. Monahan has drawn up an alternative scheme, which proposes giving the current tower a facelift and transforming it into housing, offices and shops and restoring the Georgian stable yard into business units, potentially for those linked to local theatres.
Developers want to create a new "quarter" near London's British Museum, transforming a seedy former Travelodge (pictured) into a 19-storey office skyscraper four times the width CREDIT: Christopher Pledger
His plan would cost a fraction of the proposed One Museum Street scheme and save 65,000 tonnes of carbon and yet Camden Council isn’t interested. Despite more than 500 letters of objection from local landowners and groups including Historic England and the Georgian Group, developers have been given One Museum Street the green light.
Monahan, a father of five, is battle weary. “It used to be easier to convince developers and councils that a huge tower wasn’t right for the community”, he says. “But land values are so high that they’ve become skyscraper obsessed.” “They don’t listen anymore,” he tells me, as he straightens one of the campaign posters tied to trees that will be lost during construction.
The proposed skyscraper at One Museum Street will loom large over listed Georgian buildings CREDIT:
Meanwhile, the younger generation is sitting back and watching their skyline fill up with high-rise buildings. “In the 60s right up until the 80s, there was a sense that you could change society but cynicism has crept in,” he says. “People feel powerless and do nothing. It’s depressing.”
He’s just back from a short break to northern France to recharge and is now rolling up his sleeves for a last-ditch attempt to stop the tower being built – a judicial review in the High Court in July where Camden Council will have to justify its decision. “If we’re successful, it’ll cause serious delays, which will hurt the developer,” he says. “It’ll be an opportunity to sit down with them and say, ‘let’s work together rather than fighting’.”
He’ll be representing the campaign group in court as he’s “poor enough” that only a small amount of costs can be awarded against him; he lives off a small pension in a rented housing association apartment around the corner. He’s only half optimistic he’ll get anywhere, though; he says the local authorities used to like working with communities on development schemes but these days they believe the only way they can boost their depleted kitties is by allowing high rise developments from developers with deep pockets. (Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act of 1990 says that local authorities can set certain conditions or financial contributions for developers in order to gain planning permission; this can be funds towards new infrastructure or affordable housing.)
Indeed, in London there are currently 40 tall building clusters or “mini Manhattans” proposed or already springing up from Southall to Streatham and Brent Cross to Barking.
Meanwhile new skyscrapers are peppering cities such as Leeds, Manchester and Bristol. This is despite the hundreds of campaign groups lobbying councils to consider the needs of the community first, as most of these high-rise projects provide nothing in the way of new schools, doctors, playgrounds or sports amenities.
According to Michael Ball, a residents’ group campaigner who has fought against high-rise development on London’s South Bank for 25 years (and is currently bringing a judicial review against approval for a contentious scheme of skyscrapers at 72 Upper Ground along the river from the Oxo Building), about 50 per cent of all skyscrapers get through planning simply because there is not the manpower to petition for an alternative. “You can’t fight them all; campaign groups are stretched and it’s expensive to get legal help,” he explains.
Campaign groups accuse councils of taking payments from developers, paid to the planning department, for a project management framework officially known as Planning Performance Agreement (PPA). Local authorities say this system provides a genuine service that greases the wheels of the planning process. Campaign groups believe that these are sweeteners that get the planners on board.
Meanwhile developers accuse campaigners such as Ball and Monahan of nimbyism; high rise is the simple solution to Britain’s housing crisis, they say, and these new “quarters” bring iconic architecture and new business to an area. The report, London’s Growing Up: A Decade of Building Tall, attributes the rapid change to the capital’s formerly low-rise skyline to “burgeoning demand for office and residential space, overseas investment and a supportive planning environment”. It’s easy to see why Camden Council might be beguiled by a shiny new scheme on the wasteland that is currently Museum Street – better, surely, to reinvent it with shops, offices and houses than do nothing? The developer argues that it has listened to the locals and heritage associations, reducing the height of the tower block by six metres, adding more housing to the scheme and improving the pedestrian experience.
Yet Monahan insists their response is patronising. “It’s a bit like saying, yes we have listened; we will not cut off your arm but we are still cutting off your head,” he says. “The building is still 20 metres higher than the existing [tower] and twice the bulk.” Nimbyism isn’t the issue here, he says. The Save Museum Street campaign group is desperate as the developers for the area to be developed. The same goes for Ball’s Waterloo Community Development Group, which is petitioning against 72 Upper Ground, nicknamed “The Slab”. Locals want to see development but not, as Ball puts it, “swollen deformities”. “Bring it on – just don’t build a gargantuan office tower,” Monahan agrees. “It’s not nimbyism to campaign for something better. There are only six social houses included in the Museum Street scheme and yet it’s 70 per cent of the height of Centre Point. It will add nothing to the community.”
Campaigner Jim Monahan says councils and developers have become increasingly 'skyscraper obsessed' CREDIT: Christopher Pledger
In Bristol, campaign group the Bristol Civic Society, is fed up with being told by developers that tall buildings are the only answer to the housing crisis. Two high-rise student accommodation towers are planned (one at 28 storeys), metres away from Bristol’s oldest building, St James’s Priory, and there are three further 25-storey-plus residential towers in the offing as well as several measuring around 15 storeys. The Civic Society deems them “an assault on Bristol”.
“Calling our protests Nimbyism does a disservice to serious consideration,” says Bristol Civic Society. “We oppose high-rise developments because there’s too little regard for people’s wellbeing, the imperative to cut carbon or the city’s townscape and what makes Bristol special. There are widely accepted medium-rise alternatives for delivering higher densities.
“Like anybody who cares about Bristol, we want to see more affordable homes, and in numbers that make a difference. But we don’t support cutting corners: in liveability, tackling the climate emergency or in delivering good design.”
In a survey of residents, 87 per cent said that new homes should primarily be provided in “low and midrise developments”, the group adds.
It’s the height and width of the new wave of tower blocks that campaign groups find most offensive. Developers will always see how high they can push it – it’s a countrywide problem, according to Ball. He knows of several cases where once planning permission for a skyscraper has been granted, developers sell the site to a different developer, who then applies for an even taller tower. The former Sainsbury’s headquarters at 18 Blackfriars Road in central London has been sold
with permission for a tower several times now with the value rising from £38 million to £200 million and the proposed building now standing at 200 metres.
Monahan says: “The taller and wider the tower, the more profitable for the developer yet the greater the sterilising effect on the local community.” He points out an office tower across the road from the proposed Museum Street development called The Post Building, which has a foreboding-looking foyer and serves as offices for Nationwide and McKinsey but offers nothing for the locals. “It got past the planners as a mixed-use scheme for the neighbourhood but look at it – the locals can’t even see where the entrance is,” he says.
Residential towers are no better, particularly if they offer little in the way of social or affordable housing. According to Ball, only about 12 flats out of 214 are inhabited at the 200m Vauxhall Tower, while there are few lights on at the Boomerang (One Blackfriars) despite there being 200 properties inside. “They’re not homes, they’re commodities with the plastic still on the appliances,” he says. It’s the same in North Acton, where new residential tower blocks add no sense of bustle to the streets, according to local resident, Anna Van Praagh, a journalist. “It’s very likely all these flats are just bought by foreign investors. Which makes you really wonder what’s in it
'They're not homes, they're commodities with the plastic still on the appliances': says one campaigner about skyscrapers such as One Blackfriars building, which has 200 properties inside CREDIT: Bailey-Cooper Photography/Alamy
If this new breed of tower wasn’t so enormous, perhaps locals wouldn’t be so resistant but these buildings impact the view and cast shadow on the streets. “They’re fat slabs that knock out the daylight – sometimes by up to 60 per cent – and this is ignored by councils and developers unless you pull them up on it,” Ball says. In 2021, Lambeth Village community group paid £3,000 for a daylight expert witness to review approved plans for the development of the former London Fire Brigade Headquarters into a tower block. The evidence was then presented to the planning inspector at a public inquiry and the development was subsequently refused by the secretary of state.
It’s for these wins that keep community action groups fighting. While Van Praagh says that community groups near her are completely ignored, seasoned petitioners
such as Monahan and Ball suggest any neighbourhoods faced with a “fat slab” tower block should form a dedicated campaign group and start writing letters of protest. Even if you only manage to slow down the planning process it can lead to a change of direction – sites get sold on, a new owner might take the locals more seriously. The Waterloo Community Development Group managed to get the height of One Blackfriars reduced by nearly 60m, while in Peckham in South London more than 7,000 campaigners signed Aylesham Community Action’s petition against plans for a 27-storey mega-development; Berkely homes have since withdrew the proposal and are now revising it.
Whatever the outcome of the Museum Street judicial review, it’s unlikely to be Monahan’s last skirmish on behalf of London’s skyline. “You’ve got to be bonkers to take on the developers but you can’t let them get away with it,” he says. “And it’s never just me. There are always countless others involved. The one joy is the people.” They keep his spirits up, he says – along with his allotment in Acton, which is 20 minutes away from his flat via the Queen Elizabeth Line: “When I’ve lost control of everything around me, I remember Voltaire’s Candide. If you want to stay sane, just tend your cabbages"
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