Do GCSEs discriminate against students with language disorders?
Do GCSEs discriminate against students with language disorders?

Latest: March 27, 2020
Eight days in
Oh my goodness, what a time to launch a crowd funding page. I cannot explain my level of embarrassment, the reasons for challenging the inequality of aspects of the new style GCSEs is still the same,…
Read moreHello! I’ve become aware that the new style GCSEs, the ones that are graded from 9-1, appear to be very different to the old A*-U grade GSCEs, which ended in 2017. The new style GCSEs no longer have coursework; there are no longer a foundation and higher paper English Language exam, it is all one paper. The maths paper is far more language based than ever before. The English Literature exam requires students to memorise 15 poems. The Physics exam requires students to memorise more than 21 equations.
The old GCSEs included coursework, the English Language foundation paper was written in more accessible language, maths primarily tested mathematical ability not the ability to decode language. English Literature provided written poems to contrast and compare, the student was not required to memorise 15 poems. Physics required the student to learn just 7 of the simpler equations and the remaining ones were provided on a formulae sheet.
I believe the new style GCSEs discriminate against children with working memory and processing speed difficulties and they are being unfairly disadvantaged. These students will be those who have a speech language and communication disability, you might know them as ASD, DVD, DLD, SplD, Dyslexia. I wish to challenge Ofqual to make reasonable adjustments to prevent the tests being primarily memory tests. Students should be tested on how to apply learning, not excluded because they cannot memorise. A simple solution would be to provide formulae sheets and open book poetry collections to all students, no one is left behind disadvantaged and no one has gained an advantage: test the learning not the memory.
To remove the inequality of the new exams would prevent other young people finding that after 2 or 3 years of studying the exam is inaccessible to them, thus crushing their self -esteem.
I need to raise £700 for a legal team to take this forward, I really hope that you will join me in this challenge. Please pledge whatever amount you can.
Thank you!
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Jane Stockman
March 27, 2020
Eight days in
Oh my goodness, what a time to launch a crowd funding page. I cannot explain my level of embarrassment, the reasons for challenging the inequality of aspects of the new style GCSEs is still the same, so I will plough on. If you have had bad news and would prefer not to get these updates and emails please email me or DM me on Twitter, I do not wish to add to anyone's discomfort.
Just the day after launching this campaign, I sat with my son and listened as the Government announced the cancellation of public exams this year. He downed his tools and said yippee. Two days later, perhaps when the government realised they had scrapped ongoing assessment in GCSEs the goal posts were changed, but precisely how has not yet been announced.
A deluge of exam papers arrived by email, a month's worth to complete in one week, without the normal adjustments. Having seen my son's stress grow and grow since entering year 11, this was too much. He turned into a stubborn mule and refused to do anything. Luckily his teachers have listened and recognised that their students mental health is far more fragile than they had anticipated.
This challenge will be made in my son's name, the issues that prompted the challenge remain live, they have not gone away. It is my sincerest hope that the challenge will remove a level of inequality for all young people with speech language and communication needs, in their schooling and be protective of their mental health. Some things have got to change.
In eight days there have been 398 views of the page ( I suspect 98 were mine!) and a fabulous 27 turned into backers. I know money is a very real concern for people more than ever before, I am sure you as a supportive team backer will want to lay a legacy of optimism down for future year 11 students. Crowd Justice advise that after the first three days of launching donations plateau. Can you think of any group or interested individual that would be interested in joining this team to create a legacy of optimism? There is £165 more to reach the target. I will match any pledge that is made from here to the target amount.
Thank you for all you have done so. Please take care of yourselves and families.
My very best wishes

Jane Stockman
March 21, 2020
Do the new style GCSEs discriminate in today's situation?
As we all know the school year has ended abruptly. Given the enormity of the public health situation is it useful to continue with this campaign?
Yes I believe it is. The Government has said that mocks, coursework, and exam boards will triangulate and that there will not be a systemic disadvantage for this year 11 cohort, good? Not really, that's a blanket policy. The students with language disorders still face the same issues and will continue to in the future if these exams are not made equitable.
A fabulous amount of £535 has been raised by a great team, your support is valued and appreciated. There is a strong legal team who are keen to follow this through and support all young people with speech language and communication needs to have GCSE exams which test their ability to apply learning rather than test their memory or exclude them via dis-application or withdrawal due to inaccessibility.
It would be fabulous if you can you help raise the remaining £165. Please share the link to this page and let others know why it is important. Many many thanks. Jane
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